Redux getState in action not working - reactjs

I'm getting a bit confused with getState() in redux. I am using the thunk middleware.
I have an auth action which is an async action. But I have an action which runs before which checks if a token exists in state and if its still valid.
My problem is i can't seem to check the state when I have called the action. Thought I could just use getState but that doesn't seem to be a function.
componentDidMount() {
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
authCheck: () => checkApiStatus()(dispatch)
export const checkApiStatus = () => (dispatch, getState) => {
const expires_at = getState().api.expires_at
if (!expires_at || isDateGreater(expires_at)) {
// dispatch async action
Anyone have any ideas. Or perhaps better way of implementing something like this?

The problem is you explicitly calling the returned function in you mapDispatchToProps method and passing only one argument. Instead call dispatch(checkApiStatus()) then redux-thunk will take care of passing the right arguments to the returned method. Should look like this
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
authCheck: () => dispatch(checkApiStatus())


How does a react action have access to dispatch?

In my react project I have an actions file that looks like this:
const startLoad = () => async (dispatch) => {
// Get all content
export const getContents = () => async (dispatch) => {
// some more code...
So in this example, I know that dispatch is coming from the middleware and getContents has access to it because it was mapped using mapDispatchToProps. So I am assuming when getContents is called, its really called like this -> dispatch(getContents) but can this be replicated in plain JavaScript so I can see what is really going on? If I am wrong about why getContents has access to dispatch please let me know.
For example, how isstartLoad able to use dispatch just because dispatch called startLoad? I have noticed that it will also work if I call it like this: dispatch(startLoad(dispatch));.
Passing dispatch in to startLoad actually makes more sense to me so I don't get why that isn't required.
Edit: this is the closest example I could come up with on my own.
const fun = () => (fun2) => {
const fun2 = () => {
So I am assuming when getContents is called, its really called like
this -> dispatch(getContents) but can this be replicated in plain
JavaScript so I can see what is really going on? If I am wrong about
why getContents has access to dispatch please let me know.
redux-thunk has quite simple implementation
function createThunkMiddleware(extraArgument) {
return ({ dispatch, getState }) => (next) => (action) => {
if (typeof action === 'function') {
return action(dispatch, getState, extraArgument);
return next(action);
As you can see it checks if action is a function.
And bonus, if you like you can get the whole state and extra argument in params following dispatch
For example, how isstartLoad able to use dispatch just because
dispatch called startLoad? I have noticed that it will also work if I
call it like this: dispatch(startLoad(dispatch));.
It looks like middleware also handles above case.

Redux Thunk not firing return statement

I have seen problems like this here in Stackover flow but none of them seem to solve my problem. I am trying to dispatch an action using redux thunk but unfortunately, my thunk function is not firing the return statement.
I have tried using the redux thunk like I usually do:
export function handleLikeThunk(id, likeType){
return (dispatch) => {
console.log('thunk2', id);
However the code only reaches the 'thunk1' message. It never displays 'thunk2'
I am trying to handle a like button so first I imported the redux thunk function:
import { handleLikeThunk } from '../redux/actions/posts';
I have a function that calls the thunk whenever the like button is pressed:
handleLike = (e) => {
const { likes, id } = this.state
if('name') === 'upVote'){
likes: perviouState.likes + 1
handleLikeThunk(id, 'upVote');
if('name') === 'downVote' && likes > 0){
likes: perviouState.likes - 1
handleLikeThunk(id, 'downVote');
And in order to do that, I connect my component to the store
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
handleLikeThunk: (id, likeType) => dispatch(handleLikeThunk(id,
export default connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(Post)
Like I said, I want to be able to use the thunk function to post this info in the back-end but it never goes inside the return statament inside the thunk function.
Looks like you're calling the raw function and not the one that you put in your mapDispatchToProps, try changing handleLikeThunk(id, 'upVote'); to this.props.handleLikeThunk(id, 'upVote');

Handling Auth State using Redux

I have a chat-app that uses React, Redux and Firebase. I'm also using thunkmiddleware to do the async updates of the state with Firebase.
I successfully get everything I need, except that everything depends of a previously hard-coded variable.
The question is, how can I call inside my ActionCreators the getState() method in order to retrieve a piece of state value that I need in order to fill the rest of my states?
I currently have my auth: { uid = 'XXXZZZYYYY' }... I just need to call that like
however that doesn't work at all.
I tried a lot of different questions, using mapDispatchToProps, etc. I can show my repo if needed.
Worth to mention that I tried following this other question without success.
Accessing Redux state in an action creator?
This is my relevant current code:
const store = createStore(
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
watchFirebase(dispatch); // to dispatch async Firebase calls
return bindActionCreators(actionCreator, dispatch);
const App = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AppWrapper);
Which I am exporting correctly as many other not pure functions work correctly.
For instance, this works correctly:
export function fillLoggedUser() {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
type: C.LOGGED_IN,
However as suggested below, this doesn't do a thing:
const logState = () => ( dispatch, getState ) => {
In general your thunked action creator should look something like the below (I have used a post id as an example parameter):
const getPost = ( postId ) => ( dispatch, getState ) => {
const state = getState();
const authToken = state.reducerName.authToken;
Api.getPost(postId, authToken)
.then(result => {
// where postRetrieved returns an action
If this is similar to what you have then I would log your state out and see what is going on with a simple thunk.
const logState = () => ( dispatch, getState ) => {

Redux - Wrap actions inside another action in mapDispatchToProps

I have several actions, that are need to be used with another one action,
more specific i have actions to work with doument and one action to save it, and i dont wont to repeat calling of save document, so i tried to create myself wrapper on the mapDispatchToProps and thunk.
I need to each action I pass to the method performed to thunk actions -
function changeAction() {
return: {
type: types.CHANGE
function change() {
return(dispatch, getState) => {
I tried to create method to map actions to thunk
export function mapUpdatePresentationsToProps(actions) {
const mappedActions = {};
Object.keys(actions).map(action => {
mappedActions[action] = function() {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
return mappedActions;
And I always get an error 'Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions.' Am i doing something wrong? I dont know how i can debug them. Will be grateful for any help.
I guess you need to change:
to something like:
Right now it seems that you try to dispatch a string

Dispatching actions in Redux best practices?

I have a large project I am working on at work and wondering about the proper way to dispatch actions.
In my container for my component I map this function.
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
ackMessage:(convo)=> {
chatSocketService.messageAcknowledge(convo, dispatch);
You can see I am passing the dispatch function to my Service.
I need to pass dispatch so in case the socket event fails I can dispatch an error action inside the service.
Is this ok to do? Or would it be better to always keep the dispatching in the containers. If I turned that socket service function into a promise I could do this then but then we may be adding too much logic to the dispatch function in the container?
Is passing the dispatch object around ok to do?
Edit: Here is a snippet of my socket service. On error event from my socket emit I need to dispatch an error:
const chatSocketService = {
messageAcknowledge(convo, dispatch) {
const socketConnection = getSocket();
socketConnection.emit(socketMessages.ACKNOWLEDGE_MESSAGE, {convoID:convo.convoID, msgID:convo.lastMsg.msgID },
(response)=> {
socketError(response, convo, dispatch);
const socketError = (response, convo, dispatch) => {
if (response.error === CHAT_SESSION_EXPIRE) {
} else if(response.error) {
dispatch(convoError(convo.convoID, true));
const sessionExpire = (dispatch)=> {
dispatch(disconnectedMessage('Session has expired. Please log out and log back in'));
Then in my actions.js I have these actions:
export const convoError = (convoID, error) => ({
export const socketDisconnected = (disconnected)=> ({
I think you should keep the dispatch function inside the container and separate out the async api call in a different file and import that function to use in this file. Also show us how you are making those async calls like chatSocketSevice using redux-thunk or redux-saga.. I feel like then I could be more helpful.
