Azure SQL DB - what is the default "guest" account for? - sql-server

I have been trying to research this subject and have not been able to glean any solid information, but what is the default "guest" account used for and should I revoke connect privilege from this account in my Production databases?

Guest access to master database is not enabled by default on SQL Azure Database service. With on premise SQL Server you always have guest access to master database even if no user is created in it for some login you're using to connect to the server. With SQL Azure a database user should also be created on master to be able to have guest access to DMVs like sys.database_usage and sys.bandwidth_usage.
My suggestion is to create database users only since logins created on the master can be disconnected while scaling the tiers or while failovers are occurring. I don't see why a guest access should be needed for master database.


How to create login on azure ms sql server with access to all databases?

I need to create a login on a server that will have access to all databases on this server.
I have two azure servers: production and stage. I make a copy of a database from prod server on stage server. Then I need to do insert some test data in this new copied database.
The copying process is made on runbooks in azure automation account so every time I want to execute SQL script on a database I need to provide a login&password to a server.
If I create a login TestLogin on stage server and then copy database from prod server to stage, then this login does not have access to a new db. Thus, I need to login as administrator and create a TestUser in this new database for TestLogin.
This does not work for Azure:
Is there any way I can grant a TestLogin all rights so that it can have access to all the databases on server?
When you create a login in one instance of SQL Server and assign any roles to this user on a specific database, and then copy the database to another SQL Server instance, you have this user in the database, but no login for that user in the second SQL Server. This is also called an "orphaned user". Here is an article that describes how to fix that.
This does not work on Azure. You have to use ALTER USER instead.
As you said in comment, you must login with admin, then you have the permission to alter the new user in master DB, set the user as DB manager or db_owner.
If you only create new login or user and don't give it more permission, this login/user only and login the Database but can't access no database.
Fore details, please see Controlling and granting database access to SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse.
Hope this helps.

Grant access to multiple databases via Azure AD in sql database

We use Azure SQL database with multiple databases on a server. It is possible to grant permissions to a single database via the user's Azure AD login by creating a group, say "DBReader". in AAD and assign the group to the role "Reader" via the server's settings in azure portal and then create a user when connected to the database as CREATE USER [DBReaders] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER, which will allow connecting to the single database.
We'd like to grant read access to all databases, so that the user sees all databases with a single connection and must not add them separately. Normally, you'd create a login on the server for this. However, the preview feature, which would allow CREATE LOGIN ... FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER is not available for Azure SQL database.
Is there any way we did not think of to simply grant access to all databases via an AAD group?
Is there any way we did not think of to simply grant access to all databases via an AAD group?
No. Outside of Managed Instance, which requires a minimum of 4 vCores, Azure SQL Database users must be added to each database.
A suitable solution would involve the user to being able to see all databases he has permissions to at once
For Azure SQL Database, this requires the client to connect to Master to, and then reconenct to switch databases. SQL Server Management Studio does this, but other clients may not.

AWS SQL Server RDS master user access

I have created several logins in a SQL Server RDS instance, using the RDS 'master' user to create the logins. The logins have permissions to create databases. However, these new databases are inaccessible to the RDS 'master' user. I receive messages such as:
The database xxxxx is not accessible (ObjectExplorer)
The server principal "rdsmaster" is not able to access the database "xxxxx" under the current security context.
In order for the RDS master login to have access to these databases, is the only option to have the login that created the database explicitly grant permissions to the new DB? Or, is there a master switch somewhere that will grant the master login permissions for each new database created, regardless of who created it? e.g. parameter group, sql role?
I need the master user, or at least a "clone" of the master user, to access all databases for things like index maintenance jobs, backups to S3, etc.
Many thanks,
Resetting the master user password in the RDS console worked for me.
Found the solution mentioned in these threads:
Master user lost it's permissions unexpectedly on SQL Server (rds instance)
Granting Access to Database RDS SQL Server

What grants are needed for the SQL Server Telegraf plugin in Azure SQL Database

I'm using the Telegraf input plugin for SQL Server ( to gather metrics and report to InfluxDB. It works well for SQL Server, but though it supports Azure SQL Database the documentation is a bit sparse.
The database user should be created like this:
CREATE LOGIN [telegraf] WITH PASSWORD = N'password';
That works on SQL Server, but in Azure it fails:
Securable class 'server' not supported in this version of SQL Server.
I wonder what I need to grant instead in order to solve this in the best possible way. We have a large number of databases running on the same server in an elastic pool, so if it is possible I would like to use a single user that logs in to the master and collects metrics for all the databases at once (the way it works with SQL Server). If that is impossible I can configure multiple logins and process one database at a time.
Perhaps I can grant VIEW DEFINITION at the database level, but VIEW SERVER STATE does not seem to be supported at all.
So, how should I configure the SQL Database login(s) for Telegraf with the SQL Server plugin to make it work?
Running as the super user for the server works without errors, but only produces metrics for master and tempdb. I need metrics for the many application databases and they are missing. Plus running as the super user is less than ideal.
Running as the super user for the server but connecting to a specific application database (add database in connection string) crashes with a nil pointer dereference and the log complains about VIEW DATABASE STATE permission denied in database master (the super user has access, but apparently not when connecting to a spefic database).
Granting VIEW DATABASE and VIEW DEFINITION to telegraf in an application database and connecting directly to that database as telegraf crashes with a nil pointer dereference and the log says the connection was closed.
Created bug report
As of the latest release the plugin works if the server admin account is used, so the issue has been solved. There is still no way to run with a less privileged account in Azure DB.
The answer:
GRANT VIEW SERVER STATE is not supported in Azure SQL Database.
On SQL Database Premium Tiers requires the VIEW DATABASE STATE
permission in the database. Permissions can not be granted in Master,
but the views can be queried in user databases. On SQL Database
Standard and Basic Tiers requires the SQL Database server admin
account due to security requirements following from multi tenancy of
those tiers.
SQL Azure SQL is PaaS solution, therefore the most "server" specific features, DMVs, settings are blocked by purpose
Grant View Server State - is it possible for a none SA user to have in Azure SQL?
SQL Azure VIEW DATABASE STATE permission denied in database 'master'
Possible workaround: (which is, anyway does not work in ewramner case)
CREATE LOGIN [telegraf] WITH PASSWORD = N'password';
USE [yourDB]
Therefore, (IMHO), there is no way to make such application working in SQL Azure without changing application code

Does adding an Active Directory admin to an Azure SQL server affect admin account

We currently have around 400 client databases hosted on a SQL Server in Azure. When initially setup, no Active Directory admin user was set, only a server admin and this server admin is used at the moment for all connection strings. If I were to add an Active Directory admin to the server, would this have any effect on the connection of any of the databases using the server admin? In other words, would the server admin still work fine and adding Active Directory admin not disconnect any users currently connected to the SQL server?
No, adding an Azure AD Admin won’t affect any connections using the Server Admin or any other login.
However, the recommended way applications should connect to SQL Azure databases is via contained users. Contained users do not get disconnected during failovers (geo-replication) and they travel with the databases (backups, readable copies).
Agree with Alberto Morillo, we should connect to SQL Azure databases via contained users.
More information about contained users, please refer to this link.
By the way, when we setting up the Azure AD admin, the new admin name
(user or group) cannot already be present in the virtual master
database as a SQL Server authentication user. If present, the Azure AD
admin setup will fail; rolling back its creation and indicating that
such an admin (name) already exists. Since such a SQL Server
authentication user is not part of the Azure AD, any effort to connect
to the server using Azure AD authentication fails.
More information about provision an Azure Active Directory adminstrator for your Azure SQL server, please refer to this article.
