Open file with formatted variable name in Julia - file

I have a list of files numbered,, ...., in a subdirectory of my parent directory. These files are tabular data files.
I want to open/read files with user-specified input.
I can do:
a = 3
But using this approach, I would have to define two separate variable names for (01 to 09) and for (10 to 18). How can I use variables or strings with name 02, 03, ..., etc?
In python, I can have an equivalent command:
a = 4
g = '{:02d}'.format(a)
f = open('directory/' %g)
Is there an equivalent string formatting command in Julia?

A simple answer in this case would be to use lpad:
a = 3
If you need more fancy formatting you can use e.g., in this case this would be:
using Formatting
a = 3
open("directory/gll_$(fmt("0>2", a)).tab")

Another option is to use #sprintf, docs are here. With that you can use %02d as a formatting option that would pad a digit d to length 2 with 0s preceding it:
julia> using Printf # this is in the standard library
julia> #sprintf("directory/", 1)
You can use this in your open statements too. Here they are in action:
julia> for i in 5:10
println("$i file is: $(#sprintf("directory/",i))")
5 file is: directory/
6 file is: directory/
7 file is: directory/
8 file is: directory/
9 file is: directory/
10 file is: directory/


Gnuplot: Iterate over folders

I have different folders with datasets called e.g.
the first placeholder is fixed, the second and third are elements of a list:
k1values = "1 2"
k2values = "1 2"
I want to do easy operations in my Gnuplot script e.g. cd to the above directories and read a line of a textfile. First, it shall cd to the folder, read a file and cd back again etc.
My first (1) idea was to connect system command and sprintf:
do for[i=1:words(k1values)]{
do for[j=1:words(k2values)]{
system sprintf("cd 3-%d-%d", i, j)
system 'pwd'
system 'cd ..'
with that the same path is being printed, so no CD is happening at all.
or system 'cd sprintf("3-%d-%d", i, j)'
Unfortunately, this is not working.
Error message: sh: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
I also tried concatenating the values to a string and enter it as a path: This also doesn't work:
k1values = "1 2"
k2values = "1 2"
string1 = '3'
do for[i=1:words(k1values)]{
do for[j=1:words(k2values)]{
path = sprintf("%s-%d-%d", string1, i, j)
system sprintf("cd %s", path)
system 'pwd'
system 'cd ..'
I print the path for testing, but the operating path is not being changed at all.
Thanks in advance!
Edit: The idea in a given pseudo code is like this:
do for k1
do for k2
valueX = <readingCommand>
make dir "3-k1-k2/Pictures"
for int i = 0; i<valueX; i++
set output bla
plot "3-k1-k2/Data/i.txt" <options>
end for
end do for
end do for
Unless there is a reason which we don't know yet, why do you want to change back and forth into the subdirectories?
Why not creating your path/filename via a function and load the desired file and plot the desired lines?
For example, if you have the following directory structure:
and the following files:
1 1.14
2 1.15
3 1.12
4 1.11
5 1.13
1 1.24
2 1.25
3 1.22
4 1.21
5 1.23
1 2.14
2 2.15
3 2.12
4 2.11
5 2.13
1 2.24
2 2.25
3 2.22
4 2.21
5 2.23
The following example loads all the files Data.dat from the corresponding subdirectories and plots the lines 2 to 4 (the lines have 0-based index, check help every).
### plot specific lines from files from different directories
reset session
k1values = "1 2"
k2values = "1 2"
string1 = '3'
myPath(i,j) = sprintf("%s-%s-%s",string1,word(k1values,i),word(k2values,j))
myFile(i,j) = sprintf("%s/%s",myPath(i,j),"Data.dat")
set key out
plot for [i=1:words(k1values)] for[j=1:words(k2values)] myFile(i,j) \
u 1:2 every ::1::3 w lp pt 7 ti myPath(i,j)
### end of script
This is my final solution:
k1values = '0.5 1'
k2values = '0.5 1'
omega = 3
do for[i in k1values]{
do for[j in k2values]{
savingPoint = system('head -n 1 "3-'.i.'-'.j.'/<fileName>.dat" | tail -1')
number = savingPoint/<value>
do for[m = savingPoint:0:-<value>]{
set title <...>
set output <...>
plot ''.omega.'-'.i.'-'.j.'/Data/'.m.'.txt' <...>
<...> is a placeholder and irrelevant.
So this is how I finally iterate over the folders.
Within the second for loop, a reading command is executed and allocated to a variable which is needed in the third for loop. i and j are strings though, but that does not matter.

Each xtable produced in R-loops should have \begin{table}..\end{table} environment in Sweave

I try to write an R-function which produces xtables in a loop. Later I want to call my function in a Sweave document- but a single chunk can't support multiple tables. I would have to put each table in a single chunk and wrap it with the Latex Code \begin{table} ... \end{table}.
So I wonder, whether it's possible to somehow call Sweave/knitr from within the Loop of the R-function and add \begin{table} .. \end{table} around each xtable?
Or whether it is somehow possible to send each xtable from the loop to a chunk with \begin{table} ... \end{table} environment?
A mini-example of my function:
(....) ##Some necessary calculations to produce a data frame
for(j in 1:m){
for(i in 1:n){
In Sweave I would call the function:
I'm confused by your question. xtable does include \begin{table}/\end{table} pairs. And you can put multiple tables is a code chunk (for both Sweave and knitr .Rnw files). Could it be just that you have misspelled 'asis' in your chunk header?
Showing xtable does include \begin{table}/\end{table}:
> xtable(data.frame(x=1))
% latex table generated in R 3.1.2 by xtable 1.7-4 package
% Fri Jan 23 11:12:47 2015
& x \\
1 & 1.00 \\
And a simple .Rnw file of
properly gives two tables.
If the misspelling isn't the problem, a complete minimally reproducible example is needed along with the version numbers of R and all the packages (output of sessionInfo())

How to create a truncated permanent database from a larger file in SAS [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Read specific columns of a delimited file in SAS
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm trying to read a comma delimited .txt file (called 'file.txt' in the code below) into SAS in order to create a permanent database that includes only some of the variables and observations.
Here's a snippet of the .txt file for reference:
10,0,0,0,United States,316128839,242542967,76.7
My (abbreviated) code is as follows:
options nocenter nodate ls=72 ps=58;
filename foldr1 'C:\Users\redacted\Desktop\file.txt';
libname foldr2 'C:\Users\redacted\Desktop\Data';
libname foldr3 'C:\Users\redacted\Desktop\Formats';
options fmtsearch=(FMTfoldr.bf_fmts);
proc format library=foldr3.bf_fmts;
data foldr2.file;
infile foldr1 DLM=',' firstobs=2 obs=52;
format REGION $regfmt.;
proc print data=foldr2.file;
title 'Title';
In my INPUT statement, I list the variables that I want to include in my new truncated database (STATE, NAME, REGION, etc.).
When I print my truncated database, I notice that all of my INPUT variables do not correspond to the same variables in the original file.
Instead my variables print out like this:
STATE (1st var listed in INPUT) printed as SUMLEV (1st var listed in
.txt file)
NAME (2nd var listed in INPUT) printed as REGION (2nd var listed in .txt file)
REGION (3rd " " " ") printed as DIVISION (3rd " " " ")
POPESTIMATE2013 (4th " " " ") printed as STATE (4th " " " ")
It seems that SAS is matching my INPUT variables based on order, not on name. So, because I list STATE first in my INPUT statement, SAS prints out the first variable of the original .txt file (i.e., the SUMLEV variable).
Any idea what's wrong with my code? Thanks for your help!
Your current code is reading in the first 4 values from each line of the CSV file and assigning them to columns with the names you have listed.
The input statement lists all the columns you want to read in (and where to read them from), it does not search for named columns within the input file.
The code below should produce the output you want. The keep statement lists the columns that you want in the output.
data foldr2.file;
infile foldr1 dlm = "," firstobs = 2 obs = 52;
/* Prevent truncating the name variable */
informat NAME $20.;
/* Name each of the columns */
/* Keep only the columns you want */
PERCENT = POPESTIMATE2013/316128839;
format REGION $regfmt.;
For a slightly more involved solution see Joe's excellent answer here. Applying this approach to your data will require setting the lengths of your columns in advance and converting character values to numeric.
data foldr2.file;
infile foldr1 dlm = "," firstobs = 2 obs = 52;
length STATE 8. NAME $13. REGION 8. POPESTIMATE2013 8.;
input #;
STATE = input(scan(_INFILE_, 4, ','), best.);
NAME = scan(_INFILE_, 5, ',');
REGION = input(scan(_INFILE_, 2, ','), best.);
POPESTIMATE2013 = input(scan(_INFILE_, 6, ','), best.);
PERCENT = POPESTIMATE2013/316128839;
format REGION $regfmt.;
If you are looking to become more familiar with SAS it would be worth your while to take a look at the SAS documentation for reading files.
Your current data step is telling SAS what to name the first four variables in the txt file. To do what you want, you need to list all of the variables in the txt file in your "input" statement. Then, in your data statement, use the keep= option to select the variables you want to be included in the output dataset.
data foldr2.file (keep=STATE NAME REGION POPESTIMATE2013 PERCENT);
infile foldr1 DLM=',' firstobs=2 obs=52;
format REGION $regfmt.;

How to read file in matlab?

I have a txt file, and the content of the file is rows of numbers,
each row have 5 float number in it, with comma seperate between each number.
1.1 , 12 , 1.42562, 3.5 , 2.2
2.1 , 3.3 , 3 , 3.333, 6.75
How can I read the file content into matrix in matlab?
So far I have this:
fid = fopen('file.txt');
comma = char(',');
A = fscanf(fid, ['%f', comma]);
The problem is that it's only give me the first line and when I
try to write the content of A I get this: 1.0e+004 * some number
Can someone help me please?
I guess that for the file I need to read it in a loop but I don't know how.
Edit: One more question: When I do output to A I get this:
A =
1.0e+004 *
4.8631 0 0 0 0.0001
4.8638 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0004 0.0114
4.8647 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0008 0.0109
I want the same values that in the file to be in the matrix, how can I make the numbers to be regular float and not formatted like this? Or are the numbers in the matrix actually float, but the output is just displayed like this?
MATLAB's built-in dlmread function would be a much easier solution for what you want to accomplish.
A = dlmread('filename.txt',',') % call dlmread and specify a comma as the delimiter
try with using importdata function
A = importdata(`filename.txt`);
It will solve your question.
Alternative 1)
A = dlmread('test_so.txt',',');
The answer is surprisingly simple:
fid = fopen('depthMap.txt');
A = fscanf(fid, '%f');

Read from txt file to matrix after a specific expression

I wanted via matlab to read a table of data from a txt file after a specific expression and a number of non desired lines for example the AA.txt have:
Information about students :
1 10 100
2 3 15
! ! ! a number of lines
10 6 9
I have like information the expression 'Information about students', the number of skipped lines 2 and the number of columns 3 and rows 10 in desired matrix.
if I understand correctly, you wanna skip the first 3 lines (assuming them as headers) and then reading the rest.
I would follow this procedure:
fid = fopen(filename,'r');
A = textscan(fid,'%f %f %f','HeaderLines',3,'Delimiter','\r\n');
I currently do not have access to MATLAB, but I do believe it will work.
