Decode base64 to image in - arrays

I've been searching on the internet and have not found an answer. Would you like to tell me, how to decode from base64 to be Image like line graph? I've been trying to convert from base64 to Byte array first and from Byte array to Image.
Private Function convertbytetoimage(ByVal BA As Byte())
Dim ms As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(BA)
image = Image.FromStream(ms) 'I always get wrong in this line.
Return image
End Function

Looking at your code, your problem could be using the variable name image instead of something like _image.
Keep in mind that VB is not case sensitive like C# and other programming languages.
In your code, I assume you defined your image variable as Image.
To use the static Image.FromStream(ms), you either need to use the fully qualified name of Image or change your variable name.
Here's how you can fix your code:
Private Function convertbytetoimage(ByVal BA As Byte())
Dim ms As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(BA)
image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms)
Return image
End Function
Or you can do this by changing your variable name, such as:
Dim _image as Image
Private Function convertbytetoimage(ByVal BA As Byte())
Dim ms As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(BA)
_image = Image.FromStream(ms)
Return _image
End Function
You can try to convert the Byte array to Image also by using ImageConvertor:
Private Function convertbytetoimage(ByVal BA As Byte())
Dim converter As ImageConverter = New ImageConverter()
_image = CType(converter.ConvertFrom(BA), Image)
Return _image
End Function
#Update 2:
Since it looks like that the main problem is with the base64 string. Please have a look at my small demo that convert an Image from inside a PictureBox to base64 string, then to Byte array, and at the end, back to an Image.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim base64String = ConvertImageToBase64String() 'Using Functions To Make the code tidier
Dim byteArray = ConvertBase64ToByteArray(base64String) 'Using Functions To Make the code tidier
Dim image = convertbytetoimage(byteArray) 'Using Functions To Make the code tidier
PictureBox2.Image = image 'since we're using a small windows form app, we'll set back the image to a second picture box.
End Sub
Public Function ConvertImageToBase64String() As String
Using ms As New MemoryStream()
PictureBox1.Image.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png) 'We load the image from first PictureBox in the MemoryStream
Dim obyte = ms.ToArray() 'We tranform it to byte array..
Return Convert.ToBase64String(obyte) 'We then convert the byte array to base 64 string.
End Using
End Function
Public Function ConvertBase64ToByteArray(base64 As String) As Byte()
Return Convert.FromBase64String(base64) 'Convert the base64 back to byte array.
End Function
'Here's the part of your code (which works)
Private Function convertbytetoimage(ByVal BA As Byte())
Dim ms As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(BA)
Dim image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms)
Return image
End Function
Note that after converting the Image to base64 string, it looks something like that (keep in mind that each image is different, hence you won't get the same string):
If you look at the first 5 characters of the string, you notice it's equal to /9j/4 which means that the file represented by this string is a PNG file, you may look at my old answer to see how to validate a base64 string.
Another note, I used a small PNG image, hence I used the next format:
PictureBox1.Image.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)
If you have another Format and you want to use same code, make sure to change the format.


Comma-separated string to data table error: input array is longer

I am trying to put data received from an API call that is comma-delimited into a datatable.
The data comes in something like this:
Name,ID,Date,Supervisior CRLF
Joe,123,1/1/2020,George CRLF
Mike,456,2/1/2020,George CRLF
If there is only one row of data then my code works the data displays on screen just fine.
If there is more than one row I get an error "Input array is longer than the number of columns in this table."
I tried doing a split on comma and environment new line (also vbCRLF); none of those resolved the issue.
Any ideas on how I can resolve this?
Here is my code:
Dim vartable As DataTable = New DataTable()
vartable.Columns.Add("Name", GetType(String))
vartable.Columns.Add("ID", GetType(String))
vartable.Columns.Add("Date", GetType(String))
vartable.Columns.Add("Supervisior", GetType(String))
Dim inputstring As String
inputstring = (apiresponse) 'redacted API code as it works fine If I just display 'raw data to text field
Dim rowData As String() = inputstring.Split(New Char() {",",Environment.NewLine})
vartable.Rows.Add(rowData) 'this is where I get the input array error if 'more than one row of 'data
GridView1.DataSource = vartable
It looks like you're expecting the Split() function to act on each of the delimiters separately, so you get an array of arrays, with each element in the outer array holding one line/row. This is not how it works.
You need to separate the lines first, and then in a loop for each line separate the contents by comma. The test way to do this is NOT by calling Split(). Instead, you can use a StringReader (which is different from StreamReader):
Using rdr As New StringReader(apiresponse)
Dim line As String = rdr.ReadLine()
While line IsNot Nothing
Dim rowData As String() = line.Split(","c)
line = rdr.ReadLine()
End While
End Using
But I would be surprised to learn the code to access the API doesn't also need to deal with streams at some point, even if you don't see it directly, meaning there exists a possible version of this that is even more efficient from using StreamReader connected to the api response directly.
For fun, since it's been a while since I've had to do this in VB, I made this extension module:
Public Module TextExt
Public Iterator Function AsLines(data As TextReader) As IEnumerable(Of String)
Dim line As String = data.ReadLine()
While line IsNot Nothing
Yield line
line = data.ReadLine()
End While
End Function
Public Iterator Function AsLines(data As String) As IEnumerable(Of String)
Using rdr As New StringReader(data)
For Each line As String In AsLines(rdr)
Yield line
End Using
End Function
End Module
Which would let me write it like this:
For Each row As String() In apiresponse.AsLines().Select(Function(ln) ln.Split(","c))
Finally, I need to add my customary warning about how it's a really bad idea to use .Split() as a CSV parser.

Getting MetaData from an image file

We have images stored on a DB and they are being used to replace an image within a Word document - that bit works perfectly, except where the replacement image is portrait and it's replacing a landscape one, so I'm trying to get the metadata to determine how the image is orientated using this function
Public Function GetImageTags(ImageFile() As Byte) As String()
Dim vReturnArray() As String = Nothing
Using MS As New System.IO.MemoryStream(ImageFile)
Dim vDecoder As BitmapDecoder = BitmapDecoder.Create(MS, BitmapCreateOptions.None, BitmapCacheOption.Default)
Dim vFrame As BitmapFrame = vDecoder.Frames(0)
Dim vMetadata As BitmapMetadata = TryCast(vFrame.Metadata, BitmapMetadata)
If vMetadata IsNot Nothing And vMetadata.Keywords IsNot Nothing Then
vReturnArray = vMetadata.Keywords.ToArray()
End If
End Using
Return vReturnArray
Catch ex As Exception
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function
...but it throws the toys out with...
This codec does not support the specified property.
at System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapMetadata.GetQuery(String query)
at System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapMetadata.get_Keywords() BitMapMetadata.Keywords. Any idea how I can overcome this and get the keywords?
Thank you
================ UPDATE ================
It appears that the error, and I also tried...
vReturnArray = TryCast(vMetadata.GetQuery("System.Keywords"), String())
... is only returned for some images, but all that I tried returned Nothing for the String()
There is a really good EXIF class on Code Project that is easy to implement, either with a string link to the file
Dim vEXIF As New ImageEXIF(ImagePath)
Dim vOrientation As Integer = vEXIF.Orientation
or as BitMap
Dim vOrientation As Integer = 0
Using vBitmap As System.Drawing.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(New IO.MemoryStream(ImageFile))
Dim vEXIF As New ImageEXIF(vBitmap)
vOrientation = vEXIF.Orientation
End Using
It would not be difficult to add another Sub to the class for Byte(), but the above conversion is quite straightforward and the class should work with all image types.
You could use MetadataExtractor to access the image metadata.
Check for the presence of ExifDirectoryBase.TagOrientation on any of the contained Exif directories.
Something like this (sorry it's C# as I don't know VB.NET):
var orientation = ImageMetadataReader.ReadMetadata(imagePath)
.Select(d => d.GetObject(ExifDirectoryBase.TagOrientation))
.First(o => o != null);

Trying to save an array of structures to file and load from file (serialize, deserialize)

Here is my array:
Public RacersArray(AmountOfRacers - 1) As Racer
<Serializable()> Public Structure Racer
Public Name As String
Public CleatSize As String
Public SkillLevel As String
Public Height As String
Public Team As String
Public CompatibilityArr() As String
End Structure
<Serializable()> Public Structure Compatibility
Public Name As String
Public Score As Integer
End Structure
Below is the code I am using to try save and load from file. The file is getting populated with what looks like the correct gibberish, but when loading the array and it's indexes are still 'nothing'
Public Sub RacersInputSAVE()
Dim bf As New System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter
Dim fStream As New FileStream(SaveLocation, FileMode.Create)
bf.Serialize(fStream, InputRacers.RacersArray) ' write to file
End Sub
Public Sub RacersInputLOAD()
Dim bf As New System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter
Dim fStream As New FileStream(LoadLocation, FileMode.Open)
InputRacers.RacersArray = bf.Deserialize(fStream) ' read from file
End Sub
The first thing that is probably wrong is this:
Public CompatibilityArr() As String
Based on the names it seems like that is supposed to be that second Compatibility structure. If so, it should be:
Public CompatibilityArr As Compatibility()
Its not clear if that is part of the problem being described (but when loading the array and it's indexes are still 'nothing' is vague since there is more than one array). Otherwise the second structure isnt being used.
Next, set Option Strict On. When deserializing, the BinaryFormatter always returns Object which needs to be cast to the correct Type:
Racers = DirectCast(bf.Deserialize(fs), Racer()) ' read from file
With those 2 changes, all the data made the round trip fine for me.
Third, Structure is not the right Type for that. Those should be classes, and rather than public Fields/Members, use Properties especially if there will be any data binding involved:
Public Class Racer
Public Property Name As String
Also, anything which implements a Dispose()method, like a FileStream should be used in a Using block which will close and dispose of the target object:
Dim bf As New BinaryFormatter
Using fs As New FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create)
bf.Serialize(fs, Racers) ' write to file
End Using
Finally, you would probably find some of the NET collections such as List(Of Racer) to be easier to work with than arrays. It takes about 15 mins to learn how they work.
MSDN: Choosing Between Class and Struct
For some reason, I have never had good luck serializing to a file using the BinaryFormatter. The exact reasons are lost to the mists of time, but I do know that SoapFormatter works correctly for me:
Using oStream As Stream = File.Open(SaveLocation, FileMode.Create, IO.FileAccess.Write)
If oStream IsNot Nothing Then
Call (New System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter).Serialize(oStream, InputRacers.RacersArray)
End If
End Using

Deserializing byte to image from sql through memory stream

I have convert an image to be saved in SQL Server Database as Binary with column name as "img". I have PictureBox1 ready to show the image.
Now I want to import the binary data back into image, and I'm trying this code in for example:
Dim queries As String
queries = "SELECT * from StudentData where Std_fname='" & ComboBox1.Text & "'"
Dim com As New SqlCommand(queries, sqlconn)
Dim ds As New SqlDataAdapter(queries, sqlconn)
Dim dr As SqlDataReader
dr = com.ExecuteReader()
While dr.Read
Std_fnameTextBox.Text = dr("Std_fname")
Std_lnameTextBox.Text = dr("Std_lname")
AgeTextBox.Text = dr("age")
AddressTextBox.Text = dr("address")
StateTextBox.Text = dr("state")
CityTextBox.Text = dr("city")
CountryTextBox.Text = dr("country")
Ic_passportTextBox.Text = dr("ic_passport")
DobDateTimePicker.Text = dr("dob")
PictureBox1.Image = dr("img") 'Here is the problem. If I run it, it ask me to convert Binary to Image first.
End While
The problem is, I don't know how to convert binary to image in this situation. And yes, I've been googling for it, but can't seem to get the right answer.
dr("img") returns either DBNull.Value, or a byte[]. You can use the stream overload of the Bitmap constructor to load this. In C# (should be easy to translate to VB), you can do it like this:
var imageData = (byte[])dr["img"];
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(imageData))
var bmp = new Bitmap(ms);
// Work with bmp
As Mark correctly noted, you're supposed to keep the stream open for the whole life-time of the Bitmap - this is actually a bit trickier than it seems, because the Bitmap doesn't even keep a reference to the stream.
The easiest way to handle this is to clone the bitmap after you create it, to remove the dependency on the stream. Unless you can do whatever work you need to do within the using - unlikely if you want to display it in a PictureBox.
You can also use ImageConverter.ConvertFrom directly, but all it does is create the MemoryStream if used on raw byte[] data :)

Create Ximage from (wpf) visual in memory

I'm trying to convert a visual to a Ximage(to print on pdf).
Currently I'm using this:
Dim img As XImage = XImage.FromFile(path.LocalPath)
But it requires me to save it on the harddrive
I would like to use this but I don't know how to create a image from a visual(in memory) and load it in.
Dim img As XImage = XImage.FromGdiPlusImage(myVisualAsImage)
If you use the WPF build of PDFsharp, you can also use:
public static XImage FromBitmapSource(BitmapSource image)
Several classes (including BitmapImage and WriteableBitmap) are derived from BitmapSource and can also be passed here.
See also: - overcome missing method FromGdiPlusImage in PDFSharp 1.5
Function getTiffImage(sourceImage As Image, pageNumber As Integer) As XImage
Dim ms As MemoryStream
Dim returnImage As XImage
ms = New MemoryStream()
Dim objGuid As Guid = sourceImage.FrameDimensionsList(0)
Dim objDimension As Imaging.FrameDimension = New Imaging.FrameDimension(objGuid)
sourceImage.SelectActiveFrame(objDimension, pageNumber)
sourceImage.Save(ms, Imaging.ImageFormat.Tiff)
returnImage = XImage.FromStream(ms)
Catch ex As Exception
returnImage = Nothing
End Try
Return returnImage
