Bootstrap 4 dropdown in react - toggle and close on click outside component - reactjs

I do want to use Bootstrap 4 in react natively (without 3rd party libs). The dropdown toggle (especially closing the dropdown-menu) must be controlled by a dedicated function. The reason is that the dropdown-menu must be able to receive multiple click events. The normal behavior by BS is that it's closing after the first click.
Bootstrap Documentation suggests to use $('.dropdown-toggle').dropdown() when using JavaScript but I'd prefer not to use jQuery and refs in react.
The following code is working but I doubt it is good practice. What's the best practice solution here?
toggleDropdown = () => {
document.getElementById("dropdownMenu").style.display = document.getElementById("dropdownMenu").style.display === "" ? "block" : "";
render() {
<div className="dropdown">
className="btn btn-secondary dropdown-toggle"
Dropdown button
<div id="dropdownMenu" className="dropdown-menu p-4 text-muted" style={{maxWidth: "200px"}}>
<p>Some example text that's free-flowing within the dropdown menu.</p>

First thought: ToggleDropdown can be written like this(more dynamic).
toggleDropdown = (e) => {
var elem =;
elem.contains('show') ? elem.remove('show') : elem.add('show');

This involves the basic usage of state in React.
class App extends React.Component {
state = {
show: false,
render() {
return (
<div className="dropdown">
onClick={() => this.setState((prevState) => ({ show: ! }))}
className="btn btn-secondary dropdown-toggle"
Dropdown button
{ && (
className="dropdown-menu p-4 text-muted"
style={{ maxWidth: '200px' }}
<p>Some example text that's free-flowing within the dropdown menu.</p>


Disable button after click in React

I have this piece of code but can't work out how I can disable the button after Pay is clicked:
} else if ( === "Pay by Cash") {
return (
<Tab.Pane eventKey={} key={key}>
<h6 className="mb-3 mt-0 mb-3">Cash</h6>
{this.state.paymentMethodSelectionError && this.state.paymentMethodSelectionError !== "" && <Alert key="error_div" variant="danger">{this.state.paymentMethodSelectionError}</Alert>}
<p>You are paying by cash</p>
<Form.Group className="mb-0">
<Button className="btn btn-success btn-block btn-lg"
onClick={() => {
selectedPaymentMethod: "not-charged",
}, () => {
PAY £{this.state.totalPay}<Icofont icon="long-arrow-right" /></Button>
Any help is appreciated
You can put a state for disabling your button:
this.state = {
disabled: false
In click function, change it to true:
const clickButton = () => {
this.setState({ disabled: true });
Then change your HTML to something like this:
<button type="button" disabled={ this.state.disabled }>Click Me!</button>
Declare a new state variable to take care of the disabled button:
const [buttonState,setButtonState]=useState(false)
Attach a onClick handler to disable the button and also manage the disabled property of the button.
<button onClick={()=>{ setButtonState(true)}} disabled={buttonState}> PAY </button>
You can use state to control the button state
Preview for both Functional and Class components
Codesandbox Preview Link

ReactJS and UIkit 3.6.5: click event isn't fired inside modal window

I develop an app on ReactJS and trying to configure UIkit modal window. The problem is that the click handler on the button("Save") does not work, the click event is basically not listened inside the modal window. I put the button out the modal window - click event works(the message appears in the console). Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Thanks for attention!
className="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-modal-close"
onClick={() => console.log("Click")}>Save</button> {/* It works */}
<button className="uk-button uk-button-primary" uk-toggle="target: #modal-save">Publish</button>
<div id="modal-save" uk-modal="true">
<div className="uk-modal-dialog uk-modal-body">
<p>Save changes?</p>
<p className="uk-text-right">
<button className="uk-button uk-button-default uk-modal-close" type="button">Cancel</button>
className="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-modal-close"
onClick={() => console.log("Click")}>Save</button> {/* Doesn't work */}
This problem is caused by changes in event delegation(React 17) -
I solved this with Portals( i.e.
const ModalPortal = props => {
const modalRoot = document.createElement('div');
modalRoot.setAttribute('uk-modal', 'bg-close: false'); = 'modal-save';
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
return ReactDOM.createPortal(props.children, modalRoot);
export default ModalPortal;
Then you should wrap modal content in parent element
// modal body
<span onClick={() => console.log('test')}>Test</span>

Append data in same page in button click with react Js

How can we list data from the array list on the same page in button click using react?
When user enter quantity setting value text box change event
class ProductList extends Component {
constructor(props) {
handleInputChange = event =>
const cart_values ='-');
let newCart = {};
this.setState(prevState => ({CartArray: [...prevState.CartArray, newCart]}))
viewCart = () => {
//What need to write here show data from CartArray:[] to my basket
Below is my render method. Numerical text box change i am setting in state value
render() {
return (
<div className="card" style={{ marginBottom: "10px"}}>
<div> <button className="btn btn-sm btn-warning float-right" onClick={this.viewCart}>View cart</button></div>
{, key) =>(
<div className="card-body">
<div className="card-title" key={key} value={key}>{product.ProductName}
<img src= {`data:image/jpeg;base64,${product.Image2}`} width="200" height="80" />{product.Brand}
<button className="btn btn-sm btn-warning float-right"
onClick={this.addToCart}>Add to cart</button>
<input type="number" min="0" pattern="[0-9]*" onInput={this.handleInputChange.bind(this)} name={`Name${key}-${product.ProductName}-${product.Brand}`} />
If by show you mean to show on screen, not inside viewCart but in separate method render()
{ => {
<p>Key: {product.Key} </p>
<p>ProductName: {product.ProductName} </p>
<p>ProductBrand: {product.ProductBrand} </p>

How to show button while hover over box using react?

I am working on a project, it is an online shop in react.
I would like to make "Quick view" and "Add to cart" buttons visible only while hovering over the product box they're in. Also, they should be clickable. Code of the ProductBox below`
const ProductBox = ({ name, price, promo, stars }) => (
<div className={styles.root}>
<div className={}>
{promo && <div className={}>{promo}</div>}
<div className={styles.buttons}>
<Button variant='small'>Quick View</Button>
<Button variant='small'>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faShoppingBasket}></FontAwesomeIcon> ADD TO CART
<div className={styles.content}>
<div className={styles.stars}>
{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(i => (
<a key={i} href='#'>
{i <= stars ? (
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faStar}>{i} stars</FontAwesomeIcon>
) : (
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={farStar}>{i} stars</FontAwesomeIcon>
<div className={styles.line}></div>
<div className={styles.actions}>
<div className={styles.outlines}>
<Button variant='outline'>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faHeart}>Favorite</FontAwesomeIcon>
<Button variant='outline'>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faExchangeAlt}>Add to compare</FontAwesomeIcon>
<div className={styles.price}>
<Button noHover variant='small'>
$ {price}
Please follow the below code:
import React, {useState} from "react";
export default function ShowButtonHover() {
const [style, setStyle] = useState({display: 'none'});
return (
<div className="App">
<h2>Hidden Button in the box. Move mouse in the box</h2>
<div style={{border: '1px solid gray', width: 300, height: 300, padding: 10, margin: 100}}
onMouseEnter={e => {
setStyle({display: 'block'});
onMouseLeave={e => {
setStyle({display: 'none'})
<button style={style}>Click</button>
EDIT: made a codesandbox to make it easier
A way to achieve this can be through these steps:
Add onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave handlers to the component you want to trigger the rendering of the buttons, so ProductBox in your case
Give the default class of your buttons a property of display = none
Switch the display to block for example when the event handlers are triggered.
If you are keeping a stateless component for your implementation:
const [display, setDisplay]=useState('notdisplayed');, with notdisplayed the default class with display=none
<div className={display}> on the components you want to hide/show
Call setDisplay in the onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave definition

React Rendering Multiple Modals in Same Component

I'm new to React and to coding in general. I'm trying to render multiple modals in the same component, but they are all being rendered at the same time so that it looks like all the links are rendering the text in the last modal.
Here's where the state is set:
class Header extends React.Component {
constructor () {
this.state = {open:false}
this.openModal = this.openModal.bind(this);
this.closeModal = this.closeModal.bind(this);
this.handleModalChangeEnter = this.handleModalChange.bind(this, true);
this.handleModalChangeLogin = this.handleModalChange.bind(this, false);
openModal () {
this.setState({open: true}); }
closeModal () {
this.setState({open: false}); }
render() {
And here's the modal construction:
return (
<header style={home}>
<div style={hello}>
<img style={logo} src='public/ycHEAD.png'/>
<p style={slogan}>One Calendar for All of Yerevan's Tech Events</p>
<div style={subContainer}>
<ul style={modalDirectory}>
<Button onClick={this.openModal}
<li><a style={tabs}>Enter
<Modal style={modalCont}
<button onClick={this.closeModal}
<button onClick={this.openModal}
<li><a style={tabs}>Login
<Modal style={modalCont}
<button onClick={this.closeModal}
Should there be a value in the empty parentheses -> openModal() & closeModal() ?
A friend helped me out with this one. The top half of code remains the same, what changes is in the modal construction (some really helpful aesthetic changes were also made to the 'html'):
return (
<header style={home}>
<div style={hello}>
<img style={logo} src='public/ycHEAD.png'/>
<p style={slogan}>One Calendar for All of Yerevan's Tech Events</p>
<div style={subContainer}>
<ul style={modalDirectory}>
<li style={tabs}>
onClick={() => this.openModal('login')}
<li style={tabs}>
onClick={() => this.openModal('calendar')}
<li style={tabs}>
onClick={() => this.openModal('team')}
Meet Us
isOpen={this.state.activeModal === 'login'}>
<button onClick={this.closeModal}
isOpen={this.state.activeModal === 'calendar'}>
<button onClick={this.closeModal}
isOpen={this.state.activeModal === 'team'}>
<button onClick={this.closeModal}
If anyone else can provide a thorough explanation, please do so! Also, there is another way to do this using 'bind', but I don't know how.
I have created similar approach but more detailed model for those who need this solution when using "react-modal". It's not clear in question above if react-modal was used or not because import section is missing, but seems to have references to it. For those who are looking for solution using react-modal to display multiple modals in same component, so here is solution and demo :
import React from "react";
import Modal from "react-modal";
class MutipleButtonsWithModalInSameComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
showModal: false,
activeModal: "",
this.handleOpenModal = this.handleOpenModal.bind(this);
this.handleCloseModal = this.handleCloseModal.bind(this);
handleOpenModal(val) {
this.setState({ activeModal: val });
this.setState({ showModal: true });
handleCloseModal() {
this.setState({ showModal: false });
this.setState({ showModal: "" });
render() {
{/* {'one item with modal link -login'} */}
<div className="icon">
onClick={() => this.handleOpenModal("login")}
login (modal popup)
this.state.showModal &&
this.state.activeModal === "login"
contentLabel="login Modal"
<div className="content">
<button className="close" onClick={this.handleCloseModal}>X</button>
<p>login content in here</p>
{/* {'another item with modal link calendar, add more by mutiplying this below'} */}
<div className="icon">
onClick={() => this.handleOpenModal("calendar")}
calendar (modal popup)
this.state.showModal &&
this.state.activeModal === "calendar"
contentLabel="calendar Modal"
<div className="content">
<button className="close" onClick={this.handleCloseModal}>X</button>
<p>calendar content in here...</p>
{/* {'another item with modal link team, add more by mutiplying this below'} */}
<div className="icon">
onClick={() => this.handleOpenModal("team")}
team (modal popup)
this.state.showModal &&
this.state.activeModal === "team"
contentLabel="team Modal"
<div className="content">
<button className="close" onClick={this.handleCloseModal}>X</button>
<p>team content in here...</p>
export default MutipleButtonsWithModalInSameComponent;
Here is a stackblitz link or demo
You can do it in two ways.
1) Simple but doesn't scale: Maintain different state variables and functions for each Modal. i.e.,
this.state = {openModal1:false, openModal2:false}
this.openModal1 = this.openModal1.bind(this);
this.closeModal1 = this.closeModal1.bind(this);
this.openModal2 = this.openModal2.bind(this);
this.closeModal2 = this.closeModal2.bind(this);
As we can see, the problem with this is redundancy of the code.
2) Use functions to eliminate redundancy: Maintain a function to change the content of the modal.
class Header extends React.Component {
constructor () {
this.state = {open:false, ModalContent:''}
this.openModal = this.openModal.bind(this);
this.closeModal = this.closeModal.bind(this);
this.handleModalChangeEnter = this.handleModalChange.bind(this);
this.handleModalChangeLogin = this.handleModalChange.bind(this);
openModal () {
this.setState({open: true}); }
closeModal () {
this.setState({open: false}); }
handleModalChange1() {
this.setState({ ModalContent : '<h1>Modal1 Content</h1>'
handleModalChange2() {
this.setState({ ModalContent : '<h1>Modal2 Content</h1>'
render() {
Modal Construction Should be :
return (
<header style={home}>
<div style={hello}>
<img style={logo} src='public/ycHEAD.png'/>
<p style={slogan}>One Calendar for All of Yerevan's Tech Events</p>
<div style={subContainer}>
<ul style={modalDirectory}>
<button onClick={this.handleModalChange1}
<li><a style={tabs}>Enter
<button onClick={this.handleModalChange2}
<li><a style={tabs}>Login
<Modal style={modalCont}
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: this.state.ModalContent}} />
<button onClick={this.closeModal}
