Angular Directive Pass back scope variable - angularjs

I am trying to make a directive that is basically a text box with a max length counter on it. My directive is below. Basically a text box that will tell the user that they only have x number of characters left.
angular.module('InputApp', []);
angular.module('InputApp').directive('textAreaCounter', function () {
return {
templateUrl: '/Content/Directives/Inputs/TextAreaCounter.html',
restrict: 'AE',
multiElement: true,
scope: {
text: '='
link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
if (scope.text == undefined || scope.text == '') {
scope.CharactersLeft = attrs.totalCharacters;
} else {
scope.CharactersLeft = attrs.totalCharacters - scope.text.length;
scope.TextValueChanged = function () {
scope.CharactersLeft = attrs.totalCharacters - scope.text.length;
The template html is:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<textarea ng-model="text" ng-change="TextValueChanged()" autogrow rows="5"></textarea>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12 top-left smallText">
You have {{CharactersLeft}}.
And I use the directive like this.
<text-Area-Counter text="WholeDeletionText" total-Characters="250"></text-Area-Counter>
The issue that I am having is that the value 'WholeDeletionText' is not being updated by the directive.
My expectation is that the scope.WholeDeletionText in the parent would update with the text that was written in the textarea in the directive. At least my understanding of the isolated scope having the '=' sign is that they share it with the parent. What am I doing wrong or is there a better way to do it?

The problem occurs because you have not WholeDeletionText variable in the application scope.
To fix it you need:
1) create controller and initialize WholeDeletionText variable
.controller("MyController", function ($scope) {
$scope.WholeDeletionText = '123';
2) add ng-controller="MyController" directive in your main html file.
<body ng-app="InputApp" ng-controller="MyController">
<text-Area-Counter text="WholeDeletionText" total-Characters="250"></text-Area-Counter>
Full code see in Plunk.

Exactly, adding to the #Roman's point, when you use '=' in declaring the directive's scope variable it should be declared the the parent controller as well, otherwise you can use '#'.


Ng-Transclude not working for ng-include

I have created a ng-transclude sample which is not working when I use ng-include inside directive template property.Below are the code I have tried
angular.module("app").controller('appController', function ($scope) {
$scope.message="Message from controller";
angular.module("app").directive('myFrame', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template : '<div ng-include=\"getTemplateUrl()\"></div>',
//dynamic url
return "frame.html";
$scope.message="message from directive";
angular.module("app").directive('mychildFrame', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
<h2>I am from Child</h2>
<div class="well" style="width:350px;" ng-hide="hidden">
<div style="float:right;margin-top:-15px">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" ng-click="close()" style="cursor:pointer"></i>
<div ng-transclude>
/*frame content goes here*/
When I change to the property template to templateUrl="frame.html" it's working fine. But the problem is, this HTML page inside the template is dynamic. So I end up with ng-include.
Could you please provide any possible workaround?
When using the templateUrl property you can also pass it a function to dynamically load a template.
There's no need to put the function in a controller, especially since it doesn't really belong there anyway: the controller is supposed to contain view logic, not a function to load the view itself.
I added the function in the templateUrl instead in your plunkr:
templateUrl : function() {
return 'frame.html';
As you can see this gives you the desired behavior

Angularjs calculate based on formula given

Im new in Angularjs
and I would like to do something like the following in directive
<!--get numb1&numb2 from user input-->
<input ng-model="numb1" type=number/>
<input ng-model="numb2" type=number/>
<!--result display on the following input box, not allow to edit-->
<input ng-model="result" formula="some formula here, can be anything" readonly/>
numb1 & numb2 can be change anytime, use $watch instead on ngChange.
Can anyone guide me on this?
You can achieve your requirement with the following code snippet.
<div ng-app="demo">
<div ng-controller="DefaultController as vm">
<inputs formula="vm.formula"></inputs>
<script type="text/template" id="inputsTemplate">
<input type="number" ng-model="vm.a"/>
<input type="number" ng-model="vm.b"/>
<input type="number" ng-model="vm.result" readonly/>
The AngularJS code
.module('demo', [])
.controller('DefaultController', DefaultController)
.controller('InputsController', InputsController)
.directive('inputs', inputs);
function DefaultController() {
var vm = this;
vm.formula = 'a + b';
function inputs() {
var directive = {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
formula: '='
template: function () {
return angular.element(document.querySelector('#inputsTemplate')).html();
controller: InputsController,
controllerAs: 'vm',
bindToController: true
return directive;
InputsController.$inject = ['$scope', '$parse'];
function InputsController($scope, $parse) {
var vm = this;
var expressionFunc = $parse(vm.formula);
$scope.$watchGroup(['vm.a', 'vm.b'], function (newValue, oldValue, scope) {
if (angular.isDefined(vm.a) && angular.isDefined(vm.b)) {
var result = expressionFunc(vm);
vm.result = result;
The jsfiddle link here
The coding style is followed from angular-styleguide by John Papa and from Pro AngularJS by Adam Freeman
There is a main controller which is having a formula set on its scope such as a + b and which is passed to a directive called inputs through an attribute called formula, this an element directive meaning that it is restricted to be applied only as an individual html element.
The inputs directive gets its template from a script tag having html content
by using the template property of the directive definition. The inputs directive has its own controller bound using the controller aliasing syntax.
The inputs directive has three objects on its controller scope they're a, b and result and the magic happens in the InputsController using the $parse service which returns a function when an expression is parsed which can indeed be evaluated on an object to execute that expression and get the result i.e.
var expressionFunc = $parse(vm.formula);
var result = expressionFunc(vm);
vm.result = result;
Also as we need to watch both a and b objects on the scope, we can use the $watchGroup function on the $scope object to handle the change events and update the view accordingly.
Note: we are only parsing once var expressionFunc = $parse(vm.formula); and executing the expression many times var result = expressionFunc(vm); this is an important factor and should be considered for quality of the code and for performance.
You are in the same scope, so, you can use ng-value in order to set a new value given numb1 and numb2. For example, you formula is numb1 + numb2, just try something like this:
<input ng-model="result" ng-value="{{numb1 + numb2}}" readonly/>

Calling controller from directive

I am trying to call a controller from directive....Here is the code which i am writing
penApp.directive('enpo', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
info: '=',
dragEvent: '&dragParent'
templateUrl: 'enpo.html',
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
var circleDiv = element.find(".circle")
handle: ".circle",
drag: function( event, ui ) {
var eDiv = element.find(".temp")
$(eDiv).draggable({revert: true});
and this is the code for .html file
<div class="row ">
<div id="n_div" class="col-xs-12 dd_area">
<end-point drag-parent="drawLine()" ng-repeat="info in stageObjectArray" info="info"></end-point>
and this is the function i have written in controller
$scope.drawLine = function(){
console.log("Called thsssssse function")
I am not able to figure out what is going wrong here...can anyone please guide...the controller function is not getting called
Can you please be a little clearer what each piece of code is?
Hope this will help you out:
Looks to me like you have created a directive with a link function and an html template.
From the HTML template you are trying to call the function in a controller that you have written, however I do not see that you are attaching the controller to the HTML, where you want to use it.
Try adding ng-controller="MyController" (MyController being the name of your controller which contains the $scope.drawline function) to your HTML, as follows:
<div class="row ">
<div id="n_div" class="col-xs-12 dd_area" ng-controller="MyController">
<end-point drag-parent="drawLine()" ng-repeat="info in stageObjectArray" info="info"></end-point>
BTW, I don't see where you are actually using your 'enpo' directive in your HTML. I am assuming that you are in fact calling it, but omitted that part of the code here.

Angular Directive: Isolate Scope & Transclude is true, but HTML in the directive needs to continue to bind to parent $scope

To start, I set up a JSFiddle here:
I hope the title is clear, but basically, I am trying to use directives to help in repeatable html. In the example on JSFiddle, I am using a box directive with options for spacing and box-type.
The html that I am turning into repeatable code:
<div class="box">
<div class="box-inner">
With optional classes:
<div class="box spacing-small box-rounded">
<div class="box-inner">
What I'd like to be able to do is:
<box spacing="small" box-type="rounded">
This is obviously a very simplified set of html that doesn't necessarily need a directive, but it is just an example to illustrate what I am running into.
Now to the angular side of things...
Here is my controller:
app.controller("Ctrl", ["$scope", function($scope) {
$scope.text = "Starting Text... FOOBAR!";
And here is my directive:
app.directive("box", function() {
return {
restrict: "E",
transclude: true,
replace: true,
scope: {
spacing: "#",
boxType: "#"
template: '<div class="box" ng-class="{\'spacing-{{spacing}}\' : spacing, \'box-{{boxType}}\' : boxType}"> <div class="box-inner" ng-transclude></div></div>'
If I now place my directive inside html with a controller like this:
<div class="wrap" ng-controller="controller">
<box spacing="small">
<input ng-model="text"/>
The $scope.text that is outside the <box> is never updated when I change the input inside the box.
How do I make it so that when this directive is used, the content inside the box goes up to the parent scope rather then the isolated scope?
If I nest a box inside another box, can I also have it go up to the same parent scope?
I read something here on stackoverflow that immediately jumped in my head when I read your post. It said something like "If you do it without a dot you are doing it wrong..." I'll search for the article and post it here as soon as I found it but for now I think I "fixed" your code:
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="Ctrl">
<h1><span class="grey">$</span> {{data.text}}</h1>
<box spacing="large" box-type="rounded">
<h2><span class="grey">$scope.text in box directive:</span> {{data.text}}</h2>
<input ng-model="data.text" />
<box spacing="small" box-type="rounded-shadow">
<h2><span class="grey">$scope.text in different box directive:</span> {{data.text}}</h2>
<input ng-model="data.text" />
var app = angular.module("app", []);
app.controller("Ctrl", ["$scope", function($scope) {
$ = {};
$ = "Starting Text... FOOBAR!";
app.directive("box", function() {
return {
restrict: "E",
transclude: true,
replace: true,
scope: {
spacing: "#",
boxType: "#"
template: '<div class="box" ng-class="{\'spacing-{{spacing}}\' : spacing, \'box-{{boxType}}\' : boxType}"> <div class="box-inner" ng-transclude></div></div>'
You have to create an object and use this for databinding. I am now using "data.text" and do the binding with this expression.
P.S.: There are a lot of links.
To mention only two:
AngularJS: If you are not using a .(dot) in your models you are doing it wrong?
AngularJS: dot in ng-model

Directive to directive scope

This is related to a question: Listen for broadcast in sub directive
I have two directives, one is a child, one is a parent. The issue is, I what the child to only catch an event of the parent directive. Here is what I need:
I have some check boxes and a select all button for a group of check boxes. When I click the "select all" button, I want it to select all the boxes. This part I have working. The catch is I have two instances of this on the page. Right now when I click "select all", all of the check boxes on the page are selected, not just the ones inside the directive instance. I'm sure this is a scope problem... but I'm not sure what. Here is my code:
<div all-checkboxes-broadcast>
<div all-checkboxes-listener>
<input type="checkbox" />
<a ng-click="checkAll()" href="">Select All</a> <!-- this should ONLY check the boxes above, not the ones below. Currently clicking either select checks all the boxes on the page.-->
<div all-checkboxes-broadcast>
<div all-checkboxes-listener>
<input type="checkbox" />
<a ng-click="checkAll()" href="">Select All</a>
app.directive('allCheckboxesBroadcast', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: true,
controller: ["$scope",function($scope) {
//select all checkboxes
$scope.checkAll = function () {
app.directive('allCheckboxesListener', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: '^allCheckboxesBroadcast',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.$on('allCheckboxes', function(event, shouldCheckAll) {
Edit: I found the answer myself. By adding "scope: true" to the parent directive, it creates a child scope that will prototypically inherit from its parent, which creates the functionality I was looking for. If anyone has a better way to do it, I'm all ears.
I found the answer myself. By adding "scope: true" to the parent directive (I changed my original question to include this edit), it creates a child scope that will prototypically inherit from its parent, which creates the functionality I was looking for. If anyone has a better way to do it, I'm all ears.
Perhaps you need to isolate the scope by adding a parameter in your return object in the allCheckboxesBroadcast directive, eg: scope: {}
Something you might wanna do also is label those directives:
<div all-checkboxes-broadcast="1">
<div all-checkboxes-listener="1">
<input type="checkbox" />
<a ng-click="checkAll()" href="">Select All</a> <!-- this should ONLY check the boxes above, not the ones below. Currently clicking either select checks all the boxes on the page.-->
<div all-checkboxes-broadcast="2">
<div all-checkboxes-listener="2">
<input type="checkbox" />
<a ng-click="checkAll()" href="">Select All</a>
app.directive('allCheckboxesBroadcast', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: { bcId: "&allCheckboxesBroadcast" },
controller: ["$scope",function($scope) {
//select all checkboxes
$scope.checkAll = function () {
$scope.$broadcast('allCheckboxes',true, $scope.bcId);
app.directive('allCheckboxesListener', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: { bcId: "&allCheckboxesListener" },
require: '^allCheckboxesBroadcast',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.$on('allCheckboxes', function(event, shouldCheckAll, id) {
if(id == scope.bcId){
This is a workaround I am using in one of my modules. If you find better options, let me know.
Update: I fixed your plnkr, took me longer than I thought, I am no angular expert and isolated scopes can mess with my mind still. The main issue was that you didn't use a template so your methods defined in your directives were not accessible in the html. I also replaced the & by = in the scope assignment. I thought & would work but I guess I should read the doc again. Anyway, there it is:
