How to pass the system time to the Metal fragment function? - scenekit

I am using SceneKit and SCNProgram to modify an object in the game scene, and I would like to get access to the system time in my fragment function in .metal file. I guess the way is to pass the time data from the SceneKit but it’s not quite clear for me how to do it.

The SCNSceneBuffer structure has a time property (see the documentation). This page also mentions ways to pass custom data from the CPU to a custom program, if you need to.


Javascript - assign variable or array from outside file

This past year, I took a coding class on creating games using javascript. It is a basic game like Asteroids. When the game ends, it shows the top 5 high scores. The only problem is that when the program is restarted, the array that holds the scores is reset.
I want to store the high scores in a text file or spreadsheet. But, I cannot find a way to get my program to pull information from an outside file and assign it to either a variable, or I would rather put it into an array.
The second part is that when the game ends, it would need to send the updated array to the outside file if it is updated. Everything I look up involves HTML and CSS and we didn't learn this.
Is there any viable way to do this in Javascript?
It seems like the question is 'how do I read and write files from javascript'? The answer largely depends on where you're running the Javascript.
It doesn't sound like you're working in a browser, which makes it likely that you're using Node JS. If this is the case, you'll want to look at the File System API. Specifically, you'll want to create a filehandle by using Once you have this reference to a location on your hard drive, you'll use filehandle.writeFile() to write a string directly to the file, and filehandle.readFile() to read a string directly from the same file.

Mono embed API modifying method body at runtime

Is it possible to modify a method body at runtime using mono embed API. Is there is a way to access method's body and signature. I know it's a little bit complicated but I really need it for a school project.
I was able to do this with the .Net framework. I found out that the .Net framework resolves all the methods at the managed code and there is an external method called SetmethodIL which I had to call using refelection and It worked but mono takes a different route. Mono takes the unmanaged code choice which calls an external method called create_runtime_class that gets the job done.
Thank you for your support.
I found out by examining the reflection_methodbuilder_to_mono_method method that a MonoMethod must have a MonoMethodHeader which contains information about the method.
At the line 3014 you will see how they were able to set the code of the method by passing the array address as a guint8.
As far as I know the code contains the CIL Instructions which is an array of bytes.
By using the method called mono_method_get_header you will be able to get the header of any method and by using technique above you will be able to modify the code. But I'm not sure if this gonna work or not It may only works with dynamically generated methods.
If you call an internal call with a byte array parameter to c Maybe we could get it right.

Handle large data and drawings - React Redux Immutable

I'm developing a software which is drawing some elements on the screen which is using by mechanical engineers.
I'm string my project data in reducer store. This project data has tons of objects, arrays etc. I mean for each element on the screen, there is a data stored in project.
When user makes an action, I must recalculate project and set it to redux store again for example;
let unit = action.unit;
project = state.get('project').toJS(); //I'm using immutable
project = ProjectLogic.addActiveUnit(project, unit, action.shiftKey);
return state.set('project', fromJS(project));
Ok, you will say that this kind of usage is not right. Because I'm reading all data and reseting it to reducer whole data. You will advice me to use state.setIn but it is really imposible. Beacuse in addActiveUnit function will recalculate project, %20 of project data will be changed. So, I can't handle this change state.setIn
My problem starts here; if there is 60-80 elements drawing on the screen after return state.set('project', fromJS(project)); rendering performance slows down. Every new items gets it worse.
How can I handle this problem?
Thanks all
As a general observation, toJS() is considered to be the most expensive API in Immutable.js, and should be avoided as much as possible.
My initial advice would be to not use Immutable.js.
Instead, you might want to look at using immer to handle the immutable update logic.
Also, our new redux-starter-kit package uses Immer internally.
Beyond that, I'd suggest doing some profiling to see where exactly the perf bottlenecks actually are.

React Simple Global Entity Cache instead of Flux/React/etc

I am writing a little "fun" Scala/Scala.js project.
On my server I have Entities which are referenced by uuid-s
(inside Ref-s).
For the sake of "fun", I don't want to use flux/redux architecture but still use React on the client (with ScalaJS-React).
What I am trying to do instead is to have a simple cache, for example:
when a React UserDisplayComponent wants the display the Entity User with uuid=0003
then the render() method calls to the Cache (which is passed in as a prop)
let's assume that this is the first time that the UserDisplayComponent asks for this particular User (with uuid=0003) and the Cache does not have it yet
then the Cache makes an AjaxCall to fetch the User from the server
when the AjaxCall returns the Cache triggers re-render
BUT ! now when the component is asking for the User from the Cache, it gets the User Entity from the Cache immediately and does not trigger an AjaxCall
The way I would like to implement this is the following :
I start a render()
"stuff" inside render() asks the Cache for all sorts of Entities
Cache returns either Loading or the Entity itself.
at the end of render the Cache sends all the AjaxRequest-s to the server and waits for all of them to return
once all AjaxRequests have returned (let's assume that they do - for the sake of simplicity) the Cache triggers a "re-render()" and now all entities that have been requested before are provided by the Cache right away.
of course it can happen that the newly arrived Entity-s will trigger the render() to fetch more Entity-s if for example I load an Entity that is for example case class UserList(ul: List[Ref[User]]) type. But let's not worry about this now.
1) Am I doing something really wrong if I am doing the state handling this way ?
2) Is there an already existing solution for this ?
I looked around but everything was FLUX/REDUX etc... along these lines... - which I want to AVOID for the sake of :
playing around
I think this simple cache will be simpler for my use-case because I want to take the "REF" based "domain model" over to the client in a simple way: as if the client was on the server and the network would be infinitely fast and zero latency (this is what the cache would simulate).
Consider what issues you need to address to build a rich dynamic web UI, and what libraries / layers typically handle those issues for you.
1. DOM Events (clicks etc.) need to trigger changes in State
This is relatively easy. DOM nodes expose callback-based listener API that is straightforward to adapt to any architecture.
2. Changes in State need to trigger updates to DOM nodes
This is trickier because it needs to be done efficiently and in a maintainable manner. You don't want to re-render your whole component from scratch whenever its state changes, and you don't want to write tons of jquery-style spaghetti code to manually update the DOM as that would be too error prone even if efficient at runtime.
This problem is mainly why libraries like React exist, they abstract this away behind virtual DOM. But you can also abstract this away without virtual DOM, like my own Laminar library does.
Forgoing a library solution to this problem is only workable for simpler apps.
3. Components should be able to read / write Global State
This is the part that flux / redux solve. Specifically, these are issues #1 and #2 all over again, except as applied to global state as opposed to component state.
4. Caching
Caching is hard because cache needs to be invalidated at some point, on top of everything else above.
Flux / redux do not help with this at all. One of the libraries that does help is Relay, which works much like your proposed solution, except way more elaborate, and on top of React and GraphQL. Reading its documentation will help you with your problem. You can definitely implement a small subset of relay's functionality in plain Scala.js if you don't need the whole React / GraphQL baggage, but you need to know the prior art.
5. Serialization and type safety
This is the only issue on this list that relates to Scala.js as opposed to Javascript and SPAs in general.
Scala objects need to be serialized to travel over the network. Into JSON, protobufs, or whatever else, but you need a system for this that will not involve error-prone manual work. There are many Scala.js libraries that address this issue such as upickle, Autowire, endpoints, sloth, etc. Key words: "Scala JSON library", or "Scala type-safe RPC", depending on what kind of solution you want.
I hope these principles suffice as an answer. When you understand these issues, it should be obvious whether your solution will work for a given use case or not. As it is, you didn't describe how your solution addresses issues 2, 4, and 5. You can use some of the libraries I mentioned or implement your own solutions with similar ideas / algorithms.
On a minor technical note, consider implementing an async, Future-based API for your cache layer, so that it returns Future[Entity] instead of Loading | Entity.

How can I load a memory stream into LibVLC?

I want to play a media file from a memory stream using LibVLC like so:
//Ideally it would go like this:
LibVLC.MediaFromStream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(File_Path));
Of course this is a very oversimplified version of what I want but hopefully it conveys what I am looking for.
The reason being that I want there to be a good amount of portability for what I'm doing without having to track file locations and such. I'd rather have a massive clump of data in a single file that can be read from than have to track the locations of one or many more files.
I know this has something to do with the LibVLC IMEM Access module. However, looking at what information I've been able to find on that, I feel like I've been tossed from a plane and have just a few minutes to learn how to fly before I hit the ground.
See my answer to a similar question here:
In summary, the API:
libvlc_media_t* libvlc_media_new_callbacks (libvlc_instance_t * instance,
libvlc_media_open_cb open_cb,
libvlc_media_read_cb read_cb,
libvlc_media_seek_cb seek_cb,
libvlc_media_close_cb close_cb,
void * opaque)
allows just this. The four callbacks must be implemented, although the documentation states the seek callback is not always necessary, see the libVlc documentation. I give an example of a partial implementation in the above answer.
There is no LibVLC API for imem, at least not presently.
You can however still use imem in your LibVLC application, but it's not straightforward...
If you do vlc -H | grep imem you will see something like this (this is just some of the options, there are others too):
--imem-get <string> Get function
--imem-release <string> Release function
--imem-cookie <string> Callback cookie string
--imem-data <string> Callback data
You can pass values for these switches either when you create your libvlc instance via libvlc_new(), or when you prepare media via libvlc_media_add_option().
Getting the needed values for these switches is a bit trickier, since you need to pass the actual in-memory address (pointer) to the callback functions you declare in your own application. You end up passing something like "--imem-get 812911313", for example.
There are downsides to doing it this way, e.g. you may not be able to seek backwards/forwards in the stream.
I've done this successfully in Java, but not C# (never tried).
An alternative to consider if you want to play the media data stored in a file, is to store your media in a zip or rar since vlc has plugins to play media from directly inside such archives.
