React/Material-ui : Make dialog not change when mobile keyboard is brought up - reactjs

I have a dialog that contains a few text fields where the user can provide input, like this.
The problem im having is that whenever the user clicks on one of the textfields , the mobile keyboard messes everything up. It looks like this:
I want to have the dialog remain the same - as in, it shouldnt shrink and force the user to scroll down to see the full dialog. I tried using the FullscreenDialog-component, but the problem remains the same - the mobile keyboard just shrinks it and makes it scrollable for some reason. Is there any way to fix this?
EDIT I found a way to sort-of fix this, at least temporarily - add a minHeight to the bodyStyle in the dialog and the keyboard won't overwrite it. Obviously you have to move the dialog up so that the keyboard doesn't block it when it appears :)

I've experienced a similar problem but the solution may not help in every situation.
In my case, the main <Paper /> component height was set to window.innerHeight and another <Paper /> component inside it was set to about window.innerHeight * 0.6. I use this and not simply a CSS unit 'vh' since it compensates for the URL bar.
In the nested paper, I had a <TextField /> and the same problem you described occurred. The solution is basically to listen to onresize event since it fires when the keyboard opens, then you simply use the maxheight of all those measures.
To make it perfect you may want to respect device rotation since it really does require you to use the new height, and of course make sure the component is positioned correctly.


Continuous requestAnimationFrame in React

I'm working on some sort of 'continuous' animation. Say a div translates from its current location 200px to the right. There's an option to change the distance of translation. While its animating, the user changes from 200px to 400px. The div should still move smoothly until it reaches its final point which is 400px from its previous location. I have done the basic moving animation, however I can't figure out how to make it continues without jumping when the distance changes.
Here's the codesandbox that I'm working on which best illustrates my point above and what I'm struggling with. Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :))
Edit: Steps to reproduce the jumping problem:
Open the sandbox
Click the 'Toggle' button
Click the 'Add distance' button
While the red div animates, click 'Add distance' button again
And you should see the div jumping
There is probably a way to fix your code so that it works as you want, though I would suggest going in another direction. There are several animation libraries in React that can help you solve this problem. The resulting code is also going to be more portable.
For your specific need, I would suggest using a library called react-move. It is part of the react-tools which provides other cool libraries. I created a CodeSandbox with my take on your problem using react-move.
I only took the transform line for your code, since I wanted to focus on how you could integrate the library into your example.
To create the animation, I imported a component from react-move called Animate. It's the main component of the library. You use this component to wrap a function using the function as child pattern. This function will receive a state object with information regarding the animated element. It also consumes a start, update, enter, and leave function, that represents the state for those actions.
Inside you function as child function is where you define the animation. In our case, we want to translate the Box along its x axis, using the x value provided on the state object.
OBS: On my example the Box returns to the start (x === 0) when its offset value is bigger than the window's width.
I hope it helps.

React Native - How to make permanent the vertical scrollbar of the ScrollView component?

I'm building a React Native app which has a screen containing a list of several items the user can see. I wrapped up the elements by using a ScrollView component and it works fine as shown below:
However, I'd like to have the vertical scrollbar always visible just to let the user know he can see more items than the ones shown in the first place. I've read the ScrollView documentation but it seems that there is not an option to make it happen.
Does anyone know if there is a way to achieve that or perhaps a workaround to make it intuitive to the user that there is a scroll on the list?
Try this ,Its working for me
The closest thing to showing the scroll indicator constantly that is available in React Native is flashing the indicator. You can obtain a reference to the scrollview and call the flashScrollIndicators() method. There is no known way to disable hiding the indicator without writing native code. If you want to go down that path, you could try something like this for iOS.

react native - Creating header above FlatList which scrolls up when scroll drag hits it

The effect I'm looking for is a bit hard to describe, but I'm basically trying to implement a header above a scrollView which allows you to scroll normally when touching inside the scrollView, but then when you drag up out of the scrollView onto the header, it moves the header up.
This effect is used with the iPhone keyboard as a footer for messages for example, where you can scroll through messages normally and the keyboard will stay. However, if you scroll down into the keyboard, it drags the keyboard down. 'interactive' is the effect I'm trying to achieve, but instead of for a keyboard I'm looking to do it for some custom header component which is above my scrollView.
I figure I could match the scroll to the components Y translate Y, however I only want to do this depending on where my touch is. Sadly, the onScroll event doesn't seem to contain any information on the touch location, so I can't tell where the user is dragging. Any help or ideas for other ways to implement this would be greatly appreciated.

Codename One - Layout issue

I've a GUI built app and I set many Icon images in the code for some components.
The thing is I've made sure all "padding" and "margin" values are the same for the different states of the components (unselected, pressed, etc) but when I try to input data into the TextFields, it seems like the dimensions of some components change without notice and they completely mess with my layout.
Even sometimes some of the icons partially disappear. Please see the following screenshot of before and after text input, where the Container and TextFields shrink
I really don't know what else I can do. I have tried many things, but stil the same outcome. Please help.
You need to make the container housing all this components scrollable.
Use Millimeters for your TextField padding and margin, don't use Screen Percentage. From the image in the images you posted, 2mm top and bottom and 1mm left and right would be suitable.
If the components having those icons are pressable like a button, be sure to set their pressedIcon to the same icon.
Lastly, style your TextField Unselected state and copy this to Selected and Pressed states, to avoid erroneous styling.

Hiding a component within a Border-Layout region programatically

I have a border Layout with let's say two regions; center and west. The westregion is added with the splitter param and is collapsible. Now I have a toolbar from which I want to hide/show the west region. I've solved this by calling the toggleTargetCmp() method of the splitter. Well I know, this is a private method and should not be used, but I found no other way to archive this. So far so good. All this works.
But now I want to hide the splitter & placeholder (I fetch the placeholder ownet by using the getCollapseTarget() method of the splitter) if the button in the toolbar gets clicked. I tried it with setVisible(false) which works for the splitter but it didn't work well for the placeholder... after a deeper look onto the placeholder instance I can tell that it is set to hidden: true but it uses the hideMode: 'offsets' by default plus hiddenAnchestor: false which is not documented in the API.
Based on the API docu for hideMode I tried to set it to 'display'
before calling setVisible(false) without any luck, the placeholder still stays visible.
So how can I hide the placholder, too. Or is there even a better way to archive this?
Have you tried hide method? It works exactly as you describe - hides region and splitter.
In my project I do it like this:
where panel is one of borderPanel items.
