Declaring an empty array of type Edge Graphx - arrays

I'm reading data from file to create edges of graph. I've declare an array and adding edges in it one by one. This code is working fine:
class AIRecipes()
case class edgeProperty(val relation: String, val usedIn: String) extends AIRecipes
var edgeArray = Array(Edge(0L, 0L, edgeProperty("", "")))
edgeArray = edgeArray ++ Array(Edge(VertexId, VertexId, edgeProperty("", "")) )
But in first line, instead of declaring an extra edge with dummy values, I want to declare an empty array like that:
var edgeArray = Array.empty[Edge[(Long, Long, Object)]]
edgeArray = edgeArray ++ Array(Edge(VertexId, VertexId, edgeProperty("", "")) )
But it give me following compilation error on '++':
type mismatch; found : Array[org.apache.spark.graphx.Edge[_ >:
(Long, Long, Object) with
net.sansa_stack.template.spark.rdf.TripleReader.edgeProperty <:
Product with Serializable]] required:
Array[org.apache.spark.graphx.Edge[(Long, Long, Object)]] Note:
org.apache.spark.graphx.Edge[_ >: (Long, Long, Object) with
net.sansa_stack.template.spark.rdf.TripleReader.edgeProperty <:
Product with Serializable] >: org.apache.spark.graphx.Edge[(Long,
Long, Object)], but class Array is invariant in type T. You may wish
to investigate a wildcard type such as _ >:
org.apache.spark.graphx.Edge[(Long, Long, Object)].
I also tried this:
edgeArray :+ Array(Edge(VertexId, VertexId, edgeProperty("", "")) )
It don't give me compilation error but nothing is being added in array.

Type of the first array is incorrect. Note that Edge is parameterized only by its property so the type of the expression you are trying to merge is Array[Edge[edgeProperty]]:
scala> :t Array(Edge(0L, 0L, edgeProperty("", "")))
while you define variable as Array.empty[Edge[(Long, Long, Object)]].
The Object part is the second problem. As you can read in the exception message, Array (as any other mutable container) is invariant. So if you really want to go with Object you'll have to:
scala> var edgeArray = Array.empty[Edge[Object]]
edgeArray: Array[org.apache.spark.graphx.Edge[Object]] = Array()
scala> edgeArray = edgeArray ++ (Array(Edge(1L, 2L, edgeProperty("", "")) ): Array[Edge[Object]])
edgeArray: Array[org.apache.spark.graphx.Edge[Object]] = [Lorg.apache.spark.graphx.Edge;#338
but I still recommend
scala> var edgeArray = Array.empty[Edge[edgeProperty]]
edgeArray: Array[org.apache.spark.graphx.Edge[edgeProperty]] = Array()
scala> edgeArray = edgeArray ++ Array(Edge(1L, 2L, edgeProperty("", "")) )
edgeArray: Array[org.apache.spark.graphx.Edge[edgeProperty]] = [Lorg.apache.spark.graphx.Edge;#7d59e8d4


Word VBA Array not behaving as expected

I'm iterating through a list of keywords to define terms in a document but only certain keywords will get picked up.
For instance, with Array("Agreement", "deed", "AGREEMENT", "letter agreement", "letter", "Undertaking"), "Agreement" and "letter" get picked up just fine, but letter agreement and Undertaking do not.
I've tried rearranging the order of the array but that does nothing.
I'm guessing there's something fundamental about arrays I'm misunderstanding. I'm more familiar with python and am going for list functionality.
Full code is below. Any pointers would be very much appreciated.
Function getagree() As String
Dim aggrlist As Variant
aggrlist = Array("Agreement", "NDA", "deed", "AGREEMENT", "letter
agreement", "letter", "Undertaking", "Confidentiality Undertaking",
Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Content
With myRange.Find
For Each aggr In aggrlist
.Text = aggr
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchCase = True
.Execute Forward:=True
If .Found = True Then
getagree = aggr
End If
End With
End Function
Try using an underscore (_) to break your string into multiple lines...
aggrlist = Array("Agreement", "NDA", "deed", "AGREEMENT", _
"letter agreement", "letter", "Undertaking", _
"Confidentiality Undertaking", "agreement")

Scala: Parsing Array of String to a case class

I have created a case class like this:
def case_class(): Unit = {
case class StockPrice(quarter : Byte,
stock : String,
date : String,
open : Double,
high : Double,
low : Double,
close : Double,
volume : Double,
percent_change_price : Double,
percent_change_volume_over_last_wk : Double,
previous_weeks_volume : Double,
next_weeks_open : Double,
next_weeks_close : Double,
percent_change_next_weeks_price : Double,
days_to_next_dividend : Double,
percent_return_next_dividend : Double
And I have thousands of line as Array of String like this:
How Can I parse data from Array into that case class?
Thank you for your help!
You can proceed as below (I've taken simplified example)
Given your case class and data (lines)
// Your case-class
case class MyCaseClass(
fieldByte: Byte,
fieldString: String,
fieldDouble: Double
// input data
val lines: List[String] = List(
Note: you can read lines from a text file as
val lines = Source.fromFile("my_file.txt").getLines.toList
You can have some utility methods for mapping (cleaning & parsing)
// remove '$' symbols from string
def removeDollars(line: String): String = line.replaceAll("\\$", "")
// split string into tokens and
// convert into MyCaseClass object
def parseLine(line: String): MyCaseClass = {
val tokens: Seq[String] = line.split(",")
fieldByte = tokens(0).toByte,
fieldString = tokens(1),
fieldDouble = tokens(2).toDouble
And then use them to convert strings into case-class objects
// conversion
val myCaseClassObjects: Seq[MyCaseClass] =
As a more advanced (and generalized) approach, you can generate the mapping (parsing) function for converting tokens into fields of your case-class using something like reflection, as told here
Here's one way of doing it. I'd recommend splitting everything you do up into lots of small, easy-to-manage functions, otherwise you will get lost trying to figure out where something is going wrong if it all starts throwing exceptions. Data setup:
val array = Array("1,AA,1/7/2011,$15.82,$16.72,$15.78,$16.42,239655616,3.79267,,,$16.71,$15.97,-4.42849,26,0.182704",
case class StockPrice(quarter: Byte, stock: String, date: String, open: Double,
high: Double, low: Double, close: Double, volume: Double, percent_change_price: Double,
percent_change_volume_over_last_wk: Double, previous_weeks_volume: Double,
next_weeks_open: Double, next_weeks_close: Double, percent_change_next_weeks_price: Double,
days_to_next_dividend: Double, percent_return_next_dividend: Double
Function to turn Array[String] into Array[List[String]] and handle any empty fields (I've made an assumption here that you want empty fields to be 0. Change this as necessary):
def splitArray(arr: Array[String]): Array[List[String]] = {
_.replaceAll("\\$", "") // Remove $
.split(",") // Split by ,
.map {
case x if x.isEmpty => "0" // If empty
case y => y // If not empty
Function to turn a List[String] into a StockPrice. Note that this will fall over if the List isn't exactly 16 items long. I'll leave you to handle any of that. Also, the names are pretty non-descriptive so you can change that too. It will also fall over if your data doesn't map to the relevant .toDouble or toByte or whatever - you can handle this yourself too:
def toStockPrice: List[String] => StockPrice = {
case a :: b :: c :: d :: e :: f :: g :: h :: i :: j :: k :: l :: m :: n :: o :: p :: Nil =>
StockPrice(a.toByte, b, c, d.toDouble, e.toDouble, f.toDouble, g.toDouble, h.toDouble, i.toDouble, j.toDouble,
k.toDouble, l.toDouble, m.toDouble, n.toDouble, o.toDouble, p.toDouble)
A nice function to bring this all together:
def makeCaseClass(arr: Array[String]): Seq[StockPrice] = {
val splitArr: Array[List[String]] = splitArray(arr)
// StockPrice(1,AA,1/7/2011,15.82,16.72,15.78,16.42,2.39655616E8,3.79267,0.0,0.0,16.71,15.97,-4.42849,26.0,0.182704),
// StockPrice(1,AA,1/14/2011,16.71,16.71,15.64,15.97,2.42963398E8,-4.42849,1.380223028,2.39655616E8,16.19,15.79,-2.47066,19.0,0.187852),
// StockPrice(1,AA,1/21/2011,16.19,16.38,15.6,15.79,1.38428495E8,-2.47066,-43.02495926,2.42963398E8,15.87,16.13,1.63831,12.0,0.189994),
// StockPrice(1,AA,1/28/2011,15.87,16.63,15.82,16.13,1.51379173E8,1.63831,9.355500109,1.38428495E8,16.18,17.14,5.93325,5.0,0.185989)
To explain the a :: b :: c ..... bit - this is a way of assigning names to items in a List or Seq, given you know the List's size.
val ls = List(1, 2, 3)
val a :: b :: c :: Nil = List(1, 2, 3)
println(a == ls.head) // true
println(b == ls(1)) // true
println(c == ls(2)) // true
Note that the Nil is important because it signifies the last element of the List being Nil. Without it, c would be equal to List(3) as the rest of any List is assigned to the last value in your definition.
You can use this in pattern matching as I have in order to do something with the results:
val ls = List(1, "b", true)
ls match {
case a :: b :: c if c == true => println("this will not be printed")
case a :: b :: c :: Nil if c == true => println(s"this will get printed because c == $c")
} // not exhaustive but you get the point
You can also use it if you know what you want each element in the List to be, like this:
val personCharacteristics = List("James", 26, "blue", 6, 85.4, "brown")
val name :: age :: eyeColour :: otherCharacteristics = personCharacteristics
println(s"Name: $name; Age: $age; Eye colour: $eyeColour")
// Name: James; Age: 26; Eye colour: blue
Obviously these examples are pretty trivial and not exactly what you'd see as a professional Scala developer (at least I don't), but it's a handy thing to be aware of as I do still use this :: syntax at work sometimes.

Iterate over array of objects. Then access object method if correct one is found. Otherwise create a new object in the array

I start with an empty array, and a Hash of key, values.
I would like to iterate over the Hash and compare it against the empty array. If the value for each k,v pair doesn't already exist in the array, I would like to create an object with that value and then access an object method to append the key to an array inside the object.
This is my code
class Test
def initialize(name)
#name = name
#values = []
attr_accessor :name
def values=(value)
#values << value
def add(value)
l = []
n = {'server_1': 'cluster_x', 'server_2': 'cluster_y', 'server_3': 'cluster_z', 'server_4': 'cluster_x', 'server_5': 'cluster_y'}
n.each do |key, value|
l.any? do |a|
if == value
t =
l << t
p l
I would expect to see this:
#<Test:0x007ff8d10cd3a8 #name=:cluster_x, #values=["server_1, server_4"]>,
#<Test:0x007ff8d10cd2e0 #name=:cluster_y, #values=["server_2, server_5"]>,
#<Test:0x007ff8d10cd1f0 #name=:cluster_z, #values=["server_3"]>
Instead I just get an empty array.
I think that the condition if == value is not being met and then the add method isn't being called.
#Cyzanfar gave me a clue as to what to look for, and I found the answer here
n.each do |key, value|
found = l.detect {|e| == value}
if found
t =
l << t
#ARL you're almost there! The last thing you need to consider is when found actually returns an object since detect will find a matching one at some point.
n.each do |key, value|
found = l.detect {|e| == value}
if found
t =
l << t
You actually only want to add a new instance of Test when found return nil. This code should yield your desired output:
#<Test:0x007ff8d10cd3a8 #name=:cluster_x, #values=["server_1, server_4"]>,
#<Test:0x007ff8d10cd2e0 #name=:cluster_y, #values=["server_2, server_5"]>,
#<Test:0x007ff8d10cd1f0 #name=:cluster_z, #values=["server_3"]>
I observe two things in your code :
def values=(value)
#values << value
def add(value)
two methods do the same thing, pushing a value, as << is a kind of syntactic sugar meaning push
you have changed the meaning of values=, which is usually reserved for a setter method, equivalent to attire_writer :values.
Just to illustrate that there are many ways to do things in Ruby, I propose the following :
class Test
def initialize(name, value)
#name = name
#values = [value]
def add(value)
#values << value
h_cluster = {} # intermediate hash whose key is the cluster name
n = {'server_1': 'cluster_x', 'server_2': 'cluster_y', 'server_3': 'cluster_z',
'server_4': 'cluster_x', 'server_5': 'cluster_y'}
n.each do | server, cluster |
puts "server=#{server}, cluster=#{cluster}"
cluster_found = h_cluster[cluster] # does the key exist ? => nil or Test
# instance with servers list
puts "cluster_found=#{cluster_found.inspect}"
if cluster_found
then # add server to existing cluster
else # create a new cluster
h_cluster[cluster] =, server)
p h_cluster.collect { | cluster, servers | servers }
Execution :
$ ruby -w t.rb
server=server_1, cluster=cluster_x
server=server_2, cluster=cluster_y
server=server_3, cluster=cluster_z
server=server_4, cluster=cluster_x
cluster_found=#<Test:0x007fa7a619ae10 #name="cluster_x", #values=[:server_1]>
server=server_5, cluster=cluster_y
cluster_found=#<Test:0x007fa7a619ac58 #name="cluster_y", #values=[:server_2]>
[#<Test:0x007fa7a619ae10 #name="cluster_x", #values=[:server_1, :server_4]>,
#<Test:0x007fa7a619ac58 #name="cluster_y", #values=[:server_2, :server_5]>,
#<Test:0x007fa7a619aac8 #name="cluster_z", #values=[:server_3]>]

Scala read only certain parts of file

I'm trying to read an input file in Scala that I know the structure of, however I only need every 9th entry. So far I have managed to read the whole thing using:
val lines = sc.textFile("hdfs://moonshot-ha-nameservice/" + args(0))
val fields = => line.split(","))
The issue, this leaves me with an array that is huge (we're talking 20GB of data). Not only have I seen myself forced to write some very ugly code in order to convert between RDD[Array[String]] and Array[String] but it's essentially made my code useless.
I've tried different approaches and mixes between using
.flatMap() and
however nothing actually put my collected "cells" into the format that I need them to be.
Here's what is supposed to happen: Reading a folder of text files from our server, the code should read each "line" of text in the format:
exchange, stock_symbol, date, stock_price_open, stock_price_high, stock_price_low, stock_price_close, stock_volume, stock_price_adj_close
and only keep a hold of the stock_symbol as that is the identifier I'm counting. So far my attempts have been to turn the entire thing into an array only collect every 9th index from the first one into a collected_cells var. Issue is, based on my calculations and real life results, that code would take 335 days to run (no joke).
Here's my current code for reference:
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
object SparkNum {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// Do some Scala voodoo
val sc = new SparkContext(new SparkConf().setAppName("Spark Numerical"))
// Set input file as per HDFS structure + input args
val lines = sc.textFile("hdfs://moonshot-ha-nameservice/" + args(0))
val fields = => line.split(","))
var collected_cells:Array[String] = new Array[String](0)
//println("[MESSAGE] Length of CC: " + collected_cells.length)
val divider:Long = 9
val array_length = fields.count / divider
val casted_length = array_length.toInt
val indexedFields = fields.zipWithIndex
val indexKey ={case (k,v) => (v,k)}
println("[MESSAGE] Number of lines: " + array_length)
println("[MESSAGE] Casted lenght of: " + casted_length)
for( i <- 1 to casted_length ) {
println("[URGENT DEBUG] Processin line " + i + " of " + casted_length)
var index = 9 * i - 8
println("[URGENT DEBUG] Index defined to be " + index)
collected_cells :+ indexKey.lookup(index)
println("[MESSAGE] collected_cells size: " + collected_cells.length)
val single_cells = collected_cells.flatMap(collected_cells => collected_cells);
val counted_cells = => (cell, 1).reduceByKey{case (x, y) => x + y})
// val result = counted_cells.reduceByKey((a,b) => (a+b))
// val inmem = counted_cells.persist()
// // Collect driver into file to be put into user archive
// inmem.saveAsTextFile("path to server location")
// ==> Not necessary to save the result as processing time is recorded, not output
The bottom part is currently commented out as I tried to debug it, but it acts as pseudo-code for me to know what I need done. I may want to point out that I am next to not at all familiar with Scala and hence things like the _ notation confuse the life out of me.
Thanks for your time.
There are some concepts that need clarification in the question:
When we execute this code:
val lines = sc.textFile("hdfs://moonshot-ha-nameservice/" + args(0))
val fields = => line.split(","))
That does not result in a huge array of the size of the data. That expression represents a transformation of the base data. It can be further transformed until we reduce the data to the information set we desire.
In this case, we want the stock_symbol field of a record encoded a csv:
exchange, stock_symbol, date, stock_price_open, stock_price_high, stock_price_low, stock_price_close, stock_volume, stock_price_adj_close
I'm also going to assume that the data file contains a banner like this:
The first thing we're going to do is to remove anything that looks like this banner. In fact, I'm going to assume that the first field is the name of a stock exchange that start with an alphanumeric character. We will do this before we do any splitting, resulting in:
val lines = sc.textFile("hdfs://moonshot-ha-nameservice/" + args(0))
val validLines = lines.filter(line => !line.isEmpty && line.head.isLetter)
val fields = => line.split(","))
It helps to write the types of the variables, to have peace of mind that we have the data types that we expect. As we progress in our Scala skills that might become less important. Let's rewrite the expression above with types:
val lines: RDD[String] = sc.textFile("hdfs://moonshot-ha-nameservice/" + args(0))
val validLines: RDD[String] = lines.filter(line => !line.isEmpty && line.head.isLetter)
val fields: RDD[Array[String]] = => line.split(","))
We are interested in the stock_symbol field, which positionally is the element #1 in a 0-based array:
val stockSymbols:RDD[String] = => record(1))
If we want to count the symbols, all that's left is to issue a count:
val totalSymbolCount = stockSymbols.count()
That's not very helpful because we have one entry for every record. Slightly more interesting questions would be:
How many different stock symbols we have?
val uniqueStockSymbols = stockSymbols.distinct.count()
How many records for each symbol do we have?
val countBySymbol = => (s,1)).reduceByKey(_+_)
In Spark 2.0, CSV support for Dataframes and Datasets is available out of the box
Given that our data does not have a header row with the field names (what's usual in large datasets), we will need to provide the column names:
val stockDF ="/tmp/quotes_clean.csv").toDF("exchange", "symbol", "date", "open", "close", "volume", "price")
We can answer our questions very easy now:
val uniqueSymbols ="symbol").distinct().count
val recordsPerSymbol = stockDF.groupBy($"symbol").agg(count($"symbol"))

Convert.ChangeType() Returns incorrect value

I've got a class that parses a CNC file, but I'm having difficulties with trailing "words" on each line of the file.
My code parses all leading "words" until it reaches the final word. It's most noticeable when parsing "Z" values or other Double type values. I've debugged it enough to notice that it successfully parses the numerical value just as it does with "X" and "Y" values, but it doesn't seem to successfully convert it to double. Is there an issue with a character I'm missing or something?
Here's my code:
If IO.File.Exists("Some GCode File.eia") Then
Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader("Some GCode File.eia")
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Read text file
Do While Not sr.EndOfStream
'Get the words in the line
Dim words() As String = sr.ReadLine.Split(" ")
'iterate through each word
For i = 0 To words.Length - 1 Step 1
'iterate through each "registered" keyword. Handled earlier in program
For Each cmd As String In _registeredCmds.Keys
'if current word resembles keyword then process
If words(i) Like cmd & "*" Then
_commands.Add(i, _registeredCmds(cmd))
'Double check availability of a Type to convert to
If Not IsNothing(_commands(i).DataType) Then
'Verify enum ScopeType exists
If Not IsNothing(_commands(i).Scope) Then
'If ScopeType is modal then just set it to True. I'll fix later
If _commands(i).Scope = ScopeType.Modal Then
_commands(i).DataValue = True
'Catch errors in conversion
'Get the value of the gcode command by removing the "registered" keyword from the string
Dim strTemp As String = words(i).Remove(0, words(i).IndexOf(_commands(i).Key) + _commands(i).Key.Length)
'Save the parsed value into an Object type in another class
_commands(i).DataValue = Convert.ChangeType(strTemp, _commands(i).DataType)
Catch ex As Exception
'Log(vbTab & "Error:" & ex.Message)
End Try
End If
'Log(vbTab & "Command scope is null")
End If
'Log(vbTab & "Command datatype is null")
End If
Continue For
End If
i += 1
Throw New ApplicationException("FilePath provided does not exist! FilePath Provided:'Some GCode File.eia'")
End If
Here's an example of the GCode:
N2930 X-.2187 Y-1.2378 Z-.0135
N2940 X-.2195 Y-1.2434 Z-.0121
N2950 X-.2187 Y-1.249 Z-.0108
N2960 X-.2164 Y-1.2542 Z-.0096
N2970 X-.2125 Y-1.2585 Z-.0086
N2980 X-.207 Y-1.2613 Z-.0079
N2990 X-.2 Y-1.2624 Z-.0076
N3000 X0.
N3010 X12.
N3020 X24.
N3030 X24.2
N3040 X24.2072 Y-1.2635 Z-.0075
N3050 X24.2127 Y-1.2665 Z-.0071
N3060 X24.2167 Y-1.2709 Z-.0064
N3070 X24.2191 Y-1.2763 Z-.0057
N3080 X24.2199 Y-1.2821 Z-.0048
N3090 X24.2191 Y-1.2879 Z-.004
N3100 X24.2167 Y-1.2933 Z-.0032
N3110 X24.2127 Y-1.2977 Z-.0026
N3120 X24.2072 Y-1.3007 Z-.0021
N3130 X24.2 Y-1.3018 Z-.002
N3140 X24.
N3150 X12.
N3160 X0.
N3170 X-.2
N3180 X-.2074 Y-1.3029 Z-.0019
N3190 X-.2131 Y-1.306 Z-.0018
N3200 X-.2172 Y-1.3106 Z-.0016
N3210 X-.2196 Y-1.3161 Z-.0013
N3220 X-.2204 Y-1.3222 Z-.001
N3230 X-.2196 Y-1.3282 Z-.0007
N3240 X-.2172 Y-1.3338 Z-.0004
N3250 X-.2131 Y-1.3384 Z-.0002
N3260 X-.2074 Y-1.3415 Z-.0001
N3270 X-.2 Y-1.3426 Z0.
N3280 X0.
N3290 X12.
N3300 X24.
N3310 X24.2
N3320 G0 Z.1
N3330 Z1.0
N3340 G91 G28 Z0.0
N3350 G90
With regard to the sample CNC code above, you'll notice that X and Y commands with a trailing Z command parse correctly.
Per comment, here is a breakdown of _commands()
_commands = SortedList(Of Integer, Command)
Command is a class with the following properties:
Scope as Enum ScopeType
Name as String
Key as String
DataType as Type
DataValue as Object
EDIT: Solution!
Figured out what was wrong. The arrays that make up the construction of the classes were essentially being passed a reference to the "registered" array of objects from the Command class. Therefore every time I parsed the value out of the "word" each line, I was overwriting the DataValue in the Command object.
The solution was to declare a new 'Command' object with every parse and append it to the proper array.
Here's my short hand:
For I = 0 To words.Length - 1 Step 1
'iterate through each "registered" keyword. Handled earlier in program
For Each cmd as String in _registeredCmds.Keys
'if current word resembles keyword then process
If words(I) Like cmd & "*" Then
'NEW!!! Declare unassigned Command object
Dim com As Command
' ****** New elongated logic double checking existence of values.....
If _registeredCmds.Keys.Scope = ScopeType.Modal Then
'assign Command object to previously declared variable com
com = New Command()'There's technically passing arguments now to ensure items are transferred
'Parse and pass DataValue from this word
com = New Command()'There's technically passing arguments now to ensure items are transferred
End If
'New sub to add Command object to local array
Continue For
End If
