I have a field collection "user_card" composed of 2 fields: card_name and card_digits.
Right now the field collection is shown like this
| User id | title user_card |
| 1 | card_name_1 card_digits_1 |
| 2 | card_name_2 card_digits_2 |
I need to show in a view that field collection but in 2 different columns, like this.
| User id | Card name | Card digits |
| 1 | card_name_1 | card_digits_1 |
| 2 | card_name_2 | card_digits_2 |
Is there a way to do it? or at least have a mecanism to break the collection in 2 separate fields.
Use Field Collection Views module.
This module provides a formatter leveraging views for the Field Collection module.
After install this module,then you could goto host entity's fields
display settings page,such as
at display settings page, you could choose format for you collection
field,This module provide a new option"Views field-collection items"
then at format summary area, you will see "Embed View:
field_collection_view, default", Yes ,this module using
views_embed_view function,That mean you need config the name and
display id of the view you want to use.
Now if you visit a page of host entity, you could only see three
fields," Field collection Item id", "Edit", "Delete",At the bottom
there is a "Add" link.This is not a bug, that because i do not know
which fields that added to collection field.
Clone views "field_collection_view", at the clone view, you need add
more fields to it, change the sort criteria,Please do not change the
existing fields (except "Exclude from display " for
"Field-collection item: Field-collection item ID"),the Contextual
filters of " Field-collection item: Field-collection item ID"
After that you need config the name /display id of the views you
want to use at display settings page, such as
admin/structure/profiles/manage/resume/display,you click the button
at the right place, then there will be a form inlude 2
elements,"name" and "display id".
I want to get from firebese an object that have a specific value and this object parent's name. But in some reasons I cant do it.
So first of all I will describe what I have:
Db with the next structure:
| |
| +--kuaName1
| |
| +--kuaName2
| |
| +--kuaName3
In every kuaName I have an object with some info, one of the keys is "kuaEdrpou", the value of this key is unique for every kuaName. So I have next logic:
Find an object by kuaEdrpou.
Take this object name (kuaName1, kuaName2, kuaName3) and data to use them in my app.
Also I have function to get data from firebase db:
const stocksRef = firebase.database().ref().child('clients/kua');
stocksRef.orderByChild('kuaEdrpou').equalTo(this.state.kuaEdrpou).once("value",snapshot => {
let snap = snapshot.exportVal();
console.log("snapshot", snap);
Console.log shows me an object with three keys
So my questions are how to get from firebase
{kuaName1:{kuaEdrpou: some id}} object and why snapshot.exportVal() returns an object with three nested objects inside?
you are setting the snapshot on ref
so whenever something change/updates you get the whole kua with all of its child.
if you need any specific child under kua add the reference of that children like
maybe this way you can get your desired object
I have a table with filter's like :
ng-repeat="person in filtered = ( data | filter:query | filter : name | filter {m_resource: resourceFilter} | filter : {m_id : idFilter} | limitTo:maxRowSize )"
And inside the table as part of each row, I have a delete button:
<button class ="btn" ng-click="removeRow($data, $index, this)">del</button>
when clicking on the button I want the row to be removed from the UI, without using any filter I just use splice:
$scope.data.splice(index, 1);
But when I am applying filter it wont work beacuse the index(numer of the row in the displayed table) is the UI index not the data index.
Anyone know's how to delete a row after filtering?
Try this,
<button class ="btn" ng-click="removeRow(person)">del</button>
In your removeRow function,
var index = $scope.data.indexOf(person);
$scope.data.splice(index, 1);
I was trying to find the AngularJS select with ng-options or Typeahead expression syntax but I couldn't find the whole thing in one place, so I gather information from here and there and this is what I came up with:
Expression syntax (This is the full syntax, most of it are optional):
(ObjectForModel) as (stringRepresentation for the UI) for (OneObjectFromList) in (ListOfObjects) | (Filter1) | (Filter2) ...
Example: Lets say we have a list of Students:
var StudentList = [{firstName: "Jhon",lastName:"Smith" id:1},{firstName: "Clint",lastName:"Eastwood" id:2} ];
Lets say that we wanna use this list in a typeAhead input but:
1. We want our popup drop down to display: "first name - last name" but when a user select an item we want the whole item from the list to be populate in the ng-model.
2. We want to filter the select to show only 5 elements
3. We want the pop up drop down list to display only what is relevant base on the user input.
So this is how it looks like:
uib-typeahead="student as (student.firstName +' - ' + student.lastName) for student in studentList | filter:$viewValue | limitTo:5"
If you guys have something more to add please do, I know I could have use it...
You can also change the template ( for example displaying a field in a particular way, and on click set the input with another one )
in the html file :
<script type="text/ng-template" id="deterFormACTemplate.html">
<a ng-bind-html="match.model.displayed | unsafe"></a>
<input typeahead-template-url="deterFormACTemplate.html"
uib-typeahead="item as item.field for item in autocomplete(...)"
typeahead-wait-ms="500" />
in the controller
$scope.autocomplete = function ( ){
return [ {'field':'..', "displayed":"..."},{'field':'..', "displayed":"..."}, .. ];
I would like to filter out a object that has a property value of "None". The object CounterParty has 2 properties, CounterPartyId and CounterPartyName.
The first object in the db has CounterPartyName: "None", I do not want this to show in the select box options.
I setup a plunker but the select-box is not working and there are no errors in the console:
<select ng-model="search.CounterParty"
ng-options="c.CounterPartyName as c.CounterPartyName for c in counterPsList | unique: 'CounterPartyName'">
$scope.counterParties = [
{"$id":"2","CounterPartyId":2,"CounterPartyName":"CounterParty A","Documents":null},
{"$id":"3","CounterPartyId":3,"CounterPartyName":"Counter Party B","Documents":null},
{"$id":"4","CounterPartyId":4,"CounterPartyName":"Counter Party C","Documents":null},
{"$id":"5","CounterPartyId":5,"CounterPartyName":"Counter Party D","Documents":null}
You don't need to use angular-ui's unique filter here - its purpose is something else.
If you just need to filter out based on a certain property, you could specify the filter expression like so (notice the !):
ng-options = '...in counterPsList | filter: { CounterPartyName: "!None" }'
I have a Work model with Category Foreign Key. I am doing -->
drawingTags = Tag.objects.filter(Q(work__category__slug_en = 'drawing') |
Q(work__category__slug_en = 'illustration') |
Q(work__category__slug_en = 'sketch') |
Q(work__category__slug_en = 'storyboard'))
I get also the tags that do not belong to drawings ? Am i doing smt wrong ?
-- EDIT --
I did a little test. I have two applications named blog and web.
In blog i have 'entry' model and in web i have 'work' model. Both of those models have TaggableManager fields named tags...
When i want to take the tags of works categorized under drawing and do -->
drawingTags = Tag.objects.filter( work__in = drawings ).distinct()
If there is a drawing with id 1 and if entry model has an entry with id 1. Than i get both item's tags. I think there is a problem here but i do not know how to solve the puzzle?
Solution :
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
contentType = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Work)
drawingTags =Tag.objects.filter(taggit_taggeditem_items__content_type=contentType,
work__in = drawings ).distinct()