AI reasoning system - artificial-intelligence

I'm wondering if there is any system/infrastructure able to do some human reasoning process, for example:
Context: A is a pen
Question: is A vertical or horizontal
Reasoning process:
1. horizontal is anything parallel to the ground
2. A is parallel to the ground
3. A is horizontal
The ultimate goal of this reasoning system would be that it's able to generate facts with some pre-defined rules.
Thank you in advance!

You could achieve this with ontologies. You can use Protege which is a free ontology editor equipped with reasoners to infer implicit knowledge. Specifying an ontology as follows will achieve the desired result:
ObjectProperty: hasOrientation
Domain: Object
Range: Orientation
ObjectProperty: isParallel
Domain: Object
Range: Surface
Class: Object
Class: Orientation
EquivalentTo: {Horizontal , Vertical}
Class: Pen
SubClassOf: Object
Class: Surface
EquivalentTo: {Ground , Rock , Wall}
Individual: Ground
Types: Surface
Individual: Horizontal
Types: Orientation
DifferentFrom: Vertical
Individual: Rock
Types: Surface
Individual: Vertical
Types: Orientation
DifferentFrom: Horizontal
Individual: Wall
Types: Surface
Individual: myPen
Types: Pen
Facts: isParallel Ground
Pen(?aPen), isParallel(?aPen, Ground) -> hasOrientation(?aPen, Horizontal)
Pen(?aPen), isParallel(?aPen, Wall) -> hasOrientation(?aPen, Vertical)
The inference is achieved with Pen(?aPen), isParallel(?aPen, Ground) -> hasOrientation(?aPen, Horizontal) which basically states that if aPen is a Pen and aPen is in a isParallel relation with Ground then aPen has a Horizontal orientation.
As an aside, you may find this research of interest.


How to draw a polygon shaped data annotation shape for image detection?

I am training some images using imageAI object detection. What i want to do is draw a polygon shaped data annotation around the objects in an image. Not a square box. Even though I ca draw the shape, the imageAI class doesn't consider polygon shapes. If some one can help me to find if is there is some model where polygon shapes are allowed in image training, that would be great.
ImageAI only supports PascalVOC image annotation format, which is upright rectangular bounding boxes. You would need to change frameworks for this to work. For a workaround, consider using an image editing tool to get rid of the background and then provide a square bounding box.

A square as a rectangle with 4 sides of equal length in OWL 2

In OWL 2, is it possible to define a class Square as a rectangle with 4 sides of the same length given the following classes?
Class: Rectangle
SubClassOf: hasSide exactly 4 Side
Class: Side
SubClassOf: hasLength exactly 1 Length
(Apologies if this question or a similar one has already been answered)

Turn a model into a specular light source

I have 2 models. One is a vehicle, the other is a series of tube lights. I want to be able to see only the specular reflections of the tube lights on the vehicle.
How can I turn the model of lights into a light source? I tried giving it an emissive material, but then found that an emissive material will not illuminate other figures.

Difference between PerspectiveCamera and matrixCamera

i'm trying to create a 3D animation using WPF. To modelize a form i see that we can use PerspectiveCamera or matrixCamera. What's the difference between the both?
Perspective camera makes objects farther away look smaller, like what we see in real life or through a camera zoom lens. You can achieve the same thing using a matrix camera, but you can also do a lot more. The perspective camera and orthogonal camera are both special cases of the more general matrix camera. With a matrix camera, you could create a perspective in one dimension different from the other, like a panorama view. It requires more work than the other camera types to do the same thing, but has more possibilities.

Microsoft Blend - drawing polygons

I recently downloaded trial version of Microsoft Expression Blend and I can't figure out how I can draw polygons. I only found predefined shapes like pentagon,octagon, triangles but I can't find a tool to draw polygon
Use the Pen tool. See for a video tutorial.
In Expresion Blend 4:
Place a any RegularPolygon shape such as a triangle, pentagon, or Hexagon on your canvas.
Go to the Properties Panel and expand the Appearance section.
Change the point count to the number of sides you want. 8 for Octagon, etc.
