Acess call history using CallHistory.framework in iOS 11 - ios11

Is there any way to access call history in iOS 11 using Privateframework. I don't want to upload in appstore.


Launch to google play and iOS app store to download a different app

I have separate user and PRO app. If a user downloads the PRO app I would like to give them the option to download the user version with a simple button to take them to download the user version from the relevant store. I'm looking for some guidance on the best way to achieve this.
You can use CN.execute("uri of my app"). You can check the CN.getProperty("Platform", "android").equals("ios") to check if this is iOS and use the itunes URL. Otherwise you can use the Android URL.
On the desktop this will open the browser but on the device it will launch the appstore.
See this post:

iOS11 getUserMedia with apple web-app not working

Edit: Duplicate of How to access camera on iOS11 home screen web app?
I'm running into a problem with using a apple web-app together with camera access through the getUserMedia API.
I have some application that is working fine when accessed through safari, it asks for persmission to use the camera and upon approval I can see the camera feed. But if I save this same page to the home screen as an web-app this does not work anymore. There is no prompt for camera access, which seems to be the problem as it is not enabled by default.
The line that gives the problems is a meta tag which enables full screen for a web application on iOS.
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
Anyone know what is going on here and why this fails? Do I need to set camera permission somehow through a meta tag also?
Thanks in advance!
Apple has removed the ability to use getUserMedia inside a UIWebView, WKWebView, SFSafariViewController, or a webpage that has been "added to the home screen".
The reasoning is not clear, however I do not believe this to be a bug.
An Apple staff member wrote this about WebRTC in iOS 11:
...right now, WebRTC is only supported in Safari. No WKWebView, not even SFSafariViewController.
And I can confirm that this includes the UIWebView as well (through personal tesing).
The navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia function is back in iOS 14.3 which got out yesterday. (Make sure you are not using the navigator.getUserMedia which is deprecated).
We'll be using it in Cordova, I'll update this post if we find some instabilities.
Don't forget to use the playinline attribute in your <video> element if you don't want the video to start in fullscreen.

How to get notifications when app was closed/minimized using Codename one for Android and ios

I have developed my app to get notifications while it was minimized , but our Requirement is to get notifications even app was closed , how can i implement this using codename one,anyone please help me
Thanks in Advance.
Push notification and background notifications both work when the app is closed and should show an entry in the pulldown menu as long as the push type isn't 2 or something like that.

Local AngularJS application hosted in WKWebView

I have a hybrid application built using a WKWebView. I have gotten around the loading local files issue, but I am having trouble loading an AngularJS application from local files. I am getting the following error:
Cross origin requests are only supported fro HTTP.
With Android I was able to update setting on the WebView control to allow this from file:// schemes. Is there anything similar that I am missing in iOS? Or another solution?
I am using XCode 6.3 (6D570)
This is a known issue with WKWebView in iOS 8, and I suspect that's why UIWebView remains undeprecated.
I haven't had time to use the betas yet, but my only suggestion is to give the latest Xcode 7/iOS 9 a shot, and use the new WKWebView API
- (WKNavigation * _Nullable)loadFileURL:(NSURL * _Nonnull)URL allowingReadAccessToURL:(NSURL * _Nonnull)readAccessURL
which would ideally let you pull in other HTML files as templates in the readAccessURL that you provide.
Please file any bugs you see in the latest beta. Apple is way too slow to move on the issues in WKWebView.
If you just need the Angular app to work now, then you'll need to switch to UIWebView, which is confirmed to work with angular-based webapps stored on the device.

How to update location in ionic from background?

So in my app i need to send my location's coordinates every 5 minutes through web service, I need to send it when app is in background state also. I am using background-geolocation plugin. Anyone please help me to do that. Thanks in advance
The other way running prcocess in background is by using android core if you know that.
I was also facing the problem of running process in background. I have installed the background plugin too. But it did not work. Then i wrote a customized code in android.
Steps i followed.
1.) Stored the data in cordova prefrences.
2.) Fetch the data from prefrences in android core file( a java file).
3.) Written service in android that check the prefrences after every 2 minutes.
I know this is quiet tuff but this was the only solution i got in hybrid app.
