Proper setup for pitest-maven report-aggregate goal - maven-plugin

I've tried to use the pitest-maven plugin in my Maven / Java project and it is apparently failing to generate an aggregated report (taking into consideration that I have a multi-module project).
I gather some information from the official website and from several other sources, however, none of them was really helpful to define the proper configuration for this scenario.
In a nutshell, my structure looks like:
Child A
Child B
Child ...
Child N
In some of the submodules, it does make sense to have a pi-test being executed, others not. So to say, my configuration in general is.
Parent-module pom:
Child project that has mutations:
And, finally, when I try to execute the phase site (as defined in the parent) even after I executed a clean install that created the files such as linecoverage.xml and mutations.xml, I'm getting this error:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 11.820 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-04-06T13:20:47+02:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 35M/514M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.pitest:pitest-maven:1.3.2:report-aggregate (report) on project my-parent: An error has occurred in PIT Test Report report generation. Failed to build: no lineCoverageFiles have been set -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
Does any of you have a clue if I did a bad configuration or if there is a better way to do any part of this setup?

It seems that you are running into several problems at once :
When running report-aggregate the plugin analyze the dependencies of the module it
runs in and expect everyone of them to have linecoverage.xml and a mutations.xml file. You have to have a submodule dedicated to report aggregation, and you should run report-aggregate only in this submodule.
report-aggregate can't deal with timestamped reports, it must be disabled
I couldn't make it work with the site phase. Not sure if it's a bug in the plugin or if I missed something (keeping the default phase works, but you need to get the report somehow, it won't be in the site).
Putting it all together :
in parent-module pom:
<!-- omitting mutators, testPlugin and verbose for brevity -->
it's currently not possible to aggregate timestamped
reports, so it must be disabled.
Use an id to disable it in some submodules
NO report-aggregate here. Most of the time you don't
want it to run.
<!-- NO pitest here since its use will vary per submodule -->
in submodule with mutation :
You can put configuration here, but IMOHO it's better to have it
in the parent pom. (so I leave it out here)
in the submodule generating the report :
Only include submodules where `mutationCoverage` is run.
and also
Using the execution id to change its phase to none disables
mutationCoverage in this module.
(not sure it's the best way to do it, but as long as it doesn't
run you should be fine)
Keep default phase here.


Error in creating rule engine drools

I intended to use the Openllet reasoner, as suppose to the other available reasoners. But this reasoner is compatible only with the OWL API 5.X.X distribution. I have a xxx.owl file which contains SWRL rules. Since the existing SWRL API is not compatible with OWL API 5, Ignazio Palmisano had kindly put up a forked repository with required changes, so that it is compatible with the OWL API 5.X.X distribution. Consequently, I removed the dependencies related to SWRL API and drools engine. Instead, I built them locally by downloading the 'zip' files.
Now, with ".jar" files of the SWRL API and Drools loaded into the project in intelliJ, I am presented with this following error:
Exception in thread "main" org.swrlapi.exceptions.SWRLRuleEngineException: Error creating rule engine Drools. Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. Message: org/drools/runtime/rule/AgendaFilter
at org.swrlapi.factory.DefaultSWRLRuleAndQueryEngineFactory.createSWRLRuleEngine(
at org.swrlapi.factory.DefaultSWRLRuleAndQueryEngineFactory.createSWRLRuleEngine(
at org.swrlapi.factory.SWRLAPIFactory.createSWRLRuleEngine(
at SWRLrules.main(
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/drools/runtime/rule/AgendaFilter
at org.swrlapi.drools.core.DroolsSWRLRuleEngineCreator.create(
at org.swrlapi.factory.DefaultSWRLRuleAndQueryEngineFactory.createSWRLRuleEngine(
... 3 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.drools.runtime.rule.AgendaFilter
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
... 5 more code here
Here I am also attaching the dependencies in pom.xml file:
P.S: I built the swrl api and drools engine locally and imported the jar file into the project.
You do not need to remove the dependencies from the pom file (the error you're seeing is caused by some jar having been missed in the manual process).
If you use my swrlapi fork and change the version to, say, 2.0.6-SNAPSHOT, then running locally
mvn clean install
will put a 2.0.6-SNAPSHOT jar in your local maven repository. At that point, change your pom to require swrlapi 2.0.6-SNAPSHOT and you'll get the updated version in your application.

How to use real jar names in manifest classpath using maven-jar-plugin/maven-war-plugin

For some reason my client needs my artifacts without version in their names (MyArtifact.jar instead of MyArtifact-1.23.345.jar)
Therefor I added this configuration to my parent pom:
This works as expected, meaning that I get jars of the child projects without versions generated in target folder.
One of my jars is an executable jar which depends on the others. Currently I have the maven-jar-plugin configured for that subproject:
The problem is that this generated classpath contains absolute paths to the artifacts on my PC.
Therefore I added the <prefix> tag to the configuration:
But then the generated classpath includes the version numbers of the jars.
How can I omit the version numbers and the absolute paths in the classpath?
Problem is: I only want to remove Version numbers from my own artifacts, not from third party libs.
To remove the version from copied dependencies, you can use the stripVersion option of the maven-dependency-plugin.
In the aggregator pom use the dependency:copy-dependencies to copy your jars to some intermediate location.
For you internal dependencies use <stripVersion>true</stripVersion>.
For you 3rd party libraries use <stripVersion>false</stripVersion>.
You may in-/exclude artifacts based on the group id.
For more detail you may look here.
This is to explain how the finalname works.
finalName: This is the name of the bundled project when it is finally built
(sans the file extension, for example: my-project-1.0.jar). It defaults to
${artifactId}-${version}. The term "finalName" is kind of a misnomer,
however, as plugins that build the bundled project have every right to
ignore/modify this name (but they usually do NOT). For example, if the
maven-jar-plugin is configured to give a jar a classifier of test, then the
actual jar defined above will be built as my-project-1.0-test.jar.
Basically it includes almost always the version in your .jar.
In the version (2.6 >), in the <configuration> it allows you to specify the <fileNameMapping>no-version</fileNameMapping>.
The jar plugin alone is able to compute and write the manifest classpath.
This produces a working jar with the desired name

Unable to invoke avro-maven plugin

My question is similar to Unable to compile and create .avro file from .avsc using Maven
I have tried all possible things, checked the maven project 100 times, still i am not able to run the avro-maven plugin to generate the code for my avsc file.
i have read the following posts and followed the same, but to no success
i downloaded the above maven project, and here also the result is same.
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Avro Maven Example 0.0.1
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) # avro-maven ---
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) # avro-maven ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory F:\01_Work\FLink\avro-maven-master\src\main\resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) # avro-maven ---
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 0.932 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2015-08-10T19:16:44+05:30
[INFO] Final Memory: 6M/16M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
But no generated code.
I strongly feel Maven is my mortal enemy and i will never be able to do any work with apache projects just because i cannot get maven to work. perhaps i should consider going back to saner world of C/C++ where it doesnt require an internet connection to compile my source.
That eclipse error in pom file doesn't matters. Make sure that your .avsc file has namespace value, where actual file is getting generated.
"namespace": "com.hadoop.practice.avro",
"type": "record",
"name": "StringPair",
"doc": "A pair of strings",
"fields": [
{"name": "left", "type": "string"},
{"name": "right", "type": "string"}
} get generated under this namespace defined package
I publish a simple demo which is fully tested and 100% works
There are two important things for generating code by using the Avro
The configuration: if we want to generate code when mvn compile or mvn package, we can put configuration under the execution. If we want to generate code when running goal mvn avro:scheme, we need put the configuration to the plugin directly. (the demo includes two type configuration)
The namespace of the scheme file which will decide which package the generate code will belong to. {"namespace": "com.xx.xx.demo", "name": "Foo"}, the will be created under the package com.xx.xx.demo
Below is a sample POM file that I've successfully used. My guess is that your sourceDirectory & outputDirectory tags weren't properly defined...
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Keep Hadoop versions as properties to allow easy modification -->
<!-- Maven properties for compilation -->
<!-- Set the Java target version to 1.7 -->
I've struggled with it for some time yesterday. Actual reason was my mistake: default pom.xml configuration which I got by calling mvn archetype:generate had all <plugin/> tags inside <plugin-management/> section, while I had to add my <plugin/> tag just inside <plugins> root! That was my mistake, and it was really simple to fix, but very tricky to understand while you see lots of plugins defined nearby all in different way!
So finally it had to look like (pay attention to <plugin-management> with lots of pre-defined plugins!):
<!--The Avro source directory for schema, protocol and IDL files.-->
<!--The directory where Avro writes code-generated sources. IMPORTANT!! -->
<pluginManagement><!-- lock down plugins versions to avoid using Maven defaults (may be moved to parent pom) -->
<!-- clean lifecycle, see -->
<!-- default lifecycle, jar packaging: see -->
<!-- site lifecycle, see -->
As mentioned in comments , I put a surrounding <pluginManagement> tag over <plugins> and it resolved issue for me. I am using eclipse Mars.
Example :

Maven Cobertura plugin not generating coverage.xml

I am trying to generate a coverage.xml so that I can reference it in Cobertura plugin of Hudson, but the file is not being created.
I've added the following to my POM
After running mvn cobertura:cobertura, the HTML site is generated as expected at **\target\site\cobertura, but coverage.xml is nowhere to be found. What am I missing/misunderstanding?
I am running Maven 3.0.3
Add below lines to your application Goals:(configure section of the application in jenkins)
pom.xml changes:
I put the plugin in the build section and it works:
The reporting section and its differences to the plugin section are described here. I don't know if this is a maven [3.0.4] or cobertura-plugin issue.
I'm still quite a novice with the connections between Maven Plugins and Hudson and it's plugins - so this isn't an intelligent answer by any means, but help on Google is very few and far between for this issue - so hopefully it helps someone in the future.
After spending a few more hours of tinkering with settings, I've found that the coverage.xml simply doesn't seem to be built locally.
This is the combination that got it working:
I had changed my version to 2.2 in my POM (I was getting resource
not found errors from Apache with 2.5.1)
Added cobertura:cobertura in my Hudson goal
Set the Cobertura coverage pattern to the
recommended **/target/site/cobertura/coverage.xml
My objective was to get Cobertura to run duing mvn test with no additional command line parameters. Here's the magic XML that did the trick for me, with both the HTML and XML being generated in /target/site/cobertura.
I had the same issue but it's resolved right now:
Just add after your maven command. It should work
I have the same issue using 2.6 of the plugin.
I found that when I specify both types, I only got html.
But when I specify only xml, I get an xml report.
This is probably a bug in the plugin.
Another user suggested creating two executions. I tried that with no success (meaning I got html, but not xml).
Update your POM file as
This worked out for me: Probable reason it contanis the latest version of cobertura-maven-plugin (2.7)
The are two ways to integrate Cobertura into Maven.
Put Cobertura into the build section of the pom file, then you have to execute mvn clean cobertura:cobertura to generate the reports. If you have XML and HTML configured, then you get both reports.
Put Cobertura into the reporting section of the pom file, then you have to execute mvn clean site to generate the reports. If you have XML and HTML configured, then you get both reports. Additionally you get a generated site (open target/site/index.html) with all reports integrated e.g. Coberture, Checkstyle, ...

jibx-maven-plugin 1.2.3 schema-codegen goal <schemaLocation> value ignored

I am trying to use jibx-maven plugin 1.2.3 for generating Java Source Code from a Schema file.
Following is the plugin config in my pom.xml
To use the JiBX Maven Plugin in your project you have to add it
to the plugins section of your POM.
When I try to run the goal using command: mvn jibx:schema-codegen
I get the following output
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building jibx-sample 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- jibx-maven-plugin:1.2.3:schema-codegen (default-cli) # jibx-sample ---
[INFO] Generating Java sources in target/generated-sources from schemas available in src/main/config...
Loaded and validated 0 specified schema(s)
Total classes in model: 0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1.691s
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Sep 22 20:11:33 IST 2011
[INFO] Final Memory: 6M/71M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
As can be seen in the output the default schema location is being searched for i.e. src/main/config instead of my the configured location src/main/resources.
I came across the following JIRA which says the the above plugin config is appropriate and should work prefectly.
However it is not working in my case.Am I missing anything else for making this work?
Actually, your first pom should have worked fine. khmarbaise is correct, it is considered good practice to place your schema definitions in the /src/main/config directory and make sure they have an .xsd extension.
Here is a corrected project file. I am using your schema location. Note the OSGi bundle packaging. This will work fine for non-OSGi projects, and your project is ready to go when you start using OSGi.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Good luck!
jibx-maven-plugin project contributor
The issue is resolved and I am posting the solution here so that it can help others, if they face this issue:
The correct pom.xml should look like below
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
In my first post the plugin section shows the configuration section inside the execution element while in the above code it is outside executions
The code snippet I used earlier I took from the sample usage example shown at
under section
Generate Java Sources from Schemas and Compile Binding
Java Sources from XSD Schemas
Here is below a sample usage:
which I suppose is wrong and needs rectification.
The correct code snippet is available under section
Generate Java Sources from Schemas
Java Sources from XSD Schemas
Here is a sample plugin section:
