How to remove these blue bars/borders in checkbox in Kendo - angularjs

I am creating a treeview using
I want to remove these highlighted border. It is there only when using treeview.

Try overwriting the following style using !important. I overwritten it with red color, you can change it to any color of your choice.
color : #ffff;
Sample dojo


Changing background color of md-autocomplete

I am trying to implement md-autocomplete using Angular Materials.
How do I change the background color to white?
Approach 1: I tried to use $mdThemingProvide but it is changing the background of the input box.
Approach 2: I also tried to change color of the form.
Both the approaches didn't work. You can see the code for both below.
What i want to do is to change the background of the md-autocomplete form to white.
How do I do this?
Aprroach 1:
.config(function($mdThemingProvider) {
Approach 2:
<form ng-submit = "$event.preventDefault()" style="background:White;">
The output can be seen here.The arrow indicates the background whose color i want to change to white.

Trouble changing background color of TextField in Codename One

I just started building my first App with Codename One and I'm having quite some trouble. :-)
I cant change the background color of a TextField, I changed everything in the Theme and named it "TextField". At the Color tab I changed the background color and set Transparency to 255. Since the Component is named TextField, shouldnt the style be applied automatically when I make a new TextField?
I also tried to set the UIID manually to "TextField", which didn't help either.
Am I missing something?
Kind regards,
The way backgrounds work in Codename One is this:
Border is applied first
Then image
Then gradient
Then color
TextField and other components such as Button etc. often have a default border derived from the theme.
Switch to the Border tab, click derive then click the ... button and select empty.

how to add colours as values to combobox in extjs 4.2

my requirement is to have colours in combo box instead of textual value as "RED", "GREEN" in dropdown. am trying to achieve this using EXTJS 4.2. Could any one please help me how to configure the combobox.
is there any way to add colour images as values to combobox.
You should use listConfig config to change the behaviour of combobox picker. (For more information:!/api/Ext.form.field.ComboBox-cfg-listConfig)
Perhaps you give the combobox element a css class (e.g. 'foo'), or style tag, and then set the background-color with CSS
background-color: red
It can be done by setting 'background-color: color; background-image: none;'
Take look at this expamle

JavaFX combobox, getting white background after listview

I m getting a white background in my ComboBox in javaFx
Screenshot of combobox I m getting
I simply used this
ComboBox mode = new ComboBox();
mode.getItems().addAll("Cash", "Cheque", "Account Transfer");
Please tell me how to resolve this..
As you can read here, when the combo is shown a PopupControl that extends `PopupWindow' is shown. It has its own scene and styling.
My guess is you have some styling applied to the CSS rule .root.popup, something like this:
.root.popup {
-fx-background-color: white;
Try to remove that sytling or change it to:
.root.popup {
-fx-background-color: transparent;
and check if the problem is solved.

How to change the BarButtonItem back color?

I am currently working in the C# windows application with DevExpress controls.
Now I want to change back color of bar button item while loading the form.
I've tried following code:
barButton.Appearance.BackColor = Color.Red;
but the bar button back color not changed to red.
By default, bars use the skins to draw their content. In this case, all background colors are provided by specific skin elements, which cannot be changed. The only way to change a specific item's background color is to disable skins:
put the BarAndDockingController component onto a form, and assign it to the BarManager.Controller property. Set BarAndDockingController.PaintStyleName or LookAndFeel to any non-skin style(for example "Flat"). Then use the Bar.Appearance.BackColor property to set the desired color.
Alternatively, you can create your own custom barItem in a way similar to the one described in the How to change the background color of highlighted links KB article.
