Angularjs hide row if another row is selected - angularjs

I have a html/angularjs table that contains the ff :
<tbody ng-repeat="x in Persons">
<a href"#" data-ng-click=" = !">
Sales Details
<td ng-show="">
<!--user sales details here-->
Currently, if I click on the first row it shows the details but I need to click it again to hide it. I want to hide the first row details if the 2nd row is clicked. How do I go about this?

Try this. i hope this what exactly what you want.
var app = angular.module("app", []);
app.controller("name", function($scope) {
$scope.showorhide = function(index){
var currentOption=$scope.Persons[index].show;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="name">
<tbody ng-repeat="x in Persons">
<td>First Name</td>
<a href"#/" style="color:red" ng-click="showorhide($index)">
<tr ng-show="">
<td >

you need a method for this
take a look
$scope.clicked = function(index){
let currentOption=$scope.Persons[index].show;
<a href"#" data-ng-click="clicked($index)">
Sales Details
and of course add track by to ng-repeat
<tbody ng-repeat="x in Persons track by $index">


Unable to display data using AngularJS ng-repeat with table.

i am trying to display data in a table using angularJS ng-repeat. Data is not displayed. Here is my code : Thanks for your help
var custApp = angular.module('custApp', []);
var custApp = angular.module('custApp', []);
this.nm = 1;
this.custs =
HTML code:
<div ng-app="custApp">
<div ng-controller="CustomerControlleras customer">
<td> id </td>
<td> lnm </td>
<td> fnm </td>
<td> cell </td>
<td> img </td>
<tr ng-repeat="c in customer.custs">
Try like this
you have some mistakes.
1: <div ng-controller="CustomerController as customer">
2:forgot put ) in end of controller
var custApp = angular.module('custApp', []);
this.nm = 1;
this.custs = [{"custid":"1","custLnm":"Joshi","custFnm":"Amod","custCellno":"9970983214","custImgPath":"1.jpg"},{"custid":"2","custLnm":"Khare","custFnm":"Aditya","custCellno":"9860178001","custImgPath":"2.jpg"},{"custid":"3","custLnm":"Bhosale","custFnm":"Ketan","custCellno":"9890567713","custImgPath":"3.jpg"},{"custid":"4","custLnm":"Joshi","custFnm":"Rohit","custCellno":"9850703451","custImgPath":"4.jpg"},{"custid":"5","custLnm":"Bhat","custFnm":"Vidyut","custCellno":"9767211811","custImgPath":"5.jpg"},{"custid":"6","custLnm":"Chhadwa","custFnm":"Viraj","custCellno":"9767676767","custImgPath":"6.jpg"}
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="custApp">
<div ng-controller="CustomerController as customer">
<td> id </td>
<td> lnm </td>
<td> fnm </td>
<td> cell </td>
<td> img </td>
<tr ng-repeat="c in customer.custs">

ng-repeat with click modifying input

<input ng-model = "val">
<a href ng-click="val = 1"> val = 1 </a>
<div class="test" ng-controller="Ctrl">
<tr ng-repeat="thing in data">
<a href ng-click="val = 1">
Is there a way to make an input change based on a click in an ng-repeat?
In this jsfiddle you can the input change with a click outside of an ng-repeat, but in the repeat it doesn't change the input.
The problem is that you are setting the val property in a child scope created by ng-repeat.
The solution is to create a function that assigns this value to the parent scope:
$scope.changeVal = function(val){
$scope.$parent.val = val;
And call it with ng-click="changeVal(1)"
Fiddle here:
ng-repeat always make new scope for every iteration so if you change any primitive value inside ng-repeat ("val" in this case) then it will not refer to the actual "val". So to solve it, it should be a object type, for ex. obj.val something
Below is the working solution for this problem:
<div class="test" ng-controller="Ctrl" ng-init="obj.val=12345">
<input ng-model = "obj.val">
<a href ng-click="obj.val = 2"> val = 2 </a>
<tr ng-repeat="thing in data">
<a href ng-click="obj.val = thing.num">

Nested ng-repeat Issue to open list of rows with in the row

I want to open all the list of items at a time of their respective repeated row, here is plunker
please help me out.
Here is my object:
{no:'1', name:'Jani', country:'Norway',
cities:[{city:'A1'},city:'A2'},{city: 'A3'}]},
{no:'2', name:'Hege',country:'Sweden',
cities:[{city:'b1'},{city:'b2'}, {city: 'b3'}]},
{no:'3', name:'Kai',country:'Denmark',
cities:[{city:'c1'},{city:'c2'}, {city: 'c3'}]}];
Here is my html :
<tbody ng-repeat="name in names">
<tr >
<button data-ng-click="isOpenPayablePayments[$index] = !isOpenPayablePayments[$index]; togglePayablePayments(, $index)" >Paid</button>
<tr data-ng-show="isOpenPayablePayments[$index]">
<tr data-ng-repeat="city in cities">
Call back on button click within the repeat
var getCities = function (no) {
for (i = 0; i <= $scope.names.length; i++) {
if (no === $scope.names[i].no) {
return $scope.names[i].cities;
$scope.togglePayablePayments = function (no, index) {
$scope.cities = getCities(no);
I want to open the nested list with respective row. plunkr explains the issue.
The problem isn't clearly explained however i see that when i open a 2nd tree all the items of all tree are the same. No need of the $scope.cities, it's the source of your problem.
i just changed the 2nd ng-repeat :
<tr data-ng-repeat="city in cities">
to this :
<tr data-ng-repeat="city in name.cities">

angular-bootstrap collapse table row animation not transitioning smoothly

I'm running into an issue with angular-bootstrap collapse directive and CSS. Basically when you add the directive "collapse" to a div it works fine. But when you try to expand/collapse a table row it seems to have some issues with the transition effect.
<div ng-controller="dogCtrl">
<table class="table">
<tr ng-repeat-start="dog in dogs">
<tr collapse="isCollapsed" ng-repeat-end="">
<td colspan="3">
<h3>Pet details</h3>
<p>some details about this pet.</p>
var app = angular.module('dogApp', ['ui.bootstrap']);
app.controller('dogCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.isCollapsed = true;
$scope.dogs = [
name: "Sparky",
breed: "Parson Russell Terrier"
}, {
name: "Shep",
breed: "German Shepard"
Codepen Example:
Since the height of a table cell is “the minimum height required by the content” (as in CSS 2.1 rules) I guess you can't animate the table row height.
Probably the workaround involves wrapping the content of the cell into a div element and animating this container as well.
This worked for me but I have not tested heavily:
<tr ng-repeat-end="">
<td colspan="2" style="padding: 0">
<div collapse="isCollapsed">
<h3>Pet details</h3>
<p>some details about this pet.</p>
Its a known issue for angular animations on table rows.
The best way to do it is shown here.
<tr ng-click="row1Open = !row1Open">
<td>Acrylic (Transparent)</td>
<tr class="collapse-row">
<div collapse="!row1Open">
<div class="collapse-cell">
Detail Row {{demo.hello}}
<div collapse="!row1Open">
<div class="collapse-cell">
<div collapse="!row1Open">
<div class="collapse-cell">

Loading text before data is loaded AngularJS

Does anyone have a clue how to create a loading text before angular loads data in to a list?
I have this code for getting info from different subwebs (in sharepoint). But before (or while) the list is loaded I want to display a text "Loading...":
context.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, function () {
var webs = this._webs.getEnumerator();
while (webs.moveNext()) {
var subWeb = webs.get_current();
title: webs.get_title(),
<div ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<tbody ng-repeat="site in sites">
{{site.created | date:dateFormat}}
<tbody ng-if="sites.length == 0">
<img src="loading.gif">
<tbody ng-repeat="site in sites" ng-if="sites.length > 0">
{{site.created | date:dateFormat}}
This produce 2 watchers but it will help.
some links of loading indicator : angular-spinner or angular-sham-spinner
also BLOG detailing on how the spinner works with angularjs
and in case you want to implement it yourself, below code will get you started...
app.directive("spinner", function(){
return: {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {enable:"="},
template: <div class="spinner" ng-show="enable"><img src="content/spinner.gif"></div>
warning : i havent tested the code but directive wont be more complex than this...
