How to hide the $anchorScroll in the browser in AngularJS? - angularjs

I am fairly new to AngularJS and I am using $anchorScroll to scroll to a particular section of the page after the results are rendered (which works fine).
However, I would like to hide the anchor that appears in the browser (refer to the image below). How can I achieve that?
Here's the section in the controller where I am using $anchorScroll and where I display the results after the user hits submits. Any help would appreciated:
$scope.SearchProvider = function(searchParam) {
$scope.searchMode = 1;
var queryString='';
if($scope.formModel && $scope.formModel !== searchParam){
$scope.resultsCount = 0;
currentPage = 1;
$scope.formModel = searchParam;
for(var param in searchParam){
var paramValue = searchParam[param].value ? searchParam[param].value.trim() : searchParam[param].trim();
if (paramValue.length > 0)
queryString += param + '=' + paramValue + '&';
queryString= '?' + queryString + 'currentpage=' + $scope.currentPage;
$http.get("/includes/ReturnProvidersList.cfm" + queryString)
$scope.providers =;
$scope.resultsCount =;
if (!$scope.providers){
$scope.NoResults = true;
$scope.ShowResults = false;
$scope.ShowDesc = false;
// call $anchorScroll()
else {
$scope.NoResults = false;
$scope.ShowResults = true;
$scope.ShowDesc = false;
// call $anchorScroll()
catch(err){ alert('No response.: ' + err.message); }


iframe set src in loop only after one page is loaded

I am opening multiple pages in an iframe (one by one) i.e. i want to do it synchronously. So in a for loop i want to set iframe src property to url1 then once this page is loaded move to url2 and so on..
<iframe id="iframeExportPDF" onload="test();"></iframe>
$('#<%=Button1.ClientID%>').click(function (e) {
var registrarIds = ($('#<%=lblRegistrarIdsForChart.ClientID%>').text()).split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < registrarIds.length; i++) {
var link = window.location.href;
var urlBase = link.substring(0, link.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
ganttPopup(urlBase + 'GPS/CompetencyAssessment/GanttChart.aspx?id=' + registrarIds[i].toString(), registrarIds[i]);
function ganttPopup(url, id) {
iframeExportPDF.src = url;
//, "_blank", "ganttChartPopup_" + id.toString(), "width=1100,height=600,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes");
P.S. Previously i was doing the same with opening multiple windows but since i have 1100 records, would not be feasible.
I found my answer here
var urls = [], iCount;
$(function () {
$('#<%=Button1.ClientID%>').click(function (e) {
var registrarIds = ($('#<%=lblRegistrarIdsForChart.ClientID%>').text()).split(',');
iCount = registrarIds.length;
for (var i = 0; i < registrarIds.length; i++) {
var link = window.location.href;
var urlBase = link.substring(0, link.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
var url = urlBase + 'GPS/CompetencyAssessment/GanttChart.aspx?id=' + registrarIds[i].toString();
function redirect_url() {
if (iCount >= 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
$('#iframeExportPDF').attr('src', urls[iCount]);
}, 15000);

Angular JS - calling angular from a third party callback function

I have an Angular 1.3 application that has been upgraded to 1.6, and now a couple of functions dob't work.
These functions are called within a vanilla JS script that is called from within a controller, to forward onto another controller and view.
Here I my state:-
.state('track', {
url: '/:area /:trackId /:type',
parent: 'tracks',
component: 'trackDetails'
And here is my code within my vanilla JS script (which uses a third party library (a map) to render the actual view).
function getTrackLink(track) {
trackLink = "<div><a ui-sref=\"tracks/track({area:" + track.area + " + /trackId:"
+ + "/type:" + track.type + " })\">" +
+ "</a></div>";
return trackLink;
The links aren't clickable, and therefore won't navigate.The JS function is called within the controller, added below.....
function MapCtrl($rootScope, $http, $stateParams, SearchOp, SearchResultsService, $state) {
const vm = this;
console.log('MapCtrl called');
vm.results = null;
vm.loading = true;
let latitude = 0;
let longitude = 0;
let distance = 0;
let currentZoom = 7;
if ($stateParams && typeof ($stateParams.latitude) !== 'undefined') {
latitude = $stateParams.latitude;
longitude = $stateParams.longitude;
distance = $stateParams.distance;
SearchResultsService.set(latitude, longitude, distance);
$rootScope.searchPerformed = true;
} else if (!$rootScope.searchPerformed) {
console.log("Defaulting co-ordinates to user's home town");
latitude = $rootScope.currentLatitude;
longitude = $rootScope.currentLongitude;
distance = $rootScope.currentDistance;
SearchResultsService.set(latitude, longitude, distance);
$rootScope.searchPerformed = true;
} else {
console.log('Rendering last search results');
console.log(`Search Params: ${latitude} : ${longitude} : ${distance}`);
SearchResultsService.get().then(data => {
vm.loading = true;
console.log(`Retrieved data from service: ${data}`);
vm.results = data;
loadMap(vm.results, currentZoom, $state);
vm.loading = false;
}).catch(error => {
vm.loading = false;
vm.status = 'Unable to load trackdata: ' + error.message;
}); = (latitude, longitude, distance, currentZoom) => {
vm.loading = true;
SearchResultsService.set(latitude, longitude, distance);
SearchResultsService.get().then(data => {
console.log(`Retrieved data from service: ${data}`);
vm.results = data;
console.log("SearchResults"+ data);
loadMap(vm.results, currentZoom);
vm.loading = false;
}).catch(error => {
vm.loading = false;
vm.status = 'Unable to load trackdata: ' + error.message;
Any ideas appreciated.....
I don't see anywhere in the above code where the getTrackLink function is called from the controller. However as a solution, try adding:
Just after the getTrackLink function is called.
If the function is async, you can try wrapping the function call instead:
Probably, this is a problem with the sanitize. You have to trust your code. Do it carefully.
Have a look here: $sce
I think that you should use something like:
<div ng-bind-html="vm.something"></div>
In the controller
vm.something = $sce.trustAsHtml(vm.somethingUntrasted);

how to add text in textarea cursor position by angularjs

I want sample code to add a text to textarea angularjs code, can any one help.
Writing an SMS with some custom name field like {userName} #userName# etc. These are onclick events, when user clicks, respected text should be added in cursor position in textarea box.
Check this link and use the directive in your app
app.directive('myText', ['$rootScope', function($rootScope) {
return {
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
$rootScope.$on('add', function(e, val) {
var domElement = element[0];
if (document.selection) {
var sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = val;
} else if (domElement.selectionStart || domElement.selectionStart === 0) {
var startPos = domElement.selectionStart;
var endPos = domElement.selectionEnd;
var scrollTop = domElement.scrollTop;
domElement.value = domElement.value.substring(0, startPos) + val + domElement.value.substring(endPos, domElement.value.length);
domElement.selectionStart = startPos + val.length;
domElement.selectionEnd = startPos + val.length;
domElement.scrollTop = scrollTop;
} else {
domElement.value += val;

AngularJS ng-repeat view not updating after data update

have a some data one my page that is in a ng-repeat.
When the page and data 1st loads the data shows up.
When I move away from the page (using Angular Routing) make a change to the data (gets saved in db) then come back into the page (make call to db get new data) the ng-repeat data does not refresh. I can see the new data loading into the array and it is the new data.
I start the process on the page with
var sp = this;
sp.viewData = [];
sp.employee = [];
sp.ViewDataTwo = [];
$(document).ready(function () {
var testHeader = setInterval(function () { myTimer() }, 1000);
function myTimer() {
if (addHeaderToken() != undefined) {
sp.usageText = "";
if (sessionStorage.getItem(tokenKey) != null) {
sp.associatedInfo = JSON.parse(getassociatedInfo());
I do this because I need to get my security toke from a JS script that I have no power over changes. So I need to make sure the code has ran to get me the token.
here are the functions I call..
function loadPasses() {
$http.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = "Bearer " + addHeaderToken();
$http.get('/api/Employee/xxx', { params: { employeeId: sp.employeeId } }).then(function (data) {
sp.viewData =;
for (var i = 0; i < $scope. viewData.length; i++) {
sp.passes[i].sortDateDisplay = ( == "Active" ? + "-" +[i].DateEnd :[i].visitDate);
sp.passes[i].sortDate = ([i].status == "Active" ?[i].DateStart:[i].visitDate);
function loadDataTwo () {
$http.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = "Bearer " + addHeaderToken();
if (sessionStorage.getItem(tokenKey) != null) $http.get('/api/Employee',
params: { employeeId: sp.employeeId }
}).then(function (data) {
sp.employee =;
var tempPassString = "";
sp.ViewDataTwo = [];
var totalA = 0;
var totalU = 0;
for (var p = 0; p < sp.employee.dataX.length; p++) {
sp.ViewDataTwo.push(sp.employee.dataX[p].description + "(" + /** math to update description **// + ")");
totalA += parseInt(parseInt(sp.employee.dataX[p].Anumber));
totalU += parseInt(sp.employee.dataX[p].Bnumber));
sp.usageArr.push(" Total: " + totalA- totalU) + "/" + totalA + " Available");
One my view sp.viewData and sp.ViewDataTwo are both in ng-repeats.
Works well on load.. when I go out and come back in. I see the data reloading. But the view does not.
I have hacked the Dom to get it to work for now. But I would like to do it the right way..
Any help.
I have used
But it tells me the digest is already in process;
the views are in a template..
Please help

Can't $update or $set ~ "undefined is not a function" ~ AngularFire

What I'm trying to do:
Update the status to "TAKEN" when the chat is closed.
Can't get $scope.currentChat.$set() or $scope.currentChat.$update() to work when trying to update the status. (See the $scope.close() function.)
What I've tried:
Various methods including $set, $update; I don't know. A lot of things. Been researching this for several hours, and can't find a solution that works.
$scope.currentChat.$set({status:"TAKEN"}); Doesn't work.
$scope.currentChat.$getRecord('status'); Works. Returns:
Object {$value: "OPEN", $id: "status", $priority: null}
So what exactly is going on here? Why can't I seem to set the status to TAKEN?
The issue is currently in the $scope.close() function, when trying to update the status:
// - Closes the current ticket.
$scope.close = function() {
// $scope.ticketObject.status = "TAKEN";
// $scope.currentChat.$set({status:"TAKEN"});
$scope.ticketObject = {};
$scope.ticket = false;
Here's my code:
bloop.controller('HomeCtrl', ['$scope', '$firebase', function($scope, $firebase) {
var url = 'https://**********';
var ref = new Firebase(url);
// - This function makes a connection to Firebase and creates the ticket.
$scope.createTicket = function() {
$ = $firebase(ref).$asArray();
$$add($scope.ticketObject).then(function(r) {
var id =;
$scope.currentFBID = id;
console.log("CREATED TICKET: " + $scope.currentFBID);
console.log("URL: " + url + $scope.currentFBID);
// - This function makes a connection to Firebase and syncs the ticket with the $scope to easily update the tickets.
$scope.syncTickets = function() {
var ticketRefURL = new Firebase(url + $scope.currentFBID);
$scope.currentChat = $firebase(ticketRefURL).$asArray();
var archiveRefURL = new Firebase(url + $scope.currentFBID + "/archive");
$scope.currentChat.archive = $firebase(archiveRefURL).$asArray();
console.log("SAVED TICKET: " + $scope.currentFBID);
console.log("URL: " + ticketRefURL);
console.log("ARCHIVE URL: " + archiveRefURL);
// - This function pushes whatever is typed into the chat into the chat archive.
// - $scope.ticketObject.archive (is an array of objects)
$ = function(name) {
// Push to ticketObject.archive array...
"name" : name,
"text" : $scope.chatText
// Logging the array to make sure it exists...
console.log("CHAT ARCHIVE:");
"name" : name,
"text" : $scope.chatText
// This resets the text area so it's empty...
$scope.chatText = "";
} // WORKS
// - Closes the current ticket.
$scope.close = function() {
// $scope.ticketObject.status = "TAKEN";
// $scope.currentChat.$set({status:"TAKEN"});
$scope.ticketObject = {};
$scope.ticket = false;
// - This function toggles the chat to be either open or closed.
$scope.toggle = function() {
if($scope.toggleState === false) {
$scope.toggleState = true;
} else if($scope.toggleState === true) {
$scope.toggleState = false;
// - This function checks to see if there's an existing ticket.
// - If there's not an existing ticket, it creates one.
$scope.checkTicket = function() {
if($scope.ticket === false) {
// Generate New Ticket Data
$scope.ticketObject = newTicket();
// Create the Ticket
// Ticket now exists.
$scope.ticket = true;
function newTicket() {
var ticketID = generateTicketID();
var newTicket = {
id: ticketID,
status: "OPEN",
name: "N/A",
email: "N/A",
date: generateDate(),
opID: "Unassigned",
opName: "Unassigned",
archive: [],
notes: []
return newTicket;
function generateTicketID() {
var chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ";
var result = '';
for(var i=12; i>0; --i) {
result += chars[Math.round(Math.random() * (chars.length - 1))];
return result;
function generateDate() {
var today = new Date();
var dd = today.getDate();
var mm = today.getMonth() + 1;
var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
if(dd < 10) {
dd = '0' + dd;
if(mm < 10) {
dd = '0' + mm;
var date = mm + "/" + dd + "/" + yyyy;
return date;
$update and $set are part of the $firebase API. You are attempting to call them on the synchronized array returned by $asArray(), which is a $FirebaseArray instance. That has its own API, which includes neither update nor set.
