Send email to subscribers when article is published using mailchimp in Joomla - joomla3.0

I need to send email to subscribers when new article is published.
I have installed mailchimp.

Mailchimp have a pretty in-depth API, I can't see any joomla add-ons to achieve what you require, but you could always write your own if that's an option?
They use the REST protocol


Add attachment to JIRA issue with logic apps

The JIRA API has a method to upload attachments on here
How do I do this using logic apps?
I have used the JIRA connector and selected create a new issue. However this doesn't include a method to upload an attachment.
It is a pity that the JIRA connector cannot add attachments. From the official documentation, there is no such option.
Maybe you can go to the Feedback to put forward your ideas, and the development team will see it.

Gmail API Tutorial only returns Labels

I've recently been trying to implement the Javascript quick-start guide on the official Google Dev page, which can be found here:
The example is meant to read your Gmail inbox and display the last 10 emails on your html page. I've gone through the example but after I grant permissions in my web browser, I only see a list of the "labels" present in my inbox with no emails/email content. I have created a new custom label in my Gmail inbox and this new label is view-able on my html page, which to me suggests that my connection to the Gmail API is fine.
However, I have not used Python like the example suggests. My html file is currently being hosted on 000WebHost so I figured I don't need to use Python. The reason I came to this conclusion is because the tutorial explains that Python is used to host a web server, as I'm using 000WebHost I think I don't need to host this web server.
This could be my issue if I've misunderstood what Python is really needed for here?
Other than that, I'm wondering if there are any other glaringly obvious issues to someone experienced with the gmail API?
Any advice would be appreciated.

Can I set up a web form that will populate an opportunity in my salesforce

I have a site I sent my clients to who want to move forward with our order process and I want the information they submit to automatically fill in the form under the opportunity. I was wondering how this was possible. I know you can set up a web to lead form but I dont see this option for what I want to do.
There is no native Opportunity feature equivalent for Web-to-lead or Web-to-Case. You do have a lot of options though (ordered from simplest to most complex).
Use an app on the AppExchange that provide web-to-x functionality.
Use a pre-built connector for popular CMS apps to integrate with Salesforce.
Create a Visualforce Page hosted on sites and then embed that on your website
Create an Apex Web Service hosted on sites that can be posted to by your form
Write code on your web platform to post to the Salesforce API.

Google Calendar Api Documentation better than the official V3

Please I want to create Event in Google Calendar API but the documentation official is BAD I cant use it .. And someone here who can help me please!! Sorry with my english but I speak spanish!
I agree...
This helps a bit: Google Calendar Events
Depending on the process you are using, there are few examples for using and the service account option. I successfully created events via service account with granting domain-wide access. With this you just need to create an app, then service account for the app and follow the domain wide delegation steps on the google documentation pages. This option is great if you have an app that needs to create events without having to authenticate the user.
For working code and more info you can see what I used at-
Google API Calender v3 Event Insert via Service Account using Asp.Net MVC
What is "bad" about the documentation? (Don't just complain; provide actionable feedback.) In the v3 docs, check out the reference section on creating events. There is even sample code in Java, Python, PHP, and Ruby to help get you started just below the reference. In addition, below the sample code is the APIs Explorer where you can issue requests with appropriate payload to the API and see the HTTP response to ensure you're calling the API correctly and receiving the data you requested. If there's any additional way for us to improve the docs, please let us know!
UPDATE (Sep 2015): I created a blogpost and video that walks through some pseudocode (well, it's Python) for creating events. There are examples in most other languages too.

Setting Google Talk status (with authentication) from Google App Engine

I'm trying to build a site that updates users' Google Talk statuses from Google App Engine using the built in XMPP Python API (or a third-party one, if one works better than another). I've been looking around for some examples or docs explaining how I would go about doing this, but nothing I find seems to offer a fully functional solution.
App Engine's XMPP Python developer docs suggest that updating a status can be done through the send_presence() method (see here):
xmpp.send_presence(to_jid, status="My app's status")
But, how would this be authenticated? Wouldn't I have to send the users password with the request? (Ideally, I'd like to do so using OAuth as suggested here.) Am I misunderstanding something?
Please excuse me if I'm missing something obvious, here. I'm pretty new to both Google App Engine and XMPP. Unlike a lot of examples I've found online, I don't want to create a chat "robot"; I merely want to change an existing user's Google Talk status. Thanks in advance for any pointers!
You can't change someone else' status using the XMPP API.
You can use the XMPP API to represent yourself, or your users (see the description of XMPP addresses in the GAE XMPP API docs).
You cannot send messages or update the status of a gmail user.
