Radio button deselects itself on clicking anywhere on the page - angularjs

I am trying to implement segmented control button instead of normal radio button in Angular
Although If i remove CSS class, normal radio button is working fine and remain selected on navigating to another page os clicking anywhere on the same page, but after adding CSS, radio button selection do not remain intact and deselects.
Please help with this
HTML Code :
<div class ="segmented-control">
<div ng-repeat="p in LP">
<a href="#" class="list-group-item">
<label> {{p.label}}
<input type ="radio" ng-model="test" name="test" value="{{p.value}}" ng-click="getElement($event)"></label>
.segmented-control input[type="radio"] {
.segmented-control .list-group-item {
display: inline-block;
In controller.js
calling below function to get the value of radio button
$scope.getElement= function(obj){
$scope.test =;

There are 2 issues with your code:
You have nested elements <div><a tag><label><radio></label> but the ng-model will be set only when you click exactly on the label. If you click little outside the label the ng-model will not be updated.
The gray color change that you see when you click on the segmented button does not mean that the radio button is selected. It is applying the following bootstrap class a.list-group-item:focus which means the button is in focus. That is why when you click outside the button the color changes back to white.
To solve this you have to add extra class to highlight the selected button and make sure your ng-model is updated no matter where the user clicks inside the div.
I have created a sample jsfiddle to demonstrate both the issues. Good luck and welcome to Stackoverflow!


Is there any way to change the color of <ion-radio> button icon in ionic1?

I'm using
<div>Item 1</div>
I tried to apply some css to the existing classes, but unfortunately nothing worked. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Color is not applying for unchecked radio button icons.
You should be able to get it to work using the color attribute like so:
<ion-radio color="secondary"></ion-radio>
If not, you can style the CSS manually like in the codepen here:
If you are using ionic v4 than use this style to change radio button checked color
--> Radio in popup
.custom-popover {
ion-radio {
--color-checked: #75D154;
and if you are using simple radio group than paste this style to change the color of radio button
--> Radio Button
ion-radio {`enter code here`
--color-checked: #75D154;

AngularJS validations popup on page load in firefox

I have used angularJS validations like ng-required and ng-minLength and show them if $touched and $invalid true. I have used UI-route to show different page in slides(using ngAnimate) on a single page. When we click the button to move on next slide it show the validation message pop-up of next page as shown in image. It shows the validation message popup on page load. I have used novalidate on form tag and formnovalidate on button but not working at all.
<input type="email" class="form-control" placeholder="Email" ng-model=""
name="email" ng-required="true" ng-class="{errorField: ($invalid
&&$touched) || isEmailError}" ng-blur="validateUserNameAvailability()"
ng-pattern ="emailPattern" />
<div class="errorTooltip" ng-show="isEmailError">{{emailError}}</div>
<div ng-show="$invalid &&$touched && !isEmailError">
<div ng-show="$error.required" class="errorTooltip">
<div ng-show="$ ||$error.pattern" class="errorTooltip">
Please post you complete code for the form but from your description of the issue i'm guessing the button type used on the "Next" button to go to the next slide must be
<input type="submit">Next</input>
change it to button.
<input type="button">Next</input>
You must have used a common form tag for all the slides and submit the form at the end of the last slide to save the data. But by using the button type as submit on the Next button the form is getting submitted at the end of each slide. Let me know if my analysis was correct.
I have found fix for this issue. Firefox load angularJS slow therefore it show all validation message on page load and later hide them.
I have added one css line in starting of page that added to ui-view.
<style>.first-page{ display: none; }</style>
I have removed this css in the end of page.
I have applied this class 'first-page' on main div of page.
This resolve my issue. Now all pages loaded in ui-view component perfectly.
Note: This also resolve the content override issue on slide animation. Firefox load angular animation slow. I have hide the page till its load completely. This resolve all firefox issues.

AngularJS: Button click fired too early in tablet when visible on mouseover

I have a button inside a div. The button should be visible only when mouse is over the div. This works well on PC with mouse. However, on a tablet or phone, mouse over event is triggered when you first touch the div. The problem is that if you touch the place where the button is (although invisible yet), it will make the button visible and trigger its click event at the same time. So, how can I delay the button click event?
Here is my sample code:
<div ng-mouseenter="isMouseOver=true" ng-mouseleave="isMouseOver=false">
<div>OTHER STUFF</div>
<button ng-show="isMouseOver" ng-click="clicked()">Click</button>
you can try to unbind the click event using jquery. try something like:
<div ng-mouseenter="isMouseOver=true" ng-mouseleave="isMouseOver=false">
<div>OTHER STUFF</div>
<button id="beingClicked" ng-show="isMouseOver" ng-click="clicked()">Click</button>
js (jQuery)
//if is a mobile device
if(!!('ontouchstart' in window)){//check for touch device
P.s: It is not tested by worth giving atry.

Angular js - slide in div on click of element

I am completely new to Angular js and I want to perform an operation i.e. clicking on a button would slide in a div from the right and clicking back again would send it back to right. Basically toggle it.
I know how to do with jquery as below, but the need is to do it in angular.
Click me
<div id="content">
<div id="list">
#clickhere {display:block; width:50px; height:50px; background:#999;}
#list{width:200px; height:100%; position:absolute;top:0;right:-200px;background:#323232;}
$("#clickhere").click( function(){
if($("#list").css("right")== "0px")
$("#list").animate({right:"-200px"}) }
jsfiddle -
Can anyone please help me with the angular code. I looked over a couple of examples such as :
1) Different transitions with AngularJS
2) - in section Slide, 2nd button
The above links represent my actual need. I tried doing it via 1st link, but its not working.
Hint : add or remove a class (ngClass or ngHide) when the user click on the button (ngClick) and do the animation in CSS (transition).

How to get AngularStrap active tab?

I am somewhat new to using Angular and AngularStrap directives. I need to use the tab directive with static markup like the example:
<div data-fade="1" bs-tabs>
<div data-title="'Home'"><p>Static tab content A</p></div>
<div data-title="'Profile'"><p>Static tab content B</p></div>
On another part of the page I would like to display a div only when the first tab is selected. The div is not part of the tabs, but is in the same overall controller. How can I show/hide this div based on the selected tab?
Something like this?
<div ng-show="???? active tab stuff here ????">Home tab is selected</div>
Thanks for any help.
As shown in the example on the AngularStrap page the active tap is stored in
So you can use this property to conditionally show display something else like so
<div ng-show="tabs.activeTab == 0">The first tab is active</div>
Even with non object tabs you can just bind a model against the bs-tabs to store the active ID like so:
<div data-fade="1" ng-model="tabs.activeTab" bs-tabs>
Here is an updated plnkr. (Click on the 3rd tab and see the 'Test' text appear)
I found somewhat of a hack to resolve this issue for now. This does not seem like the best approach, so if someone has a better idea, please share.
I realized that the bsTabs directive is creating data-toggle attributes for each tab. By watching the data-toggle shown event, I am able to recognize the tab change and display the div. The controller code looks like this:
$scope.HomeTabSelected = true;
function watchTab() {
$('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown', function (e) {
$scope.$apply($scope.HomeTabSelected = ( == "Home"));
setTimeout(watchTab, 2000); // setTimeout necessary to allow directive to render
and the HTML div uses ng-show.
<div ng-show="HomeTabSelected">Home tab is selected</div>
