React Redux best practices for performing actions - reactjs

Where should I perform actions (redirecting or adding/removing something to/in the localstorage) in React (and Redux)? So after the password is successfully updated I want to redirect the user to another page. Should I redirect after the dispatch method, should I do it in the component or are there other options?
Example action:
export function updateAccountPassword(encryptedPassword) {
return dispatch => { + '/account/recovery/update', {
_id: getSignedInUserID(),
password: encryptedPassword
}).then(() => {
}).catch(() => {
function updateUserPasswordSuccess() {
function updateUserPasswordFailError() {
payload: 'Something went wrong, please try again'

The way I am doing it is by passing the this.props.history.push as a callback to the action creator, and calling it, as you suggested, in the action creator, after dispatch.
Here is an example from my code:
In the component form's submission, calling the action creator:
this.props.ACTION_CREATOR(formPayload, () => {
And, then, in the action creator, when the proper condition has been met, calling the callback (rerouting).


async/await in react with redux

Hi guys I am quite new to programming and trying to understand one thing with redux and await/async functions. Basically I have this function:
//nh functions
const onSubmit = async data => {
await dispatch(Login(data))
if (auth.logged != false){
addToast(content, { appearance: 'success', autoDismiss: true, })
} else if (auth.logged == false){
addToast(content2, { appearance: 'error', autoDismiss: true, })
which should first authenticate an account and then push a notification. However, the await is not working at all, and it proceeds immediately to the if statement. Any tips?
Wht dave said is true. If you want to do something like that, you should dispatch your data and get the result in a props. Then you can use a useEffect to listen to this prop and do your things. Somethink like:
useEffect(() => {
// Do your things after your dispatch here
}, [yourProp]);
The "normal" pattern is to write asynchronous pseudo-actions: async function dispatching classical synchronous actions :
// reducer
// define 3 synchronous actions : loginActionBegin, loginActionSuccess,
// loginActionFailure which update your state at your convenience, for example setting a boolean flag to inform components that request is
// flying, or add user infos in store when loginActionSuccess is dispatched...
// async pseudo action
export const loginActionAsync = (loginInfos: any): any => {
return (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: any): any => {
return loginService.login(loginInfos)
.then(result: any): any => {
// request succeeded, add toast, user feedback...
.catch((error: any) => {
// request failed, add toast, user feedback...
Then in a component:
// grab infos from store
const user = useSelector(state => state.user)
// on login form submit
dispatch(loginActionAsync({username:..., password:...}));
You will need async middleware to do so like
See :
I'm assuming that auth is a prop that is mapped from the redux state to the component?
If so you could get around having to create an async functionality for the submit button and handling the redirect and/or state change when the component is updated with a new value from the store.
I would recommend this as you should rather be handling any error in the action itself, that way the component can be kept simple and mainly focuses on what to display.
useEffect(() => {
if (auth.logged != false){
addToast(content, { appearance: 'success', autoDismiss: true, })
else if (auth.logged == false){
addToast(content2, { appearance: 'error', autoDismiss: true, })
}, [auth.logged]);
const onSubmit = data => dispatch(Login(data))

How to do something inside component after triggering a redux action?

i want to domething inside component after an action is done.
for example i want to show a modal to user after a request is successfully done, or disable some elements if request is done successfully.
should i use callbacks? or promise? if yes, then how
export const fetchHorizontalSpecialProductsList=(virtinId)=> {
return (dispatch) => {
type: Types.REQUEST_FETCH,
HomeApi().specialProducts({vitrinId:virtinId,rows:8,page:0,frontTypeList:["SPECIAL"]}).then((response) => {
payload: response,
.then(probably here)
}).catch((response) => {
payload: response,
when the request is successful i need to show a modal
You just need to connect to Redux store, for example, in Redux state you should declare these properties:
success: false/true.
Then with the action received is REQUEST_FETCH_FAIL or REQUEST_SUCCESS you just need to use the statement in reducer to change the variable to true/false.
Your container connected to Redux store, depending on the props success true/false, you can doSomething() you would like to do,

redirect from component level after specific dispatch - redux thunk

I have a fairly simple use case, but having a hard to find the appropriate answer. I'm using React,Redux,React Router & redux thunk middleware.
Lets say, I have two module food-tags & food. These modules have individual create,list,edit page/component. In practical use case, food-tags have no special value. Whenever a food object is created, separated tags are inserted into the food object's tags property.
General use case is that, after any item is created successfully, react router redirects it to the list page.
whenever i'm calling the createTag action from food-tag module, I can do it in a hacky way. like just after the success dispatch, i can call
this leads me to a problem where i can create food-tag inline from the food create component. Codes are given below
export function createTag(tag) {
return function (dispatch) { + 'api/tags', tag)
.then((response) => {
dispatch({type: 'TAG_CREATE_RESOLVED', payload:response});
toastr.success('Tag created Successfully.......!');
.catch((err) => {
dispatch({type: 'TAG_CREATE_REJECTED', payload: err});
createTag () {
//validatation & others....
react-redux connection
function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) {
return bindActionCreators({
createTag: createTag
}, dispatch)
Almost same pattern in food/create.js
$('#food-tags').select2(select2settings).on('select2:selecting', function (event) {
let isNewTagCreated =,
name =;
if (isNewTagCreated && name !== '') {
reactDOM.props.createTag({name}); // reactDOM = this context here
What I want basically that, I want to get access in the component level which action type is dispatching so that i can redirect from component & show notifications as well instead of action thunk. May be i'm not thinking in the proper way. there could be a dead simple work around.
It's good to know that redux-thunk passed out return value from the function. So you can return the promise from the action creator and wait until it will be finished in you component code
export function createTag(tag) {
return function (dispatch) {
return + 'api/tags', tag) // return value is important here
.then((response) => dispatch({type: 'TAG_CREATE_RESOLVED', payload:response}))
.catch((err) => {
dispatch({type: 'TAG_CREATE_REJECTED', payload: err})
throw err; // you need to throw again to make it possible add more error handlers in component
Then in your component code
createTag () {
.then(() => {
toastr.success('Tag created Successfully.......!');
this.props.router.push() // I assume that you have wrapped into `withRouter`
.catch(err => {
Now you have proper split up between action logic and user interface.

How to integrate redux-form's onSubmit with redux-api-middleware?

I'm writing a React / Redux app using redux-form and redux-api-middleware, and I'm having trouble integrating redux-form's onSubmit function with the RSAA lifecycle.
The redux-form documentation says that the onSubmit handler should return a Promise. Until resolve is called on the promise, the form's submitting prop will be true.
However, in this app my API calls don't currently use promises (e.g. via fetch). I make API calls by dispatching a [CALL_API] RSAA action and reducing redux-api-middleware's response actions.
Problem code
class MyReduxFormContainer extends Component {
render() {
return (
<MyReduxForm submit={this.props.submit} />
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
submit: function(values, dispatch) {
method: 'PATCH',
types: [
type: 'REQUEST',
endpoint: '...',
body: JSON.stringify(values)
// Problem: redux-api-middleware-style API calls normally don't leverage promises.
// Out of the box, this library doesn't offer a promise to return.
export default connect(
// ...
Possible Solutions
I could pass a promise through the payload RSAA callback, which could then resolve/reject the promise after the API response, but this seems to violate the rule that "action creators should't cause side-effects." Granting that redux-api-middleware seems to bend this rule.
I could in theory just use fetch inside the onSubmit handler, instead of redux-api-middleware, but this isn't just a concession which makes my API interactions inconsistent across the application, it also risks duplicating any API middleware activities I've baked in, e.g. setting default headers, de-camelizing / camelizing payloads, etc.
Does anyone have experience using redux-form and redux-api-middleware together?
If it were just redux-api-middleware, I would have expected to simply change the form's submitting prop by altering the form's state when reducing the ACTION_TYPE_[REQUEST|SUCCESS|FAILURE] action types. But it seems non-standard and potentially risky to directly modify the form's state from a reducer. Example redux-form implementations seem to emphasize that redux-form state should be transparent / only indirectly manipulated.
Any thoughts / pointers would be greatly appreciated!
Related GitHub issues
Recently I found quite elegant and generic way combine it. Here is article with explanation
export const formToApiAdapter = (dispatch, actionCreator, formatErrors) => (
(...args) => (
new Promise((resolve, reject) => (
(response) => {
if (response.error) {
return reject(formatErrors(response));
return resolve(response);
For lack of a better solution, I'm currently wrapping my dispatch({[CALL_API]}) call inside of a Promise, within the redux-form submit handler.
class MyReduxFormContainer extends Component {
render() {
return (
<MyReduxForm submit={this.props.submit} />
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
submit: function(values, dispatch) {
// Solution: Wrap the [CALL_API] dispatch in a Promise
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: 'PATCH',
types: [
endpoint: '...',
body: JSON.stringify(values)
payload: function (action, state, res) {
// Solution: resolve() the promise in the SUCCESS payload callback
// Changes `submitting` prop of MyReduxForm
payload: function (action, state, res) {
// Solution: reject() the promise in the FAILURE payload callback
// Changes `submitting` prop of MyReduxForm
export default connect(
// ...
Ultimately I'm pretty unhappy with this code architecture, and at this point I think standard fetch usage would have been preferable to redux-api-middleware.
Triggering effects after API responses is standard enough as a concern, there ought to be more elegant solutions than this kind of callback nesting, e.g. using a promise chain.

React-redux cross access state value

For last two weeks I have been working with redux and I'm facing an issue where I want to access/change a state value of another reducer. How can I achieve that?
For example: I have two components 'A-Component' and 'Message-component'
which has 'A-actions', 'Message-actions' and 'A-reducer', 'Message-reducer' respectively
When an action of 'A-Component' is called it will call the corresponding reducer function where I need to update the Message-reducer state value which will display the message box
export function add(data) {
return {
types: [types.ONADD, types.ONADDSUCCESS, types.ONADDFAIL],
payload: {
response: api.add(data).then(response => response),
export default createReducer(initialState, {
[types.ONADD](state) {
return {
message: 'Updating Records'
The above mentioned message state value is message reducer's state value. I want to update the message state value from A-reducer
which in turn updates the message component. Is this possible in redux?
I tried with various middleware but failed.
Thank in advance!
I think you're approaching this the wrong way. You should normalize your data as much as you can, and then maybe use the connect decorator to compose the state you need for your UI. For example, Messages could be nested under a "Friend"'s node, but it's better to have them in their own store, and then make a function that selects the messages from a friend based on a relationship. This gives you aggregations (You have 3 unread messages) for free. Take a look at reselect for a way to do this in a nice (and cached) way.
You could write middleware which dispatches multiple actions:
export default (store) => (next) => (action) => {
return next(action);
action.types.forEach(type => {
payload: action.payload
Then call it from an Action Creator like so:
export function addMessage(message){
return {
payload: message
If you already have a update action in Message-actions
I think you can just directly dispatch the update action when ONADDSUCCESS is triggered.
// Message action
export function MessageUpdate (data) {
return {
type: ...,
// A action
export function add(data) {
return dispatch => {
type: types.ONADD
// code for your add event
api.add(data).then( response => {
(() => {
return dispatch({
type: types.ONADDSUCCESS,
Hope this answer to your question.
