Unable to open generated allure report on Internet Explorer 11 - allure

allure report is working in edge browser and chrome browser. But not working on IE 11. Getting 404 in IE browser.


Chrome Browser with localhost

Testing an e-commerce website, it's MERN stack when I run npm run develop chrome opens the page on localhost but I'm unable to click anything on it.
I open Microsoft Edge go in the localhost the application works properly, can add to cart, go into payment, everything works.
Was there an update on Chrome and how I fix this issue
Works on Microsoft Edge not on Chrome

How to debug React App from VSCode with enabled extensions in the browser

I have React app running locally on localhost:3000. I configured VSCode to debug app in MS Edge and Google Chrome also. I can launch browsers from VSCode debugger. Sometimes I launch Chrome and sometimes Edge. But the problem is with browser extensions. Launched browsers have resetted settings, and no extensions are present, for example React Developer Tools. I want to inspect React Components from this extension. Now I must launch manually browser card with url localhost:3000 and inspect components, but I haven't debugger attached for inspecting breakpoints in the same time.

Create react-app supported in internet explorer 11

How to create react-app in internet explorer 11 using npm package without using CDN and scripts in index.html file. babel polyfil does not work with react new-version.
It opens in chrome and edge but not in internet explorer 11.
Throws error: Object doesn't support property or method 'entries'

How to fix "UnsupportedOperationError: The command 'POST /session/:id/timeouts/async_script' was not found." e2e tests,Safari,protractor,selenium?

I am trying to run Protractor e2e tests on Selenium and Safari Version 12.1.1 (14607. for the AngularJS web application. Those tests are successfully running on Chrome with the Chrome web driver.
I have enabled Develop tab in Safari with "Allow Remote Automation" checked.
I've followed this https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/testing_with_webdriver_in_safari tutorial in order to make sure that my safaridriver is enabled and that I have correct Selenium library version.
"protractor": "4.0.14",
I run it with "gulp e2e --browsers=safari". The Safari browser starts for a second and then shuts itself down. Error code I get is: Error: UnsupportedOperationError: The command 'POST /session/04A32527-1B80-4171-BB56-4B169A75855E/timeouts/async_script' was not found. Error code 100.
I found that this command since Safari 12 should be supported.

AngularJS IE9 Crash due to Add-On

After getting my IE9 install to be caught up to the user's IE9 KB version I then had her run "Internet Explorer (No Add-ins)". Search windows for "Internet Explorer" and you should see it.
If your web site works then you know it was a rogue add-in crashing IE.
Then it's trial and error.
For me, disabling the Onbase "OBXPopupBlockerAssistant" resolved the issue.
