I am trying to send a message to AWS SNS using Camel. As far as I know, the topic is there (I have verified the case and spelling for the topic as well). But Camel gives the error "topic not found". I am not sure why this happens.
com.amazonaws.services.sns.model.InvalidParameterException: Invalid parameter: Topic Name (Service: AmazonSNS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameter; Request ID: 5c5607b4-179e-5698-8994-54e8ab3dcb41
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I'm trying to run a simple test with Apache Camel:
I'm getting the following error: "No endpoint could be found for: http://localhost:61554/api/v1/MyController/my-endpoint, please check your classpath contains the needed Camel component jar"
I'm very new to Camel and Java. Can someone please tell me why this error is coming up? Should I be using from("direct:x")... ? If, so where do I map my "direct" endpoints to concrete ones?
You cannot use the http component as consumer (eg in from) - its a http client for calling HTTP servers (so its a producer, eg to).
Instead to have HTTP as consumer you can use camel-servlet, camel-jetty, camel-undertow, etc.
I am getting this openid authernisation error when trying to log into an openid service from a mobile app, could anyone explain to me the possible causes?
Error Domain=org.openid.appauth.general Code=-4
In the documentation it says "general" error, wouldbe good to have more insight on what are the potential causes.
I had the same issue. It is authorisation error and in my case was caused by not setting clientSecret with the request.
I'm trying to re-subscribe an app to facebook (through graph-api post/me/subscribed-apps). The subscription worked the first time and received {success: true}, however now I'm receiving the following error:
{"message":"(#2) Messaging Subscription Failed for app: <appID>.
Another Subscription Update is in Progress 2",
I tried replacing the token but I'm still getting this.
Has anyone encountered this before? Tried looking for reference but with no luck.
Thanks in advance!
We are unable to make requests to Quickbooks online. While trying to communicate to Quickbooks API we keep on getting
General IO error while proxying request; errorCode=006003
Some sample requests:
All of them ending in the same error message. It would be very helpful, if anyone has any clue about this.
{"Fault":{"Error":[{"Message":"message=General IO error while proxying request; errorCode=006003;statusCode=500","code":"6003"}],"type":"SERVICE"},"requestId":"e803880ca8d1448a9e2d87d194b08541","time":"2014-12-02T07:12:42.955Z"}
i have two interceptor(AbstractSoapInterceptor) that handle in and out messsage.
I would to correlate this message in some way, but don't now how.
I think that there is an information on who do the request into SOAP message response but i can't found it.
Can someone help me?
CXF will handle that for you. The message has a "getExchange()" method on it that holds the exchange that would be common for both the request and the response. Any data that you need to hold between the in and out can be stored/retrieved there.