I'm trying to output my image as a jpeg, using format-jpeg and this in my template -
{% image card.specific.hero_image fill-320x150 jpeg-quality-90 format-jpeg as card_image %}
I get this error message
InvalidFilterSpecError at /admin/pages/3/edit/preview/
Unrecognised operation: jpeg
What am I doing wrong ?
The example in de docs is:
{% image page.photo width-400 format-jpeg jpegquality-40 %}
So jpeg-quality-90 should read jpegquality-90 AND format-jpeg comes before jpegquality-90.
I'm trying to use the react-pdf library to display a base64 encoded PDF file. The B64 data is accurate, as it loads in an iframe as such:
However, if I insert the data into a react-pdf document as such, I get an error:
<Document file={this.props.encodedPdf} />
The Document is rendered with an error message Failed to load PDF file., and the console logs the following error: InvalidPDFException {name: "InvalidPDFException", message: "Invalid PDF structure"}
I also get a lot of warnings like the following: Warning: Ignoring invalid character "109" in hex string
The documentation clearly states that the file prop can be B64 encoded content. Any idea on what the issue could be? Here is the B64 data if needed:
If I add data:application/pdf;base64, to the beginning of the string, there are no errors, but also nothing is rendered.
The issue was:
I needed data:application/pdf;base64, in front of the string
I did not have a component inside of my component. See https://github.com/wojtekmaj/react-pdf/issues/203
i want to create an dynamical playbook for my infrastructure.
i need this line in my config:
my template looks like this:
wsrep_cluster_address = 'gcomm://{% for host in groups['db-server']%}{{hostvars[host]['ansible_host']}},{% endfor %}'
it works and looks like this on the host:
wsrep_cluster_address = 'gcomm://,,,'
the last comma is breaking my nerves.
Is there a way to tell ansible not to comma the last entry of the loop?
Tanks for any help, have a great day
Found the solution, thanks to my developer.
wsrep_cluster_address = 'gcomm://{% for host in groups['db-server']%}{{hostvars[host]['ansible_host']}}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}'
You saved my Day!
Also if you need line in config file like JSON:
nodelist = ["","",""]
This is your Ansible for this:
nodelist={%for host in groups['mygroup']%}"{{hostvars[host].ansible_eth0.ipv4.address}}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}
Here is if full example:
- name: Create List of nodes to be added into Cluster
set_fact: nodelist={%for host in groups['mygroup']%}"{{hostvars[host].ansible_eth0.ipv4.address}}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}
- debug: msg=[{{nodelist}}]
- name: Set Cluster node list in config file
path: "/etc/myfonfig.cfg"
line: "hosts: [{{ nodelist }}]"
as results you will have the following line in config file:
hosts: ["","",""]
Jekyll Version: 2.4.0
github pages Version: 35
My Reproduction Steps
Build on locally and the looping of collections site.collections.guides.docs shown, generated the correct .html in _site folder as well.
However, when I deploy to github, it doesn't show the loop content.
The Output I Wanted
shown the loop in github pages, appreciate if someone have a look on my repo.
my codes:
// index.html
{% for doc in site.collections.guides.docs %}
{{ doc.content }}
{% endfor %}
// _config.yml
collections :
output: true
I would write it like this:
{% for doc in site.guides %}
{{ doc.content }}
{% endfor %}
And the config like this:
output: true
I've been following an earlier post to check if an asset exists, which works great when using specific filenames.
Symfony2 and Twig - Check if an asset exists
However instead of checking for a specific image filename, how do you check for an image type? (all files with the .jpg extension)
Example: *.jpg (which doesn't work neither does .jpg)
{% if asset_exists('/images/*.jpg') %}
<div class="entry-thumbnail">
<img width="230" height="172" src="{{ asset(['images/', post.image]|join) }}" class="" alt=""/>
{% endif %}
As soon as you are using:
{{ asset(['images/', post.image]|join) }}`
Why not using:
{% if asset_exists(['images/', post.image]|join) %}
Tip: replace ['images/', post.image]|join by using the concat operator ~: 'images/' ~ post.image
You'd have to modify the Twig Extension and replace !is_file($toCheck) with count(glob($toCheck)) < 1
glob function (php.net)
I am trying to create a sidebar-menu that looks like this.
Each "post" (as in - the files in the dir "_posts") will have one (or more) categories in the meta-data (at the top of the file) and is to be listed underneath that header in the menu. So for example, if I make a post which has got "categories: iOS" it should be listed under the "iOS" header in the menu.
{% for cat in ["jekyll","ios","test"] %} // This is what I am unable to get right
{% for post in site.posts %}
{% if post.category == cat %}
{{ post.categories }} // test
<li>{{ post.title }}</li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Is it not possible to create an array on the fly like this? I am finding it really hard to google this specific question I have.
Alright to create an array on the current page I needed to use "front matter" i.e. the things on top of the pages surrounded by "---"
This is the solution:
Top of page:
cats: [1,2,3,asd]
Further down:
{% for c in page.cats %}
#loop through more here.
{% endfor %}