Height issues in react web app - reactjs

My theme size is not coming 100%.I am having a background which render inside the react app. But when i am running this code, my background is not coming 100% based on the screen size.

Because you did not include any code at all, it is very hard to help.
But: Because in React a component isn't allowed to have more than one child elements many "unused" divs are used. So my advice would be to get into the Developer Tool and search from the top (html > body > #root > etc) for a top level div that isn't the full height and style it to take the full viewport height (height: 100vh)

You can assign min-height: 100vh to the element of with your background, but it's like a quick fix solution.
If you want to fix issue properly, please include a snippet of your code

const backgroundbg={
backgroundImage: 'url(' + Bgimg + ')', // ES6
backgroundSize: "cover",
backgroundPosition: "center",
minHeight: "100vh"
this code works for me, it resolve my issues.


Not displaying Background image at the time of Build in React js

Hi my app running good at localhost but when I create build then Background image not displaying.
my code is.
<div style={{ backgroundImage:"url("+require("assets/img/bg.jpg")+")", height: "400px",
backgroundSize: "cover",
backgroundPosition: "center top"}}>
Result at localhost as below
But at live server empty header with path
When I inspect this path then showing like this.
background-image: url(./static/media/bg6.488bc24….jpg);
Please help with thanks
You can try importing the image outside of the function instead of requiring it.
PS:- You can kindly attach a SS of your build folder for further info.
Perhaps, upon build, programmatically defined path is being changed or appoints to an undesired resource.
You could try to modify your DOM and apply css, by adding a dedicated tag, like so:
Put your file to public folder and replace require with string with path.
For example put file to public/assets/img/bg.jpg
And change path:
backgroundImage: "url(/assets/img/bg.jpg)"
or you can use import and put imported image to img (src prop).

Is pointerEvents: 'box-none' broken in React 18.1.0?

We've been using pointerEvents: 'box-none' for a particular View where we want the things behind it to be clickable. From the React docs: https://reactnative.dev/docs/view
'box-none': The View is never the target of touch events but its subviews can be. It behaves like if the view had the following classes in CSS:
.box-none {
pointer-events: none;
.box-none * {
pointer-events: auto;
But we just updated to React 18, and now that view seems to be snagging all of the pointer events instead of letting them pass through to the background.
Any ideas what might be going wrong? Any fix suggestions?
From React docs in the yellow box:
"Since pointerEvents does not affect layout/appearance, and we are already deviating from the spec by adding additional modes, we opt to not include pointerEvents on style. On some platforms, we would need to implement it as a className anyways. Using style or not is an implementation detail of the platform."
so you need to put it as direct prop on the ViewElement like this:
<View pointerEvents="box-none"></View>
instead of:
<View style={{pointerEvents: 'box-none'}}></View>

Material-UI adds padding to the body tag when a dialog is opened

I am using Material-UI in my react application. Recently, I updated my packages to the latest version. Now, when I open a dialog in my application, padding-right: 17px; will be added to the body tag.
I also checked the Material-UI site, and this is happening on their website too with dialogs.
Is this a bug with the new version of Material-UI?
How can I remove this padding from the body tag when opening a dialog?
Update: This padding will be added to the body tag with Drawer, Menu, Dialog, and Popover components.
as it was mentioned by #Reins you can use disableScrollLock property. The thing is sometimes this property is nested on components's input so you need to use inputProps in order to set it. Here is an example with Select component:
inputProps={{MenuProps: {disableScrollLock: true}}}
Sometimes you may want to dig into MUI codebase in order to figure out how to apply some nested element's properties.
Just give disableScrollLock={ true }.
I think it will solve the issue because I had the same.
I added disableScrollLock prop to my Dialog Component.
It worked.
You can use a mui-fixed class for handling this issue, it's helpful for me.
Here is a link for material UI mui-fixed document :
Hope this will help anyone.
For me the solution was to add
overflow: auto;
to the #root selector:
#root {
... other css that was there before
overflow: auto;
I add in my main css file the following snippet of code and I get rid of body margins:
body {
margin: 0;
I realized this came from a parent Container. I just added this and it worked for me. Also realized this is adaptive to screen size, so this code is applied to all the sizes from xs and up breakpoints.
[theme.breakpoints.up("xs")]: {
padding: 0

Show value from database in array

I want to display entire content of my database table on html page.I am trying to fetch record from database first and store in ArrayList. What is the best way to do it in java using PostgreSql database ??????
You are using iframes to embed those “previews”, I assume?
In that case, you could achieve this by making the iframe element itself larger, and then use transform: scale() to scale it down again to the target size.
Check the following example – I used example.com for the iframe content, that site is not responsive, as you can see in the first 200px*200px iframe.
The second iframe is 500px*500px – and scaled down by a factor of .4, which is effectively 200px again. Since scaling an element down this way still leaves the space it would have taken originally reserved, it is placed inside a div element that cuts of that overflow.
iframe, #i2 { width: 200px; height: 200px; }
#i2 { overflow: hidden; display: inline-block; }
#i2 iframe { width: 500px; height: 500px; transform:scale(.4); transform-origin: top left; }
<iframe src="https://example.com/">
<div id="i2">
<iframe src="https://example.com/">
One thing you should be aware of, is that this will not work for just any website. Via the X-Frame-Options header websites can tell the browser, that they don’t want to be displayed in (i)frames on a different domain. In that case, you can’t do it client-side with iframes; you probably have to render a preview as an image server-side or something like that.
CSS Transforms can help you to downscale iframes.
See this example
Please also notice with iframes your mouse events are targeted to those pages.
You can use glass pane(s) over the iframes to capture these events or alternatively you can hide iframes and display their content with canvas.

Avoiding page break in pdf generation with salesforce

I must remove page break while generating pdf by visual force pdf, but whatever I try with css page-break-inside: avoid;, page-break-before: avoid; etc. is not working.
I want to remove all page breaks making it a continuous pdf page, but I cannot figure it out.
Instead of using CSS styling for the APEX component, try a div tag around the APEX components you want to not be broken apart with style="page-break-inside:avoid;"
//div style="width:100%;page-break-inside:avoid;"> APEX ///div>
This css page-break-inside: avoid;, page-break-before: avoid; works only when you need to iterate on components. If you are using inline pre-built css into page then you have to check following css related to body tag. like this:
body { box-sizing: border-box; height: 11in; margin: 0 auto; overflow: hidden; padding: 0.5in; width: 8.5in; }
Here I am using width and height with auto value.
