Google Sheet Index? - arrays

I have a dropdown list on Google Sheets, column A. Depending on what option is selected, I need column B to show the associated value. I tried using the INDEX functions but I am not sure I get it on how to use it, as to me is the same as using "=" to a specific cell. Basically I need to associate values:
APPLES = yuck!
So if on column A, "APPLES" was selected from the dropdown list, the column B should show the associated value for that option ("yuck!").

I actually found a solution, using Nested IF'S,
add as many if statements as needed


Combobox based on a lookup field - how to appear another columns

I have an issue on a combobox on PowerApp based on a lookup field. In access, it is something more than easy but in PowerApp it seems like going to the moon...
I have a List A in which one of the columns (TblA_ColumnA) is a lookup fields based on List B. On sharepoint List definition setup, the lookup fields shows TblB_ColumnA.
In the table B, I have others columns.
When I create the form, for this specific fields, I see on the combobox the value indicated into tblB_ColumnA.
I want to see others columns of List B and not this one. For exemple the Column B of List B.
-Actual DataCard:
Default= ThisItem.TblA_ColumnA Update= DataCarValue64.Selected
-Actual Combobox
Items= Choices([#ListA].TblA_ColumnA) DisplayFields= ["Value"] DefaultSelectedItems=Parent.Default.
Please help me.
I tried to change the item putting a filter on List B but nothing works;

Google Sheets: VLOOKUP and Transcribing data based on multiple categories in the same column

I'm trying to use vlookup between two tabs in a sheet where the data that exists in a single column denoted by "type" (tab B) needs to be transcribed into separate columns by type (tab A).
For example, tab B has the "raw" data listed in just three columns: the type, the ID, and the value.
I would want tab A to be able to pull from tab B but organize it by the ID, then by the value associated with the type following it.
So, tab A would vlookup according to the ID, and then pull the associated value according to the column name (type): aaaaaa, bbbbbbb, ccccccc
Column Headers would be: ID, aaaaaa, bbbbbbb, ccccccc
and then the associated data will be filled out according to the ID and type match
I've only done vlookup where the filter is by what exists on tab A to trigger what to pull in tab B
=if((F236="aaa",VLOOKUP(A236, "TabName!$A$4:$AC"),24,FALSE), if(F236="bbb",VLOOKUP(A236,"TabName!"),24,FALSE))
I've attached a sample of how the two tabs have been set up for reference! Thank you!
sample sheet
=QUERY('sample database (tab b)'!A2:C,
"select B,max(C)
where B is not null
group by B
pivot A
label B'ID'")

Google Sheets: Trying to get values for Data in a column and row

Not sure I was able to explain myself too well in the title so here it goes:
I have been trying to figure this one out using the Filter function, but I am unable to make it work, and I am sure there must be an easy way to do it. The idea is that I have a column with the names of the members of a team, and each team member needs to perform a number of actions in a set of tasks. I am counting the amount of actions performed by each team member on each task, and trying to filter those by team member and by task.
So it goes like this: I have a list of names in column B. The number of actions in column C and the task would be selected from a dropdown menu done with 'Data validation'. When I select the task from my drop down menu, the number of actions would change to reflect the actions performed per agent on the selected task.
I added an example too. In the example I filtered the data in sheet 'Data' by names, but I don't know how to add a criteria that would also filter by the tasks on row 1 in the sheet 'Data', or if it is even possible.
SPLIT(FLATTEN(Data!A2:A&Data!B1:E1&"×"&Data!B2:E), "×"), 2, 0)))

Array formula is not working to my subsequent entries - filling rest of the entries with respect to the first entry only

Im using an array formula in google sheet as a response to a google form which has an F field that has the first name of a person (say, thomas) and a G field whic is the last name of a person(say, mathew)and E field that has a custom email domain say "" - the result expected is ""
Im applying this array formula to one of my header field which will be given with a header name "UserID".
ArrayFormula(IFS(ROW(A:A)=1, "UserID", LEN(A:A)=0, IFERROR(1/0), LEN(A:A)>0,LOWER(CONCATENATE(SUBSTITUTE(F2," ",""),LEFT(G2,1),"_",E2))))
Applying this formula it will apply to whatever entries i had given in the second row to all subsequent rows.. subsequent entries are not reflecting... Pls help
Hi #richtom welcome to this community!
A few reasons:
concatenate function will not work inside of an arrayfunction as you're expecting, so avoid this.
Another thing is that also here SUBSTITUTE(F2," ",""),LEFT(G2,1),"_",E2), you must use the same rangesize as in the beginning, i.e. A:A... F:F... G:G. the use of F2 will use F2 only in all rows.
So, I recommend the following:
=arrayformula(if(row(F:F)=row(),"UserID",if(F:F="","",if(G:G="","",if(E:E="","",lower(substitute(F:F & left(G:G,1) & "_#" & E:E," ","")))))))

How to query specific information from a JSON column?

I have searched Stack Overflow to get an answer to my question, but while I found many interesting cases, none of them quite address mine.
I have a column called fields in my data, that contains JSON information, such as presented below:
Row Fields
1 [{"label":"Label 1","key":"label_1","description":"Value of label_1"},{"label":"Label 2","key":"label_2","error":"Something"}]
2 [{"description":"something","label":"Row 1","key":"row_1"},{"label":"Row 2","message":"message_1","key":"row_2"}]
In essence, I have many rows of JSON that contain label and key, and bunch of other parameters like that. From every {}, I want to extract only label and key, and then (optional, but ideally) stretch every label and key in every {} to its own row. So, as a result, I would have the following output:
Row Label Key
1 Label 1 label_1
1 Label 2 label_2
2 Row 1 row_1
2 Row 2 row_2
Please note, contents of label and key within JSON can be anything (strings, integers, special characters, a mix of everything, etc. In addition, key and label can be anywhere in relation to other parameters within each {}.
Here is the Big Query SQL dummy data for convenience:
SELECT '1' AS Row, '[{"label":"Label 1","key":"label_1","description":"Value of label_1"},{"label":"Label 2","key":"label_2","error":"Something"}]' AS Fields
SELECT '2' AS Row, '[{"description":"something","label":"Row 1","key":"row_1"},{"label":"Row 2","message":"message_1","key":"row_2"}]' AS Fields
I have first thought of using REGEX to isolate all the brackets and only show me information with label and key. Then, I looked into BQ Documentation of JSON functions and got very stuck on json_path parameters, specifically because their example doesn't match mine.
Consider below approach
select `row`,
json_extract_scalar(el, '$.label') label,
json_extract_scalar(el, '$.key') key
from your_table, unnest(json_extract_array(fields)) el
if applied to sample data in your question - output is
