Using a variable to hold a Bash array name - arrays

website_array_$w are w number arrays created by a given argument in command line. I am trying to create a new array temp and store the specific website_array_$w inside it each time. This doesn't seem to work and I get:
temp=${website_array_$w[*]}: bad substitution
What am I doing wrong? After that I want to create a new array random_temp that contains $f random values of array temp.
for ((w=0; w<"$3"; w++)) do
eval echo 'temp=${website_array_$w[*]}'
for ((p=0; p<"$4"; p++)) do
for((i=0; i<"$f"; i++)) do
eval "random_temp=${temp[$RANDOM % ${#temp[#]}]}"

Use a nameref (works with Bash versions 4.3 and above):
declare -n temp=website_array_$w || { echo "ERROR: Need bash 4.3 or newer" >&2; exit 1; }
And then use it:
random_temp=${temp[$RANDOM % ${#temp[#]}]}
BashFAQ/006 - How can I use variable variables (indirect variables, pointers, references) or associative arrays?
How to use a variable as part of an array name on Unix & Linux StackExchange


Get array size with indirect name reference

I am trying to get the size of an array, but I don't know the array name until runtime (it's built dynamically based on a list from a file), so I am trying to use bash indirection with ${!var}.
This answer comes very close (How to iterate over an array using indirect reference?), but falls short of making the array size ${#var[#]} work
Note: I am trying to avoid eval, and I have Bash >=4.0 but <4.3 (so I cannot use declare -n). And I'd rather not iterate over the whole array to calculate size, as it can get very large.
What I have working:
# Declare dynamic arrays
for env in INT PROD; do
declare -A "values$env"
# Creates 'valuesINT[]' and valuesPROD[]' arrays
while IFS=$'\n'=, read -r key env val; do
# Assigns val to index key in dynamic array name values$env
declare "values$env[$key]=$val"
done <my_file
# Output arrays
for env in INT PROD; do
echo ${!valuesArrName} # this works to output all values
So I can use indirection with ${!valuesArrName} to output values
But I cannot use indirection to get array size:
echo ${#!valuesArrName}
# OUTPUT: ${#!valuesArrName}: bad substitution
echo ${!valuesArrName}
# OUTPUT: #valuesINT[#]: bad substitution
echo ${!valuesArrName[#]}
# OUTPUT: no error, but always 0

Define a local array in a bash function and access it outside that function

I am trying to define a local array in a bash function and access it outside that function.
I realise that BASH functions do not return values but I can assign the results of a calculation to a global value. I expected this code to echo the content of array[] to the screen. I'm not sure why its failing.
function returnarray
local array=(foo doo coo)
#echo "inside ${array[#]}"
echo ${targetvalue[#]}
You have two options. The first one is what #choroba prescribes, and it's probably the best and simplest: don't define your array local.
returnarray() {
array=(foo doo coo) # NOT local
# call your function
# now the array is in array and you may copy it for later use as follows:
targetvalue=( "${array[#]}" )
# print it to check:
declare -p targetvalue
This is neat, simple, safe, completely avoids the use of subshells (so it's more efficient). It has one caveat, though: it won't work with sparse arrays (but this should be a minor detail). There's another tiny disadvantage: the array needs to be copied.
Another option is to pass a variable name to your function, and have the function generate the array directly. This uses namerefs and is only available since Bash 4.3 (but it's really good—use it if you can!):
generatearray() {
# $1 is array name in which array is generated
local -n array="$1" || return 1
array=( foo doo coo )
# call function that constructs the array with the array name
generatearray targetvalue
# display it
declare -p targetvalue
To make the variable accessible from outside, don't declare it local. Make it global.
First, as you say, there are no return values of bash functions. So the only way to pass a local value is to echo it.
However, this would lead to your targetvalue having everything you echoed in index 0 if interpreted as an array. To tell bash to treat the parts as array parts, you have to surround them by parentheses - from the bash manual:
Arrays are assigned to using compound assignments of the form
name=(value1 ... valuen), where each value is of the form [sub‐
function returnarray
local array=(foo doo coo)
echo "${array[#]}"
echo ${targetvalue[#]}
echo ${targetvalue[1]}
However, all of this is really programming around how bash works. It will be better to define your arrays globally.
As the use of echo makes bash interpret the values, this only works, if the values of the array are not affected by bash, for example the values may not contain wildcards or spaces, wildcards would be expanded to matching files and spaces in a value would translate into multiple array values.
Look at this, it might be ok with spaces and other characters....
function returnarray
local array=(foo doo coo)
declare -p array | sed "s/array/$newname/g"
eval $(returnarray glob)
echo elm0 ${glob[0]}
echo elm1 ${glob[1]}
echo elm2 ${glob[2]}
See How to return an array in bash without using globals?
Edit: the comment about 'array' was correct... here is a fixed version. sed usage I dont mind...
function returnarray
local array=(foo doo coo "declare -a array" aa)
declare -p array | sed "s/^declare -a array/declare -a $newname/"
eval $(returnarray glob)
echo elm0 ${glob[0]}
echo elm1 ${glob[1]}
echo elm2 ${glob[2]}
echo elm2 ${glob[3]}
echo elm2 ${glob[4]}
You can declare local variables, and then printf a comma-separated-value string, which converts nicely to an array. The key is using printf instead of echo. :
printf is used, because (depending on settings), echo may interpret some baskslash-escapes or switches (like -n).
#Return csv of's
function get_project() {
local qry="select id from ${DB}.projects where identifier=\"${1}\";"
local ids=`sudo -u ${DB_USER} ${DB_LOCATION} -u ${DB_USER} -p${DB_PASS} -s -e "${qry}"`
while read -r element; do printf "%s," "$element"; done <<< "$ids"
#Return csv of's
function get_members() {
local qry="select user_id from ${DB}.members where project_id=${1};"
local ids=`sudo -u ${DB_USER} ${DB_LOCATION} -u ${DB_USER} -p${DB_PASS} -s -e "${qry}"`
while read -r element; do printf "%s," "$element"; done <<< "$ids"
projects=( $(get_project "newuser1") )
declare -p projects
member_ids=( $(get_members $projects) )
declare -p member_ids
root#dev:~# ./
declare -a projects='([0]="439")'
declare -a member_ids='([0]="315" [1]="1")'

How to copy an array in Bash?

I have an array of applications, initialized like this:
depends=$(cat ~/Depends.txt)
When I try to parse the list and copy it to a new array using,
for i in "${depends[#]}"; do
if [ $i #isn't installed ]; then
What happens is that only the first element of depends winds up on newDepends.
for i in "${newDepends[#]}"; do
echo $i
^^ This would output just one thing. So I'm trying to figure out why my for loop is is only moving the first element. The whole list is originally on depends, so it's not that, but I'm all out of ideas.
a=(foo bar "foo 1" "bar two") #create an array
b=("${a[#]}") #copy the array in another one
for value in "${b[#]}" ; do #print the new array
echo "$value"
The simplest way to copy a non-associative array in bash is to:
or to add elements to a preexistent array:
Newlines/spaces/IFS in the elements will be preserved.
For copying associative arrays, Isaac's solutions work great.
The solutions given in the other answers won't work for associative arrays, or for arrays with non-contiguous indices. Here are is a more general solution:
declare -A arr=([this]=hello [\'that\']=world [theother]='and "goodbye"!')
temp=$(declare -p arr)
eval "${temp/arr=/newarr=}"
diff <(echo "$temp") <(declare -p newarr | sed 's/newarr=/arr=/')
# no output
And another:
declare -A arr=([this]=hello [\'that\']=world [theother]='and "goodbye"!')
declare -A newarr
for idx in "${!arr[#]}"; do
diff <(echo "$temp") <(declare -p newarr | sed 's/newarr=/arr=/')
# no output
Try this: arrayClone=("${oldArray[#]}")
This works easily.
array_copy() {
set -- "$(declare -p $1)" "$2"
eval "$2=${1#*=}"
# Usage examples:
these=(apple banana catalog dormant eagle fruit goose hat icicle)
array_copy these those
declare -p those
declare -A src dest
source=(["It's a 15\" spike"]="and it's 1\" thick" [foo]=bar [baz]=qux)
array_copy src dest
declare -p dest
Note: when copying associative arrays, the destination must already exist as an associative array. If not, array_copy() will create it as a standard array and try to interpret the key names from the associative source as arithmetic variable names, with ugly results.
Isaac Schwabacher's solution is more robust in this regard, but it can't be tidily wrapped up in a function because its eval step evaluates an entire declare statement and bash treats those as equivalent to local when they're inside a function. This could be worked around by wedging the -g option into the evaluated declare but that might give the destination array more scope than it's supposed to have. Better, I think, to have array_copy() perform only the actual copy into an explicitly scoped destination.
You can copy an array by inserting the elements of the first array into the copy by specifying the index:
array=( One Two Three Go! );
array_copy( );
let j=0;
for (( i=0; i<${#array[#]}; i++)
if [[ $i -ne 1 ]]; then # change the test here to your 'isn't installed' test
let i+=1;
for k in "${array_copy[#]}"; do
echo $k
The output of this would be:
A useful document on bash arrays is on TLDP.
Problem is to copy array in function to be visible in parent code. This solution works for indexed arrays and if before copying are predefined as declare -A ARRAY, works also for associative arrays.
function array_copy
# $1 original array name
# $2 new array name with the same content
local INDEX
eval "
for INDEX in \"\${!$1[#]}\"
Starting with Bash 4.3, you can do this
$ alpha=(bravo charlie 'delta 3' '' foxtrot)
$ declare -n golf=alpha
$ echo "${golf[2]}"
delta 3
Managed to copy an array into another.
for element in "${secondArray[#]}"; do
echo "${element}"
I've found that this works for me (mostly :)) ...
eval $(declare -p base | sed "s,base,target,")
extending the sed command to edit any switches as necessary e.g. if the new structure has to be writeable, to edit out read-only (-r).
I've discovered what was wrong.. My if isn't installed test is two for loops that remove excess characters from file names, and spits them out if they exist on a certain web server. What it wasn't doing was removing a trailing hyphen. So, when it tested it online for availability, they were parsed out. Because "file" exists, but "file-" doesn't.

Copying a Bash array fails

Assigning arrays to variables in Bash script seems rather complicated:
a=("a" "b" "c")
echo ${a[0]}
echo ${a[1]}
echo ${b[0]}
echo ${b[1]}
leads to
instead of
Why? How can I fix it?
If you want to copy a variable that holds an array to another name, you do it like this:
a=('a' 'b' 'c')
b=( "${a[#]}" )
If a is an array, $a expands to the first element in the array. That is why b in your example only has one value. In bash, variables that refer to arrays aren't assignable like pointers would be in C++ or Java. Instead variables expand (as in Parameter Expansion) into strings and those strings are copied and associated with the variable being assigned.
How can I fix it?
To copy a sparse array that contains values with spaces, the array must be copied one element at a time by the indices - which can be obtained with ${!a[#]}.
declare -a b=()
for i in ${!a[#]}; do
From the bash man page:
It is possible to obtain the keys (indices) of an array as well as the values.
${!name[#]} and ${!name[*]} expand to the indices assigned in array variable name.
The treatment when in double quotes is similar to the expansion of the special
parameters # and * within double quotes.
Here's a script you can test on your own:
declare -a a=();
a[1]='red hat'
a[3]='fedora core'
declare -a b=();
# Copy method that works for sparse arrays with spaces in the values.
for i in ${!a[#]}; do
# does not work, but as LeVar Burton says ...
echo a indicies: ${!a[#]}
echo b indicies: ${!b[#]}
echo "values in b:"
for u in "${b[#]}"; do
echo $u
a indicies: 1 3
b indicies: 1 3 # or 0 1 with line uncommented
values in b:
red hat
fedora core
This also works for associative arrays in bash 4, if you use declare -A (with capital A instead of lower case) when declaring the arrays.

Passing arrays as parameters in bash

How can I pass an array as parameter to a bash function?
Note: After not finding an answer here on Stack Overflow, I posted my somewhat crude solution myself. It allows for only one array being passed, and it being the last element of the parameter list. Actually, it is not passing the array at all, but a list of its elements, which are re-assembled into an array by called_function(), but it worked for me. If someone knows a better way, feel free to add it here.
You can pass multiple arrays as arguments using something like this:
declare -a argAry1=("${!1}")
echo "${argAry1[#]}"
declare -a argAry2=("${!2}")
echo "${argAry2[#]}"
# array variables could have local scope
local descTable=(
local optsTable=(
"--msix --iread"
"--msix --iwrite"
"--msi --iread"
"--msi --iwrite"
takes_ary_as_arg descTable[#] optsTable[#]
will echo:
sli4-iread sli4-iwrite sli3-iread sli3-iwrite
--msix --iread --msix --iwrite --msi --iread --msi --iwrite
Edit/notes: (from comments below)
descTable and optsTable are passed as names and are expanded in the function. Thus no $ is needed when given as parameters.
Note that this still works even with descTable etc being defined with local, because locals are visible to the functions they call.
The ! in ${!1} expands the arg 1 variable.
declare -a just makes the indexed array explicit, it is not strictly necessary.
Note: This is the somewhat crude solution I posted myself, after not finding an answer here on Stack Overflow. It allows for only one array being passed, and it being the last element of the parameter list. Actually, it is not passing the array at all, but a list of its elements, which are re-assembled into an array by called_function(), but it worked for me. Somewhat later Ken posted his solution, but I kept mine here for "historic" reference.
array=( "x", "y", "z" )
called_function "${variable}" "${array[#]}"
Commenting on Ken Bertelson solution and answering Jan Hettich:
How it works
the takes_ary_as_arg descTable[#] optsTable[#] line in try_with_local_arys() function sends:
This is actually creates a copy of the descTable and optsTable arrays which are accessible to the takes_ary_as_arg function.
takes_ary_as_arg() function receives descTable[#] and optsTable[#] as strings, that means $1 == descTable[#] and $2 == optsTable[#].
in the beginning of takes_ary_as_arg() function it uses ${!parameter} syntax, which is called indirect reference or sometimes double referenced, this means that instead of using $1's value, we use the value of the expanded value of $1, example:
echo ${variable} # baba
echo ${!variable} # booba
likewise for $2.
putting this in argAry1=("${!1}") creates argAry1 as an array (the brackets following =) with the expanded descTable[#], just like writing there argAry1=("${descTable[#]}") directly.
the declare there is not required.
N.B.: It is worth mentioning that array initialization using this bracket form initializes the new array according to the IFS or Internal Field Separator which is by default tab, newline and space. in that case, since it used [#] notation each element is seen by itself as if he was quoted (contrary to [*]).
My reservation with it
In BASH, local variable scope is the current function and every child function called from it, this translates to the fact that takes_ary_as_arg() function "sees" those descTable[#] and optsTable[#] arrays, thus it is working (see above explanation).
Being that case, why not directly look at those variables themselves? It is just like writing there:
See above explanation, which just copies descTable[#] array's values according to the current IFS.
In summary
This is passing, in essence, nothing by value - as usual.
I also want to emphasize Dennis Williamson comment above: sparse arrays (arrays without all the keys defines - with "holes" in them) will not work as expected - we would loose the keys and "condense" the array.
That being said, I do see the value for generalization, functions thus can get the arrays (or copies) without knowing the names:
for ~"copies": this technique is good enough, just need to keep aware, that the indices (keys) are gone.
for real copies:
we can use an eval for the keys, for example:
eval local keys=(\${!$1})
and then a loop using them to create a copy.
Note: here ! is not used it's previous indirect/double evaluation, but rather in array context it returns the array indices (keys).
and, of course, if we were to pass descTable and optsTable strings (without [#]), we could use the array itself (as in by reference) with eval. for a generic function that accepts arrays.
The basic problem here is that the bash developer(s) that designed/implemented arrays really screwed the pooch. They decided that ${array} was just short hand for ${array[0]}, which was a bad mistake. Especially when you consider that ${array[0]} has no meaning and evaluates to the empty string if the array type is associative.
Assigning an array takes the form array=(value1 ... valueN) where value has the syntax [subscript]=string, thereby assigning a value directly to a particular index in the array. This makes it so there can be two types of arrays, numerically indexed and hash indexed (called associative arrays in bash parlance). It also makes it so that you can create sparse numerically indexed arrays. Leaving off the [subscript]= part is short hand for a numerically indexed array, starting with the ordinal index of 0 and incrementing with each new value in the assignment statement.
Therefore, ${array} should evaluate to the entire array, indexes and all. It should evaluate to the inverse of the assignment statement. Any third year CS major should know that. In that case, this code would work exactly as you might expect it to:
declare -A foo bar
Then, passing arrays by value to functions and assigning one array to another would work as the rest of the shell syntax dictates. But because they didn't do this right, the assignment operator = doesn't work for arrays, and arrays can't be passed by value to functions or to subshells or output in general (echo ${array}) without code to chew through it all.
So, if it had been done right, then the following example would show how the usefulness of arrays in bash could be substantially better:
simple=(first=one second=2 third=3)
echo ${simple}
the resulting output should be:
(first=one second=2 third=3)
Then, arrays could use the assignment operator, and be passed by value to functions and even other shell scripts. Easily stored by outputting to a file, and easily loaded from a file into a script.
declare -A foo
read foo <file
Alas, we have been let down by an otherwise superlative bash development team.
As such, to pass an array to a function, there is really only one option, and that is to use the nameref feature:
function funky() {
local -n ARR
echo "indexes: ${!ARR[#]}"
echo "values: ${ARR[#]}"
declare -A HASH
HASH=([foo]=bar [zoom]=fast)
funky HASH # notice that I'm just passing the word 'HASH' to the function
will result in the following output:
indexes: foo zoom
values: bar fast
Since this is passing by reference, you can also assign to the array in the function. Yes, the array being referenced has to have a global scope, but that shouldn't be too big a deal, considering that this is shell scripting. To pass an associative or sparse indexed array by value to a function requires throwing all the indexes and the values onto the argument list (not too useful if it's a large array) as single strings like this:
funky "${!array[*]}" "${array[*]}"
and then writing a bunch of code inside the function to reassemble the array.
DevSolar's answer has one point I don't understand (maybe he has a specific reason to do so, but I can't think of one): He sets the array from the positional parameters element by element, iterative.
An easier approuch would be
# do everything like shown by DevSolar
# now get a copy of the positional parameters
An easy way to pass several arrays as parameter is to use a character-separated string. You can call your script like this:
./ "value1;value2;value3" "somethingElse" "value4;value5" "anotherOne"
Then, you can extract it in your code like this:
IFS=';' read -a myArray <<< "$myArray"
IFS=';' read -a myOtherArray <<< "$myOtherArray"
This way, you can actually pass multiple arrays as parameters and it doesn't have to be the last parameters.
function aecho {
set "$1[$2]"
echo "${!1}"
$ foo=(dog cat bird)
$ aecho foo 1
Modern bash (apparently version 4.3 or later), allows you to pass arrays by reference. I'll show that below. If you'd like to manually serialize and deserialize the arrays instead, see my answer here for bash regular "indexed" arrays, and here for bash associative arrays. Passing arrays by reference, as shown below, is much easier and more-concise, however, so that's what I now recommend.
The code below is also available online in my eRCaGuy_hello_world repo here: See also this example here:
Here is a demo for regular bash arrays:
function foo {
# declare a local **reference variable** (hence `-n`) named `data_ref`
# which is a reference to the value stored in the first parameter
# passed in
local -n data_ref="$1"
echo "${data_ref[0]}"
echo "${data_ref[1]}"
# declare a regular bash "indexed" array
declare -a data
data+=("Fred Flintstone")
data+=("Barney Rubble")
foo "data"
Sample output:
Fred Flintstone
Barney Rubble
...and here is a demo for associative bash arrays (ie: bash hash tables, "dictionaries", or "unordered maps"):
function foo {
# declare a local **reference variable** (hence `-n`) named `data_ref`
# which is a reference to the value stored in the first parameter
# passed in
local -n data_ref="$1"
echo "${data_ref["a"]}"
echo "${data_ref["b"]}"
# declare a bash associative array
declare -A data
data["a"]="Fred Flintstone"
data["b"]="Barney Rubble"
foo "data"
Sample output:
Fred Flintstone
Barney Rubble
I modified the above code samples from #Todd Lehman's answer here: How to pass an associative array as argument to a function in Bash?
See also my manual serializing/deserializing answer here
And see my follow-up Question here: Why do the man bash pages state the declare and local -n attribute "cannot be applied to array variables", and yet it can?
This one works even with spaces:
format="\t%2s - %s\n"
function doAction
for (( i = 0 ; i < ${#local_array[#]} ; i++ ))
printf "${format}" $i "${local_array[$i]}"
echo -n "Choose: "
read -n1 option
echo ${local_array[option]}
#the call:
doAction "${tools[#]}"
With a few tricks you can actually pass named parameters to functions, along with arrays.
The method I developed allows you to access parameters passed to a function like this:
testPassingParams() {
#var hello
l=4 #array anArrayWithFourElements
l=2 #array anotherArrayWithTwo
#var anotherSingle
#reference table # references only work in bash >=4.3
#params anArrayOfVariedSize
test "$hello" = "$1" && echo correct
test "${anArrayWithFourElements[0]}" = "$2" && echo correct
test "${anArrayWithFourElements[1]}" = "$3" && echo correct
test "${anArrayWithFourElements[2]}" = "$4" && echo correct
# etc...
test "${anotherArrayWithTwo[0]}" = "$6" && echo correct
test "${anotherArrayWithTwo[1]}" = "$7" && echo correct
test "$anotherSingle" = "$8" && echo correct
test "${table[test]}" = "works"
table[inside]="adding a new value"
# I'm using * just in this example:
test "${anArrayOfVariedSize[*]}" = "${*:10}" && echo correct
fourElements=( a1 a2 "a3 with spaces" a4 )
twoElements=( b1 b2 )
declare -A assocArray
testPassingParams "first" "${fourElements[#]}" "${twoElements[#]}" "single with spaces" assocArray "and more... " "even more..."
test "${assocArray[inside]}" = "adding a new value"
In other words, not only you can call your parameters by their names (which makes up for a more readable core), you can actually pass arrays (and references to variables - this feature works only in bash 4.3 though)! Plus, the mapped variables are all in the local scope, just as $1 (and others).
The code that makes this work is pretty light and works both in bash 3 and bash 4 (these are the only versions I've tested it with). If you're interested in more tricks like this that make developing with bash much nicer and easier, you can take a look at my Bash Infinity Framework, the code below was developed for that purpose.
Function.AssignParamLocally() {
local commandWithArgs=( $1 )
local command="${commandWithArgs[0]}"
if [[ "$command" == "trap" || "$command" == "l="* || "$command" == "_type="* ]]
return 0
if [[ "$command" != "local" ]]
local varDeclaration="${commandWithArgs[1]}"
if [[ $varDeclaration == '-n' ]]
local varName="${varDeclaration%%=*}"
# var value is only important if making an object later on from it
local varValue="${varDeclaration#*=}"
if [[ ! -z $assignVarType ]]
local previousParamNo=$(expr $paramNo - 1)
if [[ "$assignVarType" == "array" ]]
# passing array:
execute="$assignVarName=( \"\${#:$previousParamNo:$assignArrLength}\" )"
eval "$execute"
paramNo+=$(expr $assignArrLength - 1)
unset assignArrLength
elif [[ "$assignVarType" == "params" ]]
execute="$assignVarName=( \"\${#:$previousParamNo}\" )"
eval "$execute"
elif [[ "$assignVarType" == "reference" ]]
eval "$execute"
elif [[ ! -z "${!previousParamNo}" ]]
eval "$execute"
Function.CaptureParams() {
alias #trapAssign='Function.CaptureParams; trap "declare -i \"paramNo+=1\"; Function.AssignParamLocally \"\$BASH_COMMAND\" \"\$#\"; [[ \$assignNormalCodeStarted = true ]] && trap - DEBUG && unset assignVarType && unset assignVarName && unset assignNormalCodeStarted && unset paramNo" DEBUG; '
alias #param='#trapAssign local'
alias #reference='_type=reference #trapAssign local -n'
alias #var='_type=var #param'
alias #params='_type=params #param'
alias #array='_type=array #param'
Just to add to the accepted answer, as I found it doesn't work well if the array contents are someting like:
"command1 param1... paramN"
"command2 param1... paramN"
In this case, each member of the array gets split, so the array the function sees is equivalent to:
To get this case to work, the way I found is to pass the variable name to the function, then use eval:
function () {
eval 'COMMANDS=( "${'"$1"'[#]}" )'
for COMMAND in "${COMMANDS[#]}"; do
Just my 2©
As ugly as it is, here is a workaround that works as long as you aren't passing an array explicitly, but a variable corresponding to an array:
function passarray()
eval array_internally=("$(echo '${'$1'[#]}')")
# access array now via array_internally
echo "${array_internally[#]}"
array=(0 1 2 3 4 5)
passarray array # echo's (0 1 2 3 4 5) as expected
I'm sure someone can come up with a clearner implementation of the idea, but I've found this to be a better solution than passing an array as "{array[#]"} and then accessing it internally using array_inside=("$#"). This becomes complicated when there are other positional/getopts parameters. In these cases, I've had to first determine and then remove the parameters not associated with the array using some combination of shift and array element removal.
A purist perspective likely views this approach as a violation of the language, but pragmatically speaking, this approach has saved me a whole lot of grief. On a related topic, I also use eval to assign an internally constructed array to a variable named according to a parameter target_varname I pass to the function:
eval $target_varname=$"(${array_inside[#]})"
Hope this helps someone.
My short answer is:
function display_two_array {
local arr1=$1
local arr2=$2
for i in $arr1
echo "arrary1: $i"
for i in $arr2
echo "arrary2: $i"
test_array=(1 2 3 4 5)
test_array2=(7 8 9 10 11)
display_two_array "${test_array[*]}" "${test_array2[*]}"
It should be noticed that the ${test_array[*]} and ${test_array2[*]} should be surrounded by "", otherwise you'll fail.
The answer below shows you how to pass bash regular "indexed" arrays as parameters to a function essentially by serializing and deserializing them.
To see this manual serializing/deserializing for bash associative arrays (hash tables) instead of for regular indexed arrays, see my answer here.
For a better way (which requires bash version 4.3 or later, I think), which passes the arrays by reference, see the link just above and my other answer here.
Passing arrays by reference is much easier and more-concise, so that's what I now recommend. That being said, the manual serializing/deserializing techniques I show below are also extremely informative and useful.
Quick summary:
See the 3 separate function definitions below. I go over how to pass:
one bash array to a function
two or more bash arrays to a function, and
two or more bash arrays plus additional arguments (before or after the arrays) to a function.
12 years later and I still don't see any answers I really like here and which I would consider to be thorough enough, simple enough, and "canonical" enough for me to just use--answers which I can come back to again and again and copy and paste and expand when needed. So, here is my answer which I do consider to be all of these things.
How to pass bash arrays as parameters to bash functions
You might also call this "variadic argument parsing in bash functions or scripts", especially since the number of elements in each array passed in to the examples below can dynamically vary, and in bash the elements of an array essentially get passed to the function as separate input parameters even when the array is passed in via a single array expansion argument like this "${array1[#]}".
For all example code below, assume you have these two bash arrays for testing:
array2=("four" "five" "six" "seven" "eight")
The code above and below is available in my bash/ file in my eRCaGuy_hello_world repo on GitHub.
Example 1: how to pass one bash array to a function
To pass an array to a bash function, you have to pass all of its elements separately. Given bash array array1, the syntax to obtain all elements of this array is "${array1[#]}". Since all incoming parameters to a bash function or executable file get wrapped up in the magic bash input parameter array called #, you can read all members of the input array with the "$#" syntax, as shown below.
Function definition:
# Print all elements of a bash array.
# General form:
# print_one_array array1
# Example usage:
# print_one_array "${array1[#]}"
print_one_array() {
for element in "$#"; do
printf " %s\n" "$element"
Example usage:
echo "Printing array1"
# This syntax passes all members of array1 as separate input arguments to
# the function
print_one_array "${array1[#]}"
Example Output:
Printing array1
Example 2: how to pass two or more bash arrays to a function...
(and how to recapture the input arrays as separate bash arrays again)
Here, we need to differentiate which incoming parameters belong to which array. To do this, we need to know the size of each array, meaning the number of elements in each array. This is very similar to passing arrays in C, where we also generally must know the array length passed to any C function. Given bash array array1, the number of elements in it can be obtained with "${#array1[#]}" (notice the usage of the # symbol). In order to know where in the input arguments the array_len length parameter is, we must always pass the array length parameter for each array before passing the individual array elements, as shown below.
In order to parse the arrays, I use array slicing on the input argument array, #.
Here is a reminder on how bash array slicing syntax works (from my answer here). In the slicing syntax :start:length, the 1st number is the zero-based index to start slicing from, and the 2nd number is the number of elements to grab:
# array slicing basic format 1: grab a certain length starting at a certain
# index
echo "${#:2:5}"
# │ │
# │ └────> slice length
# └──────> slice starting index (zero-based)
# array slicing basic format 2: grab all remaining array elements starting at a
# certain index through to the end
echo "${#:2}"
# │
# │
# └──────> slice starting index (zero-based)
Also, in order to force the sliced parameters from the input array to become a new array, I surround them in parenthesis (), like this, for example ("${#:$i:$array1_len}"). Those parenthesis on the outside are important, again, because that's how we make an array in bash.
This example below only accepts two bash arrays, but following the given patterns it can be easily adapted to accept any number of bash arrays as arguments.
Function definition:
# Print all elements of two bash arrays.
# General form (notice length MUST come before the array in order
# to be able to parse the args!):
# print_two_arrays array1_len array1 array2_len array2
# Example usage:
# print_two_arrays "${#array1[#]}" "${array1[#]}" \
# "${#array2[#]}" "${array2[#]}"
print_two_arrays() {
# For debugging: print all input args
echo "All args to 'print_two_arrays':"
print_one_array "$#"
# Read array1_len into a variable
# Read array1 into a new array
((i += $array1_len))
# Read array2_len into a variable
# Read array2 into a new array
((i += $array2_len))
# Print the two arrays
echo "array1:"
print_one_array "${array1[#]}"
echo "array2:"
print_one_array "${array2[#]}"
Example usage:
echo "Printing array1 and array2"
print_two_arrays "${#array1[#]}" "${array1[#]}" "${#array2[#]}" "${array2[#]}"
Example Output:
Printing array1 and array2
All args to 'print_two_arrays':
Example 3: pass two bash arrays plus some extra args after that to a function
This is a tiny expansion of the example above. It also uses bash array slicing, just like the example above. Instead of stopping after parsing two full input arrays, however, we continue and parse a couple more arguments at the end. This pattern can be continued indefinitely for any number of bash arrays and any number of additional arguments, accommodating any input argument order, so long as the length of each bash array comes just before the elements of that array.
Function definition:
# Print all elements of two bash arrays, plus two extra args at the end.
# General form (notice length MUST come before the array in order
# to be able to parse the args!):
# print_two_arrays_plus_extra_args array1_len array1 array2_len array2 \
# extra_arg1 extra_arg2
# Example usage:
# print_two_arrays_plus_extra_args "${#array1[#]}" "${array1[#]}" \
# "${#array2[#]}" "${array2[#]}" "hello" "world"
print_two_arrays_plus_extra_args() {
# Read array1_len into a variable
# Read array1 into a new array
((i += $array1_len))
# Read array2_len into a variable
# Read array2 into a new array
((i += $array2_len))
# You can now read the extra arguments all at once and gather them into a
# new array like this:
# OR you can read the extra arguments individually into their own variables
# one-by-one like this
# Print the output
echo "array1:"
print_one_array "${array1[#]}"
echo "array2:"
print_one_array "${array2[#]}"
echo "extra_arg1 = $extra_arg1"
echo "extra_arg2 = $extra_arg2"
echo "extra_args_array:"
print_one_array "${extra_args_array[#]}"
Example usage:
echo "Printing array1 and array2 plus some extra args"
print_two_arrays_plus_extra_args "${#array1[#]}" "${array1[#]}" \
"${#array2[#]}" "${array2[#]}" "hello" "world"
Example Output:
Printing array1 and array2 plus some extra args
extra_arg1 = hello
extra_arg2 = world
I referenced a lot of my own sample code from my eRCaGuy_hello_world repo here:
[my answer on bash array slicing] Unix & Linux: Bash: slice of positional parameters
An answer to my question on "How can I create and use a backup copy of all input args ("$#") in bash?" - very useful for general array manipulation of the input argument array
An answer to "How to pass array as an argument to a function in Bash", which confirmed to me this really important concept that:
You cannot pass an array, you can only pass its elements (i.e. the expanded array).
See also:
[another answer of mine on this topic] How to pass array as an argument to a function in Bash
Requirement: Function to find a string in an array.
This is a slight simplification of DevSolar's solution in that it uses the arguments passed rather than copying them.
myarray=('foobar' 'foxbat')
function isInArray() {
local item=$1
for one in $#; do
if [ $one = $item ]; then
return 0 # found
return 1 # not found
if isInArray $var ${myarray[#]}; then
echo "$var found in array"
echo "$var not found in array"
You can also create a json file with an array, and then parse that json file with jq
For example:
"array": ["item1","item2"]
ARRAY=$(jq -r '."array"' $1 | tr -d '[],"')
And then call the script like: ./path-to-json/my-array.json
You can find more ideas in this similar question: How to pass array as an argument to a function in Bash
