Where can I find DSL documentations for a Jenkins plugin? - jenkins-plugins

Im working with Jenkins DSL and pipelines. Where can I find DSL documentations for these plugins I've typically used GUIs to configure?
I find it hard to imagine that when a new plugin is published that it already supports DSL. (Or are they written in DSL?). Is there a way to find this documentation? Is there an example of a walkthrough to enumerate this?
Or is DSL support limited to 'first class citizen' plugins.
Some of the plugins I am using are azure, packer, maven. It's not the DSL documentation I am asking about, but going about hunting for it.

There isn't really a centralized place (that I know of) for this, as each plugin will publish its documentation differently.
In terms of where you can search:
Some plugin steps can be found on the jenkins.io website.
http://your-jenkins/pipeline-syntax for generated syntax for your version of Jenkins and plugin versions
The source code, since most Jenkins plugins are open source


AngularJS 2.1.0 official scaffold & style?

Google knows best… but they're inconsistent!
The official ng CLI generates a scaffold one way, whereas the official tutorial chooses a different way.
I'm not talking just directory layout, typings.json vs types in package.json choices are also particularly worrisome.
What style am I meant to work with?
Angular 2's tutorial basically just shows the quickest and easiest way to get up and running with the framework. It omits mentioning things that could scare away a potential newcomer to the ecosystem, it is meant to be simple.
angular-cli on the other hand actively incorporates best practices, latest technologies like Webpack 2 Beta and tries to give developers a piece of software to quickly scaffold and develop scalable production apps without worrying about build-tools and configuration.
This is not the perfect arrangement for your application. It is not designed for production. It exists primarily to get you started quickly with learning and prototyping in Angular
The Angular2 CLI makes it easy to create an application that already works, right out of the box. It already follows our best practices!
See also: https://angular.io/styleguide

Replace Apache CXF with Sun Metro in TomEE

I have faced a problem in our development project today. I wanted to create webservice in TomEE 1.6.0+ environment in the same way as I did earlier in Glassfish environment. I had a lot of trouble with it so I thought I try to replace Apache CXF with Sun Metro stack (version 2.3).
I haven't found any tutorial on it so I tried to do something myself. My solution was to delete all of the cxf-*.jar and openejb-cxf-*.jar from the TomEE lib folder and I have added webservices-*.jar (only the following 4 libraries: rt, tools, extra, extra-api) from the metro distribution. I have looked into the installation ant script and I have selected files based on the installation definition.
It looks now everything is perfect. Now I can work the same way with webservices as I worked before. My project deploys smoothly into TomeEE environment.
My question is quite simple now:
Is it a correct solution or looks like a hack?
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
The definitive answer would come from someone on the TomEE project, but I'm surprised this worked... but I'm happy it did for you.
TomEE has bindings to CXF for CDI for specific purposes: it can scan for jax-rs annotations, inject fields, expose services, etc (too many to enumerate). As long as your application isn't reliant on any of that functionality, you might be ok.
Since you're running an unsupported configuration, the key here is thorough testing. I would create a battery of integration tests (SOAP-UI?) that will get you a comfortable level of branch coverage... definitely at least cover your happy paths.
The nice thing about TomEE is that it's incredibly modular as you discovered. Good luck, and post back for the community how everything is going later on.

To integrate Mahout with already installed solr

I have used solr to index and search pdf files.. it is working fine. Now I am said to use Mahout to my project and was told to integrate it with solr. I am new to this technology so please do help me from scratch. in a basic way....
Do i need to download and inmstall mahout first or will modifications in schema and solrconfig will make it? for integrating tika functionality it was just modification in the config file.
Mahout is a separate project, so you have to download, install, and learn how to use it...will not be a one afternoon thing.
But, you should be aware of this Lucene clasiffication module (Solr is built on top of Lucene). It is not as complete as Mahout, but for not massive projects, with can work really well. The advantage is that it integrates with Lucene/Solr, so you have much less work to do. I have used successfully with Sorl4.6

Looking for maven archetype for objectify + gwtp

Looking for the maven archetype/template for google app engine Objectify + google web toolkit Platform. ( We don't need any Spring code. )
We need a version that can work immediately to build, compile, debug locally and to upload to app engine.
It needs to be able to generate eclipse (Indigo) project file and to be imported to eclipse trouble-free.
This is a late answer but a good one I think :
You can have a look at http://code.google.com/p/gwtgae2011/source/browse/pom.xml. Not sure if it will work but I started using that one and then fixed the issues I had. It's not perfect but I can develop in Eclipse with my fixed pom file.
You can use this http://www.kindleit.net/maven_gae_plugin/examples/index.html as a reference. It has Objectify and GWT specific examples (separate types though).
I know the Objectify version works, though it will require a bit of tweaking to meet your specific needs. The gae.version used was kind of old, but no problem switching it 1.6.0.

Coffeescript and CakePHP

Is there an easy way to use Coffeescript with CakePHP? Rails has Barista, but I haven't been able to find anything similar for CakePHP. Ideally, something transparent that would compile the coffeescript to javascript on-demand, and only when it has changed.
Google results for CakePHP & Coffeescript turn up a lot of talk over a clash between the cake command, but not much in the way of using them together. Has anyone found anything? Or maybe ideas on how I might implement such a plugin myself?
I know this isn't the answer you're looking for, but I usually handle this with a build script, either in Bash or Rake (yes, Rake, its great for building PHP projects too), which compiles, concats and compresses my .coffee files for production. While in development I use coffee -w to compile the .coffee files on the fly.
You could automate this further by adding a post-commit hook to Git or Subversion if you like.
You should be able to extend Mark Story's Asset Compress plugin to do the compiling on the fly as well.
You may want to look at kohana-coffeescript, which to my knowledge is the only project that does what you want in PHP. Although the project is nominally for the Kohana framework, it should be fairly easy to fork it and adapt it to CakePHP.
