Using Invoke-WebRequest on an array in PowerShell - arrays

I'm trying write a script that will grab the fortune 100 URLs from here, put those into an array, and then write a runspace that uses Invoke-WebRequest to get the content of those URLs and writes that content to a file. This is the code that I have so far:
#Importing Modules
Import-Module PoshRSJob
#variable declaration
$page = Invoke-WebRequest
$links = $page.Links
$tables = #($page.ParsedHtml.GetElementsByTagName("TABLE"))
$tableRows = $tables[0].Rows
#loops through the table to get only the top 100 urls.
$urlArray = #()
foreach ($tablerow in $tablerows) {
$urlArray += New-Object PSObject -Property #{'URLName' = $tablerow.InnerHTML.Split('"')[1]}
#Write-Host ($tablerow.innerHTML).Split('"')[1]
if ($i -eq 101) {break}
#Number of Runspaces to use
#$RunspaceThreads = 1
#Declaring Variables
$ParamList = #($urlArray)
$webRequest = #()
$urlArray | start-rsjob -ScriptBlock {
#$webRequest = (Invoke-WebRequest $using:ParamList)
#Invoke-WebRequest $urlArray
#Invoke-WebRequest {$urlArray}
#Get-Content $urlArray
The problem that I'm running into right now is that I can't get Invoke-WebRequest or Get-Content to give me the contents of the URLs that are actually contained in the array. You can see that in the scriptblock, I commented out some lines that didn't work.
My question is: using a runspace, what do I need to do to pull the data from all the URLs in the array using Get-Content, and then write that to a file?

You can adjust your current query to get the first 100 company names. This skips the empty company at the front. Consider using [PSCustomObject] #{ URLName = $url } which replaces the legacy New-Object PSObject.
$urlArray = #()
$i = 0
foreach ($tablerow in $tablerows) {
$url = $tablerow.InnerHTML.Split('"')[1]
if ($url) {
# Only add an object when the url exists
$urlArray += [PSCustomObject] #{ URLName = $url }
if ($i -eq 100) {break}
To run the requests in parallel use Start-RSJob with a script block. Invoke-Webrequest is then run in parallel. Note that in this example $_ refers to the current array element that is piped which consists of an object with a URLName property, but you need to be a little careful what variables you use inside the scriptblock because they might not be resovled they way you expect them to be.
# Run the webrequests in parallel
# $_ refers to a PSCustomObject with the #{ URLName = $url } property
$requests = ($urlArray | start-rsjob -ScriptBlock { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_.URLName })
You can then wait for all the jobs to complete and do some post processing of the results.
Here only the length of the website contents are written because the pages themself are lengthy.
# Get the results
# $_.Content.Length gets the length of the content to not spam the output with garbage
$result = Get-RSjob | Receive-RSJob | ForEach { $_.Content.Length }
Write-Host $result


Powershell filling array with function calling itself to loop through

tldr; I need to fill an array, which is populated in a function, within constricted language. Until now i found only ways, which are not do able in constricted language.
So basicly i want to loop through the AD and identify looping groups and where users are placed looping wise.
To Achive this i wrote a function which calls itslef. The function returns 4 diffrent objects. These objects are needed to handle the loop.
But the function scope needs to return the value to the script scope ("top most") as otherwise the script will loop infinitly on the first object already.
Unfortunatly this is in constrained language, which means the most common resolves wont work.
Shortend Code Sample
$ReturnValue1 = #()
$ReturnValue2 = #()
$ReturnValue3 = #()
$ReturnValue4 = #()
Function Get-ADInfos
foreach($Entity in $Entitys){
$Object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
if($Entity.objectClass -eq "user"){
if($ReturnValue2.User.distinguishedName -contains $Entity)
#Do Something
$ReturnValue1 += $Object
Write-Host "$Entity is already scanned"
#Do something
$ReturnValue2 += $didsomething
Get-ADInfos $Values #looping
}elseif($Entity.objectClass -eq "group"){
if($ReturnValue4.Group.distinguishedName -contains $Entity){
#Do Something
$ReturnValue3 += $didsomething
#Do Something
$ReturnValue4 += $didsomething
Get-ADInfos $Values
write-host "finished"
Full Code for Repro (Older) #Note: To use constrained language for testing.
$User = #()
$Gruppen = #()
$LoopUser = #()
$LoopGroup = #()
Function Get-ADInfos
#$Entry = Get-ADGroup "Domain Users"
if($Entry.objectClass -eq "user"){
$Entitys = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $Entry
}elseif($Entry.objectClass -eq "group"){
$Entitys = Get-ADGroupMember $Entry
foreach($Entity in $Entitys){
if($Entity.objectClass -eq "user"){
if($User.user -contains $Entity){
$Row = "" | Select User, Group
$Row.User = $Entity
$Row.Group = $Entry
$LoopUser += $Row #return to "master" scope
Write-Host "$Entity is already scanned"
$Row = "" | Select User, Group
$Row.User = $Entity
$Row.Group = $Entry
$User += $Row #return to "master" scope
Write-Host "$Entity is in $group"
Get-ADInfos $Entity
}elseif($Entity.objectClass -eq "group"){
if($ -contains $Entity){
$Row = "" | Select ScannedGroup, ParentGroup
$Row.ScannedGroup = $Entity
$Row.ParentGroup = $Entry
$LoopGroup += $Row #return to "master" scope
Write-Host "$Entity is already scanned"
$Row = "" | Select Group
$Row.Group = $Entity
$Groups += $Row #return to "master" scope
Write-Host "$Entity scanned"
Get-ADInfos $Entity
write-host "finished"
Get-ADGroup "Domain Users" | Get-ADInfos
PowerShell Arrays are immutable (fixed size collections):
$User = #()
MethodInvocationException: Exception calling "Add" with "1" argument(s): "Collection was of a fixed size."
This means that -besides the inefficient use of the increase assignment operator (+=)- it will create a new copy of the of array in each child scope when you try to change it:
$User = #()
function Test {
$User += 'Item'
Write-Host 'Child scope:' $User
Write-Host 'Parent scope:' $User
Child scope: Item
Parent scope:
Instead, I recommend you to use List<T> Class knowing that you can use the List<T>.Add(T) Method and the fact that objects are referenced by default:
$User = [Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new()
function Test { $User.Add('item') }
$User # Yields: item
As your script appears to run under constrained language mode, you will not be allowed to use the List<T> type or anything similar you might consider to use native PowerShell HashTables instead. See also: Mutable lists in Constrained Language Mode.
To apply this to your script:
Change all the arrays (that have a shared scope) to hashtables.
e.g.: $User = #() → $User = #{}
Change your assignments.
e.g.: $User += $Row → $User[$User.Count] = $Row
Change the conditions.
e.g.: $User.user -contains $Entity → $User.Values.user -contains $Entity

Powershell-Azure WebApp IpRestrictions - WebApps Array

I have been struggling to come up with a working solution for days on this
What am I trying to achieve?
Foreach ($item in $webApps){
$WebAppConfig = (Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/config -ResourceName $item -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -ApiVersion $APIVersion)
The issue is that "-resourceName" will not accept objects, but rather only a string
I am looking for a way to take the output of the following command, convert it to a string, so that it can satisfy –ResourceName, and loop through each item in the string
$webApps = (Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup | Get-AzureRmWebApp).name
This returns a nice list of Azure WebApps that exist in a specified ResourceGroup, however they are in object form, which –ResourceName will not take
I have tried several ways to convert the output of $webApps to a string, add a comma to the end, then do a –split ',' but nothing seems to work for properly, where –ResourceName will accept it
Method 1:
[string]$webAppsArrays =#()
Foreach ($webApp in $webApps){
$webAp+',' -split ','
Method 2:
webApps | ForEach-Object {
$webApp = $_ + ","
Write-Host $webApp
Method 3:
$csvPath2 = 'C:\Users\Giann\Documents\_Git Repositorys\QueriedAppList2.csv'
$webApps = (Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup | Get-AzureRmWebApp).name | out-file -FilePath $csvPath1 -Append
$csvFile2 = import-csv -Path $csvPath1 -Header Name
This ouputs a list in a CSV, however these are still objects, so I cannot pass each item into –ResourceName
I am going in circles trying to make the below a repeatable, looping script
The desired end result would be to use the below script, with an array of webApps, being queried from the provided resource group variable:
Any help would be greatly appreciated for how to use this script, but pull a dynamic list of WebApps from a specified Resource Group, keeping in mind the -ResourceName "String" restrictions in the $WebAppConfig variable
Here is the original script to create IP Restrictions for 1 Web App and 1 Resource Group, using properties from a CSV file:
#Create a Function to create IP Restrictions for 1 Web App and 1 Resource Group, using properties from the CSV file:
$WebApp = ""
$resourceGroup =""
$subscription_Id = ''
#Login to Azure
Remove-AzureRmAccount -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
Login-AzureRmAccount -EnvironmentName AzureUSGovernment -Subscription $subscription_Id
Function CreateIpRestriction {
Param (
[string] $name,
[string] $ipAddress,
[string] $subnetMask,
[string] $action,
[string] $priority
$APIVersion = ((Get-AzureRmResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Web).ResourceTypes | Where-Object ResourceTypeName -eq sites).ApiVersions[0]
$WebAppConfig = (Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/config -ResourceName $WebApp -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -ApiVersion $APIVersion)
$ipRestriction = $WebAppConfig.Properties.ipSecurityRestrictions
$ = $name
$ipRestriction.ipAddress = $ipAddress
$ipRestriction.subnetMask = $subnetMask
$ipRestriction.action = $action
$ipRestriction.priority = $priority
return $ipRestriction
#Set csv file path:
$csvPath5 = 'C:\Users\Giann\Documents\_Git Repositorys\ipRestrictions5.csv'
#import CSV Contents
$ipRestrictionArray = Import-Csv -Path $csvPath5
$ipRestrictions = #()
foreach($item in $ipRestrictionArray){
Write-Host "Adding ipRestriction properties for" $
$newIpRestriction = CreateIpRestriction -name $ -ipAddress $item.ipAddress -subnetMask $item.subnetMask -action $item.action -priority $item.priority
$ipRestrictions += $newIpRestriction
#Set the new ipRestriction on the WebApp
Set-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/config -ResourceName $WebApp/web -ApiVersion $APIVersion -PropertyObject $ipRestrictions
As continuation on the comments, I really need multiline, so here as an answer.
Note that I cannot test this myself
This page here shows that the Set-AzureRmResource -Properties parameter should be of type PSObject.
(instead of -Properties you may also use the alias -PropertyObject)
In your code, I don't think the function CreateIpRestriction returns a PSObject but tries to do too much.
Anyway, try like this:
Function CreateIpRestriction {
Param (
[string] $name,
[string] $ipAddress,
[string] $subnetMask,
[string] $action,
[string] $priority
# There are many ways to create a PSObject (or PSCustomObject if you like).
# Have a look at for instance.
return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
name = $name
ipAddress = $ipAddress
subnetMask = $subnetMask
action = $action
priority = $priority
#Set csv file path:
$csvPath5 = 'C:\Users\Giann\Documents\_Git Repositorys\ipRestrictions5.csv'
#import CSV Contents
$ipRestrictionArray = Import-Csv -Path $csvPath5
# create an new array of IP restrictions (PSObjects)
$newIpRestrictions = #()
foreach($item in $ipRestrictionArray){
Write-Host "Adding ipRestriction properties for" $
$newIpRestrictions += (CreateIpRestriction -name $ -ipAddress $item.ipAddress -subnetMask $item.subnetMask -action $item.action -priority $item.priority )
# here we set the restrictions we collected in $newIpRestrictions in the $WebAppConfig.Properties.ipSecurityRestrictions array
$APIVersion = ((Get-AzureRmResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Web).ResourceTypes | Where-Object ResourceTypeName -eq sites).ApiVersions[0]
$WebAppConfig = (Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/config -ResourceName $WebApp -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -ApiVersion $APIVersion)
$WebAppConfig.Properties.ipSecurityRestrictions = $newIpRestrictions
$WebAppConfig | Set-AzureRmResource -ApiVersion $APIVersion -Force | Out-Null
The code above will replace the ipSecurityRestrictions by a new set. You may want to consider first getting them and adding to the already existing list.
I found examples for Getting, Adding and Removing ipSecurityRestrictions here, but I can imagine there are more examples to be found.
Hope that helps.

Powershell Looping through eventlog

I am trying to gather data from eventlogs of logons, disconnect, logoff etc... this data will be stored in a csv format.
This is the script i am working which got from Microsoft Technet and i have modified to meet my requirement. Script is working as it should be but there is looping going on which i can't figure out how it should be stopped.
$ServersToQuery = Get-Content "C:\Users\metho.HOME\Desktop\computernames.txt"
$cred = "home\Administrator"
$StartTime = "September 19, 2018"
#$Yesterday = (Get-Date) - (New-TimeSpan -Days 1)
foreach ($Server in $ServersToQuery) {
$LogFilter = #{
LogName = 'Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager/Operational'
ID = 21, 23, 24, 25
StartTime = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)
$AllEntries = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable $LogFilter -ComputerName $Server -Credential $cred
$AllEntries | Foreach {
$entry = [xml]$_.ToXml()
$Output += New-Object PSObject -Property #{
TimeCreated = $_.TimeCreated
User = $entry.Event.UserData.EventXML.User
IPAddress = $entry.Event.UserData.EventXML.Address
EventID = $entry.Event.System.EventID
ServerName = $Server
$FilteredOutput += $Output | Select TimeCreated, User, ServerName, IPAddress, #{Name='Action';Expression={
if ($_.EventID -eq '21'){"logon"}
if ($_.EventID -eq '22'){"Shell start"}
if ($_.EventID -eq '23'){"logoff"}
if ($_.EventID -eq '24'){"disconnected"}
if ($_.EventID -eq '25'){"reconnection"}
$Date = (Get-Date -Format s) -replace ":", "-"
$FilePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\$Date`_RDP_Report.csv"
$FilteredOutput | Sort TimeCreated | Export-Csv $FilePath -NoTypeInformation
Write-host "Writing File: $FilePath" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Cyan
First time when i run the script, it runs fine and i get the csv output as it should be. When i run the script again than a new CSV is created (as it should be) but the same event log enteries are created twice and run it again than three enteries are created for the same event. This is very strange as a new csv is created each time and i dont not have -append switch for export-csv configured.
$FilteredOutput = #()
$Output = #()
I did try adding these two lines in above script as i read somewhere that it is needed if i am mixing multiple variables into a array (i do not understand this so applogies if i get this wrong).
Can someone please help me this, more importantly, I need to understand this as it is good to know for my future projects.
Thanks agian.
It sounds like the$Output and $FilteredOutput variables aren't getting cleared when you run the script subsequent times (nothing in the current script looks to do that), so the results are just getting appended to these variables each time.
As you've already said, you could add these to the top of your script:
$FilteredOutput = #()
$Output = #()
This will initialise them as empty arrays at the beginning, which will ensure they start empty as well as make it possible for them to be appended to (which happens at the script via +=). Without doing this on the first run the script likely failed, so I assume you must have done this in your current session at some point for it to be working at all.

Convert a SharePoint Online list into JSON using arrays

I'm trying to convert a set of SharePoint list items (and associated data) into a JSON object. To do this I'm trying to create a multi-dimensional array and then iterate over my SharePoint objects to populate it.
This is the relevant code so far:
#Lookup Source Address
$rootWeb = $Context.Web
$List = $rootWeb.lists.getByTitle($ListName)
$fields = $List.Fields;
$ListItems = $List.GetItems([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CamlQuery]::CreateAllItemsQuery())
#Load the List
$listArray = #()
$listArray["DisplayTitle"] = #()
$listArray["Description"] = #()
$listArray["Setting"] = #()
$listArray["HealthAreas"] = #()
$listArray["ResourceType"] = #()
$listArray["ExternalURL"] = #()
$listArray["Active"] = #()
Write-Host "List items are"
foreach ($item in $ListItems)
$listArray["Description"].Add($item["File Description"])
Write-Host "############################"
Write-Host $listArray | ConvertTo-Json
I know there's a gap in my thinking here (maybe I need a hashtable) but just can't see it. The error I'm receiving is:
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
However I can't see where my null variable may be originating from as I've confirmed each item in the loop does contain data (by writing to console).
The error that you receive is not related to SharePoint but to PowerShell. You created the PowerShell array and tried to access its elements like it was associative array/hashtable.
Please try this code (I've tested it with my own list with different column names and it works fine):
#Lookup Source Address
$rootWeb = $Context.Web
$List = $rootWeb.lists.getByTitle($ListName)
$fields = $List.Fields;
$ListItems = $List.GetItems([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CamlQuery]::CreateAllItemsQuery())
#Load the List
$listArray = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
Write-Host "List items are"
foreach ($item in $ListItems)
Description= $item["File Description"];
Setting= $item["Setting"];
HealthAreas= $item["Health_x0020_Area"];
ResourceType= $item["Resource_x0020_Type"];
ExternalURL= $item["External_x0020_file_x0020_path"];
Active= $item["Currently_x0020_active_x003f_"];
Write-Host "############################"
$json = $listArray | ConvertTo-Json
Write-Host $json

Powershell Custom object - not passing foreach variable

I'm trying to create a custom object based on server names from a text file.
The script I have goes and imports the txt file into a Variable. Then runs a foreach server in the servers variable to create the custom object. I would like to be able to output the object's properties as a table that doesn't include the header info each time.
See script and output below:
$SERVERS = gc c:\servers.txt
foreach ($srv in $SERVERS)
$Obj = New-Object PsObject -Property`
Computername = $srv
SecurityGroup = (Get-QADComputer $srv).memberof
RebootDay = ((Get-QADComputer $srv).memberof).split(',').split(' ')[2]
Combined = ((Get-QADComputer $srv).memberof).split(',').split(' ').split('=')[1]
RebootTime = $obj.combined.substring(0,4)
echo $obj | ft Computername,RebootDay -autosize
This is the output currently:
Computername RebootDay
SERVER007 Sunday
Computername RebootDay
SERVER009 Sunday
Computername RebootDay
SERVER003 Sunday
I'd like it to look more like:
Computername RebootDay
SERVER007 Sunday
SERVER001 Sunday
SERVER009 Sunday
TessellatingHeckler was on the right track really. The issue with his code is that you can't pipe a ForEach($x in $y){} loop to anything (not to be confused with a ForEach-Object loop that you usually see shortened to just ForEach like $Servers | ForEach{<code here>}) You don't want to pipe objects to Format-Table one at a time, you want to pipe a collection of objects to it so that it looks nice. So here's the modified code:
$SERVERS = gc c:\servers.txt
$Results = foreach ($srv in $SERVERS)
New-Object PsObject -Property #{
Computername = $srv
SecurityGroup = (Get-QADComputer $srv).memberof
RebootDay = ((Get-QADComputer $srv).memberof).split(',').split(' ')[2]
Combined = ((Get-QADComputer $srv).memberof).split(',').split(' ').split('=')[1]
RebootTime = $obj.combined.substring(0,4)
$Results | FT ComputerName,RebootDay -auto
That collects the objects in an array, then you pass the whole array to Format-Table
Don't put the "ft" (Format-Table) command inside the loop, put it outside, once, at the end. e.g.
$SERVERS = gc c:\servers.txt
$results = foreach ($srv in $SERVERS)
$Obj = New-Object PsObject -Property`
Computername = $srv
SecurityGroup = (Get-QADComputer $srv).memberof
RebootDay = ((Get-QADComputer $srv).memberof).split(',').split(' ')[2]
Combined = ((Get-QADComputer $srv).memberof).split(',').split(' ').split('=')[1]
RebootTime = $obj.combined.substring(0,4)
$results | ft Computername,RebootDay -autosize
Edit: Fixed for foreach pipeline bug.
You could possibly neaten it a bit because you don't need to make a new PSObject for a hashtable, and then put the object into the pipeline; you don't need to repeat the Get-QADComputer commands three times. I'm suspicious that the $obj.combined line isn't doing anything - how can you refer to an object inside the properties of the new-object call, before it gets assigned that name? And the repeated splits could probably be combined because it operates on individual characters, not strings.
gc c:\servers.txt | foreach {
$memberof = (Get-QADComputer $_).memberof
Computername = $_;
SecurityGroup = $memberof;
RebootDay = $memberof.split(', ')[2];
Combined = $memberof.split(', =')[1];
# ?? RebootTime = $obj.combined.substring(0,4)
} | ft Computername,RebootDay -autosize
