Migrating all of Wordpress website into one - database

Currently, i have 3 WooCommerce Wordpress websites. However, i want to migrating them into new one (Users, Pages, Posts, Products,...).
I have tried to export and import individually each of section above.
There is one problem : The Pages, Posts, Products are not associated with the correct Users Id anymore. The users Id is changed in the database because of migrating.
Is there any suggestion ?

U can use cimy users manager.
Download & Install Cimy Users Manager
In users -> cimy users manager, scroll down and click export button.
Download the data and go to new wordpress site, like number 2. Select the data and click import.
After users imported in new site, now export one by one posts, pages by authors.

If i understand is the following thing, you have 3 website and want to unify them to a new one.
What i recommend you is to find a “sync content” plugin, the only one that i know is only for multi site wordpress. Link here if that doesnt work, try migrating the content from database directly or manually.


Want to show orders notifications from orders api in React.js

I am building a warehouse management system for WordPress store in React.js: I have built an API (http://wms-api.martoo.com/api/wms-orders) for orders and fetching all the orders in my React Dashboard.
Now I want to show notification for each order in my React dashboard. What's the best approach for that to show notification automatically when someone places an order through WordPress eCommerce. Probably sockets can help but I am looking for the solution. I will appreciate your help.
I have checked for different methods but non worked. I have tried webhooks, cron jobs but this method is effiecient. I have used pusher
Go at https://pusher.com/
Click on "Get a free account". Then register yourself at it.
Create a new App at the Channels tab.
Write the name of your app anything you want.
Choose ap2 (Asia Pacific(Mumbai)) or any other closer to the region of the website's owner on the cluster tab.
Ignore everything else and click on create.
Go to the apps tab in the navigation menu and click on the app you've created.
Read documentation for further instructions

get 2sxc app data from different portal DNN

We are setting up different sites as portals in DNN. Some content will be shared across the different portals.
I'm using the following method to render 2sxc data in a page
However, now i want get the same data in another page of a different portal.
Can any one help with the code so i just put in the source portal id and it can be rendered in a different portal?
Yes, this can be done :)
There's an App Data DataSource, where you can specifiy the portal and app-id (in 2sxc 8.5+). Use this in a visual query or in your code.

one database, same content, two wordpress sites, different structure? or another solution to have 2 websites with the same content?

I have a WordPress site that shows posts that it gets from rss using a plugin.
I want to split the "jobs" in 2 different websites because in this configuration is not working properly (high amount of rss sources to be parsed).
I need to set one site to get the posts, and the other to show them on a template; i dont want to have the rss plugin on the site that display the posts.
Is this possible using the same database, same content but different wordpress configuration?
Is there another solution to have 2 different databases and autoupdate one from another?
Any ideea other then these 2?
if I understand your problem correctly the solution will depend on what you can do to resolve this issue.
Firstly I think you only need one website the issue you have sounds like your website is displaying items directly from the many RSS feeds which will be slow, instead I would recommend creating a process to import the posts on a daily basis to then get written to your database.
This will probably take the form of a cron job on your server.
However if you don't have access to do this I would recommend creating pages in the back end that will import the rss content when you click import.

Keep content from database when updating database.

I have a website live on the web. I've been working on the re-design for the site. I duplicated the entire site and database and worked on a test site. Now the test site is ready to go live. However, the current live site has been up for the last few weeks and content has been added as usual. How do I upload my new look for the site, with the changes I've made in the test database but at the same time not overwrite any content changes made in the current live database that were made over the past few weeks?
I want to keep the site content in the database but overwrite any module or theme data with the data from the test database.
My site is built on drupal
1) Upload new theme - this will apply themes changes and keep content in the live DB
2) If you have added any new content types, blocks, fields etc to your dev site then install the features modules. This will allow you to export your new features to a module, and then you can add this module to the live site to import your new features.
See this post for further discussion on the topic.
I used https://drupal.org/project/data_export_import it seems to be working well.

Joomla 1.7 where are image paths stored for articles?

I've been tasked to migrate a Joomla 1.7 site to Drupal, which is going fairly well, except that I can't find where Joomla stores image paths for articles in the database. In the jos_articles table I have the following columns:
Any ideas?
EDIT: figured it out - the template automatically looks for [article-id].jpg, which means they aren't stored in the database at all!!!
Nothing to see here folks...
Joomla keeps information from the articles and pages that you create in two places. First of all, the text of the articles are keep as records in a database. All Joomla sites use a database to keep a lot of the information that helps manager the site, and your articles (and links, and contact items, etc.) are in that database. Generally, the database is provided by a database called mySQL that is provided as part of your web hosting service. Joomla manages getting articles in and out of this for you automatically.
So, you will not find a “file” on your website that contains the text of your articles. It is stored away in the Joomla mySQL database.
Now, photos, icons, graphics, and things like that are not stored in the database. They are actually stored as files in the file system of your Joomla installation.
Check this Article:
By reading below article you will get the answer.
Does joomla store article/ modules text and image path in database?
Where does Joomla store article images?
Where does Joomla keep the articles?
In Joomla 1.7 the Article image urls are stored inside the #__content table
It was saving image url inside the introtext column with the article content. The images are from different location like images/banners/ or from any folder that access from media manager.
Hope its helps.
