Linux Foundation Acumos AI Project - artificial-intelligence

When using Acumos AI platform, it seems I cannot on-board my AI/ML models to Acumos site directly, is this correct? If yes, what is the right process.

Yes, onboarding your models directly to is currently disabled for security reasons. However, you can download and setup your own Acumos instance and share models to/from via the backend federation function. Please see for more information.


simple silverlight application

So, i'm building my first SL application.
I tried to use the MVVM approach, and I think that's the way for me.
Basically, it's a simple application which shows data to the user, the data source is local (maybe in the future will be centric, but right now this is not the case), and the data should be retrieved by:
A. Calling file system's reading
B. Method calls from External DLLs
So, as I said, I started to work with MVVM (used this tutorial). I have 3 components: the service, the SL application and the project that host the SL app (excuse me if i'm not using the exact proffecional terms...).
My question is: Do you think that I've chose the right design? if so, is there any way not using IIS to host the service or is it a must? (I don't want to spend time on adminastrative tasks on clients' computers), because as I said, the data is local at the moment and IIS feels unnecessary.
I'll appriciate every comment on this. Thanks!
I'll try to simplify my question: I need my SL app to communicate with some kind of service - that will be able to take requests and reply back to the app.
This service suppose to be able to use .net dlls, and this service should be locally on each client run the app.
I noticed the Self host option.
Does anyone has any experience with it?
If your question is about: You having access to a database server somewhere, you should try WCF RIA Services. This will allow you to create service for each entity and the service will get included into your host project or you can even create a WCF RIA library.
As suppose to your MVVM pattern. I prefer splitting my Views from my ViewModels In different projects. I like to see them as a seperate layer.
Actually using ria services may mean that you have a number of services which apply to one user, but yes they are specific to the user. Which file system would you be attempting to access? The client or the server?
I finally decided to go with XBAP(WPF XAML Browser Application).
It suited perfectly to my requirements:
1. no deployment issues - just press a link, and .net enviroment will do the rest (downloading the needed assemblies, install them and finally run the app)
2. it's hosted on a browser
3. no IIS is needed!! it's a client-only application

alfresco connect company database external

External database interface - Does Alfresco use point and click integration or is programming required to connect to the DB?
Can we use a 3rd party library like Google's zxing barcode reader to integrate with
What do you mean by external database interface? If we're talking about using external databases, then it's just a matter of configuration.
It's generally not a problem to integrate 3rd party libraries. You just have to decide how to do that, e.g. using a custom Java backed web script or a custom action.
No point and click integration. It's build on Java, so you can write a custom Java class. The java class can be run scheduled, via a webscript, via workflow.
Of course, it's open source and fully build on Java, so integrate any 3d party solution into it. But you need to write everything yourself.
already exists a component for Alfresco Share which allow feature #1 with "zero code", in easy and flexible way.
Is available in Alfresco Addons
Developed and maintained by VenziaIT (
We hope this help to the community.

Is it possible to create a database driven website with flash?

I am a newbie programmer and i dont yet have any idea of the WEB. I wish to start learning a technology that will allow me to build websites( database driven) i dont know which one to choose. I know some actionscript3 and flash.
Is it possible to create a database driven website using these alone? Or do i need to learn any other technology? If i do then what should i learn? I know j2se for the desktop and oracle SQL/MySQL
please show me a path. Also wanted to know if there is any technology like Wordpress for J2EE/flash
OK so i finally got the feeling that i need to learn PHP anyway along with css and javascript. So it is fine. Also another query. Which CMS should i consider? Wordpress or Joomla?
You can develop a database driven website using Flash, but only in the same sense that you can develop a database driven website using AJAX. That is, you can build the front-end using Flash/ActionScript but the back-end is built using other technologies. Just like working with JavaScript to develop a front-end, from ActionScript you would be communicating with Java or PHP or Python or something on the server using RESTful calls and then actually working with the database in the server-side scripts.
Honestly = this question is too broad and generic, and answers are easily found with some google searches.
That being said = of course you can build a data driven flash site. The one caveat here is that flash itself is fundamentally client-side technology, so we must rely on other remote tech to do the heavy data lifting. The options are profuse.
For example, a developer might create a front facing presentation in Flex, which is the streamlined, data-centric extension of pure flash. His database interactions are written in php, and these are constantly called upon to deliver content to the user.
So - what technologies to use? Whatever you know. And if you don't know, then learn the ones that are closest to what you know.
Finally, although I am a die-hard fan of flash, this type of project (you didn't specify what you had in mind) could be done with many different technologies. So - maybe flash is the right answer, but maybe javascript (ajax) could manage the same thing and do it without the need of plugins.
Yes you can develop database driven site in flash/action script but you still need and back-end technology i recommend you to check WebORB you can develop the back-end using Java, PHP, or .NET In addition you can use Flash Remoting technology Flash/Flex to communicate with a back-end
Flash can't be directly connected to database. You must use another technique which would be "mediator". I have developed Flash game with MySql database and PHP and I recommend you to use this combination. Here is visually presented this kind of communication:
yes, it is possible to crate database driven website with flash and action-script. You would get an XML file when you do action script in flash, so you can store nodes of that XML file into database(mysql). You can then create an Admin interface to manage your database contents, that would indirectly change your xml nodes. So basically you can edit the xml file and store it in the database.

Zend Framework. What is the best way to administer your site/app?

When developing for the Zend Framework is it common for developers to have to build a custom backend admin area for each unique app? Or is there a popular 3rd party backend tool people are using to manipulate your app's database?
I'm thinking of learning ZF but what stands out is how do you keep an eye on what users are doing with your app?
You have two basic choices:
Create two modules: frontend and admin. All your controllers live within
Within each module have an admin controller within the module to adminstrate it
In either case, I use a Front Controller plugin to swap the layout to admin.phtml so I have a different look and feel for my administration system. This is of course, optional :)
I tend to create an 'AdminController' specific to the application if there are too many administrative functions, or an Admin Module if there are (or there is a real possibility for the number of administrative functions to increase).
Well, in general I consider it enough to manipulate my db with let's say phpmyadmin or directly in my IDE (Aptana).
For the tasks I want to allow certain administrators to perform online I write an admin controller. Such tasks are mostly so specific, complex, dynamic that some kind of generic generator system wouldn't probably help a lot.
Still, there is at least one so called 3rd party tool I know of which falls into the category you're mentioning in your question.
DataGrid for Zend Framework
ZendFramework is not a Toolkit to create specific Application with users and, lets say articles etc. So there can't be such a 3rd party tool. I would create a admin module, not a controller, because that means you have just 1 File for all admintasks.

are there any gotchas for hosting a Silverlight app on a Linux server?

I'm building a new Silverlight app for a photography studio. I was about to say "you have to have a Windows-based server hosting it" and then I thought, wait is that right? Looks like it's not. So I could point him toward a Linux host.
I know you have to register the MIME types (from a different SO thread). Are there any other caveats or gotchas that I need to know about? Assume for a second that I know next to nothing about Linux.
Edit: what if the app needs to talk to a database (mySQL)? Seems like I'd need to have Moonlight to get that going, which isn't gonna fly.
The only thing you have to do is ensure the web server delivers the correct MIME type for the .xap (which is application/x-silverlight-app). That's it.
There is nothing blocking you to host a Silverlight app(Client Plug-in) in any webserver on any platform.
Silverlight is client technology. There is nothign (but MIME types) that are required to host on non-MS servers. But if you have server-side code (e.g. web services or REST API's talking to your mySQL db), that server-side technology would need to work on Linux. That's completely separate from Silverlight. You might want to do the server stuff with Java or PHP (or other Linux-friendly platform) but Silverlight doesn't care what it talks to and can be served in a non-MS platform easily.
Regarding your edit (on mysql) -- no you would not need Moonlight (as that is client only as well). You'd need to expose your database functionality through a service layer of sorts as Shawn notes.
