Pre-fill with the id of an entity - dotnetnuke

How can I pre-fill a new content with an entity relationship that I know the id? I know the item is, let's say 1234, but if I use this number like that :
#Edit.Toolbar(actions: "new", contentType: "NewsItem", prefill = new { Category = 1234 } )
It doesn't work. When I implement the code above, the form for a new item shows up but instead of having the correct item selected, I have (item not found). Obviously, my argument is not correct. So, how do I code this argument?
I also tried
Category = {1234}
Category = new {(1234}}
Category = "1234"
But nothing works. Any ideas?

We're working on enhancing this, but as of now, you are best off using the guid - as shown in the wiki:


RestFB: Getting list of users who liked a post

I need to get the name of each like on each post on a group page. Since I first have to get some data from the original post, I'm trying to make a connection then iterate through the likes and get a list of the users who liked each post. Here's what I have:
Connection<Likes> feedLikes = postFeed.fetchConnection(id+"/likes", Likes.class, Parameter.with("fields","from,actions,type"));
// Get the iterator
Iterator<List<Likes>> likeIt = feedLikes.iterator();
while(likeIt.hasNext()) {
List<Likes> likeFeed =;
for (Likes currLike: likeFeed) {
String ObjectId = id;
String LikeUserId = currLike.getId();
String LikeUserName = currLike.getName();
like_data.add(new String[] {ObjectId, LikeUserId, LikeUserName});
This doesn't work and I'm a little stuck on why. I know the username is stored in Likes.LikeItem but I can't even get to that step so far. Does anyone have any idea what I'm missing?
According to the Facebook reference this is not possible (
A User or Page can only query their own likes. Other Users'or Pages' likes are unavailable due to privacy concerns.
Only aggregated counts using total_count with the summary parameter are available for Post likes.

How to Fetch a set of Specific Keys in Firebase?

Say I'd like to fetch only items that contains keys: "-Ju2-oZ8sJIES8_shkTv", "-Ju2-zGVMuX9tMGfySko", and "-Ju202XUwybotkDPloeo".
var items = new Firebase("");
items.orderByKey().equalTo("-Ju2-gVQbXNgxMlojo-T").once('value', function(snap1){
items.orderByKey().equalTo("-Ju2-zGVMuX9tMGfySko").once('value', function(snap2){
items.orderByKey().equalTo("-Ju202XUwybotkDPloeo").once('value', function(snap3){
I don't feel that this is the right way to fetch the items, especially, when I have 1000 keys over to fetch from.
If possible, I really hope for something where I can give a set of array
var itemKeys = ["-Ju2-gVQbXNgxMlojo-T","-Ju2-zGVMuX9tMGfySko", "-Ju202XUwybotkDPloeo"];
var items = new Firebase("");
items.orderByKey().equalTo(itemKeys).once('value', function(snap){
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Doing this:
Gives exactly the same result as:
But the latter is not only more readable, it will also prevent the need for scanning indexes.
But what you have to answer is why want to select these three items? Is it because they all have the same status? Because they fell into a specific date range? Because the user selected them in a list? As soon as you can identify the reason for selecting these three items, you can look to convert the selection into a query. E.g.
var recentItems = ref.orderByChild("createdTimestamp")
.startAt( - 24*60*60*1000)
This query would give you the items of the past day, if you had a field with the timestamp.
You can use Firebase child. For example,
var currFirebaseRoom = new Firebase(yourFirebaseURL)
var userRef = currFirebaseRoom.child('users');
Now you can access this child with
userRef.on('value', function(userSnapshot) {
//your code
You generally should not be access things using the Firebase keys. Create a child called data and put all your values there and then you can access them through that child reference.

How to get Entry Id for a Newly Created Entity in Breeze

i want to create a registration form that will be in batch with a continuation button, getting the id of the entry will help me to call the save method.
I want to immediately get the primary key of a new Entry Created using BreezeJS, Pls i need help on this.
Not entirely sure I understand your question, but it sounds like you want to get the id of a newly saved record immediately after the save. If so then the answer below applies.
When the save promise resolves it returns both the list of saved entities as well as a keyMappings array for any entities whose ids changed as a result of the save. i.e. a mapping from temporary to real ids. i.e. (Documented here:
myEntityManager.saveChanges().then(function (saveResult) {
// entities is an array of entities that were just saved.
var entitites = saveResult.entities;
var keyMappings = saveResult.keyMappings;
keyMappings.forEach(function(km) {
var tempId = km.tempValue;
var newId = km.realValue;
On the other hand if you have an entity and you just want its 'key' you can use the EntityAspect.getKey method. (see
// assume order is an order entity attached to an EntityManager.
var entityKey = order.entityAspect.getKey();

Creating an array of SelectOption Lists

Im trying to set up an online test, using a visualforce page that pulls data from 3 objects in salesforce COPE_Tests__C, COPE_Questions__C, and COPE_Options__c. Once the user selects the specific test, I thought I would be able to make a call like this to get all the other data:
questions = [select id, name, question_body__c,
(select id, name, option_body__c from COPE_options__r order by name ASC)
from COPE_questions__c where COPE_test__c = :tid];
And then use apex:repeat and apex:selectRadio/apex:selectOption to generate the actual test form. But for some reason it would not render the radioboxes. So it would seem I need to create selectOption lists and then use apex:selectOptions. But im not sure how to set this up . How can I have it create a public list<selectOption> automatically for each question?
Is there a way to set up an array of list<selectOption>?
I don't know about creating it automatically but going over your question object in a loop should be pretty easy, something over the lines of
List<List<SelectOption> options = new List<List<SelectOption>;
for(COPE_Questions__C q : questions){
List<SelectOption> list = new List<SelectOption>();
for(COPE_options__r op : q.COPE_options__r){
list.add(new SelectOption(, op.option_body__c);
Hope it helps.

Salesforce Custom Object Relationship Creation

I want to create two objects and link them via a parent child relationship in C# using the Metadata API.
I can create objects and 'custom' fields for the objects via the metadata, but the service just ignores the field def for the relationship.
By snipet for the fields are as follows:
CustomField[] fields = new CustomField[] { new CustomField()
type = FieldType.Text,
label = "FirstName",
length = 50,
lengthSpecified = true,
fullName = "LJUTestObject__c.FirstName__c"
new CustomField()
type = FieldType.Text,
label = "LastName",
length = 50,
lengthSpecified = true,
fullName = "LJUTestObject__c.Lastname__c"
new CustomField()
type = FieldType.Text,
label = "Postcode",
length = 50,
lengthSpecified = true,
fullName = "LJUTestChildObject__c.Postcode__c"
new CustomField()
type = FieldType.MasterDetail,
relationshipLabel = "PostcodeLookup",
relationshipName = "LJUTestObject__c.LJUTestObject_Id__c",
relationshipOrder = 0,
relationshipOrderSpecified = true,
fullName = "LJUTestChildObject__c.Lookup__r"
The parent object looks like:
FirstName, Text(50)
LastName, Text(50)
The child objext looks like:
Postcode, Text(50)
I want to link the parent to the child so one "LJUTestObject", can have many "LJUTestChildObjects".
What values do I need for FieldType, RelationshipName, and RelationshipOrder to make this happen?
Use this as a template for accomplishing what you want:
var cf = new CustomField();
cf.fullName = "ChildCustomObject__c.ParentCustomField__c";
cf.type = FieldType.MasterDetail;
cf.typeSpecified = true;
cf.label = "Parent Or Whatever You Want This To Be Called In The UI";
cf.referenceTo = "ParentCustomObject__c";
cf.relationshipName = "ParentOrWhateverYouWantThisToBeCalledInternally";
cf.relationshipLabel = "This is an optional label";
var aUpsertResponse = smc.upsertMetadata(metadataSession, null, null, new Metadata[] { cf });
The key difference:
The natural temptation is to put the CustomField instances into the fields array of a CustomObject, and pass that CustomObject to the Salesforce Metadata API. And this does work for most data fields, but it seems that it does not work for relationship fields.
Instead, pass the CustomField directly to the Salesforce Metadata API, not wrapped in a CustomObject.
Those muted errors:
Turns out that errors are occurring, and the Salesforce Metadata API knows about them, but doesn't bother telling you about them when they occur for CustomFields nested inside a CustomObject.
By passing the CustomField directly to the Metadata API (not wrapped in a CustomObject), the call to upsertMetadata will still return without an exception being thrown (as it was already doing for you), but this time, if something goes wrong, upsertResponse[0].success will be false instead of true, and upsertResponse[0].errors will give you more information.
Other gotchas
Must specify referenceTo, and if it doesn't match the name of an existing built-in or custom object, the error message will be the same as if you had not specified referenceTo at all.
fullName should end in __c not __r. __r is for relationship names, but remember that fullName is specifying the field name, not the relationship name.
relationshipName - I got it working by not including __r on the end, and not including the custom object name at the start. I haven't tested to be sure other ways don't work, but be aware that at the very least, you don't need to have those extra components in the relationshipName.
Remember generally that anything with label in its name is probably for display to users in the UI, and thus can have spaces in it to be nicely formatted the way users expect.
Salesforce... really???
(mini rant warning)
The Salesforce Metadata API is unintuitive and poorly documented. That's why you got stuck on such a simple thing. That's why no-one knew the answer to your question. That's why, four years later, I got stuck on the same thing. Creating relationships is one of the main things you would want to do with the Salesforce Metadata API, and yet it has been this difficult to figure out, for this long. C'mon Salesforce, we know you're a sales company more than a tech company, but you earn trazillions of dollars and are happy to show it off - invest a little more in a better API experience for the developers who invest in learning your platform.
I've not created these through the meta data API like this myself, but I'd suggest that:
relationshipName = "LJUTestObject__c.LJUTestObject_Id__c
Should be:
relationshipName = "LJUTestObject__c.Id
as Id is a standard field, the __c suffix is only used for custom fields (not standard fields on custom objects). Also, it may be that the relationship full name should end in __c not __r, but try the change above first and see how you go.
(NOT Task_Status__c LIKE 'Open') AND
ActivityDate >= 2017-12-13 AND
(NOT Service__r.Service_State__c LIKE 'Karnataka')
