React Native webview won't load ReactJS site - reactjs

Unfortunately I can't share the website in question, I just hope someone can steer me in the right direction without seeing either it or too much of the code.
The React Native(iOS only) app is built with;
react 16.0.0-alpha.12
react-native 0.47.1
The website is built with;
React 16.0.0
Babel is set up correctly, and babel-polyfill is baked in too.
The use-case is that we need to load, say, the FAQs page from the company ReactJS-based site in the mobile phone app's webview component.
However, the webview does not load the bundle.js for the website. CSS, HTML ect loads, but not the React bundle. Running JS inline in a script tag as a test works, but only if I remove the bundle.js file from src.
So something about the ReactJS build does not play nicely when loaded in a RN Webview. The site loads just fine via the mobile phone browsers however.


React App Component Not rendering on GitHub Pages. Works locally

None of my react components render when I use github pages. My CSS seems to work (I can see the background pattern) but none of my react components render. Everything works fine locally, but it does not when I use github pages. Here is a link to my repo:
I have tried using the Router component but so far I cannot figure it out. Is there something wrong with my index.html file?
Github pages works for static pages.
But react is not static page. Your index.html file interacts with javascript and adds contents, components.
There are some ways you can deploy react-app to github pages but I would recommend using vercel or netlify
You have to build a static page before deploying it to the GitHub page. Follow this LogRocket article.

Why my navbar is not working for small devices?

I'm doing a small project using react, where I needed navbar, so I copied the navbar code from flowbite(that uses Tailwind CSS), I've changed all necessary things need to change for react but still it's not working for small devices. The link is given below:
Tailwind Navbar
I think it's your browser issue. If you are using Google Chrome, then change your browser to Firefox. Unfortunately, the JS script file of Flowbite is not working on Google Chrome. Checking that navbar on other browsers may solve the problem.

Hot Reload with django template and react?

Is hot reloading possible while mounting react components into our Django template?
As part of improving our UX, we are adding react component to our page to bring dynamic content on every customer interaction.
I have successfully set up the react inside our Django and placed bundle.js into a static path using Webpack. Now using Webpack watch we are able to load the latest changes on the page.
In this setup, we can't bring hot reloading and source in the browser devtools console to debug and speed up our development.
Note: The application is not a SPA also not a Restful design for now.

ReactJS SSR app whole content disappears when "homepage": used in package.json

I have a reactJS SSR app deployed into server, I am trying to use one of the page /listpage as a widget into some other website
The list page is appearing nicely in other website however some of the click actions were not working, when I debugged it I found that the issue was with serving reactjs static js chunk files which were created by react run build. The issue was with relative path /static/js/xxxx
to fix this issue, one solution is to have a full path reference, to enable that I added homepage:"" in package.json
this worked and when I checked network tab in chrome browser i could see all static js files are referred using full path.
however a strange issue occurred , the whole list widget appears and suddenly disappears , when I inspect the elements I could see nothing inside thats where all react components suppose to be rendered.
for full code of SSR project kindly refer with explanation.
however the full code is in github

Is it possible to run Gatsby side-by-side with a regular React single page application?

The particular use case I'm looking at is running a single page application at the root path / of a domain, and having a statically rendered blog at /blog.
I've already checked out the advice at, however I'm not entirely sure how this would interact with the React app running at /
Is there a way to get React Router in the React app to support handing over to Gatsby?
Gatsby is just React so yes :-)
Build your SPA & blog both with Gatsby. Put the entry to your SPA at src/pages/index.js and it'll be served at /.
If you need client-only routes, you can set those up like this:
Gatsby is basically CRA with some additional features to make it easy to build websites.
