DNN 8 users cannot reset their password - dotnetnuke

I have a DNN 8.0.1 website
The users are not able to reset their own passwords. There is an error generated when the reset email is sent:
Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.0 Mail relay denied
[...]. Invalid credentials for relay for
Emails are sent through an SMTP relay handled by G-Suite.
here is the stack trace:
at System.Net.Mail.MailCommand.CheckResponse(SmtpStatusCode statusCode, String response)
at System.Net.Mail.MailCommand.Send(SmtpConnection conn, Byte[] command, MailAddress from, Boolean allowUnicode)
at System.Net.Mail.SmtpTransport.SendMail(MailAddress sender, MailAddressCollection recipients, String deliveryNotify, Boolean allowUnicode, SmtpFailedRecipientException& exception)
at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message)
at DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.Mail.SendMailInternal(MailMessage mailMessage, String subject, String body, MailPriority priority, MailFormat bodyFormat, Encoding bodyEncoding, IEnumerable`1 attachments, String smtpServer, String smtpAuthentication, String smtpUsername, String smtpPassword, Boolean smtpEnableSSL)
I have tested the SMTP settings at both the Host and Site Admin levels and they both work.
Email generated from other services are working and emails generated from custom modules are working. Just the emails being set for password resets are not working.
Does anyone have an idea as to why this is happening?

When you send an email using the SMTP test, are you sending to an address in the domain of the server? That should work because it doesn't involve a relay.
For relaying, it is the To email address that counts. Relaying means that you are sending to an address that is outside of the domain of the website. So, you need to have permission to do that.
Are your users possible at external email addresses?
One other thing to look at is the SMTP setup for both Host and Site. If I'm remembering right, DNN8 lets you set up separate SMTP for the Host and the site. You may want to check these.
Finally, the way to really see what is going on is to see what is sent to the SMTP server. If you can get at, or have someone get at, the SMTP logs, you'll see exactly how you are sending and the exact error. Given that you are using G-Suite, this may not be easy.
You may get more information from the log4net logs. If there is nothing useful there, you might want to (temporarily) adjust the logging level.
Are you able to get a password reset message for your account?


Allow dovecot external login

I currently have dovecot and postfix set up, and I can log in locally because rainloop web mail works perfectly fine for both sending and receiving. However, all external login attempts simply fail, even with the correct username and password. How can I allow external logins(any config file changes, etc.)?
Please let me know about any error logs that might help, and I'll add them to this question.
I am not sure about what you mean when you say "External login",
but if you want to connect from a Mail client as Outlook for example, you should follow the steps of this tutorial : https://support.rackspace.com/how-to/dovecot-installation-and-configuration-on-centos/
Then you would be able to connect Outlook (or any other mail client) to your local Postfix mail directory from any server that is connected to the same local network
Hope it helps !

ADFS 3.0 Error Event IDs 273 and 364 on windows 2012 r2

I am currently working on creating a custom MFA for my company to use to log in to a windows machine. I found the examples provided through two different blogs, but when I try to login using the second authentication method, I get back the following errors**(https:// removed from all links due to reputation limits)**:
**273:**The request specified an assertion consumer service that is not configured or not supported on the relying party 'domain/adfs/ls/'.
Request parameters: '', '', ''
Relying party: domain/adfs/ls/
This request failed.
User Action
Use the AD FS Management snap-in to configure an assertion consumer service with the specified parameters for this relying party. Also, check whether the artifact resolution service is enabled if the SAML artifact is requested.
I have made sure that adfs/ls/ is enabled, and is listed as an identifier in the relying party trust
364: Encountered error during federation passive request.
Additional Data
Protocol Name:
Relying Party:
Exception details:
Microsoft.IdentityServer.Service.Policy.PolicyServer.Engine.AssertionConsumerServiceNotFoundPolicyException: MSIS3110: Cannot find AssertionConsumerService configured on the relying party trust 'domain/adfs/ls/' that matches the request parameters: AssertionConsumerServiceIndex=, AssertionConsumerServiceUrl='', ProtocolBinding=''.
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.Protocols.Saml.SamlProtocolManager.Issue(HttpSamlRequestMessage httpSamlRequestMessage, SecurityTokenElement onBehalfOf, String sessionState, String relayState, String& newSamlSession, String& samlpAuthenticationProvider, Boolean isUrlTranslationNeeded, WrappedHttpListenerContext context, Boolean isKmsiRequested)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.Protocols.Saml.SamlProtocolHandler.RequestBearerToken(WrappedHttpListenerContext context, HttpSamlRequestMessage httpSamlRequest, SecurityTokenElement onBehalfOf, String relyingPartyIdentifier, Boolean isKmsiRequested, Boolean isApplicationProxyTokenRequired, String& samlpSessionState, String& samlpAuthenticationProvider)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.Protocols.Saml.SamlProtocolHandler.BuildSignInResponseCoreWithSerializedToken(HttpSamlRequestMessage httpSamlRequest, WrappedHttpListenerContext context, String relyingPartyIdentifier, SecurityTokenElement signOnTokenElement, Boolean isKmsiRequested, Boolean isApplicationProxyTokenRequired)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.Protocols.Saml.SamlProtocolHandler.BuildSignInResponseCoreWithSecurityToken(SamlSignInContext context, SecurityToken securityToken, SecurityToken deviceSecurityToken)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.Protocols.Saml.SamlProtocolHandler.Process(ProtocolContext context)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.PassiveProtocolListener.ProcessProtocolRequest(ProtocolContext protocolContext, PassiveProtocolHandler protocolHandler)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.PassiveProtocolListener.OnGetContext(WrappedHttpListenerContext context)
I have tried to add additional claim methods and adjust the federated services identifier URL. I have also tried manually setting up the relying party trust as well as using the Federation xml.
I know that Error ID 364 tends to be generic, covering many different things, but it typically goes along with the second errors that I get when trying different fixes. However, I always find myself back here.
Here is the custom MFA that I followed: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn783423.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
I also compared with this one: http://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/cloudpfe/2014/02/01/how-to-create-a-custom-authentication-provider-for-active-directory-federation-services-on-windows-server-2012-r2-part-2/
I am new to servers, so it's possible that something is set up wrong in that. However, the only warning that I am still getting is about the UPN (event ID 415): The SSL certificate does not contain all UPN suffix values that exist in the enterprise. Users with UPN suffix values not represented in the certificate will not be able to Workplace-Join their devices.
Any guidance as to what to try next would be much appreciated.

DNN 7 - SMTP Test in host settings work, but can't send emails in contact forms

All the sites on this DNN installation stopped sending emails yesterday. When you try and test SMTP in host settings, it sends the test email without any issues.
At first I thought my IP might be blacklisted, but then surely the SMTP test would also fail?
I'm pretty sure the Test SMTP setting in Host directly calls the send mail service in DNN's API. But many other emails are queued up for dispatch for scalability.
Check to see if your "Messaging Dispatch" job in Host > Scheduler has been disabled. If not, check the history by clicking the Log icon on the right-hand side of the schedule tasks list. See if there are errors logged in there.
If all is good there, check your Logs in /Portals/_default/Logs for any issues related to messaging or SMTP.
I would start by checking to see if you have defined a valid (usable) email address on your ADMIN account. DNN will "send" emails from whatever the Administrator is in the site settings, so check the email address on that user's profile, make sure that the email/domain is valid and the SMTP settings you are using are allowed to send from that domain.
If you are developed contact-form dynamic module in your DesktopModules folder then you have to call below DNN SendMail method in your submit button click event.
DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.Mail.SendMail(FromEmailAddress, ToEmailAddress, CCEmailAddress, BCCEmailAddress,
EmailBodyMessage, "", "", "", "", "");

How can i receive Salesforce Outbound Message from Mule?

I have use Outbound Message in salesforce. When the Trigger is Occur on the particular object outbound Message to pass particular End URL. here I want to receive the Outbound Message from the Mulesoft(EndPoint URL) . I have tried HTTP,UDP,TCP,Genric these Kind of endpoint URL but its not working. How i can Use the Mulesoft end point URL. by using Local host its possible or not. Because I have used Localhost:8081 this kind of URL only. what are all the way i have to receive salesforce outbound Message. Thanks
The target of the outbound message must be accessible from the web. It has to have some meaningful domain name or IP address (and if you're behind a firewall you need to allow messages from SF pool of IP addresses to pass through).
Testing can be a bit of a tricky wicket if you are not developing on a
machine that is accessible from the internet. Following the sample, we
have deployed our web service to localhost:8080. It is not possible
for the salesforce.com servers to make a request to that address.

Java Mail API Relaying denied error

I am facing some weird problem, I have installed the SMTP server on my AIX box and I am successful to send email using the following command:
mailx -s "Hola Mundo" email#domain.com < /tmp/test.txt
But when I am sending the email using the javamail api I am getting following exception, could you help me how to resolve that.
javax.mail.SendFailedException: Invalid Addresses;
nested exception is:
javax.mail.SendFailedException: 550 5.7.1 <email#domain.com>... Relaying denied
at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.rcptTo(SMTPTransport.java:632)
at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.sendMessage(SMTPTransport.java:306)
at SendMailUsage.main(SendMailUsage.java:59)
and I am sure my email address is perfect one.
Check out the RFC 2821 (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), especially the part about STMP replies: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2821#section-4.2
Status reply starting with 5xx indicates a permanent error. In your case your SMTP server is not configured to route mails to your given destination address.
Issue has been resolved by modifying the sendMail.cf file on the server side. My aix admin informed me that it was due to some DNS issue, will update the solution as soon as I hear from him
