I have managed to produced a code that works perfectly fine and does exactly what it should. My problem is: I absolutely don't understand why. In my understanding it should NOT work.
#define PARAMS 12
char** parseFile(char* tmp[], char* location) {
// Parse a file at <location> and retrieve 6 key: value pairs from it.
// All key: value pairs are stored in tmp, resulting in an array of
// 12 char pointers, each pointing to a char array that contains either
// a key or a value.
// ...
do {
yaml_parser_scan(&parser, &token);
if (token.type == YAML_SCALAR_TOKEN && i<PARAMS) {
strcpy(tmp[i], (char*)token.data.scalar.value);
if (token.type != YAML_STREAM_END_TOKEN) {
} while (token.type != YAML_STREAM_END_TOKEN);
// ...
return tmp;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int i=0;
char **tmp = (char **)calloc(PARAMS, sizeof(char *));
char **params = (char **)calloc(PARAMS, sizeof(char *));
for (i=0; i<PARAMS; i++) {
tmp[i] = (char *)calloc(32, sizeof(char));
params[i] = (char *)calloc(32, sizeof(char));
memcpy(params, parseFile(tmp, argv[1]), sizeof(char) * 56); // WHY 56?
for (i=0; i<PARAMS; i++) {
printf("PARAM_[%d] = %s\n", i, params[i]);
return 0;
I could swear that I would have to specify a size of sizeof(char) * 384 (1 * 12 * 32) in memcpy for the code to work. But if I do, it doesn't. It only works and produces the correct result if I specify sizeof(char) * 56. Why 56? What's that value supposed to mean? I do realise that I have 6 key: value pairs and that 6 * 8 + 8 is 56, but I still don't get it.
The use case is this:
The program connects to a server based on connection parameters (IP address, port) that are provided in a yaml configuration file. A minimalistic version of that file could look like this:
# Connection parameters
tx_port: 8080
The program needs the values of the key:value pairs as those are passed to functions which establish the connection to the server. So, what I need to do is to parse the configuration file and look for allowed keys (the parameters could be anything; I only know the keys). E.g., if the key "tx_addr" is found, the program knows that the value to that key shall be passed as the IP address parameter of the functions establishing the server connection.
I assume that your aim is to copy all key:value pairs from tmp to params.
You can't copy all the key:value pairs from tmp to params with a single memcpy. You can't be sure that malloc have given you two consecutive memory areas.
You have to copy the strings one-by-one.
parseFile(tmp, argv[1]);
for (i=0; i<PARAMS; i++) {
memcpy(params[i], tmp[i], 32);
In order to get two consecutive memory areas (so that you can copy with a single memcpy), you need to allocate the variables as 2D arrays (https://stackoverflow.com/a/40847465/4386427 and https://stackoverflow.com/a/42094467/4386427).
I'm working on a minisql code in C and i having some issues to allocate array of strings. I made a function called "alocaString" to do this (bc i'm using that a lot), but i don't think is working.
When the code reaches the line "strncpy(lista[qtnPalavras], splitStr, 100);" in the function "listaPalavras" (that have the purpose of split a string in different types of characters) a file named "strcpy-avx2.S" is created, one of the arguments of that function (**lista) is allocated with "alocaString" so i think the problem is in that function.
I already try to use valgrind and shows "is used uninitialized in this function [-Werror=uninitialized]" to all arrays of strings that i tried to use on that function, but i'm initializing them inside of the function
int alocaString (char **string, int tamanho, int posicoes){
string = malloc (posicoes * sizeof(char*));
for (int i = 0; i < posicoes; i++){
string [i] = malloc (tamanho * sizeof(char));
if (string[i] == NULL){return 0;}
return **string;
void desalocaString (char **string, int posicoes){
for (int i = 0; i < (posicoes); i++){
free (string[i]);
free (string);
int listaPalavras(char *entrada, char **lista, char *separador){ // lista as palavras
char *splitStr;
int qtnPalavras = 0;
splitStr = strtok(entrada, separador);
while (splitStr != NULL){
strncpy(lista[qtnPalavras], splitStr, 100);
splitStr = strtok(NULL, separador);
return qtnPalavras;
I assume that you are using these functions like this:
alocaString(lista, tamanho, posicoes);
listaPalavras(some_string, lista, some_delimiters);
Even without looking at the code, it seems logically wrong to allocate an array of strings first and then populate it if you do not already know how many strings it will need to fit. If you happen to allocate an array of n strings, but your listaPalavras() functions splits the provided string into n+1 or more substrings, you're going to overflow your previously allocated array. Nonetheless, this can be done taking the appropriate precautions, like carrying around sizes and checking them to avoid overflow.
The only sane way to achieve what you want is therefore to either (A) count the number of delimiters in the string first to know in advantage how many pointers you will need or (B) dynamically allocate the needed amount in listaPalavras() while splitting. You seem to be going with something similar to option A, but your code is flawed.
The desalocaString() is the only function that seems correct.
A correct implementation of alocaString() would return the allocated array (or NULL in case of failure), but you are returning **string which is just the first character of the first string. Needless to say, this does not make much sense. You don't need to take a char ** parameter, just the sizes. Secondly, in case of failure of any of the calls to malloc() you should free the previously allocated ones before returning NULL.
char **alocaString (unsigned tamanho, unsigned posicoes) {
char **lista = malloc(posicoes * sizeof(char*));
if (lista == NULL)
return NULL;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < posicoes; i++) {
lista[i] = malloc(tamanho * sizeof(char));
if (lista[i] == NULL) {
for (unsigned j = 0; j < i; j++)
return NULL;
return lista;
As per listaPalavras(), which has the job of splitting the given string into other strings and copying them into the previously allocated array, to avoid overflowing the given array of strings you will need to also provide its length as well as the length of the previously allocated strings as argument (let's call them posicoes and tamanho like for the above function). Moreover, strncpy() will not add a NUL-terminator (\0) to the destination string if it is not found in the source string within the first n characters (n being the third argument), so you will need to add it yourself to make sure your strings are correctly terminated.
unsigned listaPalavras(const char *entrada, char *separador, char **lista, unsigned posicoes, unsigned tamanho) {
char *splitStr;
unsigned qtnPalavras = 0;
splitStr = strtok(entrada, separador);
while (qtnPalavras < posicoes && splitStr != NULL){
strncpy(lista[qtnPalavras], splitStr, tamanho);
lista[qtnPalavras][tamanho - 1] = '\0';
splitStr = strtok(NULL, separador);
return qtnPalavras;
Finally the code of the caller should look something like this:
char **lista;
unsigned tamanho = 100;
unsigned posicoes = 10;
unsigned palavras;
lista = alocaString(tamanho, posicoes);
if (lista == NULL) {
// handle the error somehow
palavras = listaPalavras(YOUR_STRING, YOUR_DELIMITERS, lista, posicoes, tamanho);
This should work fine, however you are limited by the fact that:
You cannot know beforehand the number of substrings that strtok() will find.
You cannot know beforehand the length of any of those substrings.
Therefore, allocating the needed lista dynamically inside listaPalavras() would make more sense.
Finally, as a side note, the names of your functions are misleading: if you need to allocate an array of strings, you might want to choose a better name than alocaString() which seems to imply that you are allocating a single string. Maybe alocaLista() and dealocaLista() would be better choices.
Recently I was pondering over this question: how to make an easier way to iterate over an array of pointer in C.
If I create an array of string in C, it should look like this right?
int size = 5;
char ** strArr = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *) * size);
if (strArr == NULL) return;
But the problem is, when you want to iterate over this array for some reason (like printing all values inside it), you have to keep track of its current size, storing in another variable.
That's not a problem, but if you create lots of arrays, you have to keep track of every single one of their sizes inside the code. If you pass this array to another function, you must pass its size as well.
void PrintValues (char ** arr, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
printf("%s\n", arr[i]);
But when iterating over a string, it's different. You have the '\0' character, which specifies the end of the string. So, you could iterate over a string like this, with not need to keep its size value:
char * str = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 4);
str[0] = 'a';
str[1] = 'b';
str[2] = 'c';
str[3] = '\0';
for (int i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++)
printf("%c", str[i]);
Now my question:
Is it ok or morally right to allocate +1 unit in an array of pointers to maintain its tail as NULL?
char ** strArr = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *) * (5 +1);
if (strArr == NULL) return;
strArr[0] = PseudoFunc_NewString("Car");
strArr[1] = PseudoFunc_NewString("Car#1");
strArr[2] = PseudoFunc_NewString("Car#2");
strArr[3] = PseudoFunc_NewString("Tree");
strArr[4] = PseudoFunc_NewString("Tree#1");
strArr[5] = NULL; // Stop iteration here as next element is not allocated
Then I could use the NULL pointer to control the iterator:
void PrintValues (char ** arr) {
for (int i = 0; arr[i] != NULL; i++)
printf("%s\n", arr[i]);
This would help me to keep the code cleaner, though it would consume more memory as a pointer size is larger than a integer size.
Also, when programming with event-based libraries, like Gtk, the size values would be released from the stack at some point, so I would have to create a pointer to dynamically store the size value for example.
In cases like this, it ok to do this? Or is it considered something bad?
Is this technique only used with char pointers because char type has a size of only 1 byte?
I miss having a foreach iterator in C...
Now my question: Is it ok or morally right to allocate +1 unit in an array of pointers to maintain its tail as NULL?
This is ok, the final NULL is called a sentinel value and using one is somewhat common practice. This is most often used when you don't even know the size of the data for some reason.
It is however, not the best solution, because you have to iterate over all the data to find the size. Solutions that store the size separately are much faster. An arrays of structs for example, containing both size and data in the same place.
Now my question: Is it ok or morally right to allocate +1 unit in an array of pointers to maintain its tail as NULL?
In C this is quite a common pattern, and it has a name. You're simply using a sentinel value.
As long as your list can not contain null pointers normally this is fine. It is a bit error-prone in general however, then again, that's C for you.
It's ok, and is a commonly used pattern.
As an alternative you can use a struct, in there you can create a size variable where you can store the current size of the array, and pass the struct as argument. The advantage is that you don't need to iterate through the entire array to know its size.
Live demo
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct
char **strArr;
int size;
} MyStruct;
void PrintValues(MyStruct arr) //pass the struct as an argument
for (int i = 0; i < arr.size; i++) //use the size passed in the struct
printf("%s\n", arr.strArr[i]);
int main()
// using the variable to extract the size, to avoid silent errors
// also removed the cast for the same reason
char **strArr = malloc(sizeof *strArr * 5);
if (strArr == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE;
strArr[0] = "Car";
strArr[1] = "Car#1";
strArr[2] = "Car#2";
strArr[3] = "Tree";
strArr[4] = "Tree#1";
MyStruct strt = { strArr, 5 }; // initialize the struct
PrintValues(strt); //voila
free(strArr); // don't forget to free the allacated memory
This allows for direct access to an index with error checking:
// here if the array index exists, it will be printed
// otherwise no, allows for O(1) access error free
if(arr.size > 6){
printf("%s\n", arr.strArr[6]);
I want to know how to create a dynamic array of 2 strings per array. And I'm not sure how. I know how to create an array of strings, but not one of "n" dimensions, and i want to know how.
Here are some parts of my code, which is just currently an array of strings:
First I declared my array inside an struct:
typedef struct{
char bloqueCedula[7];
short bloqueDia;
char **bloqueLibrosPrestados;//This is the array i want to modify
then I initialize it on my first registration:
void primerRegistro(RegistroArchivo regArch, RegistroControl *regControl) {
strcpy(regControl->bloqueCedula, regArch.cedula);
regControl->bloqueDia = regArch.dia;
regControl->bloqueLibrosPrestados = malloc(cont * sizeof(regControl->bloqueLibrosPrestados));
regControl->bloqueLibrosPrestados[0] = malloc(7 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(regControl->bloqueLibrosPrestados[0], regArch.codigoLibro);
//printf("%s\n", regControl->bloqueLibrosPrestados[cont-1]);
In the code above I made each string of a length 7, because I already know the length of what I need to copy on it, which is 6.
This is how I kept making it grow:
void procesarRegistro(RegistroArchivo regArch, RegistroControl *regControl) {
regControl->bloqueLibrosPrestados = realloc(regControl->bloqueLibrosPrestados,cont * sizeof(regControl->bloqueLibrosPrestados));
regControl->bloqueLibrosPrestados[cont-1] = malloc(7 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(regControl->bloqueLibrosPrestados[cont-1], regArch.codigoLibro);
printf("%s\n", regControl->bloqueLibrosPrestados[cont-2]);
I want to know how to add another string of 2 length next to the one that is 7 length. This codes are parts of a code that reads from a file until it reaches EOF, that's why I used a counter which is "cont".
You have a char**.
Suppose a. Allocate some memory to a.
a= malloc(sizeof(char*)*10);
if( a == NULL)
fprintf(stderr,"%s","error in malloc");
Now for each of the position of a you do the same thing only this time it is for char.
a[i]= malloc(sizeof(char)*100);
if( a[i] == NULL)
Free them when done.
free(a[i]); //for each i.
Now this is 2 dimension
Now I don't know when you need more than this. This can always be extended.
char *** aa; But it is not needed. {read this}
If you need it then you should think over your data representation.
Theoretical idea for N dimensional strings
For n dimensional you can do this:-
char **...n...** complicated= malloc(sizeof(char**...n...>**)*N1);
// malloc check
for(int i=0;i<N1;i++)
complicated[i]= malloc(sizeof(char**...(n-1)...**)*N2);
Segfault I find myself unable to diagnose.
I have a benchmark func chrono which receives an array strings of pointers to randomly generated strings, and an array of corresponding sizes. For debug, I print strings (the pointer to pointers), strings[1] (one of them), and sizes (the pointer). (I also print some strings in chrono, to be sure, and compare to their original contents in the func that generates them: all is fine up to there.) What is to be benchmarked is a func that feeds a pack of strings into a string pool:
void pool_store_pack (StringPool * pool,
char ** strings, size_t * sizes, uint n_new);
For debug, I print the same data inside pool_store_pack. And the values are different. strings has changed, and both strings[1] and sizes are null. Here is an example output:
strings:0x9842fa8 (n°1:0x984200c)
some strings: `#PR` `MOB` `TBQ`
strings:0x804a824 (n°1:(nil))
segmentation fault (core dumped)
I have tried to reduce the bug to a simpler form, but it is difficult precisely because it is test code, not app code, that drives an autonomous piece of library. When I try to reproduce the bug from scratch, I just get as expected pointers and pointers to pointers with the same values in the receiving funcs as in the sending one. However, I can post the code of the 3 relevant funcs if it helps (but you won`t be able to run it, since it just drives other funcs).
I am pretty sure to be missing an obvious point, but cannot see it and am blocked and frustrated for hours ;-) Can you help?
EDIT: So, here is the whole code involved:
/* Put pack of strings in pool.
void pool_store_pack (StringPool * pool,
char ** strings, size_t * sizes, uint n_new) {
pool_grow(pool, n_new);
// debug /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
printfl("n_new:%u", n_new);
printfl("strings:%p (n°1:%p)", strings, strings[1]);
printfl("sizes:%p", sizes);
printfl("some sizes: %u %u %u", sizes[1], sizes[3], sizes[9]);
printfl("some strings: '%s' '%s' '%s'", strings[1], strings[3], strings[9]);
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < n_new; i++) pool_store(pool, strings[i], sizes[i]);
// generate random strings (constants used here are defined somewhere else)
static char ** data_strings (char ** p_bytes) {
char * bytes = malloc(n_strings * l * sizeof(char));
char ** strings = malloc(n_strings * sizeof(char *));
char * s;
uint i,j;
for (i=0; i<n_strings; i++) {
s = bytes + i*l;
s[size] = NUL;
for (j=0; j<size; j++) s[j] = '#' + random()%n_letters;
strings[i] = s;
//~ for (i=0; i<n_strings; i++) printf("'%s' ", strings[i]); line();
printfl("some strings: '%s' '%s' '%s'", strings[1], strings[3], strings[9]);
* p_bytes = bytes;
return strings;
// benchmark
static void chrono () {
printfl ("=== chrono pool ===============================================");
uint i;
clock_t t1, t2;
float dt;
// test data string
char * bytes;
char ** strings = data_strings(& bytes);
// string sizes are all equal to size (3)
size_t * sizes = malloc(n_strings * sizeof(size_t));
for (i=0; i<n_strings; i++) sizes[i] = size;
// debug ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
printfl("n_strings:%u", n_strings);
printfl("strings:%p (n°1:%p)", strings, strings[1]);
printfl("sizes:%p", sizes);
printfl("some sizes: %u %u %u", sizes[1], sizes[3], sizes[9]);
printfl("some strings: '%s' '%s' '%s'", strings[1], strings[3], strings[9]);
// now, feed the pool
StringPool * pool = stringpool();
t1 = clock();
pool_store_pack(pool, strings, sizes, n_strings);
t2 = clock();
dt = 1.0 * (t2 - t1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
print("pool data : "); show_pool_data(pool);
print("pool stats : "); show_pool_stats(pool, false);
printfl("time : %.3f", dt);
OK runs! There were 2 bugs in fact, interacting with each other. First, a wrong redefinition of a static constant giving the sizes of an initial set of strings to feed the pool (in fact only "", so this set has length 1). Second, an inversion of 2 instructions making the pool beeing used before initialised. The interaction is that the initialisation also used pool_store_pack to feed the pool with said initial strings.
What I got as debug output (and showed you) was reflecting the data from calling this func pool_store_pack for pool initialisation, not from the chrono func (thus, strings[1] was nil because there is only one string in the initial set!). And sizes was nil because it is the static constant wrongly changed... Mama mia!
Thanks to you all! Unfortunately I cannot vote you up, since there are only comments...
I am using some C with an embedded device and currently testing some code to read file details from an SD card. I am using a proprietary API but I will try to remove that wherever possible.
Rather than explaining, I will try to let me code speak for itself:
char* getImage() {
int numFiles = //number of files on SD card
for(int i=0; i<numFiles;i++) {
\\lists the first file name in root of SD
char *temp = SD.ls(i, 1, NAMES);
if(strstr(temp, ".jpg") && !strstr(temp, "_")) {
return temp;
return NULL;
void loop()
\\list SD contents
const char * image = getImage();
if(image != NULL) {
USB.println("Found an image!");
int byte_start = 0;
USB.print("Image Size: ");
The two lines at the bottom are the troublesome ones. If I pass a literal string then I get the file size perfectly. However, if I pass the string (as represented by the image variable) then I am given a glorious -1. Any ideas why?
For clarity, the print out of image does display the correct file name.
EDIT: I know it is frowned upon in C to return a char and better to modify a variable passed to the function. I have used this approach as well and an example of the code is below, with the same result:
char * image = NULL;
getSDImage(&image, sizeof(image));
void getSDImage(char ** a, int length) {
int numFiles = SD.numFiles();
for(int i=0; i<numFiles;i++) {
char *temp = SD.ls(i, 1, NAMES);
if(strstr(temp, ".jpg") && !strstr(temp, "_")) {
*a = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(temp));
strcpy(*a, temp);
EDIT 2: The link to the entry is here: SD.ls and the link for the file size function: SD.getFileSize
From the return, it seems like the issue is with the file size function as the return is -1 (not 0) and because a result is returned when listing the root of the SD.
UPDATE: I have added a check for a null terminated string (it appears that this was an issue) and this has been addressed in the getSDImage function, with the following:
void getSDImage(char ** a, int length) {
int numFiles = SD.numFiles();
for(int i=0; i<numFiles;i++) {
char *temp = SD.ls(i, 1, NAMES);
if(strstr(temp, ".jpg") && !strstr(temp, "_")) {
*a = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(temp));
strncpy(*a, temp, strlen(temp)-1);
*a[strlen(*a)-1] = '\0';
This seems to work and my results to standard output are fine, the size is now not shown as the error-indicating -1 but rather -16760. I thought I should post the update in case anyone has any ideas but my assumption is that this is something to do with the filename string.
There are several things that could be wrong with your code:
1) You might be passing "invisible" characters such as whitespaces. Please make sure that the string you are passing is exactly the same, i.e. print character by character including null termination and see if they are the same.
2) The value that is getting returned by API and latter used by other API may not be as expected. I would advise that (if possible) you look at the API source code. If you can compile the API itself then it should be easy to find the problem (check what API getFileSize() gets from parameters). Based on the API documentation you have sent check the value stored in buffer[DOS_BUFFER_SIZE] after you get -1 from.
EDIT (after looking at the API source code):
On line 00657 (func find_file_in_dir) you have:
if(strcmp(dir_entry->long_name, name) == 0)
it seems as the only reason why you would have different reply when using string literal as opposed to the getting name from your function. So it is very likely that you are not passing the same values (i.e. you are either passing invisible chars or you are missing string termination).
As final note: Check the content of buffer[DOS_BUFFER_SIZE] before each code to SD API.
I hope this helps.
Kind regards,
if(strstr(temp, ".jpg") && !strstr(temp, "_")) {
*a = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(temp));
strcpy(*a, temp);
is broken, it's not allocating room for the terminator and is causing a buffer overflow.
You should use:
*a = malloc(strlen(temp) + 1);
There's no need to cast the return value of malloc() in C, and sizeof (char) is always 1.