Optimization: Faster compilation - c

Separating a program into header and source files perhaps might benefit in faster compilation if given to a smart compilation manager, which is what I am working on.
Will on theory work:
Creating a thread for each source file and
compiling each source file into object file at once.
Then link those object files together.
It still needs to wait for the source file being the slowest.
This shouldn't be a problem as a simple n != nSources counter can be implemented that increments for each .o generated.
I don't think GCC on default does that. When it invokes the assembler
it should parse the files one by one.
Is this a valid approach and how could I optimize compilation time even further?

All modern (as in post 2000-ish) make's offer this feature. Both GNU make and the various flavours of BSD make will compile source files in separate threads with the -j flag. It just requires that you have a makefile, of course. Ninja also does this by default. It vastly speeds up compilation.


Modular programming and compiling a C program in linux

So I have been studying this Modular programming that mainly compiles each file of the program at a time. Say we have FILE.c and OTHER.c that both are in the same program. To compile it, we do this in the prompt
$gcc FILE.c OTHER.c -c
Using the -c flag to compile it into .o files (FILE.o and OTHER.o) and only when that happens do we translate it (compile) to executable using
$gcc FILE.o OTHER.o -o
I know I can just do it and skip the middle part but as it shows everywhere, they do it first and then they compile it into executable, which I can't understand at all.
May I know why?
If you are working on a project with several modules, you don't want to recompile all modules if only some of them have been modified. The final linking command is however always needed. Build tools such as make is used to keep track of which modules need to be compiled or recompiled.
Doing it in two steps allows to separate more clearly the compiling and linking phases.
The output of the compiling step is object (.o) files that are machine code but missing the external references of each module (i.e. each c file); for instance file.c might use a function defined in other.c, but the compiler doesn't care about that dependency in that step;
The input of the linking step is the object files, and its output is the executable. The linking step bind together the object files by filling the blanks (i.e. resolving dependencies between objets files). That's also where you add the libraries to your executable.
This part of another answer responds to your question:
You might ask why there are separate compilation and linking steps.
First, it's probably easier to implement things that way. The compiler
does its thing, and the linker does its thing -- by keeping the
functions separate, the complexity of the program is reduced. Another
(more obvious) advantage is that this allows the creation of large
programs without having to redo the compilation step every time a file
is changed. Instead, using so called "conditional compilation", it is
necessary to compile only those source files that have changed; for
the rest, the object files are sufficient input for the linker.
Finally, this makes it simple to implement libraries of pre-compiled
code: just create object files and link them just like any other
object file. (The fact that each file is compiled separately from
information contained in other files, incidentally, is called the
"separate compilation model".)
It was too long to put in a comment, please give credit to the original answer.

How to automatically merge C source files?

I have a single executable which consist of many .c source files across several directories.
Currently I need to run static analysis on the whole source code, not on each files separately.
I just found gcc ʟᴛᴏ (link time optimisation) works by compressing gimple which mirror the preprocessed source.
Also when the compiler crash during ʟᴛᴏ linking phase, it asks for sending preprocessed sources for the bug report.
By merging source files, I mean combining all the files used for creating the executable into a single file. Compiling and linking that single file would create the library, resulting in doing manually what ʟᴛᴏ does. (but it’s not the aim here. static analysers don’t support things like ɪᴘᴏ/ʟᴛᴏ)
Doing this manually will definitely takes hours…
So, is there a way to merge C source files automatically ? Or at least to get ʟᴛᴏ preprocessed sources ? (it seems thesave-tempsoption does nothing interesting during linking with ʟᴛᴏ)
CIL (C Intermediate Language) has a 'merger' feature which I've successfully used for some simple merge operations.
I've used it to merge moderately complicated programs - around a hundred files in different folders. Of course, if your codebase includes any C++ the CIL merger won't be able to merge that.
No, because for example two files might have conflicting static declarations. There are other ways that moving source code into a single file might make it stop working, and diagnosing every possible one would require solving the Halting Problem. (Does an arbitrary program ever use the result of __FILE__ in such a way that it fails if two sections of code are in the same file?) File-scope declarations are the most likely to occur in the real world, though.
That said, you can try just concatenating the files and seeing what error messages you get. Most headers should keep working if you #include them twice. A conflicting identifier name can be fixed by a search-and replace in the original files.

Strange compiler speed optimization results - IAR compiler

I'm experiencing a strange issue when I try to compile two source files that contain some important computing algorithms that need to be highly optimized for speed.
Initially, I have two source files, let's call them A.c and B.c, each containing multiple functions that call each other (functions from a file may call functions from the other file). I compile both files with full speed optimizations and then when I run the main algorithm in an application, it takes 900 ms to run.
Then I notice the functions from the two files are mixed up from a logical point of view, so I move some functions from A.c to B.c; let's call the new files A2.c and B2.c. I also update the two headers A.h and B.h by moving the corresponding declarations.
Moving function definitions from one file to the other is the only modification I make!
The strange result is that after I compile the two files again with the same optimizations, the algorithm now takes 1000 ms to run.
What is going on here?
What I suspect happens: when functions f calls function g, being in the same file allows the compiler to replace actual function calls with inline code as an optimization. This is no longer possible when definitions are not compiled at the same time.
Am I correct in my assumption?
Aside from regrouping the function definitions as it was before, is there anything I can do to obtain the same optimization as before? I researched and it seems it's not possible to compile two source files simultaneously into a single object file. Could the order of compilation matter?
As to whether your assumption is correct, the best way to tell is to examine the assembler output, such as by using gcc -S or gcc -save-temps. That will be the definitive way to see what your compiler has done.
As to compiling two C source files into a single object file, that's certainly doable. Just create a AB.c as follows:
#include "A.c"
#include "B.c"
and compile that.
Barring things that should be kept separate (such as static items which may exist in both C files), that should work (or at least work with a little modification).
However, remember the optimisation mantra: Measure, don't guess! You're giving up a fair bit of encapsulation by combining them so make sure the benefits well outweigh the costs.

How many files are created when a C program is executed?

when we program in C language then how many files are created such as one ".exe" and an ".obj" is created. Any other files are created or not?
The answer heavily depends on the specific compiler (gcc/msvc/clang), the version of that compiler, the architecture of the system, and whether you've asked the compiler to generate debugging information or not. The answer by #GrahamBorland is correct in that gcc test.c -o test will create a net of only one file, test. However, this is because gcc invokes both the compiler and linker and then deletes both temporary files and intermediate object files (.o) before returning.
During compilation, the compiler often generates several temporary files, which it then deletes to clean up. Common ones are:
C compilers first run the code through a preprocessor, and often use a temporary file to store the result.
Almost all modern compilers reduce C to an intermediate language that can be better optimized. This is often stored in a temporary file.
Old versions of gcc (possibly new versions, as well) would generate assembly, which was then assembled using gas (the GNU assembler). This step was done using a temporary file (with a .S extension).
The result of the compile phase then produces either one or two files:
An object file (.o for most Unices, .obj for Windows) that contains compiled but unlinked code. This code cannot be executed; it has external dependencies (the system library, and possibly other libraries) that must be satisfied by a linking phase.
If the user requests debugging information (-g under gcc), then, depending on the architecture and other compilation flags, the compiler may generate a file (or directory) that contains symbolic information used in debugging. The compiler in Mac OS X produces .dSYM directories that contain the debugging information. Under Linux, this is often embedded in the object (.o) file.
Finally, Mac, Unix, and Windows have a linking phase, which takes the object files (.o and .obj) and any required libraries (.a, and .so under Linux; .a, .dylib, or a framework under Mac OS X; .lib or .dll under Windows), and produces an executable. This is the phase that generates the executable (.exe under Windows) file.
To sum it up, when compiling an executable:
The C compiler often creates (and then deletes) a number of temporary files.
The C compiler generates one or more object files.
The linker generates an executable, and may also create (and delete) temporary files.
Some C compilers (e.g., gcc) also operate as front-end drivers for both the compiler and the linker. In this case, the compiler may delete any unneeded temporary files, such as the object files generated by the compilation phase.
This depends entirely on the specific compiler, and how you are building your program. It is generally possible to compile and link your source directly to the executable in a single step.
gcc test.c -o test
No intermediate files will be left.
When we run the C programme as
void main() {
then the compiler creates only .bak file. We can also get the source file from the .bak file.

Combining source code into a single file for optimization

I was aiming at reducing the size of the executable for my C project and I have tried all compiler/linker options, which have helped to some extent. My code consists of a lot of separate files. My question was whether combining all source code into a single file will help with optimization that I desire? I read somewhere that a compiler will optimize better if it finds all code in a single file in place of separate multiple files. Is that true?
A compiler can indeed optimize better when it finds needed code in the same compilable (*.c) file. If your program is longer than 1000 lines or so, you'll probably regret putting all the code in one file, because doing so will make your program hard to maintain, but if shorter than 500 lines, you might try the one file, and see if it does not help.
The crucial consideration is how often code in one compilable file calls or otherwise uses objects (including functions) defined in another. If there are few transfers of control across this boundary, then erasing the boundary will not help performance appreciably. Therefore, when coding for performance, the key is to put tightly related code in the same file.
I like your question a great deal. It is the right kind of question to ask, in my view; and, though the complete answer is not simple enough to treat fully in a Stackexchange answer, your pursuit of the answer will teach you much. Though you may not yet realize it, your question really regards linking, a subject every advancing programmer eventually has to learn. Your question regards symbol tables, inlining, the in-place construction of return values and several, other, subtle factors.
At any rate, if your program is shorter than 500 lines or so, then you have little to lose by trying the single-file approach. If longer than 1000 lines, then a single file is not recommended.
It depends on the compiler. The Intel C++ Composer XE for example can automatically optimize over multiple files (when building using icc -fast *.c *.cpp or icl /fast *.c *.cpp, for linux/windows respectively).
When you use Microsoft Visual Studio, or a derived product (like Atmel Studio for microcontrollers), every single source file is compiled on its own (i. e. one cl, icl, or gcc command is issued for every c and cpp file in the project). This means no optimization.
For microcontroller projects I sometimes have to put everything in a single file in order make it even fit in the limited flash memory on the controller. If your compiler/IDE does it like visual studio, you can use a trick: Select all the source files and make them not participate in the build process (but leave them in the project), then create a file (I always use whole_program.c, and #include every single source (i.e. non-header) file in it (note that including c files is frowned upon by many high level programmers, but sometimes, you have to do it the dirty way, and with microcontrollers, that's actually more often than not).
My experience has been that with gnu/gcc the optimization is within the single file plus includes to create a single object. With clang/llvm it is quite easy and I recommend, DO NOT optimize the clang step, use clang to get from C to bytecode, the use llvm-link to link all of your bytecode modules into one bytecode module, then you can optimize the whole project, all source files optimized together, the llc adds more optimization as it heads for the target. Your best results are to tell clang using the something triple command line option what your ultimate target is. For the gnu path to do the same thing either use includes to make one big file compiled to one object, or if there is a machine code level optimizer other than a few things the linker does, then that is where it would have to happen. maybe gnu has an exposed ir file format, optimizer, and ir to target tool, but I think I would have seen that by now.
http://github.com/dwelch67 a number of my projects, although very simple programs, have llvm and gnu builds for the same source files, you can see where the llvm builds I make a binary from unoptimized bytecode and also optimized bytecode (llvm's optimizer has problems with small while loops and sometimes generates non-working code, a very quick check to see if it is you or them is to try the non-optimized llvm binary and the gnu binary to see if they all behave the same (you) or if only the optimized llvm doesnt work (them)).
