I want to download file PDF from frontend/web/uploads. And I have an error in the controller (maybe):
Calling unknown method: frontend\controllers\BukuController::findModel()
This is my source code:
public function actionDownload($id)
$model = $this->findModel($id);
$file ='../frontend/uploads/'.$model->file_buku;
return Yii::$app->response->sendFile($file);
And this is function in views, views/buku/index.php:
<?= Html::a('Download', ['download','id'=> $buku->file_buku]); ?>
As the error state, you missing in your BukuController method called findModel.
This method should search the model in the DB.
Something like this:
protected function findModel($id)
if (!is_null($model = Buku::findOne($id))) {
return $model;
throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.');
Of course if your model is not Buku, you need to change it relatively, and also import it in the top of the controller file:
use app\models\Buku; // Basic application.
use common\models\Buku; // Advanced application when models store in common folder.
use frontend\models\Buku; // Advanced application when models store in frontend folder.
Change $file variable to this.
$file =Yii::$app->getBasePath().'/web/uploads/'.$model->file_buku;
How can I test a file upload function with a controller test case in CakePHP 3?
I keep running into the problem that PHP thinks the file was not actually uploaded. The validation rules that works for a browser test, but not for a test case:
->add('file', [
'is_uploaded_file' => [
'rule' => ['uploadedFile', ['optional' => false]],
'message' => 'File is no valid uploaded file'
I quickly found out that the is_uploaded_file and move_uploaded_file are impossible to fool in a unit test.
However, most topics on this are old and/or not about CakePHP specifically, so I figured I'd post a new question.
You don't necessarily need to modify validation rules, what you can do alternatively is using an object that implements \Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface. CakePHP's default uploaded file validation supports such objects.
CakePHP requires zendframework/zend-diactoros, so you can use \Zend\Diactoros\UploadedFile and do something like this in your tests:
$data = [
// ...
'file' => new \Zend\Diactoros\UploadedFile([
1234, // filesize in bytes
\UPLOAD_ERR_OK, // upload (error) status
'filename.jpg', // upload filename
'image/jpeg' // upload mime type
The uploadedFile rule will automatically treat such an object as an uploaded file.
Of course your code that handles the file upload must support that interface too, but it's not that complicated, you just need to make sure that the regular file upload arrays are being converted into UploadedFileInterface implementations so that your upload handler can make that a requirement.
It could of course be done in the upload handler itself, so that validation will use regular file upload arrays as well as UploadedFile objects. Another way would be to convert them earlier when creating entities, using the beforeMarshal handler/event, something along the lines of this:
public function beforeMarshal(\Cake\Event\Event $event, \ArrayObject $data, \ArrayObject $options)
$file = \Cake\Utility\Hash::get($data, 'file');
if ($file === null) {
if (!($file instanceof \Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface)) {
if (!is_uploaded_file(\Cake\Utility\Hash::get($file, 'tmp_name'))) {
$file = new \Zend\Diactoros\UploadedFile(
} else {
$file = new \Zend\Diactoros\UploadedFile(
\Cake\Utility\Hash::get($file, 'tmp_name'),
\Cake\Utility\Hash::get($file, 'size'),
\Cake\Utility\Hash::get($file, 'error'),
\Cake\Utility\Hash::get($file, 'name'),
\Cake\Utility\Hash::get($file, 'type')
$data['file'] = $file;
This will convert the data into an UploadedFile object in case it's an actually uploaded file. This extra check is added because CakePHP's behavior of merging file data with the POST data, making it impossible (unless one can access the request object, or the $_FILES superglobal) to determine whether a user posted that data, or whether PHP generated that data for an actual file upload.
If you then use \Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface::moveTo() to move the file, it will work in SAPI (browser based) as well as non-SAPI (CLI) environments:
try {
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
'file', [__('The file could not be moved to its destination.')]
See also
PSR-7: HTTP message interfaces > Uploaded Files
API > \Cake\Validatiom\Validation::uploadedFile()
I actually figured it out almost immediately after I'd posted.
The solution is based on https://pierrerambaud.com/blog/php/2012-12-29-testing-upload-file-with-php
So the only way to get around the problem is overriding both the built-in functions: is_uploaded_file and move_uploaded_file.
The uploadedFile validation rule lives inside Cake\Validation, and I'm using the move function in a table event, so inside App\Model\Table.
I added the following to the top of the controller test case:
namespace Cake\Validation;
function is_uploaded_file($filename)
return true;
namespace App\Model\Table;
function move_uploaded_file($filename, $destination)
return copy($filename, $destination);
namespace App\Test\TestCase\Controller;
use App\Controller\CarsController;
use Cake\TestSuite\IntegrationTestTrait;
use Cake\TestSuite\TestCase;
use Cake\Core\Configure;
* App\Controller\CarsController Test Case
class CarsControllerTest extends BaseTestCase
use IntegrationTestTrait;
// ...
And it works!
I'm developing a plugin that has an action which decide the view to render according to data properties:
class ProfilesController extends MyPluginAppController {
public function myaction($id){
//..omitting checks..
$profile = $this->Profile->read(null,$id);
//Else render default action view
While this controller was inside the APP everything was working right,
after moving into Plugin, cake says:
Error: Confirm you have created the file:
While I'd expect to load it from:
While I'd expect to load it from:
It is attempting to load the default plugin path
If you trace through the code for finding template files it is checking multiple paths for plugin view files:
$paths = $this->_paths($plugin);
$exts = $this->_getExtensions();
foreach ($exts as $ext) {
foreach ($paths as $path) {
if (file_exists($path . $name . $ext)) {
return $path . $name . $ext;
The path in the error message is the last place CakePHP looks for a plugin view path, but it should also be checking the plugins directory. Debug the above code to see where CakePHP is looking for files if in doubt.
The path being wrong in the error message probably indicates using an out of date version of CakePHP; it's always, always a good idea to maintain your applications running the most recent maintenance release for the major version you are using. From the info provided that's 2.7.3 at the time of this answer.
In our application we are using the Controller and View to generate a PDF file which can be emailed to a user, the Controller renders a view file and passes it back to the model.
It has been setup like this because in another part of the application we use the same view file to display the PDF on-page (which requires POST data).
My problem is that I need to be able to access the controller functions from my model, however I want to prevent someone (using the website directly) from executing the controller function directly.
In Model:
$Contents = new ContentsController();
$message = $Contents->generatePDF($viewVars);
In Controller:
public function generatePDF($input_data)
//set the original data and the check result to build the page:
foreach($input_data as $key => $value)
$this->set($key, $value);
//instantiate a new View class from the controller
$view = new View($this);
$viewData = $view->render('pdf_file', 'pdf');
return $viewData;
Which works, however if the user goes and types /Contents/generatePDF into their browser they can access this controller function, so I want to be able to prevent it being accessed from the web directly.
I am using CakePHP 2.X
The simplest approach is to prepend an underscore to the name of your controller method: _generatePDF. Such methods are not accessible via browser.
i am new with cake but i´ve somehow managed to get through so far. After i´ve figured out that html2pdf is a convienient way to produce pdf documents out of Cakephp, i´ve installed html2ps/pdf and after some minor problems it worked. So now i am coming now to the point that if i don´t modify my controllers beforeRender function like:
function beforeFilter() {
i just see my loginpage in the pdf i´ve created. Setting within my beforeRender function the $this->Auth->allow value opens obviously erveryone the way to get a perfect pdf without being authorized. The whole controller looks like this:
class DashboardController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Dashboard';
var $uses = array('Aircrafts','Trainingplans',
function beforeFilter() {
function view() {
/* set layout for print */
$this->layout = 'pdf';
/* change layout for browser */
if> (!isset($this->params['named']['print']))
$this->layout = 'dashboard';
/* aircrafts */
$this->Aircrafts->recursive = 0;
$aircrafts =$this->Aircrafts->find('all');
.... and so on....
function download($id = null) {
$download_link = 'dashboard/view/print:1';
// Include Component
App::import('Component', 'Pdf');
// Make instance
$Pdf = new PdfComponent();
// Invoice name (output name)
$Pdf->filename = 'dashboard-' . date("M");
// You can use download or browser here
$Pdf->output = 'download';
// Render the view
$Pdf->process(Router::url('/', true) . $download_link);
So in my opinion the $Pdf->process call get´s the data by calling more or less the view, but this process is not logged in, or in other words not authorized to get the data i want to render into the pdf. So the question is now how to get it done by not opening my application to everyone.
Best regards, cdjw
You could do something like this:
if($this->Session->check('Auth.User')) {
// do your stuff
} else {
// do something else
You could check for 2 things before rendering /view:
a valid session (a user is logged in)
a valid security token that you pass from your download action as a named parameter
For the security token, just make up a long random string.
As the PDF is rendered on the same server, the token will never be known in the open and provide sufficient security.
Hope this is a working idea for you.
I had this similar issue, and this is how I handled it...
I first noticed that the process call of the PdfComponent was doing a request from the same server, so I tricked CakePHP on allowing the view only for requests being made from the server itself.. like this:
public function beforeFilter() {
if ($this->request->params['action']=='view'&&$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']==$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) { // for PDF access
You should put
inside AppController. rather than place where are you using now.
function beforeFilter() {
This question is slightly related to my old post Dealing with Alias URLs in CakePHP
After much thought, I am exploring the option of having a custom 404 script in my Cake App, that is reached when a URL does not map to any controllers/actions. This script would check $this->here and look it up in a database of redirects. If a match is found it would track a specific 'promo' code and redirect.
I'm thinking status codes. Can I make my script return a suitable status code based on certain conditions? For example:
URL matches a redirect - return a 301
URL really does not have a destination - return a 404.
Can I do this?
What about this? Anyone see any problems with it? I put it in app_controller.
function appError($method, $params) {
//do clever stuff here
This should work. Assuming you redirect 404's at a LegacyUrls::map() controller action. The code needs to be stored in app/app_error.php:
class AppError extends ErrorHandler{
function error404($params) {
$Dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
$Dispatcher->dispatch('/legacy_urls/map', array('broken-url' => '/'.$params['url']));
function missingController($params) {
$Dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
$Dispatcher->dispatch('/legacy_urls/map', array('broken-url' => '/'.$params['url']));
Good luck!
I've always created app\views\errors\missing_action.ctp and app\views\errors\missing_controller.ctp
Cake will automatically display one of those views when a url does not map out to a controller or its methods.
Unless there is a certain need for the error codes that you did not give, this would work perfectly!
I'd like to augment felixge's answer.
This version outputs a 404 error to the browser:
class AppError extends ErrorHandler
function _outputMessage($template)
if ($template === 'error404') {
$Dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
$Dispatcher->dispatch('legacy_urls/map', array('broken-url' => '/'.$params['url']));