Issue in accessing zeppelin context in Apache Livy Interpreter for Zeppelin - apache-zeppelin

Is it possible to access zeppelin context (z), in Livy Interpreter for Zeppelin? If yes, then how to access it.
If no, does that mean zeppelin visualization in Livy is limited to python libraries.
How does one exchange variables between scala and python.
It is simple if you use standard spark interpreter in Zeppelin by using z.put and z.get

Following Hortonworks last updates is not working yet.
About visualization, you can use zeppelin built-in if using spark-sql(livy.sql) interpreter

Livy interpreter doesn't support ZeppelinContext as of zeppelin ver 0.8.1


Can we write our agent in python in UnetStack?

I am writing a custom phy agent in UnetStack. I knew we can use Groovy, Java, Julia or C, Can i use python to write my agent ? If yes, What should i take care of and is there specific skeleton for it ?
fjåge only supports Groovy and Java agents out of the box, but supports only the Gateway API for Python, Julia, C, etc. An alpha version of Julia agent support is already available, but even without that, one can call Julia from Groovy agents. The Blog article: Harnessing the power of Julia in UnetStack — Part II covers how a custom PHY can be written using a Groovy agent, with all the signal processing in Julia.
You could do pretty much the same with Python, calling your Python code from a Java/Groovy agent. I have not tried doing this, but the basic idea is the same as what we do with Julia in the blog, and shouldn't be too hard to get to work. You can check out Java2Python and/or this StackOverflow post as a starting point.

If you want to develop a voice assistant, which language would you use?

I am trying to develop a voice assistant, but I am confused on which language to use.
I want the app to work properly on both windows and android.
If you have any suggestions please post them.
Python would be the best answer. Python has a lot of tools that you can use for this purpose.
Definitly python. it has readily available lots of tools and libraries for us. For these type of projects i highly recommend python. Here are some tools and libraries might help you.
wikipedia - Get information from wikipedia or to perform wikipedia search
pip install wikipedia
Request - Making GET and POST requests.
pip install requests
Beautifulsoup4 - A library that makes it easy to scrape information from web pages.
pip install beautifulsoup4
Pyttsx3 - Used for conversion of text to speech in a program it woks offline.
pip install pyttsx3
Wolframalpha - Compute expert-level answers using Wolfram's algorithms, knowledgebase and AI technology.
pip install wolframaplha
Subprocess - Getting system subprocess details which are used in various commands. for example, Sleep, Shutdown etc. This module comes built-in with python.
Web browser - To perform web search. built-in with python
Twilio - For making call and messages.
pip install twilio
Tkinter - For building GUI. Comes built-in with python.
Hope you will find this information helpful.

Can I program eSIM/eUICC devices with Java Applets

From my research on embedded SIM (eSIM) technology, it's a SIM card that the consumer owns and is capable of downloading and switching between 3rd party subscriptions. I've also read it's expected that most eSIMs will run a Java Runtime and support Java applets [1].
Is it possible to program Java applets onto eSIMs, similar to programming a Java smart card?
[1] "EUICC45",
Yes. The active specification. Java Card packages An eUICC supporting Java CardTM SHALL support the Java Packages listed below. The implementation of each
Package SHALL as a minimum be according to the given Package version
and Specification version
Then a list of the supported packages

Accessing Couchbase by terminal

Is it possible to create couchbase cluster by terminal. Basically, I want to perform all the operations on the DB by terminal.
Please refer me links, I have tried searching but could not find any terminal specific tutorial.
Suggest me if there is something I need to know before using Couchbase.
There isn't a single tool for this, but the most comprehensive in terms of feature sets is the cbc command line. There is an older blog on the cbc tools, but the basic idea is you install the C SDK (a.k.a. libcouchbase) and you'll have man pages for cbc and cbc subcommands.
Another approach that is common is to use a Python shell with the Couchbase Python Client. Or, use node.js with the Couchbase Node.js SDK.

Is it possible to use pandoc from google app engine?

I'd like to generate some reports from my python webapp - I set it up locally via PyPandoc.
However, I can't find PyPandoc on the list of available libraries. I tried vendoring it into my libs folder and using pypandoc's pypandoc.pandoc_download to download the pandoc binary, but that only works for 64-bit processors apparently.
Is there a way to request 64-bit environment? Or some way to get pandoc installed on the machine?
In a standard environment GAE app you neet to meet the python sandbox restrictions, one of which is using pure python code, which pandoc doesn't meet. From Pure Python:
All code for the Python runtime environment must be pure Python, and
not include any C extensions or other code that must be compiled.
You might be able to use it in a flexible environment GAE app, eventually using a custom environment, but I'm not 100% sure - I didn't use it yet.
