When ng-repeat is used in ui-popover-html, getting error -
Token 'item' is an unexpected token .
Code is given below:
<div uib-popover-html="'<span ng-repeat='item in ${this.myList}'>{{item}}</span>'"
popover-placement="auto bottom-right">
I don't want to use uib-popover-template. Need to achieve using uib-popover-html.
I'm trying to echo the following HTML expression (got it from decoded jSON):
Using this:
<ion-item-group *ngFor="let category of categories"><ion-item-divider color="light">{{category.name}}</ion-item-divider>{{category.links}}</ion-item-group>
But the result is:
<ion-item-group><ion-item-divider color="light">Women Clothes</ion-item-divider><ion-item><a href="/category/latest-collection/women/dresses">Dresses</a></ion-item><ion-item></ion-item-group>
Any ideas? :-(
When I use ngTagsInput before send to database I do:
When I make get I receive something like this in my scope {{}}:
What can I do to show my tags like this:
abc, cba, tag
In the template:
<span ng-repeat="(key, value) in tags"><span ng-if="!$first">, </span><span>{{value.text}}</span></span>
Or with Underscore in code:
var str = _.pluck(list, 'text').join(', ')
Other options here: Show an aggregated list in angularjs
I'm trying to get images from a database, and then show them in order or their ids ascending.
In my controller, I have this.imageListFromDatabase = images.data.images;
which is an array of 24 objects. Each object is of the type
In my template, I'm trying to do:
<div class="imageContainer" ng-repeat="img in vm.imageListFromDatabase | orderBy:'id'">
<img class="imageListImage"
ui-sref="image({id: img.id})"
ng-src="{{[vm.storageLocation, img.fileName].join('')}}">
Can you tell me how I can order the images by id, and why this is not working the way it should?
When migrating to Angular 1.4.1 the following code didn't work anymore :
<tr ng-repeat-start="row in displayedElts">
<td ng-repeat="col in tableSpec.columns" ng-bind-html="row.{{col.field}} | {{col.filter}}"></td>
The error is the following :
Error: [$parse:syntax] Syntax Error: Token '{' is not a valid identifier at column 5 of the expression [row.{{col.field}} | {{col.filter}}] starting at [{{col.field}} | {{col.filter}}].
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Update :
What i'm trying to do is the following :
display a generic table in which row are extracted from displayedElts
variable, columns description comes from tableSpec.columns in scope.
Each row has columns that is accessible by name contained in
It apply a filter on each column by finding the name of the filter in
the tableSpec.columns['name'].filter attribute.
Update 2 :
Filters which names are given by col.filter are declared regularly in Angular with such syntax :
angular.module('cld-apps.filters', []).
filter('cldFloatPercent', ['$translate', '$log',
function ($translate, $log) {
return function (floatCentValue, forceDeci) {
if (debug) $log.debug('Into cld-apps.filters.cldPercent');
return formatFloatCent($translate, floatCentValue, forceDeci) + ' %';
Sorry for not giving this informations sooner. I believe it was just a matter of syntax.
You can see on this link that ng-bing-html doesn't work this way.
you have to use expression in ng-bind-html like this:
Html code :
<div ng-controller="ExampleController">
<p ng-bind-html="myHTML"></p>
Script Code:
$scope.muHTML = "<h1>Hello World</h1>"
I am trying to use data-ng-src to display a pictures in my angular application. I get a value from my database field called "pic". For example let say the return value of the field "pic" is 125(this is an integer value). I have a image file on my server called 125.jpg at file location
I need to render this in my html, but I don't know how to attach the file location with the value in the binding {{e.pic}}. I need {{e.pic}} to pickup
but currently {{e.pic}} has an integer value of 125 (because that what it returned from sql server db). How can I make {{e.pic}} see the value of \someserv\zpicturesFiles\zpicturesResources\Database\VFP\PhotoID\itc\portrait\125.jpg. This is in an ng-repeat. Here is my code so far implementing the suggestion below.
<section class="mainbar" data-ng-controller="employees as vm">
<div class="padd" data-ng-repeat="e in vm.employees">
<div class="user">
<img data-ng-src="{{'\\someserv\zpicturesFiles\zpicturesResources\Database\VFP\PhotoID\itc\portrait\' + e.pic + '.jpg' }}">
class="img-polaroid user-pic"/>
I am getting an error as follows:
Error: [$parse:lexerr] Lexer Error: Unterminated quote at columns
97-99 [' ] in expression
+ e.pic + '.jpg' ]. http://errors.angularjs.org/1.2.12/$parse/lexerr?p0=Unterminated%20quote&p1=s%2097-99%20%5B'%20%5D&p2='%5C%5Csomeserv%5CzpictureFiles%5CzpicturesResources%5CDatabase%5CVFP%5CPhotoID%5Citc%5Cportrait%5C'%20%2B%20e.pic%20%2B%20'.jpg'%20
at http:// localhost:56014/scripts/angular.js:78:12
what is it not liking?
Fiddle Example. The reason I added the e.pick && '\...' is because ng-src will hide until the value is valid. In the fiddle you will see broken will flash with a broken image, until pathExt is set.
<img data-ng-src="{{e.pic && '\fileserver\pictures\' + e.pic + '.jpg' }}"
Alternatively create something on your scope to make it cleaner:
$scope.getImage = function(e){
return e && e.pic && ('\fileserver\pictures\' + e.pic + '.jpg');
<img data-ng-src="getImage(e)" >