Integrate TomCat and Node server - angularjs

I have an existing JSP, Anuglar 1 application deployed on TomCat server during development. I would like to migrate JSP pages to Anuglar 2+ one by one.
I am using Node / NPM for Angular 2+ migrated pages. Is it possible to set proxy in TomCat server such that whenever an angular 2+ page is requested, it would redirect the user to Node server to serve Angular 2+ pages?
I understand Angular 2+ page can be directly copied to TomCat server but it would require additional compilation step to convert them to static JS pages. I would like to serve them directly from Node server for faster development.

For one, you really shouldn't serve angular pages dynamically. Even if you do serve them from node, serve compiled static pages instead of ng serve - for security, performance and other reasons.
With that said, sure you can do this. This depends a little on your setup, but what it comes down to is that you need to proxy all the angular pages to node server. This has not a lot to do with Angular itself.
So, the easiest way to do this is to tell Apache (or nginx or whoever is in front of your Tomcat) to proxy all 404s to the node server. Then node will render angular site, and this in turn will match the url and render the given page, or if not found, render it's own version of 404.
Alternatively, give your apache or whatever, a specific list of URLs (that are already ported) to pass through to node server.
If you don't use Apache, but are serving things out of Tomcat directly (you shouldn't), you can use something like this.

Tomcat itself does not have a reverse proxy built into it. However, you can accomplish what you're asking if you implement the proxying in your application (i.e. as a servlet or filter).
To do this you could use existing software, like Netflix Zuul or if you're using Spring then Spring Cloud Netflix. Zuul has a lot more features than just a reverse proxy, but it something that would work for both production and development.
The Tomcat Wiki has more options, and I'm sure you can turn up even more by searching for something like "reverse proxy servlet". Just be careful if this is something you're going to put in production, and test both performance and security of the solution you end up using.
You could also put a traditional reverse proxy like Apache HTTPD or Nginx in front of Tomcat & your node server, but that's one more thing to run on your developer machine.
Hope that helps!


How to Develop React App on Apache Webserver

i have got a problem, which i am trying to find a solution for weeks now.
I think it´s an understanding error on my side, but i couldn't figure it out.
What i am trying to do:
Develop, not deploy, a react app on an Apache2 server.
I know that react is an frontend library, so it should be possible to do.
I also know that nodeJs is kinda required to "npm" all the packages and to create the "Simple" react app..
What i want also to do:
Build a PHP Backend
Collaborate with my Team Members (they should also work on the react app)
Thanks in advance.
Hosting a ReactJS App is no different than hosting any other javascript code on any type of server - by having it as a static file on your web server and including it in the html returned from the server.
Depending on the way your React project is set up, you would:
use node to build a javascript bundle of your react app (possibly by running "npm run build" in any CLI),
include the resulting script file or files in the head element of your root or master template
Make the Apache web server return the needed page with the master template where the script tag is
Additional setup could include starting the PHP server and react development build at the same time, but that is highly specific on your setup and would require you to add some more information on used frameworks and setup.
It is not possible to deploy apps with Apache and React. The nodejs based- Webpack server is incompatible with Apache web server. You'll have to pick one server or another, you can not route index.html -> index.tsx and vice versa. Besides if you ever got both servers working in tandem with SSL, it's a technically security nightmare and has no production value. It's best to avoid java(script) all together as it's merit in real software development has greatly diminished. Mostly for gold diggers.

React App Docker deployment Express/PM2 vs Nginx

i have created and build (react-script build) a simple react application. I want to deploy it to my ubuntu server via a Docker image and i am looking for advise. Is it better to use expressjs and pm2 to serve the react app or would it be more useful to serve it via nginx? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Thanks a lot for your advises
When you're going to deploy a React application, you've typically used a tool like Webpack to compile it down to a set of static files. Once you've done that, deploying it via nginx will be smaller and faster than an Express server, and since you don't have the entire Node interpreter involved, there are fewer parts involved to potentially have security issues.
In fact, even if the rest of your application is in containers, it can be beneficial to host the front-end somewhere external (if you're otherwise deploying to AWS, for example, put the built front-end into an S3 bucket). This can simplify the deployment mechanics a little bit, and with Webpack's file hashing, you can keep older versions of the code for browsers that haven't reloaded the page recently. You still probably need the nginx proxy (to serve a /index.html page, to proxy the back-end services) but you don't necessarily need to redeploy it when the front-end code changes.
The only real advantage to an Express-based deployment setup is being able to live-reload your code in production. That would come with a high risk of human error, though: make an accidental typo and save the file, and end users see an error page. I'd avoid this path.

How to deploy React App on production with Server Side Rendering

I have created my application using create-react-app. It is working fine with SSR. Everything is in place but I don't know how to deploy it?
What I ideally want is :
Generate a build folder and will upload in cdn. Want to serve my static assets from there. I want to create a distribution from my code and take that to another machine to deploy. I am not able to figure out how to do highlighted part. How can I create bundle for server? npm run build creates my bundle for client.
PS: I am using React libraries like React Router 4, Redux.. in my application. Hope this does not affect my answer.
For SSR , I have used express.
Server side rendering means you need a server (which is express) that will serve all the requests: server-rendered pages, including the static assets. So CDN is not enough.
You might want to try following free cloud services that support Node server:
You can create server bundle using Webpack, with target: "node" and use
The details can be complicated, so you can just visit for the reference.
I tried whit Firebase, but I can't, In the function's documentation says that execute the function can't be more than 60s, and my function takes more.
When I deployed other basic functions, it deploys without problems.
And If you achieve deploy it, give you a status 403, because you have to put the function in public mode.
If you want to deploy an app whit SSR make it whit Express, like in my case, you can deploy it like an API.
You can deploy it too whit Doker using AWS or Google cloud.
Heroku is the easiest way to do it, but I don't want to have all my apps here.

How can I leverage CDN with my AngularJS app on ASP.NET MVC?

I have an MVC project which really just serves an angular application. This will be a public application and I expect it to get a lot of traffic, so I'm trying to use a CDN to keep requests to my servers light.
I've found many articles on how to get angular itself from a CDN but what I'm looking for is for MY file (css, html, js, media) to get served from a CDN. So for example, if I have a directive, then the template would need to be served from a CDN, but I can't hard-code it because the template may not have been uploaded to the test or prod environments yet.
Update: The MVC application only serves the initial layout and home pages. Once my angular script loads MVC isn't really used anymore. The back-end is a separate Web API application.
You might be asking the wrong question, but you're on the right track for how to optimize for high traffic.
First, learn how to serve the angular application as static files. On a past project I worked on I had two projects in my visual studio solution, one was a Web API back-end, and the other was a web project that just served static content. You can configure Visual Studio to run both projects at the same time on different ports from localhost. This doesn't answer your question, but setting up dev like this will get you a step closer.
Next, once you know your project's front-end and back-end are decoupled from the server level, make sure you're not going to get an CORS issues from cross-domain requests. If you're going to be serving your back-end from a subdomain, CORS may be an issue. Look into that, you'll probably need to add some code to your MVC app to solve that problem.
Now that you've got all that figured out, find out how to use a CDN service. There are many offerings with specifics of how to deploy content and SSL certificates varying for each. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and many others offer CDN services, but before you even look at that stuff, make sure you can actually serve your back-end from a different port on your dev machine and it still works.
I was trying to think of a good solution to this recently...
In local testing (grunt serve), i use the current non-minified .js/.css file, but when creating a build (grunt build), Id want to point those files to the CDN in my Angular project.
I'm thinking for your grunt(gulp/webpack/etc) build (which creates the minified local files for the build), you could make a task to prepend certain urls/files to your CDN via or (but it would still use your non-minified files for grunt serve).
It would be cool if uploading to CDN and invalidating the files was a grunt/gulp/webpack plugin.
Then you could automate it as part of your prod builds.
Guessing your build system like Jenkins/etc would upload your app to wherever.
and then either with a grunt/gulp plugin like so could invalidate your files: if you use that CDN service.
I am guessing your build system like Jenkins could also do this work for you via its own CDN upload/invalidation plugins.
I know this answer is mentioning grunt specifically, but there should be similar plugins for gulp/webpack/etc as well.

Structuring a Rails and Angular app

I'd like to build a new single page app using Rails 4 and Angular and Capistrano for deployment process.
I want all the front end to be a static app on Amazon S3, but I'm openminded for other suggestions.
What's important to me is a fast developing process with the ability to scale up easily.
I was wondering what is the best structure I should use:
keep all assets in app/assets and set Bower path to vender directory.
that way i can use rails precompile methods and enjoying Rails html tags for index.html, but i'm sure it will be easy to upload it to S3 and keep it separated.
keep all assets including Bower components in public/app directory, which will keep it as a complete separate application, but then i need to use Grunt or any other service for precompiling assets.
any other idea?
From my experience, I found this approach to work really well:
API app (Rails/Sinatra/Grape/Node/whatever) serves only JSON APIs. Deploys to a server, say Serves Access-Control headers.
Static web app: started by generating with yeoman an AngularJS, Gulp, Bower app. Deploys using gulp aws deploy module to S3.
There's no real reason to have both views and apis in the same app or built with the same technology (as in Rails).
Now there are issues:
S3 doesn't support nicely Angular's HTML5 mode URLs. So pure S3 website isn't an option.
Facebook doesn't read OpenGraph tags that are not in the source of the page.
Couldn't figure out the state of Google/SEO and Angular apps. I didn't see the content in the search results.
So as a solution I introduced another web server app. Can be based on anything - pure rack, node etc. I chose rack.
Solutions to the problems:
Web server app was hosted on and proxied (and cached) requests to S3. It supported all URLs (html5Mode) - just proxied to index.html.
OpenGraph meta tags - the API had an endpoint that gets a URL or ID of an object and returns meta tags information. Web server issues a request to API once per URL (caches the response) and injects it in the served index.html.
SEO - as a middleware, used prerender for rack that rendered pages on the server.
As a bonus -
Most apps today have a landing page/marketing site and the actual app. Sometimes it's better to maintain these separately. The web sever knows according to a cookie which app to present on - actual app or marketing site. On sign in - set a cookie on client side and voila.
First, I think there's a bit of a confusion here, let me try to clear it up.
There are a couple of ways for achieving this
Pure client -> API
When you have a static application, there's no need to go through the Rails asset pipeline, there are far better ways to manage assets when you are using the tooling for client side applications.
For example, your client application will be an Angular application and you will manage assets with a combination of bower (dependencies) and grunt (build and distribution).
There's no point of deploying to S3 with Capistrano, if it's a pure static application, you can use aws CLI in order to just upload your content.
I'd go through a CDN as well. Something like Fastly works really well over Amazon S3.
I have a Rake task that uploads to S3 and then clears the cache on Fastly (if I need to).
As for your Rails application, it would act as an API, it should not have any assets
If you have a combined application, some of the actions are served by the server (Rails) and just invokes some client side code (Angular).
If this is the case, I would go through Rails asset pipeline and just keep everything as Rails best practice with compilation pre-deploy etc...
It's one of those questions where "it depends" is the answer really, it all depends on what you want to achieve.
When I have a client application, I try to have a pure client and have the server only as an API, with no assets at all, this way, I separate the concerns.
EDIT 9/9/15
I'd have to say that as long as you can, I'd keep the apps separate.
It's not always possible, especially with more complex apps.
Most apps I have seen in the recent months have kept the client side and the server side code separate, I have seen less use of rails and more use of rails-api because of that (some even ditched rails completely for thinner solutions).
