DBMS - Music genre normalization in a database - database

So I am trying to wrap my head around the whole "normalization" thing. To understand it better, I have come up with a this case of storing songs
Suppose I have the following db:
Album Table:
album_name| genre
album_1| genre_1, genre_2
album_2| genre_1
album_3| genre_2
To normalize, I thought of the following approach
Album Table:
album_name| genre_id
album_1| 3
album_2| 1
album_3| 2
Genre Table:
genre_id| genre_1| genre_2
0| false| false
1| true| false
2| false| true
3| true| true
Thus, if a new genre pops up, all I need to do is create a new column in genre table and the new corresponding genre_id can be assigned. Well, that will require filling up of all possible combinations, but that will only happen once for every new genre introduced.
Also, what I thought of, will that be considered "normalizing"? From the examples I have seen around, I haven't seen creation of tables with columns that were originally data.

The canonical way of doing this would be to use three tables:
Album |
album_id | album_name (and maybe other columns)
1 | Rumours
2 | Thriller
3 | To the Moon and Back
genre_id | genre_name (also maybe other columns)
1 | rock
2 | pop
3 | alternative
album_id | genre_id
1 | 1
1 | 2
2 | 2
3 | 2
3 | 3
Normalization is all about avoiding the storage of repetitive data. If you scrutinize this design, you will see that information about albums and genres is stored only once, in each respective table. Then, the AlbumGenre table stores the relationships between albums and the various genres. This table is usually called a "bridge" table, because it links albums to their genres.
The problem with your proposed Genre table is that it repeats information about relationships even if those relationships don't exist. Furthermore, this approach won't scale well at all if you need to add more genres to the database.

The relationship you defined is a many to many relationship. In general you don't want to be adding new columns when you add new data. So we need to look at another solution.
First we define tables for the Albums and Genres:
Album Table:
album_id | album_name
1 | album_1
2 | album_2
3 | album_3
Genre Table:
genre_id | genre_name
1 | genre_1
2 | genre_2
3 | genre_3
Now we need to link those two. We use a junction table to do that. Each instance of a genre belonging to an album will have a row in this table. So albums could be listed in this table multiple times.
Album Genres Junction Table:
album_genre_junction_id | album_id | genre_id
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 2 1
4 3 2


Natural key when combining two source tables that use similar promary keys

I have two source tables, one is basically an invoice, the other is a migrated invoice. The same object should probably have been used for both, but I have this instead. They contain most of the same data.
I had thought to combine both into a dimension table, however both will use the same natural keys. How should I approach this?
One potential solution I thought of was using negative numbers for the migrated table, but then the natural keys won't align exactly with the source.
Do I just combine them in the fact table? Then I can't link back to the dimension table for either due to NULLs.
Or do I add an additional column or information to indicate which type of invoice it is?
Simple models of the current tables below.
The dimension currently only contains the non migrated data, it has a primary key, however
if i merge the migrated invoice table in to this, it will appear as if the changes are being
made to the original invoices and not a second set of invoices
surrogate_key| source_pk | Total | scd_from | scd_to
| | | |
1 | 1 | 100 | 01/01/2019 | 31/01/2019
2 | 1 | 150 | 01/02/2019 | 31/12/2019
3 | 2 | 50 | 01/01/2019 | 31/12/9999
source invoice table
pk | Total
1 | 150
2 | 50
source migrated invoice table
pk | total
1 | 200
2 | 300
If invoice and migrated invoice have same natural key but some of the fields have different values (your example shows Total amount different between them), then you have one row based on the natural key in the Dim but 2 different columns to represent the 2 sources. Based on your example, you need invoice_Total and migrated_invoice_Total columns in your DIM.

Database Design - Drop Down Input Box Issue

I'm trying to create a friendship site. The issue I'm having is when a user joins a website they have to fill out a form. This form has many fixed drop down items the user must fill out. Here is an example of one of the drop downs.
Drop Down (Favorite Pets)
Items in Favorite Pets
1. Dog
2. Cat
3. Bird
4. Hampster
What is the best way to store this info in a database. Right now the profile table has a column for each fixed drop down. Is this correct database design. See Example:
User ID | Age | Country | Favorite Pet | Favorite Season
1 | 29 | United States | Bird | Summer
Is this the correct database design? right now I have probably 30 + columns. Most of the columns are fixed because they are drop down and the user has to pick one of the options.
Whats the correct approach to this problem?
p.s. I also thought about creating a table for each drop down but this would really complex the queries and lead to lots of tables.
Another approach
Profile table
ID | username | age
1 | jason | 27
profileDropDown table:
ID | userID | dropdownID
1 | 1 | 2
2 | 1 | 7
Drop Down table:
ID | dropdown | option
1 | pet | bird
2 | pet | cat
3 | pet | dog
4 | pet | Hampster
5 | season | Winter
6 | Season | Summer
7 | Season | Fall
8 | Season | spring
"Best way to approach" or "correct way" will open up a lot of discussion here, which risks this question being closed. I would recommend creating a drop down table that has a column called "TYPE" or "NAME". You would then put a unique identifier of the drop down in that column to identify that set. Then have another column called "VALUE" that holds the drop down value.
For example:
1 | PET | BIRD
2 | PET | DOG
3 | PET | FISH
Then to get your PET drop down, you just select all from this table where type = 'PET'
Will the set of questions (dropdowns) to be asked every user ever be changed? Will you (or your successor) ever need to add or remove questions over time? If no, then a table for users with one column per question is fine, but if yes, it gets complex.
Database purists would require two tables for each question:
One table containing a list of all valid answers for that question
One table containing the many to many relation between user and answer to “this” question
If a new question is added, create new tables; if a question is removed, drop those tables (and, of course, adjust all your code. Ugh.) This would work, but it's hardly efficient.
If, as seems likely, all the questions and answer sets are similar, then a three-table model suggests itself:
A table with one row per question (QuestionId, QuestionText)
A table with one row for each answer for each Question (QuestionId, AnswerId, AnswerText)
A table with one row for each user-answered question (UserId, QuestionId, AnswerId)
Adding and removing questions is straightforward, as is identifying skipped or unanswered questions (such as, if you add a new question a month after going live).
As with most everything, there’s a whole lot of “it depends” behind this, most of which depends on what you want your system to do.

Can a 'skinny table' design be compensated with a view?

Context: simple webapp game for personal learning purposes, using postgres. I can design it however I want.
2 tables 1 view (there are additional tables view references that aren't important)
Table: Research
col: research_id (foreign key to an outside table)
col: category (integer foreign key to category table)
col: percent (integer)
constraint (unique combination of the three columns)
Table: Category
col: category_id (primary key auto inc)
col: name(varchar(255))
notes: this table exists to capture the 4 categories of research I want in business logic and which I assume is not best practice to hardcode as columns in the db
View: Research_view
col: research_id (from research table)
col: foo1 (one of the categories from category table)
col: foo2 (etc...)
col: other cols from other joins
notes:has insert/update/delete statements that uses above tables appropriately
The research table itself I worry qualifies as a "Skinny Table" (hadn't heard the term until I just saw it in the Ibatis manning book). For example test data within it looks like:
| research_id | percent | category |
| 1 | 25 | 1 |
| 1 | 25 | 2 |
| 1 | 25 | 3 |
| 1 | 25 | 4 |
| 2 | 20 | 1 |
| 2 | 30 | 2 |
| 2 | 25 | 3 |
| 2 | 25 | 4 |
1) Does it make sense to have all columns in a table collectively define unique entries?
2) Does this 'smell' to you?
Couple of notes to start:
constraint (unique combination of the three columns)
It makes no sense to have a unique constraint that includes a single-column primary key. Including that column will cause every row to be unique.
notes: this table exists to capture the 4 categories of research I want in business logic and which I assume is not best practice to hardcode as columns in the db
If a research item/entity is required to have all four categories defined for it to be valid, they should absolutely be columns in the research table. I can't tell definitively from your statement whether this is the case or not, but your assumption is faulty if looked at in isolation. Let your model reflect reality as closely as possible.
Another factor is whether it's a requirement that additional categories may be added to the system post-deployment. Whether the categories are intended to be flexible vs. fixed should absolutely influence the design.
1) Does it make sense to have all columns in a table collectively
define unique entries?
I would say it's not common, but can imagine there are situations where it might be appropriate.
2) Does this 'smell' to you?
Hard to say without more details.
All that said, if the intent is to view and add research items with all four categories, I would say (again) that you should consider whether the four categories are semantically attributes of the research entity.
As a random example, things like height and weight might be considered categories of a person, but they would likely be stored flat on the person table, and not in a separate table.

Database design - storing a sequence

Imagine the following: there is a "recipe" table and a "recipe-step" table. The idea is to allow different recipe-steps to be reused in different recipes. The problem I'm having relates to the fact that in the recipe context, the order in which the recipe-steps show up is important, even if it does not follow the recipe-step table primary-key order, because this order will be set by the user.
I was thinking of doing something like:
recipe-step table:
id | stepName | stepDescription
1 | step1 | description1
2 | step2 | description2
3 | step3 | description3
recipe table:
recipeId | step
1 | 1
1 | 2
1 | 3
This way, the order in which the steps show up in the step column is the order I need to maintain.
My concerns with this approach are:
if I have to add a new step between two existing steps, how do I query it? What if I just need to switch the order of two steps already in the sequence?
how do I make sure the order maintains its consistency? If I just insert or update something in the recipe table, it will pop up at the end of the table, right?
Is there any other way you would think of doing this? I also thought of having a previous-step and a next-step column in the recipe-step table, but I think it would be more difficult to make the recipe-steps reusable that way.
In SQL, tables are not ordered.
Unless you are using an ORDER BY clause, database engines are allowed to return records in any order they feel is fastest (for example, a covering index might have the data in a different order, and sometimes even SQLite creates temporary covering indexes automatically).
If the steps have a specific order in a specific recipe, then you have to store this information in the database.
I'd suggest to add this to the recipe table:
recipeId | step | stepOrder
1 | 1 | 1
1 | 2 | 2
1 | 3 | 3
2 | 4 | 1
2 | 2 | 2
The recipe table stores the relationship between recipes and steps, so it should be called recipe-step.
The recipe-step table is independent of recipes, so it should be called step.
You probably need a table that stores recipe information that is independent of steps; this table should be called recipe.

How to design database, one table for all product type or each table for each product type?

I start new e-commerce web application (pet project) that sale both t-shirt and shoe. My store has only free size T shirt so t-shirt has only color column while shoe has columns for size and color.
Now it's time to create table to store that data, I want to know is it good to create separate table for shoe and t-shirt or it's better to keep all of them in one table?
If it has a better idea to store such data, please let me know.
You definitely don't want to create a Shoe table and a TShirt table. Your shop might grow, and one day you'll have a thousand such product tables. Writing SQL for that would be a nightmare. Plus, you might have different kinds of t-shirts eventually, some with color, some with size and color, and so on. If you create a new table for each, you'll lose track of them quickly, and if you don't, why have separate tables for t-shirts and shoes, but not for one-size t-shirts and multi-size t-shirts?
While designing your database, you should be asking yourself: what are the entities in my realm? what are the things that never change and are uniquely identifiable? In a shop, a particular item that can be sold at a particular price is one such entity. So you might have a products table that has a key for each particular item you sell, and maybe a name, a type, a size and a color column:
id | type | name | size | color
1 | shoe | Marathon | 9 | white
2 | shoe | Marathon | 9 | black
Looking at this table, you notice that we have two entries for the highly successful Marathon running shoe, and that seems to be a normalization violation. Indeed, you probably have two entities a shippable item and a catalog product. The shoe "Marathon" is probably something that has one picture and one description in your store, followed by a "available in the following colors and sizes:" line. So now you have two tables:
id | type | name | supplier | picture | description
1 | shoe | Marathon | TrackNField Co. | marathon.jpg | Run faster than light!
2 | tshirt | FlowerPower | SF Shirts | fpower.jpg | If you're going to San Francisco...
id | product_id | size | color | price
1 | 1 | 9 | white | 99.99
2 | 1 | 9 | black | 99.99
3 | 2 | | blue | 19.99
The "type" column in the product table can be a tricky one. You'll probably want to display products by category, let the user click on "shoes" and get all products with type "shoe". Easy so far, but eventually someone will mistype an entry "sheo", and then you can't find that product under shoes anymore. So it's better to separate the categorization from the products, for example by having a product_type table:
id | name
1 | shoe
id | type_id | name | supplier | picture | description
1 | 1 | Marathon | TrackNField Co. | marathon.jpg | Run faster than light!
with a reference to the type in the product table. That's ok as long as your type hierarchy stays shallow, but what if you want to have subcategories, like "sneaker", "basketball shoe", "suede shoe", and so on? One shoe might even belong to several of these subcategories. In that case you can try this
id | name | supercategory_id
1 | shoe |
2 | running shoe | 1
product_id | category_id
1 | 2
id | name | supplier | picture | description
1 | Marathon | TrackNField Co. | marathon.jpg | Run faster than light!
And if you want to display multiple hierarchies of categorizations (as most big ecommerce sites do these days), you'll have to come up with something even more sophisticated.
Keep them all in one table and have a type field. The reason to do it this way is so that your data structure is scalable: i.e. if there is a new type of product then instead of adding a new table and having to drastically change your application code, you just use the same table and simply add a type.
if you don't want make it to complex you can keep all of them in the same table and create another table called "ProductType" that tells you if it is a shoe or a t-shirt.
The relationship will be One-To-Many on the "ProductType" side as you can have the same type of product associated with more then one record on the product table(where you store all your products)
