how to implement locale using ant design plugin in react application - reactjs

I am trying to build application using ant design library. I have an application with home page and want to use localization so application uses locale from browser and displays accordingly.
I searched ant design supports it but could not find example to see how its implemented.
Any pointer or sample apps showing how its done will be really helpful.


Full text PDF search application with React JS

I'm developing a side project using ReactJS & React Native which lists the matching PDF files from a network location based on user "full text" search. I have used windows search service with ASP.NET mvc for the same project.
Looking for guidance to implement the same app using react, react-native with more separation of concerns and platform independent (not relying on windows search service). Sorry if this is a vague question. appreciate if get any guidance here.

Responsive design using reactJs

I'am using Reactjs for the first time and I want to make my website responsive .
So, Is there a library helps me to get a responsive design ?
thank you.
So this isn't something that React will do for you as building a responsive site is something more along the css that you decide to use.
What I would recommend you adding to your react project is another project like bootstrap which will give you the power to create a responsive website. It also has a lot of other basics that you can use in your project to build upon. Specifically for the responsive overview you will want to check out this link =>

QooxDoo Application Types

I am new to qooxdoo framework I have few questions,
In all the sample QX.Website apps provided there was no QXTheme defined in config.json, is it like themes are used in a different way instead of config.json or how?
Is qooxdoo is like replacement for jquery or will be used together with jquery. Since jquery has lot of plugins available. I am not finding qooxdoo as easy as jquery
3.QX.Desktop is desktop feel like website or it is a desktop application itself, same for too?
I am working on a POC it will be of great help.
QX Website
Is cross-browser library that can help you build lightweight websites.
It main features are DOM selector, BOM and HTML abstraction layers, cross-browser keyboard and pointer events. As well some network abstractions for REST service and web storage. Οther functionality is provided through modules. There is no theming option because theming is done by regular css.
You can see an overview of the modules here.
QX mobile
Is the attempt to enable developers use the same principals as in qx.desktop to create web apps that have that feels likes a native app or you can simply use cordova or something else to ship your application inside any store.
QX Desktop
Is the way to go if you are building a single page application.
It has the feeling of a desktop application but this is only theming and it runs in the browser it doesn't run on desktop.
If you want to build a mobile app don't use qx mobile as I don't think is maintained appropriate anymore.
If you would like to have a more modern theme checkout the clean theme from sqville.
If your project have a lot of forms and think to use qookery as it will be easier. (Shameless plug I'm one of the contributors of qookery).

What is the most up-to-date approach to add my own Splash Screen in Sencha Touch

I need my own splash screen when starting up my app.
I use SenCha Touch + Cordova.
Searched and found several ways to do splash screens, however I do not think they are up-to-date.
I saw some code which tried to add a few lines of code into launch function, but the latest Sencha Touch does not do it in the app.js any more instead, it add the Main view to its viewport.
Also, I checked Sencha Touch doc and found
Class currently only works with Cordova and does not have a simulated
HTML counter part. Please see notes on Cordova Docs for proper Native
project code changes that will need to be made to use this plugin.
But it provides some methods after that statement :
newExt.device.Splashscreen( ) : Ext.device.Splashscreen
So I feel confused and don't know which one should I follow.
What is the latest approach to do the splash screen in Sencha Touch?
I currently have the exact same problem as you. Here is information I got from Sencha:
All splashscreen functionality is provided by the Cordova/Phonegap plugin. Our class methods are just convenience methods to the cordova native API and will provide a 'stub' for you if Cordova is not available so that your application does not bomb upon startup (no splashscreen shows, it's just that your app will not crash when trying to access an API that is not there).
In theory, if your application is built with Cordova/Phonegap and your splashscreen images are provided with the application build as specified by Cordova/Phonegap you would initiate a call to after the device is ready (as demonstrated in the example found in
The splashscreen feature is a native API, not one that is provided by Touch. You can, should you wish, provide your own coding in your index.html file of your native application which will manually display an image (much the same way we do the initial CSS flashing load indicator), but ultimately that would be up to you to implement manually.
I would suggest that you follow the Cordova guidelines, place your images in the res/drawable directory of your android project and let Cordova do all the hard work for you by just making a single call to when the device is ready and then calling Ext.device.Splashscreen.hide() in the launch area of your application to hide it when your app has rendered its view.
To include Cordova in your application, we now provide you with sencha cmd switches to enable Cordova. You can find more information here!/guide/cordova
Please note that you will have to download all required components of Cordova, modify the Cordova configuration files as outlined in the Cordova docs, and build the application using either the Cordova command line interface (CLI) or your favourite Android build IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ, etc).
Use this plugin
When you use this plugin and build locallym you have to place the icons and splashscreen in the res/ folder manually.

How to Start a Sencha Touch App

I'm excited to learn Sencha Touch and improve my HTML5, CSS3, and JS skills in order to eventually program for all mobile platforms instead of focusing on one-off languages. But I'm having trouble getting started.
Here's my question:
What is actually the bare minimum required for an application?
Here's why I'm confused:
I started with the Hello World demo where they use new Ext.Application()
Then I looked at Getting Started with Sencha Touch where they use Ext.setup()
Then I look at the Intro to Panels screencast where Drew Neil didn't use either!
Why do there seem to be so many different ways to start building a Sencha Touch app? How should I start my apps?
Thanks for setting me straight in advance,
-- Miles
Ext.setup() is the minimum, I think. It merely creates a page for a mobile device.
In the Intro to Panels (or at least the version at, you can see Ext.setup() at 0:54 (?)
new Ext.Application() and Ext.regApplication(config) do what Ext.setup() does, but also create an Application object, which is required to take advantage of various utility methods and things Sencha has created.
From the API docs: "Sencha Applications provide in-app deep linking and history support, allowing your users both to use the back button inside your application and to refresh the page and come back to the same screen even after navigating. In-app history support relies on the Routing engine, which maps urls to controller/action pairs."
Creating an application also automatically registers a new namespace:
//this code is run internally automatically when creating the app
Ext.ns('MyApp', 'MyApp.views', 'MyApp.stores', 'MyApp.models', 'MyApp.controllers');
