Has anyone been successful in implementing google optimize in a SPA React App? - reactjs

I am fairly new to the Google Analytics Suite and am currently trying to integrate Google Optimize for A/B testing in a react app.
I have gotten to the point where the variant changes display on the desired web page, but only in Preview mode, and am stumped as to how to proceed to viewing the variant changes on a live site.
So far:
google optimize scripts are installed in app
<style>.async-hide { opacity: 0 !important} </style>
<script>(function(a,s,y,n,c,h,i,d,e){s.className+=' '+y;h.start=1*new Date;
h.end=i=function(){s.className=s.className.replace(RegExp(' ?'+y),'')};
ga tracking is setup using ReactGA
GTM is setup and is firing tags to track
firing google optimize experiments on custom activation event and using dataLayer to push new events
const initializeReactGa = () => {
console.log('called to initialize react ga');
ReactGA.ga('require', config.optimizeTag);
ReactGA.pageview(window.location.pathname + window.location.search);
const googleOptimizeLoader = () => {
console.log('called google optimize loader');
if(window.dataLayer) {
window.dataLayer.push({'event': 'optimize.activate'})
The problem
unable to see variant changes in live site (without preview running)
Any help is appreciated.
Was able to determine the issues were not with the setup. The issue was that google optimize's cookie management was unable to set the required cookie for the expirement on localhost:3000, but rather a custom domain pointing to localhost, similar to XXXX.local:3000.

This might be what you are looking for
How to Add Google Optimize A/B Testing to Your React App in 10 Lines of Code


How to create a Google web app using Google Apps Script, React, and MobX

I found react-google-apps-script project on GitHub, and it seems to be able to make my dreams of a React-based Google Apps Script project a reality. For a while, since I learned React (and MobX), I've been wanting to use it inside Google Apps Script projects!
Per the documentation, however, it seems to only work on dialog windows... :'(
That being said, I have a freelancing client who is looking for a UI that can interact with her Google Sheets, to which the most reasonable approach would be to create a web app. I've created Google Apps Script based web apps in the past, in fact it was my very first exposure to it. It seems like they only support raw HTML templates and jQuery .
However, knowing all that I know now, I'd like to create a simple React + MobX MVVM-based web app on the Google Apps Script. How can we use this project to get that done?
UPDATE: I should have read more carefully! This is embarassing!!
From looking at src/server/ui.js, I see that is how the main use case, injecting React project into the modals in Google Apps Script projects that control Google Spreadsheets, even gets to happen.
Here is the code from that file:
export const onOpen = () => {
const menu = SpreadsheetApp.getUi()
.createMenu('My Sample React Project') // edit me!
.addItem('Sheet Editor', 'openDialog')
.addItem('Sheet Editor (Bootstrap)', 'openDialogBootstrap')
.addItem('About me', 'openAboutSidebar');
export const openDialog = () => {
const html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('dialog-demo')
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html, 'Sheet Editor');
export const openDialogBootstrap = () => {
const html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('dialog-demo-bootstrap')
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html, 'Sheet Editor (Bootstrap)');
export const openAboutSidebar = () => {
const html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('sidebar-about-page');
It is worth noting that this will transpile to the back-end Google Apps Script code.
This means that we could customize this and make this more general, by editing out the onOpen method. I see it is developer's responsibility to do that :P
Great project! It's easy to follow, and I can see how I can make this my own, with MobX and MVVM!

Google Analytics implementation in shopify public app

We have a shopify embedded public app(An embedded app is rendered inside iframe) created using node , next js and react js.
We have requirement the google analytics in our application.
We are the facing the following problems when implementing the same
Custom events not being send to the Google Analytics on triggering from the component level.
We are not getting any console errors and call is reaching the analytics library and is not
send from there.
Sometimes when the page is refreshed and reloaded, The active users in GA dashboard appears to be zero.
I am using the gtag.js implementation and the below is the code snippet:

Integrate Google Analytics Measurement Id with React JS

I am creating a new web project in Google Analytics.
Why am i getting a Measurement iD instead of Tracking ID?
How can i connect Measurement ID with React JS?
Can i give localhost URL in website URL?
I have added below code in my App.js but it is not getting integrated with Google Analytics
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
I suggest you create a Universal Analytics Property (as shown in following image) and use the relative identifier UA-XXXXXXX-X because Google Analytics 4 Property ID (G-XXXXXXXX) currently has the measurement protocol in alpha version, also React does not support it yet:
Create a new property, with selected "Create a Universal Analytics property".
It'll show you tracking id.

Google Analytics 4 with React

I've been trying to use react-ga package with google analytics 4 in my app. The measurement id doesn't work with it and there is no tracking code in google analytics 4 I can use. Please, I need help!
import ReactGA from 'react-ga';
const trackingId = 'G-XXXXXXXXXX'; // UA-XXXXXXXXX-X isn't available in GA4
ReactGA.initialize(trackingId, options);
The code you entered in the example, G-XXXXXXXXXX , refers to the new Google Analytics 4 which, being a different system from the previous one and does not work (yet) with that plugin.
So you can follow the instructions mentioned in the answer of #Shyam or (and I suggest you because GA4 is too unripe at the moment) create a Universal Analytics type Property and use its ID (UA-XXXXX-X) with the plugin you indicated. You can find it by clicking on Show advanced options (when you create a new property):
.. react-ga does not work with Google Analytics 4.
Use ga-4-react instead: https://github.com/unrealmanu/ga-4-react
npm i ga-4-react
By adding
import GA4React from "ga-4-react";
const ga4react = new GA4React("G-XXXXXXXXXX");
Thanks to the comments, I updated this post a little. I added a try/catch (for preventing AddBlocker Crashes) and a setTimeout.
The ".catch()"-Methode should be trailed to "ga4react.initialize()" to handle errors inside the initialize promise.
Analytics Systems should not be loaded at the beginning of a Page load. React apps are mostly single page applications, so this code is only loaded once (if needed you can replace "4000" milliseconds to "0").
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import App from "./App";
import GA4React from "ga-4-react";
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
try {
setTimeout(_ => {
const ga4react = new GA4React("G-XXXXXXXXXX");
ga4react.initialize().catch(err => console.error(err));
}, 4000);
} catch (err) {
// G-XXXXXXXXXX is your MESS-ID from Google Analytics
How to find the MESS-ID in Google Analytics 4 (new) properties =>
Google Analytics 4 is different from pre ga 4.
react-ga does not support this yet.
You may need to do this manually
Background: There are 2 types of Google Analytics properties: Universal Analytics (UA-xxxxxxxxx-x) which is deprecated with the end of life on 2023.07.01 and Google Analytics 4 property (G-xxxxxxxxxx) which is the replacement.
react-ga was popular for Universal Analytics but the maintainer doesn't plan to update it (related issues: 1, 2, 3) and it had maintenance issues (1). react-ga4 and ga-4-react popped up as replacements but since these are similar wrappers you're at the mercy of the maintainers to implement and support all functionality.
The simplest way to get started is to follow Google's guide: include gtag on the page and use it as window.gtag. This method works for both old and new tags and there's even TypeScript support via #types/gtag.js. The script can be loaded async as recommended.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- ... -->
src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-xxxxxxxxxx" >
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'G-xxxxxxxxxx')
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
Keep in mind that Google Analytics does automatic page tracking, but this will not work for every use case. For example, hash and search parameter changes are not tracked. This can lead to a lot of confusion. For example, when using HashRouter or anchor links the navigation will not be tracked. To have full control over page view tracking you can disable automatic tracking. See for a detailed explanation: The Ultimate Guide to Google Analytics (UA & GA4) on React (Or Anything Else
Manual page tracking: https://stackoverflow.com/a/63249329/2771889
You can see this working in cra-typescript-starter where I'm also setting the tag from an env var.
react-ga does not work with GA-4. I will also say that in react-ga's issues, the owner has said that unless someone creates a PR, he does not intend to add GA-4 support. The project is also not well maintained anymore.
You could theoretically create a universal property in the GA admin dashboard for backwards compatibility with earlier GA versions. At that point, you could use react-ga, but your best bet is to use ga-4-react instead: https://github.com/unrealmanu/ga-4-react
npm i ga-4-react
I will add on to #TG___ 's answer. The code he provided in his answer is a good start, but I will mention that it typically crashes the app if someone has an adblocker (adblocker blocks analytics request endpoints, no error handling, etc).
ERROR: Loading failed for the with source “https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js”
... Below is an expansion of his code to use the promise that ga4react.initialize() returns. This way, you can essentially detect whether the script didn't load and hence derive if the user has an adblocker that's preventing the GA script from loading. In my example code, I just ignore it and load the app... in other scenarios, I suppose you could invoke a modal to tell them to disable it (of course, that would come with extra code).
By adding
await ga4react.initialize()
to your index.js in src GA-4 will start and add a pageview. Works also with react-router without adding any code. By the Promise (await) you have to wrap it into an async-function (below as a closure).
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import App from "./App";
const ga4react = new GA4React("G-XXXXXXXXXX");
(async _ => {
await ga4react.initialize()
.then(res => console.log("Analytics Success."))
.catch(err => console.log("Analytics Failure."))
.finally(() => {
<App />
You may want to have a look at this package:
It offers the same API as the normal react-ga. So just change your package name from react-ga to react-ga4 and it should work.
Tried it myself and it works great!
There are 2 versions of google analytics
Google Analytics 4 ( the updated one )
Universal Analytics ( the older one )
react-ga works fine with Universal Analytics as it takes the Tracking Id to initialize the connection between react and google analytics.
The problem is that whenever a user creates a new account, GA4 is being offered by default. But the GA4 doesn't have the Tracking Id that is required. GA4 has the Measurement ID but the react-ga doesn't want it. So we need the Tracking Id in order to set up the react-ga in our react app.
So the solution is, "Either downgrade from GA4 to Universal Analytics or Create a property that contains both of them as in GA4 and Universal Analytics together."
I would recommend watching the following videos:
GA4 vs Universal Analytics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6WxUEk6clw
How to downgrade or keep both: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRmb0jMNUKU
You probably know about the react-ga npm package but the sad news is, it does not work with the latest Google Analytics 4 version. It works with the old UA-0000-01 tags that was associated with Universal Analytics , but not with the G-XXXXXX tags that is Google Analytics 4. Universal Analytics will stop working in the near future.
To tackle this issue you should start using react-ga4 npm package which supports Google Analytics 4.
Universal analytics properties will stop collecting data starting july 1, 2023. it’s recommended that you create a google analytics 4 property instead.
Reference: Google Analytics Support
Doesn't specifically answer the question. But, you can create a Firebase web app to log events. Worked for me as a workaround to get data into Google Analytics as it does not seem like you can create a UA identifier to me anymore.
Adblock. Disable your Ad Block extension.
It took me quiet a few long and painful hours to realize that the problem was with an Ad Block chrome extension.
Once I disabled the extension, the events started to trigger.

How to keep user logged in when migrating from cordova to react native

I have a cordova app on the App Store and Google Play store. I am preparing a major update to the app by changing the framework to React Native. However, when the user updates the app they lose all login info and they are logged out from the app after the update. How can I persist the user from cordova to react native?
I also had a similar problem, where I needed to preserve information to keep the user logged in the migration process, the bookstores I used to carry out the process were these, I know it's an old question, but if anyone faces the same problem, you can follow this one solution.
It consists of installing a plugin in the Cordova app, to prepare the information so that the React update can be retrieved using another specific library, that is, it will be necessary to launch a last Cordova update in the store, to later launch in React.
React Native library:
Cordova plugin:
To save information via cordova:
var sharedPreferences = window.plugins.SharedPreferences.getInstance('settings');
sharedPreferences.put('foo', 'bar', function () { }, function () { });
To retrieve information in react native:
await DefaultPreference.setName('settings');
DefaultPreference.get('foo').then(value => console.log(value) /*print bar*/ );
It's a clumsy solution, but it was the only one I found and it worked for me, this method can only handle string information, so if I need to save something more complex, I recommend using JSON.stringify/JSON.parse, and depending on the information saved, I recommend clean up after recovering what you need:
Remembering that you must ensure that the React application launched for Android must have the same package/signature key as the Cordova version, for this solution to work, otherwise the information cannot be retrieved.
For further questions I recommend reading the documentation of both repositories.
