I wrote few logs in my angular js application using the code below. However I am unable to see it displayed either in the console or (chrome -> dev tools) browser console. Where can I see the logs displayed?
console.info(' Maintanence !! ');
console.info(' Next Event = '+ next.name);
use console.log('Maintanence !!');
After uploading my react app on gitHub pages its showing a blank page, and there is no error displaying in console. When I inspected the pages it says:
You need to enable javascript to run this page
but when I checked by browser settings it shows my javascript is enabled.
Here is my console
Here are the elements
Here is the Package.json
Also when I tested with a basic react app(no routes only single page) it was displaying properly
If gitHub is not publishing, is there any other alternative to publish my work?
It looks good from my side. You should try with another browser to see if the problem persists.
In the browser's developer console (press F12 to open it), typing the following
"angular.version" will give the version of AngularJS APP loaded on page.
Is there an equivalent of it for Angular2.
There is no equivalent console command, but you can use the following:
In Web extension Firefox :
How to show or enable console.log() in my code in the terminal , I used "we-ext run -v" command but it show logs of web extension framework not my logs in my code ?
Are you sure your setup is right? For me, console.log() messages are shown in both, browser console and web console.
I use webdriver for my Ui tests.
After latest google chrome updates like 44.0.2403.107 I have problems with accepting alerts:
I use driver.SwitchTo().Alert().Accept(); when I confirm javascript alert, I get exception: no alert open. It looks like alert opens later than I try accept it. Does anybody else have the same problem after latest google chrome updates?
I use latest version chromedriver - 2.16.
Did you tried to include wait for alert as shown below:
new WebDriverWait(driver,60).until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent());
If you still facing issue please raise issue at below URL with sample test code and html file included:
I'm debuggin a mobile application using Chrome devtools, I can inspect the device, network tab, console tab, etc are working fine, I can see the batarang tab AngularJS, when I click Enable the page is reload on the chrome mobile tab but the batarang tab don't show any kind of information.
Do you have any idea?
(source: vpsnotas.com)
It appears as though Batarang hasn't been updated to be compatible with the latest versions of AngularJS. Appears to be a duplicate of: batarang Chrome extension for AngularJS appears broken
Does the console show any errors or anything? That would be the first place I would look, as it will normally point you in the right direction of the issue.
I recently ran into an issue with loading Batarang on an angular app that I know was previous working. The console was throwing an $injector:modulerr error and the issue turned out to be with the ng-strict-di directive on the ng-app. After removing the ng-strict-di directive from the ng-app, the Batarang extension works fine.