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Closed 3 years ago.
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This error occurs after I run npm run eject in my react project.
Maybe someone knows how to solve this problem (error in image description).
Thank you.
make sure you commit all your code before you run that
Before you eject, you need to make sure that git sees no changes in your files. Either commit or reset the branch
It seems to have git error, It takes whole repository. In order to avoid this error initialise git repository by git init and them git add. followed by git commit -m "meesage"
before you run your commit, npm run eject you should to upload the project into
git. it should be needed to.....
git add .
git commit -am "save and then eject"
and after completing this try again....
npm run eject
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Closed yesterday.
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everyone, I was new to react, so I want to refer someone in GitHub an error notification component code into myself viscose page, but I met couple of issues. Below is the link I follow as refer into my vscode
after use the yarn command to install, I get a file named yarn.lock.
I attach the content of the yarn.lock file, I have no idea how can I use others built component as a component into my project.
I run couple of command:
npm i react-notifications
npm i react-notifications --force
npm audit fix --force
result: it pops up lots of error and warning, I am confusing
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Closed 9 months ago.
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I just created a new react app with "npx create react app" and when i run it with "npm start" (i havenĀ“t change anything) i got this error:
Compiled with problems:X
ERROR in ./src/App.css (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet1.rules1.oneOf[5].use1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet1.rules1.oneOf[5].use[2]!./node_modules/source-map-loader/dist/cjs.js!./src/App.css)
Module Error (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js):
Loading PostCSS "postcss-preset-env" plugin failed: Cannot find module 'node:vm'
Require stack:
enter image description here
Just ran into this exact thing today and fixed it by installing the latest version of node(16.15.0) ->
You're most likely trying to use create-react-app on an image, and the image's configurations are crossing wires with create-react-app; that's what I just did by mistake using Docker, and I got the same exact compiling error with node:vm as a missing module
If you're using create-react-app, don't use it while you're in any Docker/Dev Environment images, just run the npx command in your terminal as is (probably helps having node downloaded on your local machine as well)
npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
Hopefully that helps, I know that solved my problem
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I installed the package on my React Native folder project, but always seems like this:
After installing packages, you have to stop the metro server first.
When the server is running, it doesn't find the module you've installed.
So after stopping the server, reopen it by running
$ react-native start
and in another terminal run
$ react-native run-android
If the error still exists, then do the following:
$ rm -rf node_modules/
$ npm i
$ react-native start
$ react-native run-android # run this command in the different terminal.
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Closed 6 months ago.
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$ yarn start
yarn run v1.22.5
error Couldn't find a package.json file in "C:\\Users\\Anjana Poudel\\Documents\\Javascript\\React.js\\Projects-react"
info Visit for documentation about this command.
$ node -v
$ npm -v
$ yarn -v
You might have ran the command yarn start from the wrong folder. It might not have package.json
Usually when the new react app is installed into the system with npx create-react-app my-app, it creates the folder my-app in which all the react files reside. cd my-app command is required to run to access the files in the folder. Then yarn start or npm start will work.
It's due to space in the path: "C:\Users\Anjana Poudel\Documents\Javascript\React.js\Projects-react".
You must have used "create-react-app app_name" to create your application.
Try performing "cd app_name" to enter into your app folder and then use "yarn start". Happy Hacking! :)
If you're just installing yarn for the first time like me, create the general folder where you want to create the next app like builds. cd (navigate) into the created folder (builds in my case). Now run npm install --global yarn (make sure you are in the newly created folder). You can now create your app using yarn in that folder
If you are facing "Couldn't find a package.json"
You need to change the path or directory . You need to go to the
current project directory .
You need to check the package.json file
`script` whether it is working for you when
you write `yarn start` or `yarn dev`.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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When i run ( ionic cordova build android --release ) to make .apk file . the error occur ( TypeError: env.runcmd is not a function). I try following step to resolve like.
1.npm install #ionic/cli-plugin-cordova#latest
it not solve.
May be issues with your plugins out of date or any bugs with latest upgrades.
Try :
Remove your node_modules folder
npm install --save --save-exact ionic#3.6.0
npm install
Freshly install all the node modules.