What would happen if I configured a local file system for Flink checkpointing? - apache-flink

I have saw a video named Managing State in Apache Flink - Tzu-Li (Gordon) Tai.
In this video, it stores data with distributed file system.
I'm wondering that what would happen if I configured a local file system for Flink checkpointing?
env.setStateBackend(new RocksDBStateBackend(getString("flie:///tmp/checkpoints"), true));
I assume that every node of Flink cluster will keep their own data. Would it work well?

I assume that every node of Flink cluster will keep their own data.
That is correct.
Would it work well?
With a local file system and distributed nodes you would may be able to checkpoint just fine (even that is not certain, as the directory may be getting created by the JobManager so the TaskManager instances potentially will fail with the directory not existing) however you would not be able to restore, as the JobManager reads that and distributes that out to the operators as needed.
Strictly speaking, it does not matter if the file system is local or distributed to flink. What is important is that the JobManager as restore time is able to see all of the checkpoint data. If you are running with everything on the same machine, then a local file system would work just fine.
I think in principle you could even have all nodes write locally and then manually use a synchronization process to move the data to somewhere that the JobManager could see it during an attempted restore, however that is certainly not a recommended approach.


Having consumer issues when RocksDB in flink

I have a job which consumes from RabbitMQ, I was using FS State Backend but it seems that the sizes of states became bigger and then I decide to move my states to RocksDB.
The issue is that during the first hours running the job is fine, event after more time if traffic get slower, but then when the traffic gets high again then the consumer start to have issues (events pilled up as unacked) and then these issues are reflected in the rest of the app.
I have:
4 CPU core
Local disk
Unix environment
Flink 1.11
Scala version 2.11
1 single job running with few keyedStreams, and around 10 transformations, and sink to Postgres
some configurations
#RocksDB configuration
state.backend.rocksdb.localdir=home/username/checkpoints (this is not working don't know why)
#rocksdb or heap
state.backend.rocksdb.timer-service.factory=heap (I have test with rocksdb too and is the same)
Let me know if more information is needed?
state.backend.rocksdb.localdir should be an absolute path, not a relative one. And this setting isn't for specifying where checkpoints go (which shouldn't be on the local disk), this setting is for specifying where the working state is kept (which should be on the local disk).
Your job is experiencing backpressure, meaning that some part of the pipeline can't keep up. The most common causes of backpressure are (1) sinks that can't keep up, and (2) inadequate resources (e.g., the parallelism is too low).
You can test if postgres is the problem by running the job with a discarding sink.
Looking at various metrics should give you an idea of what resources might be under-provisioned.

Flink production session cluster in EKS instance failure and recovery

I am newbie in Flink, planning to deploy Flink session cluster on EKS with 1 job manager and 5 task managers (each task managers with 4 slots). Different jobs will be submitted through UI for different usecase.
Let's say I have submitted a stateful job (job has simple counter logic using RichFlatMapFunction) backed by RocksDBStateBackend with S3 checkpointDataUri and DbStoragePath pointed to local file path and this job utilises 8 slot totally which is spreaded across two task managers and running fine without any issues for a day. Now following are my question,
1) My understanding about checkpointDataUri and DbStoragePath in RocksDBStateBackend is, checkpointDataUri stores the processed offset information in S3 (since I configured the checkpointDataUri with S3 prefix) and DbStoragePath contains all the state information which is used in RichFlatMapFunction. So all the stateful information are stored in checkpointDataUri which is available in local only. Please correct me If it is wrong.
2) Lets say my Ec2 instance was restarted (the one where the 4 slots was utilised) for some reason and it took around 30 minutes to come online, in this case, EKS will make the new Ec2 instance as TaskManager to match the replicas, however whether Flink job manager will try to reschedule the 4 slots to a different task manager now? If yes, how the state which was stored in Ec2 local instance has to be recovered?
3) Is there is any document/video for Flink EKS failure recovery related things. I saw the official documentation which specifies how to deploy Flink session cluster in EKS. But I don't find anything related to failure recovery in EKS mode. Could someone please point me in the right direction on this?
All of the state you are concerned about, namely the processed offsets and the state used in the RichFlatMapFunction (and any other state Flink is managing for your job) is stored both on the local disk (DbStoragePath) and in S3 (checkpointDataUri).
Flink always keeps a working copy of all of the state local to each task manager (for high throughput and low latency), and in the background makes complete copies of this state to a distributed file system (like S3) for reliability.
In other words, what you said in point (1) of your question was incorrect. And the answer to point (2) is that the state to be recovered can always be recovered from S3 if it's not available locally. As for point (3), there's nothing special about failure recovery on EKS compared to any other Flink deployment model.

How to store checkpoint into remote RocksDB in Apache Flink

I know that there are three kinds of state backends in Apache Flink: MemoryStateBackend, FsStateBackend and RocksDBStateBackend.
MemoryStateBackend stores the checkpoints into local RAM, FsStateBackend stores the checkpoints into local FileSystem, and RocksDBStateBackend stores the checkpoints into RocksDB. I have some questions about the RocksDBStateBackend.
As my understanding, the mechanism of RocksDBStateBackend has been embedded into Apache Flink. The rocksDB is a kind of key-value DB. So If I'm right, it means that Flink will store all checkpoints into the embedded rocksDB, which uses the local disk.
If so, I think the disk could be exhausted in some cases because of the checkpoints stored into the rocksDB. Now I'm thinking if it is possible to configure a remote rocksDB to store these checkpoints? If it is possible, should we worry about the remote rocksDB crashing? If the remote rocksDB crashes, the jobs of Flink can not continue working, right?
There is no option to use an external or remote RocksDB with Apache Flink. RocksDB is an embedded key-value store with a local instance in each task manager.
Several points:
Flink makes a strong distinction between the working state, which is always local (for good performance), and state snapshots (checkpoints and savepoints), which are not local (for reliability they should be stored in a distributed file system).
The RocksDBStateBackend uses the local disk for working state. The other two state backends keep their working state on the Java heap.
The checkpoint coordinator arranges for all of these slices of data scattered across all of the task managers to be collected together into complete checkpoints that are stored elsewhere. In the case of the MemoryStateBackend those checkpoints are stored on the JobManager heap; for the other two, they are in a distributed file system.
You want to configure RocksDB to use the fastest available local file system. Try to use locally attached SSDs, and avoid network-attached storage (such as EBS). Do not try to use a distributed file system such as S3 as RocksDB's local storage.
state.backend.rocksdb.localdir controls where each local RocksDB stores its working state.
The parameter to the RocksDBStateBackend constructor controls where the checkpoints are stored. E.g., using S3 as recommended by #ezequiel is the obvious choice on AWS.
RocksDB can work with any supported Filesystem by Flink
If you are running Flink probably you want to checkpoint, and resume from them.
I would externalise the storage outside the node. I you are using a cloud provider like AWS, then S3 is the right option.
So you should probably write something like:
new RocksDBStateBackend("s3://my-bucket", true); and assing it to your execution environment.
Please check the above documentation to configure properly your filesystem.

can i use flink rocksDB state backend with local file system?

I am exploring using Flink rocksDb state backend, the documentation seems to imply i can use a regular file system such as: file:///data/flink/checkpoints, but the code javadoc only mentions hdfs or s3 option here.
I am wondering if it's possible to use local file system with flink rocksdb backend, thanks!
Flink docs: https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/ops/state/state_backends.html#the-rocksdbstatebackend
Flink code: https://github.com/apache/flink/blob/master/flink-state-backends/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/RocksDBStateBackend.java#L175
No, you should not do that!
With this path you configure the directory into which Flink writes checkpoints. A checkpoint is a copy of your application state that is used to restore the application state in case of a failure such as a machine failure. The path must point to a persistent and remote storage to be able to read the checkpoint in case that a process was killed ore a machine died. If a checkpoint was written to the local filesystem of a machine that failed, you would not be able to recover the job and restore the state.
However, you can write the checkpoint to a local path if this is a mount point of an NFS (or any other remote storage) that can be mounted from other machines as well.

Flink: local dir for state.checkpoints.dir

I was trying to understand the implications of using local dir e.g. file:///checkpoints/ for state.checkpoints.dir. My confusion is that 1) there might be multiple TaskManagers, does that mean each will save its own checkpoints to its local disk? 2) does this work in the environment like Kubernetes? because Pods might be moved around in the cluster.
This won't work. state.checkpoints.dir must be a URI that is accessible to every machine in the cluster, i.e., some sort of distributed filesystem. This is necessary for recovery in situations in which a task manager has failed, or when state needs to be redistributed for rescaling.
You may also want each TaskManager to additionally keep a copy of its state locally for faster recovery; see Task Local Recovery for info on that option.
