how to disable specific date in angular bootstrap datepicker - angularjs

I am using angular ui bootsrap datepicker with this version (2.5.0):!#datepicker
I want to disable specific dates. for example, every 29th and 30th on each month. how can i do it?


Voiceover should say as current date and current month in react-datepicker

I am using react modern calendar date picker module. I am trying to use aria-current attribute in the module to display as current date in accessibility. Anyone can able to help how to add aria-current attribute?

Calendar in row using React

Can anybody help me to build a calendar using react js.
I would like to achieve generating calendar after selecting the month and the year.
The calendar table would be like this

Is there a way to show month and year in dropdown in bootstrap ui datepicker

We are using bootstrap ui in our angularjs project. Is there a way to display years and month in drop-down in datepicker popup.

Datepicker angular directive for Bootstrap: Showing only months and years

I am using datepicker from Angular directives for bootstrap. I want to show only months and years in the datePicker pop-up, but could not find a way.
I tried the similar approach of Bootstrap datepicker by giving it as dateoptions, but it did not work. Using datepicker-mode="month" min-mode="month" also did not helped.
Please find here The link to plunker
What we can observer is clicking on month in the datepicker, switch it to month view. So, this can be done, but how?
I found this topic.
They resolved your problem with directive and Jquery.
You could take a look.
Angular-ui-bootstrap - Date Picker - How can I restrict access to the date-selector in popup?

How can I have Jalali calendar or Jalali Date Picker in Kendo UI?

I need Jalali calendar (Persian calendar) or Jalali date picker with kendo UI, But I don't know how can I have it?
Kendo UI currently supports only the Gregorian calendar. Persian calendar is not supported.
Kendo UI do not support Persian calendar but there is a Persian date picker that is built on top of KendoUI libraries. Here you can use it.
