how the backups are going on automatically without Jobs,maintenance plan? - sql-server

In Sql server 2000 version I found there is daily full backups are going on for all databaeses at one particular time.
But I didn't found any maintainance plan or any job or any windows task schedule to take the backups.
Here my point is how the backups are going on automatically? I want to find out how?
Please help


Where is SQL Server backup job running from?

We run our daily/weekly backups from CA D-Series job scheduling tool. I perform daily differentials and weekly fulls on our SQL Server 2012 databases. I am finding every few days both the differential and full backup will run on our largest databases (the maintenance jobs are split into 4 streams going from smallest to largest databases). The full backup job does not look to be running from D-Series.
For instance, the last full ran on 7/29 and today 8/1 a differential ran at 1 am and a full executed at 3 am. I am trying to find where the job is running from. It filled up the disk. I looked at the application log / SQL Server log / Agent log and cannot find any location. It is driving me insane!
This is a production server so I cannot implement auditing due to the high activity. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Automated Incremental backup sql only 5 days

This is my final hopes for expecting answer. Question is: How to do automated incremental backup in SQL Server only for 5 days? and how to schedule in task schedule tool. Please help me.
You might be confusing differential backups with incremental Backups.SQLServer doesn't have a concept of incremental backups..
You might get incremental effect (only backup what has been changed,from last backup) using Tlog*..Idea goes like this..
1.Take a Full Backup
2.Each day, by the end of day take Tlog backup
To Clarify,When you need to restore the backups /make database usable,you will need to restore Fullbackup ,followed by Tlog backups in order
*This is very Risky since ,it reduces your risk of restoring to a point in time
You can create a maintenance plan in SQL Server containing 2 parts:
A back up task for executing a backup every day (or every 5 days)
A clean up task for deleting all the backups older than 5 days.
Once created, you can plan it as a job in SQL Agent. Here's a great example about how to do it: Create a maintenance backup plan in SQL Server 2008 R2 using the wizard by Kyle Laffoon.

SQL Server 2005 Backup for small database

I have a sQL 2005 database that currently is not being backed up at all. I need to implement a backup strategy but I am not sure how to do so. About 1% of the database is updated each day and so I would need to have my back strategy run at least every 30 minutes.
It's difficult to give a suggestion based on your description but I'd recommend reviewing this backup overview (especially if you're in charge of coming up with the backup strategy for a production database):
How you arrived at 1% updated per day, I'm not sure.. but if this is really the case then I'd give special attention to the differential backup options.
Try to use sqlbackupandftp it is free for up to 2 databases a day. will enable easy backups to mail ftp and dropbox.

Backup SQL Server while minimizing bandwidth

I want to implement an automated backup system for my site's SQL Server 2005 DB that will backup nightly to Amazon's S3 service. But since S3 charges both for space and bandwidth used, I would like to minimize the size of the files that I transfer in. What is the best way to achieve this?
I should clarify that I'm not really talking so much about compression, which is pretty straightforward, but concerning backup strategies like whether to do differential backups all the time, whether I need to copy transaction logs, etc.
Differential backups will be smaller than full backups, of course. However, you should consider the restoration side as well. You'll need your last full backup as well as your differentials to perform the restore which can add up to a lot of bandwidth/transfer time for a restore. One option is to perform a full backup weekly and do differentials daily (or a similar type of schedule).
As for transaction logs, it depends on what granularity you're looking for in restoring your data. If restoring to the last full or differential backup is sufficient, then you don't need to worry about taking transaction log backups. If that's not the case, then transaction log backups will be necessary.
Either use a commercial product do compress the backups like Red Gate Backup Pro or just zip-compress it after you're done.
Write a .batch script or powershell script that will find the file/s created in the past day and zip them up. Then FTP or whatever you have to do.
A powershell example that I just came across.

Can SQL Server 2005 Express perform full backups?

I need some help for executing my planned backup strategy.
My database is about 1 gig in size.
I want to perform a full backup once per week, and incremental every hour.
Is all of this built into SQL Server 2005 Express?
Is it possible to roll over the backups so I only keep 1 months of backups?
Meaning the full weekly backup has 1 for each week, on the 5th week it writes over the oldest full backup.
You can do it, it's just harder.
You don't have maintenence plans, but that doesn't matter becuase they often cause more headaches than they solve. You will want to script the backup yourself.
The other issue is you won't have the SQL Server Agent, which is used for scheduling your scripts. You can solve this by using sqlcmd and the windows scheduler.
SQL Server express does not have the ability to setup maintenance plans, therefore you must manually execute the scripts. AFAIK.
With all other editions, a simple DB Maint. plan can be setup to do all of this, and it will even walk you through the process.
