Declaring the array size in C - c

Its quite embarrassing but I really want to know... So I needed to make a conversion program that converts decimal(base 10) to binary and hex. I used arrays to store values and everything worked out fine, but i declared the array as int arr[1000]; because i thought 1000 was just an ok number, not too big, not to small...someone in class said " why would you declare an array of 1000? Integers are 32 bits". I was too embarrased to ask what that meant so i didnt say anything. But does this mean that i can just declare the array as int arr[32]; instead? Im using C btw

No, the int type has tipically a 32 bit size, but when you declare
int arr[1000];
you are reserving space for 1000 integers, i.e. 32'000 bits, while with
int arr[32];
you can store up to 32 integers.
You are practically asking yourself a question like this: if an apple weighs 32 grams, I want to my bag to
contain 1000 apples or 32 apples?

Don't be embarrassed. Fear is your enemy and in the end you will be perceived based on contexts that you have no hope of significantly influencing. Anyway, to answer your question, your approach is incorrect. You should declare the array with a size completely determined by the number of positions used.
Concretely, if you access the array at 87 distinct positions (from 0 to 86) then you need a size of 87.

0 to 4,294,967,295 is the maximum possible range of numbers you can store in 32 bits.If your number is outside this range you cannot store your number in 32 bits.Since each bit will occupy one index location of your array if you number falls in that range array size of 32 will do fine.for example consider number 9 it will be stored in array as a[]={1,0,0,1}.
In order to know the know range of numbers, your formula is 0 to (2^n -1) where n is the number of bits in binary. means in the array size of 4 or 4 bits you can just store number from range 0 to 15.
In C , integer datatype can store typically up to 2,147,483,647 and 4,294,967,295 if you are using unsigned integer. Since the maximum value, an integer data type can store in C is within the range of maximum possible number which can be expressed using 32 bits. It is safe to say that array size of 32 is the best size for defining an array.Sice you will never require more than 32 bits to express any number using an int.

I will use
int a = 42;
char bin[sizeof a * CHAR_BIT + 1];
char hex[sizeof a * CHAR_BIT / 4 + 1]
I think this include all possibility.

Consider that also the 'int' type is ambiguous. Generally it depends on the machine you're working on and at minimum its ranges are: -32767,+32767:
Can I suggest to use the stdint types?

What you did is okay. If that is precisely what you want to do. C is a language that lets you do whatever you want. Whenever you want. The reason you were berated on the declaration is because of 'hogging' memory. The thought being, how DARE YOU take up space that is possibly never used... it is inefficient.
And it is. But who cares if you just want to run a program that has a simple purpose? A 1000 16 or 32 bit block of memory is weeeeeensy teeeeny tiny compared to computers from the way back times when it was necessary to watch over how much RAM you were taking up. So - go ahead.
But what they should have said next is how to avoid that. More on that at the end - but first a thing about built in data types in C.
An int can be 16 or 32 bits depending on how you declare it. And your compiler's settings...
A LONG int is 32.
short int x = 10; // declares an integer that is 16 bits
signed int x = 10; // 32 bit integer with negative and positive range
unsigned int x = 10 // same 32 bit integer - but only 0 to positive values
To specifically code a 32 bit integer you declare it 'long'
long int = 10; // 32 bit
unsigned long int = 10; // 32 bit 0 to positive values
Typical nomenclature is to call a 16 bit value a WORD and a 32 bit value a DWORD - (double word). But why would you want to type in:
long int x = 10;
instead of:
int x = 10;
?? For a few reasons. Some compilers may handle the int as a 16 bit WORD if keeping up with older standards. But the only real reason is to maintain a convention of strongly typecasted code. Make it read directly what you intend it to do. This also helps in readability. You will KNOW when you see it = what size it is for sure, and be reminded whilst coding. Many many code mishaps happen for lack of attention to code practices and naming things well. Save yourself hours of headache later on by learning good habits now. Create YOUR OWN style of coding. Take a look at other styles just to get an idea on what the industry may expect. But in the end you will find you own way in it.
On to the array issue ---> So, I expect you know that the array takes up memory right when the program runs. Right then, wham - the RAM for that array is set aside just for your program. It is locked out from use by any other resource, service, etc the operating system is handling.
But wouldn't it be neat if you could just use the memory you needed when you wanted, and then let it go when done? Inside the program - as it runs. So when your program first started, the array (so to speak) would be zero. And when you needed a 'slot' in the array, you could just add one.... use it, and then let it go - or add another - or ten more... etc.
That is called dynamic memory allocation. And it requires the use of a data type that you may not have encountered yet. Look up "Pointers in C" to get an intro.
If you are coding in regular C there are a few functions that assist in performing dynamic allocation of memory:
malloc and free ~ in the alloc.h library routines
in C++ they are implemented differently. Look for:
new and delete
A common construct for handling dynamic 'arrays' is called a "linked-list." Look that up too...
Don't let someone get your flustered with code concepts. Next time just say your program is designed to handle exactly what you have intended. That usually stops the discussion.


Operating Rightmost/Leftmost n-Bits, Not All the Bits of A Integer Type Data Variable

In a programming-task, I have to add a smaller integer in variable B (data type int)
to a larger integer (20 decimal integer) in variable A (data type long long int),
then compare A with variable C which is also as large integer (data type long long int) as A.
What I realized, since I add a smaller B to A,
I don't need to check all the digits of A when I compare that with C, in other words, we don't need to check all the bits of A and C.
Given that I know, how many bits from the right I need to check, say n-bits,
is there a way/technique to check only those specific n-bits from the right (not all the bits of A, C) to make the program faster in c programming language?
Because for comparing all the bits take more time, and since I am working with large number, the program becomes slower.
Every time I search in the google, bit-masking appears which uses all the bits of A, C, that doesn't do what I am asking for, so probably I am not using correct terminology, please help.
Initial comments of this post made me think there is no way but i found the following -
Bit Manipulation by University of Colorado Boulder
(#cuboulder, after 7:45)
...the bit band region is accessed via a bit band alías, each bit in a
supported bit band region has its own unique address and we can access
that bit using a pointer to its bit band alias location, the least
significant bit in an alias location can be sent or cleared and that
will be mapped to the bit in the corresponding data or peripheral
memory, unfortunately this will not help you if you need to write to
multiple bit locations in memory dependent operations only allow a
single bit to be cleared or set...
Is above what I a asking for? if yes then
where I can find the detail as beginner?
Updated question:
Is there a way/technique to check only those specific n-bits from the right (not all the bits of A, C) to make the program faster in c programming language (or any other language) that makes the program faster?
Your assumption that comparing fewer bits is faster might be true in some cases but is probably not true in most cases.
I'm only familiar with x86 CPUs. A x86-64 Processor has 64 bit wide registers. These can be accessed as 64 bit registers but the lower bits also as 32, 16 and 8 bit registers. There are processor instructions which work with the 64, 32, 16 or 8 bit part of the registers. Comparing 8 bits is one instruction but so is comparing 64 bits.
If using the 32 bit comparison would be faster than the 64 bit comparison you could gain some speed. But it seems like there is no speed difference for current processor generations. (Check out the "cmp" instruction with the link to from #harold.)
If your long long data type is actually bigger then the word size of your processor, then it's a different story. E.g. if your long long is 64 bit but your are on a 32 bit processor then these instructions cannot be handled by one register and you would need multiple instructions. So if you know that comparing only the lower 32 bits would be enough this could save some time.
Also note that comparing only e.g. 20 bits would actually take more time then comparing 32 bits. You would have to compare 32 bits and then mask the 12 highest bits. So you would need a comparison and a bitwise and instruction.
As you see this is very processor specific. And you are on the processors opcode level. As #RawkFist wrote in his comment you could try to get the C compiler to create such instructions but that does not automatically mean that this is even faster.
All of this is only relevant if these operations are executed a lot. I'm not sure what you are doing. If e.g. you add many values B to A and compare them to C each time it might be faster to start with C, subtract the B values from it and compare with 0. Because the compare-operation works internally like a subtraction. So instead of an add and a compare instruction a single subtraction would be enough within the loop. But modern CPUs and compilers are very smart and optimize a lot. So maybe the compiler automatically performs such or similar optimizations.
Try this question.
Is there a way/technique to check only those specific n-bits from the right (not all the bits of A, C) to make the program faster in c programming language (or any other language) that makes the program faster?
Yes - when A + B != C. We can short-cut the comparison once a difference is found: from least to most significant.
No - when A + B == C. All bits need comparison.
Now back to OP's original question
Is there a way/technique to check only those specific n-bits from the right (not all the bits of A, C) to make the program faster in c programming language (or any other language) that makes the program faster?
No. In order to do so, we need to out-think the compiler. A well enabled compiler itself will notice any "tricks" available for long long + (signed char)int == long long and emit efficient code.
Yet what about really long compares? How about a custom uint1000000 for A and C?
For long compares of a custom type, a quick compare can be had.
First, select a fast working type. unsigned is a prime candidate.
typedef unsigned ufast;
Now define the wide integer.
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define UINT1000000_N (1000000/(sizeof(ufast) * CHAR_BIT))
typedef struct {
// Least significant first
ufast digit[UINT1000000_N];
} uint1000000;
Perform the addition and compare one "digit" at a time.
bool uint1000000_fast_offset_compare(const uint1000000 *A, unsigned B,
const uint1000000 *C) {
ufast carry = B;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < UINT1000000_N; i++) {
ufast sum = A->digit[i] + carry;
if (sum != C->digit[i]) {
return false;
carry = sum < A->digit[i];
return true;

Why does an int take up 4 bytes in c or any other language? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
size of int variable
(6 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
This is a bit of a general question and not completely related to the c programming language but it's what I'm on studying at the moment.
Why does an integer take up 4 bytes or How ever many bytes dependant on the system?
Why does it not take up 1 byte per integer?
For example why does the following take up 8 bytes:
int a = 1;
int b = 1;
I am not sure whether you are asking why int objects have fixed sizes instead of variable sizes or whether you are asking why int objects have the fixed sizes they do. This answers the former.
We do not want the basic types to have variable lengths. That makes it very complicated to work with them.
We want them to have fixed lengths, because then it is much easier to generate instructions to operate on them. Also, the operations will be faster.
If the size of an int were variable, consider what happens when you do:
b = 3;
b += 100000;
scanf("%d", &b);
When b is first assigned, only one byte is needed. Then, when the addition is performed, the compiler needs more space. But b might have neighbors in memory, so the compiler cannot just grow it in place. It has to release the old memory and allocate new memory somewhere.
Then, when we do the scanf, the compiler does not know how much data is coming. scanf will have to do some very complicated work to grow b over and over again as it reads more digits. And, when it is done, how does it let you know where the new b is? The compiler has to have some mechanism to update the location for b. This is hard and complicated and will cause additional problems.
In contrast, if b has a fixed size of four bytes, this is easy. For the assignment, write 3 to b. For the addition, add 100000 to the value in b and write the result to b. For the scanf, pass the address of b to scanf and let it write the new value to b. This is easy.
The basic integral type int is guaranteed to have at least 16 bits; At least means that compilers/architectures may also provide more bits, and on 32/64 bit systems int will most likely comprise 32 bits or 64 bits (i.e. 4 bytes or 8 bytes), respectively (cf, for example,
Integer types
... int (also accessible as signed int): This is the most optimal
integer type for the platform, and is guaranteed to be at least 16
bits. Most current systems use 32 bits (see Data models below).
If you want an integral type with exactly 8 bits, use the int8_t or uint8_t.
It doesn't. It's implementation-defined. A signed int in gcc on an Atmel 8-bit microcontroller, for example, is a 16-bit integer. An unsigned int is also 16-bits, but from 0-65535 since it's unsigned.
The fact that an int uses a fixed number of bytes (such as 4) is a compiler/CPU efficiency and limitation, designed to make common integer operations fast and efficient.
There are types (such as BigInteger in Java) that take a variable amount of space. These types would have 2 fields, the first being the number of words being used to represent the integer, and the second being the array of words. You could define your own VarInt type, something like:
struct VarInt {
char length;
char bytes[]; // Variable length
VarInt one = {1, {1}}; // 2 bytes
VarInt v257 = {2, {1,1}}; // 3 bytes
VarInt v65537 = {4, {1,0,0,1}}; // 5 bytes
and so on, but this would not be very fast to perform arithmetic on. You'd have to decide how you would want to treat overflow; resizing the storage would require dynamic memory allocation.

malloc bit field values to array in c

what i am trying to accomplish is
user enters bit field widths, say 17 5 8 19 0 (can be more or less bit fields) 0 states end of bit field inputs
then user enters in values to be stored in a allocated array set to the bit field sizes.
say 1 2 3 4
how do i scan in several bit field values to be put in a struct like this?
unsigned int bit0:1;
unsigned int bit1:1;
unsigned int bit2:1;
unsigned int bit3:1;
Then would this be correct when setting up the array to bit field size?
I'm using "bit field inputs" in place of however i would scan them in for now.
pack = (int *)malloc(sizeof(struct)*bit field inputs);
i believe i asked my original question wrong,
what im trying to do here is take say value 1 and put it in to a bit field width say 17
and keep repeating this for up to 5 values.
if the user inputs the bit field widths how would i take value one and store it in a field width of 17?
If you need dynamic bit field widths, you need to do your own bit-fiddling. For compatibility, you should do it anyway.
If not, you must read it into a standard type like int and then asign to the bitfield, so the compiler does your bitpacking for you. But beware, the standard gives few guarantees regarding the compilers choices in this.
Also, never cast the return value of malloc: Do I cast the result of malloc?.
It is up to the compiler to determine the order and padding for bitfields. There are no guarantees.
In general, you should only use bitfields "internally" in your program. Anytime you serialize bitfields, you may run into incompatibilities.
You would generally be better off by serializing into a structure with known size and alignment, then explicitly copying the values into your bitfield to use internally.
After re-reading your question again, I think you would be better off using bit-masking operations on contiguous bytes. This allows you to control the memory layout of your internal representation.
It sounds like you want to:
read and store the bit offsets from the input string
sum up how many bits the user wants to use from their input string
malloc some bytes of contiguous memory that is large enough to
contain the user bits
provide accessor functions to the bit position and length of data,
then use masking to set the bits.
Or if you don't care about size, just make everything an array of unsigned ints and let the compiler do the alignment for you.

Write 9 bits binary data in C

I am trying to write to a file binary data that does not fit in 8 bits. From what I understand you can write binary data of any length if you can group it in a predefined length of 8, 16, 32,64.
Is there a way to write just 9 bits to a file? Or two values of 9 bits?
I have one value in the range -+32768 and 3 values in the range +-256. What would be the way to save most space?
Thank you
No, I don't think there's any way using C's file I/O API:s to express storing less than 1 char of data, which will typically be 8 bits.
If you're on a 9-bit system, where CHAR_BIT really is 9, then it will be trivial.
If what you're really asking is "how can I store a number that has a limited range using the precise number of bits needed", inside a possibly larger file, then that's of course very possible.
This is often called bitstreaming and is a good way to optimize the space used for some information. Encoding/decoding bitstream formats requires you to keep track of how many bits you have "consumed" of the current input/output byte in the actual file. It's a bit complicated but not very hard.
Basically, you'll need:
A byte stream s, i.e. something you can put bytes into, such as a FILE *.
A bit index i, i.e. an unsigned value that keeps track of how many bits you've emitted.
A current byte x, into which bits can be put, each time incrementing i. When i reaches CHAR_BIT, write it to s and reset i to zero.
You cannot store values in the range –256 to +256 in nine bits either. That is 513 values, and nine bits can only distinguish 512 values.
If your actual ranges are –32768 to +32767 and –256 to +255, then you can use bit-fields to pack them into a single structure:
struct MyStruct
int a : 16;
int b : 9;
int c : 9;
int d : 9;
Objects such as this will still be rounded up to a whole number of bytes, so the above will have six bytes on typical systems, since it uses 43 bits total, and the next whole number of eight-bit bytes has 48 bits.
You can either accept this padding of 43 bits to 48 or use more complicated code to concatenate bits further before writing to a file. This requires additional code to assemble bits into sequences of bytes. It is rarely worth the effort, since storage space is currently cheap.
You can apply the principle of base64 (just enlarging your base, not making it smaller).
Every value will be written to two bytes and and combined with the last/next byte by shift and or operations.
I hope this very abstract description helps you.

Storing a large number in C

I have the following code where I have an array. I add a large number to that array, but when printing it, it shows a smaller, incorrect value. Why is that, and is there a way to fix this?
int x[10];
x[0] = 252121521121;
printf(" %i " , x[0]); //prints short wrong value
Your number requires 38 bit. If your platform's int isn't that big (and there's no reason it should be), the number simply won't fit. (In fact, even the int literal should already have triggered a compiler warning, supposing that this is C or C++.)
You could always use a data type of guaranteed size, like an int64 or something like that, depending on your language and platform. Probably no need for arbitrary-precision libraries here.
In C, include <stdint.h> and use int64_t, or just use long long int, and make sure you initialize it from a long long integer literal, e.g. 252121521121LL. (Long longs are only officially part of the most recent language standards, I might add.)
(Edit: long long int is guaranteed to be at least 64 bit, so it should be a good choice.)
An int, on most systems, is 32 bits. That's enough to store a number of about 2 billion signed, or 4 billion unsigned. To store larger numbers you need a larger form of int. (Unfortunately, on some systems a long int is the same as an int -- good ol' standardization -- so you need to go to a long long int. Better if you can find a typedef in your library such as int64_t.)
If you only have the problem with this particular number, then just use a long long int as suggested in previous answers.
Otherwise, for even larger numbers (>1E19 for signed numbers), you might want to switch to a large number library or code yourself this kind of data type. You basically need to store each digit of your number in an array (or linked list) and manually code basic operations you need on them : adding, subtracting, multiplying etc.
Some libraries include
or GMP.
Well, your number just seems to exceed the maximum value a 32bit integer can hold..
