How to get the length of BOOL[] in SCL with RSLogix 5000 - arrays

I am programming an Allen-Bradley / Rockwell CompactLogix PLC in SCL. I would like to determine the size of Arrays at runtime. It would be possible to enter the Array lengths as constants into the code before compiling. However, the reusability would be improved greatly if the lengths of the arrays could be determined automatically.
There is the function SIZE(Source,Dimtovary,Size) which does exactly what I need although only for SINT[] INT[] DINT[] REAL[] structure and STRING. Unfortunately I need the length of BOOL[].
"The SIZE instruction finds the number of elements (size) in the designated dimension of the Source array or string operand and places the result in the Size operand. The instruction finds the size of one dimension of an array."
Pseudo code
Int_array := INT[16];
Bool_array := BOOL[64];
// Works, Int_array_len contains 16
// Isn't compilable becaus size(); isn't defined for boolean arrays
IDE: Rockwell Studio 5000 / RSLogix 5000
PLC: 1769-L36ERMS
Language: SCL (Structured text)
Reference: Programming reference manual
Is there a way to determine the length of a boolean array for example BOOL[64]?
Additionally, is there a fundamental reason why SIZE(Source,Dimtovary,Size); doesn't work with boolean arrays?

The answer is simply no; it is not possible to get the size of a BOOL[] array.
As #DanMašek suggested correctly, BOOL[] arrays are very limited. It is even recommended using UDTs containing members of type BOOL instead.
Unfortunately, I still have no solution to get the length of multiple BITs arranged in some way and loop through them in a for loop.


Dynamically indexing an array in C

Is it possible to create arrays based of their index as in
int x = 4;
int y = 5;
int someNr = 123;
int foo[x][y] = someNr;
dynamically/on the run, without creating foo[0...3][0...4]?
If not, is there a data structure that allow me to do something similar to this in C?
As written your code make no sense at all. You need foo to be declared somewhere and then you can index into it with foo[x][y] = someNr;. But you cant just make foo spring into existence which is what it looks like you are trying to do.
Either create foo with correct sizes (only you can say what they are) int foo[16][16]; for example or use a different data structure.
In C++ you could do a map<pair<int, int>, int>
Variable Length Arrays
Even if x and y were replaced by constants, you could not initialize the array using the notation shown. You'd need to use:
int fixed[3][4] = { someNr };
or similar (extra braces, perhaps; more values perhaps). You can, however, declare/define variable length arrays (VLA), but you cannot initialize them at all. So, you could write:
int x = 4;
int y = 5;
int someNr = 123;
int foo[x][y];
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < y; j++)
foo[i][j] = someNr + i * (x + 1) + j;
Obviously, you can't use x and y as indexes without writing (or reading) outside the bounds of the array. The onus is on you to ensure that there is enough space on the stack for the values chosen as the limits on the arrays (it won't be a problem at 3x4; it might be at 300x400 though, and will be at 3000x4000). You can also use dynamic allocation of VLAs to handle bigger matrices.
VLA support is mandatory in C99, optional in C11 and C18, and non-existent in strict C90.
Sparse arrays
If what you want is 'sparse array support', there is no built-in facility in C that will assist you. You have to devise (or find) code that will handle that for you. It can certainly be done; Fortran programmers used to have to do it quite often in the bad old days when megabytes of memory were a luxury and MIPS meant millions of instruction per second and people were happy when their computer could do double-digit MIPS (and the Fortran 90 standard was still years in the future).
You'll need to devise a structure and a set of functions to handle the sparse array. You will probably need to decide whether you have values in every row, or whether you only record the data in some rows. You'll need a function to assign a value to a cell, and another to retrieve the value from a cell. You'll need to think what the value is when there is no explicit entry. (The thinking probably isn't hard. The default value is usually zero, but an infinity or a NaN (not a number) might be appropriate, depending on context.) You'd also need a function to allocate the base structure (would you specify the maximum sizes?) and another to release it.
Most efficient way to create a dynamic index of an array is to create an empty array of the same data type that the array to index is holding.
Let's imagine we are using integers in sake of simplicity. You can then stretch the concept to any other data type.
The ideal index depth will depend on the length of the data to index and will be somewhere close to the length of the data.
Let's say you have 1 million 64 bit integers in the array to index.
First of all you should order the data and eliminate duplicates. That's something easy to achieve by using qsort() (the quick sort C built in function) and some remove duplicate function such as
uint64_t remove_dupes(char *unord_arr, char *ord_arr, uint64_t arr_size)
uint64_t i, j=0;
for (i=1;i<arr_size;i++)
if ( strcmp(unord_arr[i], unord_arr[i-1]) != 0 ){
if ( i == arr_size-1 ){
return j;
Adapt the code above to your needs, you should free() the unordered array when the function finishes ordering it to the ordered array. The function above is very fast, it will return zero entries when the array to order contains one element, but that's probably something you can live with.
Once the data is ordered and unique, create an index with a length close to that of the data. It does not need to be of an exact length, although pledging to powers of 10 will make everything easier, in case of integers.
uint64_t* idx = calloc(pow(10, indexdepth), sizeof(uint64_t));
This will create an empty index array.
Then populate the index. Traverse your array to index just once and every time you detect a change in the number of significant figures (same as index depth) to the left add the position where that new number was detected.
If you choose an indexdepth of 2 you will have 10² = 100 possible values in your index, typically going from 0 to 99.
When you detect that some number starts by 10 (103456), you add an entry to the index, let's say that 103456 was detected at position 733, your index entry would be:
index[10] = 733;
Next entry begining by 11 should be added in the next index slot, let's say that first number beginning by 11 is found at position 2023
index[11] = 2023;
And so on.
When you later need to find some number in your original array storing 1 million entries, you don't have to iterate the whole array, you just need to check where in your index the first number starting by the first two significant digits is stored. Entry index[10] tells you where the first number starting by 10 is stored. You can then iterate forward until you find your match.
In my example I employed a small index, thus the average number of iterations that you will need to perform will be 1000000/100 = 10000
If you enlarge your index to somewhere close the length of the data the number of iterations will tend to 1, making any search blazing fast.
What I like to do is to create some simple algorithm that tells me what's the ideal depth of the index after knowing the type and length of the data to index.
Please, note that in the example that I have posed, 64 bit numbers are indexed by their first index depth significant figures, thus 10 and 100001 will be stored in the same index segment. That's not a problem on its own, nonetheless each master has his small book of secrets. Treating numbers as a fixed length hexadecimal string can help keeping a strict numerical order.
You don't have to change the base though, you could consider 10 to be 0000010 to keep it in the 00 index segment and keep base 10 numbers ordered, using different numerical bases is nonetheless trivial in C, which is of great help for this task.
As you make your index depth become larger, the amount of entries per index segment will be reduced
Please, do note that programming, especially lower level like C consists in comprehending the tradeof between CPU cycles and memory use in great part.
Creating the proposed index is a way to reduce the number of CPU cycles required to locate a value at the cost of using more memory as the index becomes larger. This is nonetheless the way to go nowadays, as masive amounts of memory are cheap.
As SSDs' speed become closer to that of RAM, using files to store indexes is to be taken on account. Nevertheless modern OSs tend to load in RAM as much as they can, thus using files would end up in something similar from a performance point of view.

Array to use for appending unknown number of bytes into single large array in System verilog

I am trying to append unknown number of bytes into a single large array . Which array type should I use ? I am trying to this
bit [7:0] temp_ascii;
arr = {arr,temp_ascii};
where temp_i is an input srting. My Final aim is convert input String into binary representation of its ASCII value and concatenate them together into a single large array.
I having a hard time choosing what kind of array to use dynamic or associative or if I can use queue.
Any help will be highly appreciable.
You use associative arrays when the index values are not consecutive, or the ordering is meaningless. Not applicable here.
You use queues when adding or removing one element at a time to an array. If arr was declared as a queue, you could write
string temp_i;
bit [7:0] arr[$];
int len;
len = temp_i.len();
for(int i=0,i<len;i++)
If your strings are small, or you plan to concatenate many strings together, a queue is your best option. But if you only plan to convert one string to an array, then using a bit-stream cast to a dynamic array will be the most efficient.
string temp_i;
typedef bit [7:0] uint8_da_t[]; // typedef required for cast to target
uint8_da_t arr; // using typedef not required here, but A VERY GOOD IDEA
arr = uint8_da_t'(temp_i);
is it supposed to be a synthesizable code or a test bench?
None of the above is synthesizable.
you would do it differently in different worlds.

Different sizes of arrays using make or default initialization

I'm new to Go and try to understand the language in order to write efficient code. In the following code, sizes of the two arrays differ by 140%, can someone explain this?
package main
import (
func main() {
ind1 := make([]bool, 10)
var ind2 [10]bool
fmt.Println(unsafe.Sizeof(ind1)) // 24
fmt.Println(len(ind1)) // 10
fmt.Println(unsafe.Sizeof(ind2)) // 10
fmt.Println(len(ind2)) // 10
The size of the first array remains 10, even in case the capacity is set explicitly:
ind1 := make([]bool, 10, 10)
Can someone explain this? Is there any additional overhead in using make? If yes, why is it recommended to use make over default initialization?
Arrays and slices in Go are different things.
Your ind1 is a slice, and ind2 is an array. The length of an array is part of the type, so for example [2]bool and [3]bool are 2 different array types.
A slice in Go is a descriptor for a contiguous segment of an underlying array and provides access to a numbered sequence of elements from that array. This slice header is a struct-like data structure represented by the type reflect.SliceHeader:
type SliceHeader struct {
Data uintptr
Len int
Cap int
It contains a data pointer (to the first element of the represented segment), a length and a capacity.
The unsafe.SizeOf() function returns the size in bytes of the hypothetical variable as if it would hold the passed value. It does not include any memory possibly referenced by it.
So if you pass a slice value (ind1), it will tell you the size of the above mentioned slice header. Note that the size of the fields of SliceHeader are architecture dependent, e.g. int may be 4 bytes on one platform and it may be 8 bytes on another. The size 24 applies to 64-bit architectures.
The Go Playground runs on a 32-bit architecture. Let's see this example:
fmt.Println(unsafe.Sizeof(make([]bool, 10)))
fmt.Println(unsafe.Sizeof(make([]bool, 20)))
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
As you can see, no matter the length of the slice you pass to unsafe.SizeOf(), it always returns 12 on the Go Playground (and 24 on 64-bit architectures).
On the other hand, an array value includes all its elements, and as such, its size depends on its length. Size of [10]bool is 10, and size of [20]bool is 20.
See related questions+answers to learn more about slices, arrays and the difference and relation between them:
How do I find the size of the array in go
Why have arrays in Go?
Why use arrays instead of slices?
Must read blog posts:
Go Slices: usage and internals
Arrays, slices (and strings): The mechanics of 'append'
ind1 is a slice (the type is []bool).
ind2 is an array (the type is [10]bool).
They are not of the same type.
The result of unsafe.Sizeof(ind1) probably has nothing to do with the arguments passed to make.

Number sequences length, element first and last indexes in array

Im beginner in programming. My question is how to count number sequences in input array? For example:
input array = [0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1]
output integer = 3 (count one-sequences)
And how to calculate number sequences first and last indexes in input array? For example:
input array = [0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1]
output array = [3-8,10-10,12-14] (one first and last place in a sequence)
I tried to solve this problem in C with arrays. Thank you!
Your task is a good exercise to familiarize you with the 0-based array indexes used in C, iterating arrays, and adjusting the array indexes to 1-based when the output requires.
Taking the first two together, 0-based arrays in C, and iterating over the elements, you must first determine how many elements are in your array. This is something that gives new C programmers trouble. The reason being is for general arrays (as opposed to null-terminated strings), you must either know the number of elements in the array, or determine the number of elements within the scope where the array was declared.
What does that mean? It means, the only time you can use the sizeof operator to determine the size of an array is inside the same scope (i.e. inside the same block of code {...} where the array is declared. If the array is passed to a function, the parameter passing the array is converted (you may see it referred to as decays) to a pointer. When that occurs, the sizeof operator simply returns the size of a pointer (generally 8-bytes on x86_64 and 4-bytes on x86), not the size of the array.
So now you know the first part of your task. (1) declare the array; and (2) save the size of the array to use in iterating over the elements. The first you can do with int array[] = {0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1}; and the second with sizeof array;
Your next job is to iterate over each element in the array and test whether it is '0' or '1' and respond appropriately. To iterate over each element in the array (as opposed to a string), you will typically use a for loop coupled with an index variable ( 'i' below) that will allow you to access each element of the array. You may have something similar to:
size_t i = 0;
for (i = 0; i< sizeof array; i++) {
... /* elements accessed as array[i] */
(note: you are free to use int as the type for 'i' as well, but for your choice of type, you generally want to ask can 'i' ever be negative here? If not, a choice of a type that handles only positive number will help the compiler warn if you are misusing the variable later in your code)
To build the complete logic you will need to test for all changes from '0' to '1' you may have to use nested if ... else ... statements. (You may have to check if you are dealing with array[0] specifically as part of your test logic) You have 2 tasks here. (1) determine if the last element was '0' and the current element '1', then update your sequence_count++; and (2) test if the current element is '1', then store the adjusted index in a second array and update the count or index for the second array so you can keep track of where to store the next adjusted index value. I will let you work on the test logic and will help if you get stuck.
Finally, you need only print out your final sequence_count and then iterate over your second array (where you stored the adjusted index values for each time array was '1'.
This will get you started. Edit your question and add your current code when you get stuck and people can help further.

An array of length 4-20?

I'd like for my array to be of a set length using a simple format. Please, let me know how this is done.
What I already have:
Pseudocode: what I would like to have:
arr[4-20] or arr[$min_int THROUGH $max_int]
Additional detail edit: The int should be within the range array = (4, 20). The input may contain leading zeros. I'd like to keep the length of the array restricted (i.e., to 9 or 10 characters).
Arrays simply do not work this way in C. You will need to implement it yourself by only looping through valid indices (and wasting memory in the process) or by using a data structure better suited to the job, like a map (which you will have to find in a library or write yourself as it does not exist in the language).
#define ARRMINIDX 4
#define ARRMAXIDX 20
#define arr(x) arrmem[ARRMINIDX+(x)]
// process elements of arr
for( i = ARRMINIDX; i <= ARRMAXIDX; i++ )
OTOH, this make not be what you want at all, given your comment
I want an array with 0-1 elements: a limited int or limited "numeric
int"--string mimicking an int.
which I can't make heads or tails of in this context. Are you saying that you want a string of 4-20 chars that represents an integer?
