C append chars into char array one by one - c

I have made up a function which returns some chars , all I want to do is to append all those returned chars into one string .
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char func(int n);
int main()
int i;
char str[] = "";
size_t p = strlen(str);
for (i =0 ; i < 5; i++){
str[p++] = func(i);
str[p] = '\0';
return 0;
char func(int n){
if (n == 0)
return '1';
if (n == 1)
return '2';
if (n > 1)
return '3';
//EDIT Output for this is 19

char func(n){
if (n == 0)
return '1';
if (n == 1)
return '2';
if (n > 1)
return '3';
You should always specify the type for variables.
Please use something like int n instead of just n.
It's also bad that all of your returns are conditional, it's better to have a return statement that's guaranteed to be executed no matter what *:
char func(int n) {
if (n == 0) return '1';
if (n == 1) return '2';
return '3';
* Because not returning a value from a function that should return a value is undefined behaviour.
Now that we have that out of the way, let's have a look at your main():
int main() {
int i;
char str[] = "";
size_t p = strlen(str);
for (i =0 ; i < 5; i++){
str[p++] = func(i);
str[p] = '\0';
return 0;
str[] is not big enough to store all the characters you write to it, resulting in undefined behaviour.
Your loop body is written in a weird way, why are you incrementing p twice?
Here a very simple program that writes 5 characters into str:
#include <stdio.h>
char func(int n) {
if (n == 0) return '1';
if (n == 1) return '2';
return '3';
int main() {
int i;
// Allocate 6 bytes (5 characters) on the stack
char str[6] = "";
for (i = 0 ; i < 5; i++) {
str[i] = func(i);
// Strings *must* be NULL terminated in C
str[5] = 0;
return 0;

The size of your str here is "0" (0 using the strlen and 1 using the sizeof operator because it counts the '\0' caracter) so you can not add more element to the str, and if you try, the program will crash. So you have two possibilies here, the first is to declare a fixed table size and the number n will be limited by the size, the second is a dynamic one using mallic. To intialize it to zeros you can just use the memset API.

Well short answer is everything you did would be right if you have in the array enough memory to hold those 5 characters and the \0 if you want to treat it as a string (NUL terminated char array).
"" is a string literal containing only the \0. Length of this string is 0. What about the array? Applying sizeof over it reveals that it is capable of holding one character. (Well it contained \0).
Now with your code you surely did access positions that are beyond the size of the array. This is undefined behavior - mentioned by the C standard.
Solution is to either have an array having size capable of holding the maximum character you would like to store someday. Or you can have a char* to which you can assign address of allocated chunk by using functions like malloc,realloc etc. Benefit of this, you can increase memory as much as you need on runtime depending on the number of characters you want to store.


why is free() adding weired character on a string pointer in c?

I'm new to C language, less than two months old, but i have been experiencing a problem with malloc, realloc and free. I was writting a code to print numbers on stdout, and my method was, converting it to a string first and then printing it. Here is my code;(count is for keeping record of char printed.)
int print_num(int num, int count)
int i = 0, len;
char last, *ptr2, *ptr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char));
if (num == 0)
return (print_char('0', count));
if (num < 0)
count = print_char('-', count);
num = abs(num);
while (num != 0)
last = (num % 10) + '0';
if (i == 0)
*(ptr) = last;
ptr2 = (char *)realloc(ptr, i + 1);
*(ptr2 + i) = last;
ptr = ptr2;
num /= 10;
len = strlen(ptr);
for (i = len; i > 0; i--)
count = print_char(ptr[i - 1], count);
return (count);
The problem is that, the code works fine without free(ptr)or free(ptr2). When i call the function more than once in another function, i get weired char at the end of the string pointer ptr.
Example when printing two numbers in a row
print_num(39, 0)
print_num(39, 0)
i get
Length:[39, U�39]
when i delete free(ptr), the code works fine, but their will be a memory leak.
How can i make this work?
int print_char(char c, int count)
write(1, &c, 1);
return (count + 1);
You're using strlen on an array of bytes that isn't a string.
A string in C is a null terminated sequence of characters. You build up an array of characters in the memory pointed to by ptr, but don't add a terminating null byte. This by itself isn't a problem, but then you call strlen on it which expects a null terminated string. This results in the function reading past the end of allocated memory, triggering undefined behavior.
You already have the length of the array stored in i, so there's no need to call strlen. Just use that.
len = i;

Add a char padding in C strings

I am trying to implement this simple encryption method for a a list of numbers, the encryption is like this:
we add the 1st element of the list before every element of the entire list of numbers,
if we have:
char array = "356307042441013"
the first number is 3, that means we need to add it before every element of the list of numbers:
'33 35 36 33 30 37 30 34 32 34 34 31 30 31 33'
char result= "333536333037303432343431303133"
is there any function in C that will make the implementation easier ? because I tried doing it with shifting but couldn't get that result.
You can do following:
Step I: Allocate memory of double the size of input and + 1 to accommodate the null character to the result string.
Step II: Iterate through the input string and, in every iteration, first copy the input[0] character to current location of result string and, in very next location of result string, copy the current processing character of input string.
Step III: Once the loop exits, add null character at the end of result string.
[Take special care of empty string because it will have nothing to encrypt]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char * encryption (const char * input) {
if ((!input) || (*input == '\0')) {
return NULL;
size_t len = strlen (input);
char * temp = malloc ((len * 2) + 1);
if (!temp) {
printf ("Failed to allocate memory\n");
size_t i = 0, j = 0;
for (; input[j]; ++j) {
temp[i++] = input[0];
temp[i++] = input[j];
temp[i] = '\0';
return temp;
int main (void) {
char array[] = "356307042441013";
char * result = encryption (array);
if (result) {
printf ("result : %s\n", result);
// Free the dynamically allocated memory once done with it
free (result);
return 0;
# ./a.out
result : 333536333037303432343431303133
A cleaner, more concise solution:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
char foo[] = "356307042441013";
char bar[2 * sizeof(foo) - 1];
char *src = foo, *dest = bar;
while (*src) {
*dest++ = foo[0];
*dest++ = *src++;
*dest = *src;
return 0;
It is better to use foo[] rather than hard-coding the length, because what if you want to change the string. If you use [] (empty brackets) the compiler will allocate exactly how many bytes you need (including the terminating null). Similarly, for bar we base the size on the size of foo by doubling it and subtracting 1 (since the terminating null does not need to be doubled).
I found a way to solve this:
int main() {
char foo[16] = "356307042441013";
char bar[2*16-1];
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
bar[2*i] = foo[i];
if (i != 16 - 1)
bar[2*i + 1] = foo[0];
char res[32]= "3";
res[30] = '\0';
return 0;

Counting # of index of undefined char array in C

I'm trying to count the number of indexes of an undefined char array which is used as a parameter in the function.
I am already aware that if my array was fixed I can use "sizeof", which isn't the case here.
int counting(char *name3) {
int count = 0;
int i;
//I have no idea what to put as my condition nor do I believe
//I am approaching this situation correctly...
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(name3); i++) {
if (name3[i] != '\0') {
return count;
Then if it is run by the following code
int main(void) {
char *name = "Lovely";
int x = counting(name);
printf ("The value of x = %d", x);
Prints: The value of x = 0
Any help or pointers would be amazing. Thank you in advance.
In C, Every string ends with '\0' (Null Character)
You can iterate until you meet the Null Character
The example code would be like this
char* name = "Some Name";
int len = 0;
while (name[len] != '\0') {
Also, if it is a char pointer, not char array, sizeof(char*) will always return 4 in 32-bit application and return 8 in 64-bit application (the size of the 'pointer' itself - the memory address size)
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i=0;
char *name = "pritesh";
if(name[i] == '\0')
printf("%d", i);
return 0;
This should work
note: this might be syntactically incorrect as I have not had my hands on c since a long time

Parse string to number in C

I tried to write a function to convert a string to an int:
int convert(char *str, int *n){
int i;
if (str == NULL) return 0;
for (i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++)
if ((isdigit(*(str+i))) == 0) return 0;
*n = *str;
return 1;
So what's wrong with my code?
*n = *str means:
Set the 4 bytes of memory that n points to, to the 1 byte of memory that str points to. This is perfectly fine but it's probably not your intention.
Why are you trying to convert a char* to an int* in the first place? If you literally just need to do a conversion and make the compiler happy, you can just do int *foo = (int*)bar where bar is the char*.
Sorry, I don't have the reputation to make this a comment.
The function definitely does not perform as intended.
Here are some issues:
you should include <ctype.h> for isdigit() to be properly defined.
isdigit(*(str+i)) has undefined behavior if str contains negative char values. You should cast the argument:
isdigit((unsigned char)str[i])
the function returns 0 if there is any non digit character in the string. What about "-1" and "+2"? atoi and strtol are more lenient with non digit characters, they skip initial white space, process an optional sign and subsequent digits, stopping at the first non digit.
the test for (i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++) is very inefficient: strlen may be invoked for each character in the string, with O(N2) time complexity. Use this instead:
for (i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++)
*n = *str does not convert the number represented by the digits in str, it merely stores the value of the first character into n, for example '0' will convert to 48 on ASCII systems. You should instead process every digit in the string, multiplying the value converted so far by 10 and adding the value represented by the digit with str[i] - '0'.
Here is a corrected version with your restrictive semantics:
int convert(const char *str, int *n) {
int value = 0;
if (str == NULL)
return 0;
while (*str) {
if (isdigit((unsigned char)*str)) {
value = value * 10 + *str++ - '0';
} else {
return 0;
*n = value;
return 1;
conversion of char* pointer to int*
char c ,*cc;
int i, *ii;
float f,*ff;
c = 'A'; /* ascii value of A gets
stored in c */
cc =&c;
printf("\n Address contained
in cc =%u",cc);
printf("\n Address contained
in ii =%u",ii);
printf(:\n Address contained
in ff=%u",ff);
printf(\n value of c= %c",
printf(\n value of i=%d",
printf(\n value of f=%f",

C Library function for converting a string of hex digits to ints?

I have a variable length string where each character represents a hex digit. I could iterate through the characters and use a case statement to convert it to hex but I feel like there has to be a standard library function that will handle this. Is there any such thing?
Example of what I want to do. "17bf59c" -> int intarray[7] = { 1, 7, 0xb, 0xf, 5, 9, 0xc}
No, there's no such function, probably because (and now I'm guessing, I'm not a C standard library architect by a long stretch) it's something that's quite easy to put together from existing functions. Here's one way of doing it decently:
int * string_to_int_array(const char *string, size_t length)
int *out = malloc(length * sizeof *out);
if(out != NULL)
size_t i;
for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
const char here = tolower(string[i]);
out[i] = (here <= '9') ? (here - '\0') : (10 + (here - 'a'));
return out;
Note: the above is untested.
Also note things that maybe aren't obvious, but still subtly important (in my opinion):
Use const for pointer arguments that are treated as "read only" by the function.
Don't repeat the type that out is pointing at, use sizeof *out.
Don't cast the return value of malloc() in C.
Check that malloc() succeeded before using the memory.
Don't hard-code ASCII values, use character constants.
The above still assumes an encoding where 'a'..'f' are contigous, and would likely break on e.g. EBCDIC. You get what you pay for, sometimes. :)
using strtol
void to_int_array (int *dst, const char *hexs)
char buf[2] = {0};
char c;
while ((c = *hexs++)) {
buf[0] = c;
*dst++ = strtol(buf,NULL,16);
Here's another version that allows you to pass in the output array. Most of the time, you don't need to malloc, and that's expensive. A stack variable is typically fine, and you know the output is never going to be bigger than your input. You can still pass in an allocated array, if it's too big, or you need to pass it back up.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
/* str of length len is parsed to individual ints into output
* length of output needs to be at least len.
* returns number of parsed elements. Maybe shorter if there
* are invalid characters in str.
int string_to_array(const char *str, int *output)
int *out = output;
for (; *str; str++) {
if (isxdigit(*str & 0xff)) {
char ch = tolower(*str & 0xff);
*out++ = (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') ? ch - 'a' + 10 : ch - '0';
return out - output;
int main(void)
int values[10];
int len = string_to_array("17bzzf59c", values);
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
printf("%x ", values[i]);
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
char data[] = "17bf59c";
const int len = sizeof(data)/sizeof(char)-1;
int i,value[sizeof(data)/sizeof(char)-1];
sscanf(data+i, "%1x",value + i);
printf("0x%x\n", value[i]);
return 0;
