wrapper.find is not a function - reactjs

I am trying test a component in React w/ TypeScript using Jest and Enzyme.
My test is as follows:
import * as React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import * as sinon from 'sinon';
import { ButtonGroup } from '../../../src/components';
describe('.ButtonGroup', () => {
it('should render', () => {
const { wrapper } = setup({});
it('should call the rightHandler handler on click', () => {
const onClickHandler = sinon.spy();
const wrapper = setup({ rightHandler: onClickHandler });
const setup = propOverrides => {
const props = Object.assign({ leftBtn: MOCK_LEFT, rightBtn: MOCK_RIGHT }, propOverrides);
const wrapper = shallow(<ButtonGroup {...props} />);
return { wrapper };
const MOCK_LEFT = { type: 'reset', className: 'is-light', value: 'Reset' };
const MOCK_RIGHT = { type: 'button', className: 'is-primary', value: 'Search' };
However I am getting an error: TypeError: wrapper.find is not a function
The component I am testing looks like
import * as React from 'react';
const ButtonGroup = ({ leftBtn, rightBtn, leftHandler = null, rightHandler = null }) => (
<div className="field is-grouped is-grouped-right">
<p className="control">
<input type={leftBtn.type} className={'button ' + leftBtn.className} value={leftBtn.value} onClick={leftHandler} />
<p className="control">
<input type={rightBtn.type} className={'button ' + rightBtn.className} value={rightBtn.value} onClick={rightHandler} />
export default ButtonGroup;
I would like to essentially asset that on click, the action I expect is called.

const setup = propOverrides => {
const props = Object.assign({ leftBtn: MOCK_LEFT, rightBtn: MOCK_RIGHT }, propOverrides);
const wrapper = shallow(<ButtonGroup {...props} />);
return wrapper;
Doing return { wrapper } is the same as return { wrapper: wrapper } so it's not your DOM element anymore, but an object with a property wrapper containing your DOM element.
This is a small bin to illustrate the issue.


Testing state hooks not working correctly

This is the component code which I am going to test.
Here I used one state hook setCheck.
import React, { SyntheticEvent, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Checkbox, Grid, Header } from 'semantic-ui-react';
interface IIdentityItem {
name: string,
comment: string,
checked: boolean,
handleSetCheckState: any,
index: number
export default ({ name, comment, checked, handleSetCheckState, index }: IIdentityItem) => {
const [check, setCheck] = useState(true);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const onChange = (e: SyntheticEvent, data: object) => {
handleSetCheckState(index, !check);
return (
<Grid className='p-16 py-9 bg-white'>
<Grid.Column width='eleven' textAlign='left'>
<Header as='p' className='description'>{name}</Header>
<Header as='p' className='comment'>{comment}</Header>
<Grid.Column width='five' verticalAlign='middle'>
<Checkbox toggle checked={check} onChange={onChange} />
This is the jest unit test code.
import ChainItem from './ChainItem';
import React from 'react';
import { create, act } from 'react-test-renderer';
import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Checkbox } from 'semantic-ui-react';
const useStateSpy = jest.spyOn(React, "useState");
describe('ChainItem', () => {
let handleSetCheckState, index;
beforeEach(() => {
handleSetCheckState = jest.fn();
index = 0;
//useStateSpy.mockReturnValueOnce([true, setCheck]);
it('should work', () => {
let tree;
act(() => {
tree = create(
index={index} />
it('functions ', () => {
let setCheck = jest.fn();
useStateSpy.mockImplementationOnce(function() { return [true, setCheck] });
let tree;
act(() => {
tree = create(
index={index} />
const items = tree.root.findAllByType(Checkbox);
act(() => items[0].props.onChange({
target: {
value: false
afterAll(() => jest.resetModules());
But setCheck is not getting called.
What have I done wrong?
Add Unit Test for React components, but still not working with react hook testings.

Testing effect of provider updates

I'm attempting to flesh put my understanding of Jest testing as some of my components are lacking subsequent testing. Consider this:
import React, { ReactElement, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { IPlaylist } from "src/interfaces/playlist";
import usePlaylists from "src/providers/playlists/hooks/use-playlists";
const JestTesting = (): ReactElement => {
const { playlists, addPlaylist } = usePlaylists();
const examplePlaylist = {
id: `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)}`,
name: "testing",
created: new Date().toISOString(),
createdBy: "Biggus Dickus",
updated: new Date().toISOString(),
version: 0,
tracks: []
const createPlaylist = () =>
useEffect(() => {
if (playlists.length > 0) {
console.log("playlists updated")
}, [playlists]);
return (
<h2>Jest Testing</h2>
{playlists.map((p) => <h3 key={p.id}>{p.name}</h3>)}
<button onClick={ () => createPlaylist() }>
Create New Playlist
export default JestTesting;
This is just a very simple component that leverages the custom provider I made; the provider (in this component) has an initial playlist value of an empty array and a function for updating that array.
Here's the test:
import React from "react";
import { render, RenderResult, fireEvent, screen } from "#testing-library/react";
import JestTesting from "..";
const mockPlaylists = jest.fn().mockReturnValue([]);
const mockAddPlaylist = jest.fn();
// First mock provider attempt
jest.mock("src/providers/playlists/hooks/use-playlists", () => () => {
return {
playlists: mockPlaylists(),
addPlaylist: mockAddPlaylist
const clickCreatNewPlaylistBtn = () =>
fireEvent.click(screen.getByText("Create New Playlist"));
describe("JestTesting", () => {
let rendered: RenderResult;
const renderComponent = () => render(<JestTesting />);
beforeEach(() => {
rendered = renderComponent();
it("renders the component", () => {
describe("when new playlist is created", () => {
it("updates view/snapshot", () => {
which spits out this snapshot:
// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`JestTesting renders the component 1`] = `
Jest Testing
Create New Playlist
exports[`JestTesting when new playlist is created updates view/snapshot 1`] = `
Jest Testing
Create New Playlist
The tests pass and I can see that the mockAddPlaylist function is called, but the problem is that the playlists array in the snapshot is never updated and the snapshots don't change between the first and the second test.
What am I doing wrong here? Do I need to wait for the effects of the addPlaylist function to finish? If so, what's the best way to do?

value must be a mock or spy function when using jest.fn

Getting this error
Matcher error: received value must be a mock or spy function
Received has type: object
Received has value: {}
However, i think i shouldn't be getting this error because im using jest.fn. So im mocking the function.
describe('Should simulate button click', ()=> {
it('should simulate button click', () => {
// add the name of the prop, which in this case ites called onItemAdded prop,
// then use jest.fn()
const wrapper = shallow(<TodoAddItem onItemAdded={() => jest.fn()}/>)
// console.log('props',wrapper.find('button').props());
expect(wrapper).toHaveBeenCalled(); // error happens when this executes
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './todo-add-item.css';
export default class TodoAddItem extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="todo-add-item">
className="test-button btn btn-outline-secondary float-left"
onClick={() => this.props.onItemAdded('Hello world')}>
Add Item
app.js (using the component in this file)
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import AppHeader from '../app-header';
import SearchPanel from '../search-panel';
import TodoList from '../todo-list';
import ItemStatusFilter from '../item-status-filter';
import TodoAddItem from '../todo-add-item';
import './app.css';
export default class App extends Component {
constructor() {
this.createTodoItem = (label) => {
return {
important: false,
done: false,
id: this.maxId++
this.maxId = 100;
this.state = {
todoData: [
this.createTodoItem('Drink Coffee'),
this.createTodoItem('Make Awesome App'),
this.createTodoItem('Have a lunch')
this.deleteItem = (id) => {
this.setState(({ todoData }) => {
const idx = todoData.findIndex((el) => el.id === id);
const newArray = [
...todoData.slice(0, idx),
...todoData.slice(idx + 1)
return {
todoData: newArray
this.addItem = (text) => {
const newItem = this.createTodoItem(text);
this.setState(({ todoData }) => {
const newArray = [
return {
todoData: newArray
this.onToggleImportant = (id) => {
console.log('toggle important', id);
this.onToggleDone = (id) => {
console.log('toggle done', id);
render() {
return (
<div className="todo-app">
<AppHeader toDo={ 1 } done={ 3 } />
<div className="top-panel d-flex">
<SearchPanel />
<ItemStatusFilter />
todos={ this.state.todoData }
onDeleted={ this.deleteItem }
onToggleImportant={ this.onToggleImportant }
onToggleDone={ this.onToggleDone } />
<TodoAddItem onItemAdded={ this.addItem } />
I'm not 100% sure, but I believe you should do something like this:
describe('should simulate button click', () => {
it('should simulate button click', () => {
const mockedFunction = jest.fn();
const wrapper = shallow(<TodoAddItem onItemAdded={ mockedFunction } />);
You are testing if the onItemAdded function gets called when you click the <TodoAddItem /> component. So you have to mock it first using jest.fn and then check if the mocked function got called after you simulated the click.
For me works replacing the next one:
const setCategories = () => jest.fn();
With this one:
const setCategories = jest.fn();
I suppose that you should to set just jest.fn or jest.fn() in your code.

How to test button prop in enzyme

Trying to test this component, and im getting this
TypeError: this.props.onItemAdded is not a function
I've referenced this but this solution doesn't really apply to my problem
Enzyme test: TypeError: expect(...).find is not a function
How would i test the button functionality being that the button is a prop ?
import React from "react";
import { shallow } from "enzyme";
import TodoAddItem from './todo-add-item';
describe('Should render add item component', ()=> {
it('should render add item component', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<TodoAddItem/>)
describe('Should simulate button click', ()=> {
it('should simulate button click', () => {
const wrapper =shallow(<TodoAddItem/>)
wrapper.find('button').simulate('click') // getting the type error here.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './todo-add-item.css';
export default class TodoAddItem extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="todo-add-item">
className="test-button btn btn-outline-secondary float-left"
onClick={() => this.props.onItemAdded('Hello world')}>
Add Item
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import AppHeader from '../app-header';
import SearchPanel from '../search-panel';
import TodoList from '../todo-list';
import ItemStatusFilter from '../item-status-filter';
import TodoAddItem from '../todo-add-item';
import './app.css';
export default class App extends Component {
constructor() {
this.createTodoItem = (label) => {
return {
important: false,
done: false,
id: this.maxId++
this.maxId = 100;
this.state = {
todoData: [
this.createTodoItem('Drink Coffee'),
this.createTodoItem('Make Awesome App'),
this.createTodoItem('Have a lunch')
this.deleteItem = (id) => {
this.setState(({ todoData }) => {
const idx = todoData.findIndex((el) => el.id === id);
const newArray = [
...todoData.slice(0, idx),
...todoData.slice(idx + 1)
return {
todoData: newArray
this.addItem = (text) => {
const newItem = this.createTodoItem(text);
this.setState(({ todoData }) => {
const newArray = [
return {
todoData: newArray
this.onToggleImportant = (id) => {
console.log('toggle important', id);
this.onToggleDone = (id) => {
console.log('toggle done', id);
render() {
return (
<div className="todo-app">
<AppHeader toDo={ 1 } done={ 3 } />
<div className="top-panel d-flex">
<SearchPanel />
<ItemStatusFilter />
todos={ this.state.todoData }
onDeleted={ this.deleteItem }
onToggleImportant={ this.onToggleImportant }
onToggleDone={ this.onToggleDone } />
<TodoAddItem onItemAdded={ this.addItem } />
You don't pass any props to your component.
const wrapper =shallow(<TodoAddItem onItemAdded={() => jest.fn()}/>)
You can check props with .props()

How to read the children in nodes when testing uisng enzymes

I have a component and I want to test the click method. I am using shallow but my test is failing as it cannot find the button and hence it`s click method. What is wrong with my code?
interface IProps {
label: string;
className: string;
onClick: () => void;
export const NewButton: React.StatelessComponent<IProps> = props => {
return (
<Button type="button" className={props.className} onClick={props.onClick}>
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import * as React from 'react';
import { NewButton } from "../Buttons";
describe('<NewButton />', () => {
describe('onClick()', () => {
const props = {
className: "buttonSubmit",
label: "submit",
onClick: () => {},
test('successfully calls the onClick handler', () => {
const mockOnClick = jest.fn();
const wrapper = shallow(
<NewButton {...props} />
const button = wrapper.find('submit').dive();
Since you are using shallow method, it will only render the component that we are testing. It does not render child components. So you should try to find the Button component.
const button = wrapper.find('Button');
After that you should mock the props.onClick event handler passed as props to NewButton component.
const props = {
className: "buttonSubmit",
label: "submit",
onClick: jest.fn(),
So you can use
describe('<NewButton />', () => {
describe('onClick()', () => {
const props = {
className: "buttonSubmit",
label: "submit",
onClick: jest.fn(),
test('successfully calls the onClick handler', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(
<NewButton {...props} />
const button = wrapper.find('Button');
// Since we passed "onClick" as props
// we expect it to be called when
// button is clicked
// expect(props.onClick).toBeCalled();
